Summary information
About author
Scientific research
Educational work
Copyright certificates

The summary details about resource (The Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg city) (The Russian Federation, Moscow city) (The Central-African republic) (The republic of Mali)

The given scientific-educational portal
information resource
created on the 01st of September 2003 year
by me as the acting author,
the head, the executor,
the legal-owner
and potential patent owner

of my unique cognitive modeling technology:
in the technical sciences
“The system analysis, control
and information processing” (spec. 05.13.01),
“Management in the social
and economic systems” (spec. 05.13.10);
in the economic sciences
“Finance, monetary circulation
and credit” (spec. 08.00.10),
“The accounting
and statistics” (spec. 08.00.12);
in the humanitarian sciences
“Applied and mathematical
linguistics” (spec. 10.02.21);
in the physical-mathematical sciences
“Theoretical mechanics” (spec. 01.02.01);
in the chemical sciences
“Physical chemistry” (spec. 02.00.04);
in the biological sciences
“Molecular biology” (spec. 03.00.03),
“Bio-chemistry” (spec. 03.00.04);
in the medical sciences
“Illnesses of ear”
(“Otology”) (spec. 14.01.03),
“Eye illnesses”
(“Ophthalmology”) (spec. 14.01.07);
in the psychological sciences
“General psychology,
psychology of personality
and history of psychology” (spec. 19.00.01),
of perception” (spec. 19.00.02),
“Psychology of work, engineering psychology
and ergonomics” (spec. 19.00.03)

The given scientific-educational portal
information resource
is represents of the interest
for the scientists, teachers and experts:

1. In the area of the (micro-)
system analysis,
information and communication
are interested in a problematics
of the creation and operation
of the adaptive intellectual
information-educational environments,
using in the basis
of automated means of training
of the new generation,
taking into account the individual features
of personality of the subject of training.

The cognitive modeling technology
for the system analysis
of the information-educational environment
(at the micro-level) was presented.

The sphere of scientific interests:
“(Cognitive) informatics”
“Psychophysiology of perception”,
“(Cognitive) psychology”
and “(Cognitive) linguistics”.

Methodical support
for the students studying the discipline
“Informatics” is presented.

2. In the area of the (micro-)
financial analysis
of the (credit) organizations and enterprises,
are interested in a problematics
of creation and operation
of the information systems,
using in the basis
of the automation means
of the
financial analysis
of new generation,
taking into account the individual
features of economy subjects
and personnel.

The cognitive modeling technology
for the financial analysis
of the (credit) organizations
(at the micro-level) was presented.

The sphere of scientific interests:
“(Cognitive) informatics”,
“The financial analysis,
monetary circulation and credit”,
“Banking” and “The accounting and audit”

Methodical support
for the students studying the disciplines
“Finance, monetary circulation and credit”
and “The financial analysis and audit
of (credit) organization“ is presented.

3. In the area of the (micro-)
complex analysis of the difficult
objects, processes and phenomena,
are interested in a problematics
of creation and operation
of the information systems,
using in the basis
of the complex analysis automated means
of new generation,
taking into account the individual
features of difficult objects,
processes, phenomena and personnel.

The cognitive modeling technology
for the complex analysis
of the difficult objects, processes
and phenomena
(at the micro-level) was presented.

The sphere of scientific interests:
“(Cognitive) informatics”,
“Theoretical mechanics”,
“Physical chemistry”
and “Molecular biology”

Methodical support
for the students studying disciplines
“The complex analysis”,
“Technologies, methods and algorithms
of the complex analysis”
and “The complex analysis
automation means” is presented.

WWW: [not working],,,,,




Scientific-methodical materials are presentedThe scientific-educational portal

Any creation, distribution and use of the products and scientific results
(the inventions, useful models and industrial samples)
of the author, the head, the executor, the legal-owner and the potential patentee
of the
unique cognitive modeling technology
(the objects and subjects of research: the information-educational environments,
the (credit) organizations and the objects of theoretical mechanics;
in the technical sciences in spec.
05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing”,
05.13.10 – “Management in the social and economic systems”;
in the economic sciences in spec.
08.00.10 – “Finance, monetary circulation and credit”,
08.00.12 – “The accounting and statistics”;
in the humanitarian sciences in spec.
10.02.21 – “Applied and mathematical linguistics”;
in the physical-mathematical sciences in spec.
01.02.01 – “Theoretical mechanics”;
in the chemical sciences in spec.
02.00.04 – “Physical chemistry”;
in the biological sciences in spec.
03.00.03 – “Molecular biology”,
03.00.04 – “Bio-chemistry”;
in the medical sciences in spec.
14.01.03 – “Illnesses of ear” (“Otology”),
14.01.07 – “Eye illnesses” (“Ophthalmology”);
in the psychological sciences in spec.
19.00.01 – “The general psychology, psychology of personality and history of psychology”,
19.00.02 – “Psychophysiology of perception”,
19.00.03 – “Psychology of work, engineering psychology and ergonomics”)

and the scientific direction “Cognitive
informatics (computer science),
the cognitive modeling technology for the system and financial analysis”
CMT SFA”), academician of (natural) sciences (“(SIO) "ACNS"”) Vetrov A.N.
is limited in the territory of RF and the countries of the world.

The conclusion of “The license contract on the right of limited use
of the object of intellectual property”
with “AUT CMT SFA”, academician of (natural) sciences (“(SIO) "ACNS"”) Vetrov A.N.
and the organization on management of the rights of authors on a collective basis
(“The Russian author’s society”, RF, Moscow city) is obligatory.

“The Russian author’s society” concludes “The license contract
on the right of limited use of the object of intellectual property”
at the presence of “The license of "The Ministry of science and higher education of RF"
("The Ministry of education and science of RF")”
(or “The Ministry of education of the country of the world”)
and all certificates of quality of the goods, works and services.

The conclusion of “The license agreement (contract)
is possible with the head of organization only.

Email: [not working],,,,,

My international actions

in “SPbSU”
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city):

1. “The international action
of "The Saint-Petersburg
state university" ("SPbSU")
on the rights of "The Federal
scientific centre of RF"
and "The National
university of RF",
the author of the unique
the cognitive modeling technology
and the scientific direction
"Cognitive informatics
(computer science),
cognitive modeling
technology for the system
and the financial analysis"
("AUT CMT SFA") Vetrov A.N.
due to means of the budget
and interested
natural persons and legal entities –
the procedure of defence
of the dissertation
(in the form of manuscript)
on the rights of manuscript
"The cognitive modeling
for the system analysis
of the information-
educational environments"
on the competition of scientific degree
of the doctor of technical sciences
in spec. 05.13.01 –
"The system analysis, control
and information processing"
of "AUT CMT SFA" Vetrov A.N.
with participation of the national
and foreign members
of "The dissertation council" of "SPbSU"
for (non)residents
at the international level
with translation
through the global network "Internet"
and accommodation
in "The hotel "Moscow""
("The group of hotels "Intourist"")”
[2023-2024 y.]
(in the process of performance)
go to).


in “SPbSU”
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city):

1. “The international action
of "The Saint-Petersburg
state university" ("SPbSU")
on the rights of "The Federal
scientific centre of RF"
and "The National
university of RF",
the author of the unique
the cognitive modeling technology
and the scientific direction
"Cognitive informatics
(computer science),
cognitive modeling
technology for the system
and the financial analysis"
("AUT CMT SFA") Vetrov A.N.
due to means of the budget
and interested
natural persons and legal entities –
the procedure of defence
of the dissertation
(in the form of scientific monography)
on the rights of manuscript
"The environment of automated
training with the properties of adaptation
based on the cognitive models"
on the competition of scientific degree
of the candidate of technical sciences
in spec. 05.13.01 –
"The system analysis, control
and information processing"
of "AUT CMT SFA" Vetrov A.N.
with participation of the national
and foreign members
of "The dissertation council" of "SPbSU"
for (non)residents
at the international level
with translation
through the global network "Internet"
and accommodation
in "The hotel "Moscow""
("The group of hotels "Intourist"")”
[2018-2020 y.] (executed)
go to).


in “RAS”
(RF, Moscow city):

1. “The international action
of the author of the unique
the cognitive modeling technology
and the scientific direction
"Cognitive informatics
(computer science),
cognitive modeling
for the system and financial analysis"
academician of (natural) sciences
("(SIO) "ACNS"") Vetrov A.N.,
"The international Higher education
academy of sciences" ("IHEAS"),
"The Russian academy
of (natural) sciences" ("RA(N)S"),
"(SIO) "Academy of cognitive
natural sciences""
("(SIO) "ACNS""),
"The Administration
of Saint-Petersburg city"
and "The Government of RF"
at support of "The President of RF"
due to means of the budget of RF –
the procedure of the performance
with the scientific reports,
the presentation of diplomas
to the experts, candidates, doctors
and academicians of sciences
in "RA(N)S",
the demonstration of achievements
in the area of science,
technology and education
in "The All-Russian exhibition
centre" ("AREC")
at "The exhibition-fair of achievements
of national economy" ("EANE")
with accommodation
in "The hotel "Cosmos""
("The group of hotels "Intourist"")”
according to
the items 1542, 1543, 1544,
1545, 1546,
1547 and 1551
of “The civil codex (CC) of RF”

[2030 y.] (under construction) (go to).


in “The Nobel committee”
(The Kingdom of Norway,
Oslo city
and The Kingdom of Sweden,
Stockholm city)
[the second participation]:

1.“The IVth international action
of "The Nobel committee"
(The Kingdom of Norway
and The Kingdom of Sweden),
the author of the unique
the cognitive modeling technology
and the scientific direction
"Cognitive informatics
(computer science),
the cognitive modeling technology
for the system and financial analysis"
academician of (natural) sciences
("(SIO) "ACNS"") Vetrov A.N.,
"The international Higher education
academy of sciences" ("IHEAS"),
"The Russian academy
of (natural) sciences" ("RA(N)S"),
"(SIO) "Academy of cognitive
natural sciences"" ("(SIO) "ACNS""),
"The Administration
of Saint-Petersburg city"
and "The Government of RF"
at support of "The Presidents
of RF and the foreign countries"
due to means of the budget,
sponsors, interested
and "The Nobel prize" –
the procedure of the performance
with the scientific reports and rewarding
in organizations-participants,
the presentation of diplomas,
medals and "The Nobel prize"
in "The Nobel committee",
the creation of products
as valuable monuments
of architecture, town-planning
and landscape-gardening art,
important objects of historical,
cultural, art and scientific heritage
for (non)residents
at the international level,
the demonstration of achievements
in the area of technology,
architecture and building
in "The park of the 50
of The Great October
socialist revolution
named after V.I. Uljanov (Lenin)"
exhibition centre
named after Brezhnev L.I." ("SPbEC")
at "Exhibition of achievements
science and technology
named after Sobchak A.A." ("EAST")
with accommodation
in "The hotel "Karelia""
("The group of hotels "Intourist"")”
according to
the items 1542, 1543, 1544,
1545, 1546,
1547 and 1551
of “The civil codex (CC) of RF”
[The nominations of “The Nobel prize”:
“Physiology or medicine”
“Literature” and “Peace”
(“Peacemaking problems”)]

[from the 01st of January 2024 y.
to the 31st of December 2024 y. –
the second participation];
see my request
to “The
General consulate
of The Kingdom of Norway”
and “The Government
of The Kingdom of Norway”

(according to my application
from the 08.08.2013 y.
with request of invitation)
(by “The post of RF”)
to the name of “The President
of The Kingdom of Sweden”
and the management
of “The Government
of The Kingdom of Sweden”,
the head
of “The General consulate

of The Kingdom of Sweden
in Saint-Petersburg city”
“The General council
of The Kingdom of Sweden”));
(translation into the international
English language,
[the Swedish language
and the Norwegian language]
see also my request
to “The
General consulate
of The Kingdom of Norway”
and “The Government
of The Kingdom of Norway”

(according to my application
from the 08.08.2013 y.
with request of invitation)
(by “The post of RF”)
to the name of “The President
of The Kingdom of Norway”
and the management
of “The Government
of The Kingdom of Norway”,
the head
of “The General consulate
of The Kingdom of Norway
in Saint-Petersburg city”
“The General council
of The Kingdom of Norway”))
(in the process of performance) (go to).


in “The Nobel committee”
(The Kingdom of Norway,
Oslo city
and The Kingdom of Sweden,
Stockholm city)
[the first participation]:

1. “The IInd international action
of "The Nobel committee"
(The Kingdom of Norway
and The Kingdom of Sweden),
the author of the unique
the cognitive modeling technology
and the scientific direction
"Cognitive informatics
(computer science),
the cognitive modeling technology
for the system and financial analysis"
academician of (natural) sciences
("(SIO) "ACNS"") Vetrov A.N.,
"The international Higher education
academy of sciences" ("IHEAS"),
"The Russian academy
of (natural) sciences" ("RA(N)S"),
"(SIO) "Academy of cognitive
natural sciences"" ("(SIO) "ACNS""),
"The Administration
of Saint-Petersburg city"
and "The Government of RF"
at support of "The Presidents
of RF and the foreign countries"
due to means of the budget,
sponsors, interested
and "The Nobel prize" –
the procedure of the performance
with the scientific reports and rewarding
in organizations-participants,
the presentation of diplomas,
medals and "The Nobel prize"
in "The Nobel committee",
the creation of products
as valuable monuments
of architecture, town-planning
and landscape-gardening art,
important objects of historical,
cultural, art and scientific heritage
for (non)residents
at the international level,
the demonstration of achievements
in the area of technology,
architecture and building
in "The park of the 50
of The Great October
socialist revolution
named after V.I. Uljanov (Lenin)"
exhibition centre
named after Brezhnev L.I." ("SPbEC")
at "Exhibition of achievements
science and technology
named after Sobchak A.A." ("EAST")
with accommodation
in "The hotel "Karelia""
("The group of hotels "Intourist"")”
according to
the items 1542, 1543, 1544,
1545, 1546,
1547 and 1551
of “The civil codex (CC) of RF”
[The nominations of “The Nobel prize”:
“Physiology or medicine”,
, “Literature” and “Peace”
(“Peacemaking problems”)]

[from the 01st of January 2013 y.
to the 31st of December 2013 y. –
the first participation]
(executed) (go to).

2. “The IIIrd international action
of "The Nobel committee"
(The Kingdom of Norway
and The Kingdom of Sweden),
the author of the unique
the cognitive modeling technology
and the scientific direction
"Cognitive informatics
(computer science),
the cognitive modeling technology
for the system and financial analysis"
academician of (natural) sciences
("(SIO) "ACNS"") Vetrov A.N.,
"The international Higher education
academy of sciences" ("IHEAS"),
"The Russian academy
of (natural) sciences" ("RA(N)S"),
"(SIO) "Academy of cognitive
natural sciences"" ("(SIO) "ACNS""),
"The Administration
of Saint-Petersburg city"
and "The Government of RF"
at support of "The Presidents
of RF and the foreign countries"
due to means of the budget,
sponsors, interested
and "The Nobel prize" –
the procedure of the performance
with the scientific reports and rewarding
in organizations-participants,
the presentation of diplomas,
medals and "The Nobel prize"
in "The Nobel committee",
the creation of products
as valuable monuments
of architecture, town-planning
and landscape-gardening art,
important objects of historical,
cultural, art and scientific heritage
for (non)residents
at the international level,
the demonstration of achievements
in the area of technology,
architecture and building
in "The park of the 50
of The Great October
socialist revolution
named after V.I. Uljanov (Lenin)"
exhibition centre
named after Brezhnev L.I." ("SPbEC")
at "Exhibition of achievements
science and technology
named after Sobchak A.A." ("EAST")
with accommodation
in "The hotel "Karelia""
("The group of hotels "Intourist"")”
according to
the items 1542, 1543, 1544,
1545, 1546,
1547 and 1551
of “The civil codex (CC) of RF”
[The nominations of “The Nobel prize”:
“Economics”, “Literature” and “Peace”
(“Peacemaking problems”)]

[from the 01st of January 2014 y.
to the 31st of December 2014 y. –
the first participation]
(executed) (go to).

3.“The IVth international action
of "The Nobel committee"
(The Kingdom of Norway
and The Kingdom of Sweden),
the author of the unique
the cognitive modeling technology
and the scientific direction
"Cognitive informatics
(computer science),
the cognitive modeling technology
for the system and financial analysis"
academician of (natural) sciences
("(SIO) "ACNS"") Vetrov A.N.,
"The international Higher education
academy of sciences" ("IHEAS"),
"The Russian academy
of (natural) sciences" ("RA(N)S"),
"(SIO) "Academy of cognitive
natural sciences"" ("(SIO) "ACNS""),
"The Administration
of Saint-Petersburg city"
and "The Government of RF"
at support of "The Presidents
of RF and the foreign countries"
due to means of the budget,
sponsors, interested
and "The Nobel prize" –
the procedure of the performance
with the scientific reports and rewarding
in organizations-participants,
the presentation of diplomas,
medals and "The Nobel prize"
in "The Nobel committee",
the creation of products
as valuable monuments
of architecture, town-planning
and landscape-gardening art,
important objects of historical,
cultural, art and scientific heritage
for (non)residents
at the international level,
the demonstration of achievements
in the area of technology,
architecture and building
in "The park of the 50
of The Great October
socialist revolution
named after V.I. Uljanov (Lenin)"
exhibition centre
named after Brezhnev L.I." ("SPbEC")
at "Exhibition of achievements
science and technology
named after Sobchak A.A." ("EAST")
with accommodation
in "The hotel "Karelia""
("The group of hotels "Intourist"")”
according to
the items 1542, 1543, 1544,
1545, 1546,
1547 and 1551
of “The civil codex (CC) of RF”
[The nominations of “The Nobel prize”:
“Physiology or medicine”
“Literature” and “Peace”
(“Peacemaking problems”)]

[from the 01st of January 2015 y.
to the 31st of December 2015 y. –
the first participation]
(executed) (go to).

4.“The Vth international action
of "The Nobel committee"
(The Kingdom of Norway
and The Kingdom of Sweden),
the author of the unique
the cognitive modeling technology
and the scientific direction
"Cognitive informatics
(computer science),
the cognitive modeling technology
for the system and financial analysis"
academician of (natural) sciences
("(SIO) "ACNS"") Vetrov A.N.,
"The international Higher education
academy of sciences" ("IHEAS"),
"The Russian academy
of (natural) sciences" ("RA(N)S"),
"(SIO) "Academy of cognitive
natural sciences"" ("(SIO) "ACNS""),
"The Administration
of Saint-Petersburg city"
and "The Government of RF"
at support of "The Presidents
of RF and the foreign countries"
due to means of the budget,
sponsors, interested
and "The Nobel prize" –
the procedure of the performance
with the scientific reports and rewarding
in organizations-participants,
the presentation of diplomas,
medals and "The Nobel prize"
in "The Nobel committee",
the creation of products
as valuable monuments
of architecture, town-planning
and landscape-gardening art,
important objects of historical,
cultural, art and scientific heritage
for (non)residents
at the international level,
the demonstration of achievements
in the area of technology,
architecture and building
in "The park of the 50
of The Great October
socialist revolution
named after V.I. Uljanov (Lenin)"
exhibition centre
named after Brezhnev L.I." ("SPbEC")
at "Exhibition of achievements
science and technology
named after Sobchak A.A." ("EAST")
with accommodation
in "The hotel "Karelia""
("The group of hotels "Intourist"")”
according to
the items 1542, 1543, 1544,
1545, 1546,
1547 and 1551
of “The civil codex (CC) of RF”
[The nominations of “The Nobel prize”:
“Literature” and “Peace”
(“Peacemaking problems”)]

[from the 01st of January 2016 y.
to the 31st of December 2016 y. –
the first participation]
1) (executed),
[from the
01st of January 2017 y.
to the 31st of December 2017 y. –
the first participation]
2) (executed),
[from the
01st of January 2018 y.
to the 31st of December 2018 y. –
the first participation]
3) (executed) (go to).

5.“The VIth international action
of "The Nobel committee"
(The Kingdom of Norway
and The Kingdom of Sweden),
the author of the unique
the cognitive modeling technology
and the scientific direction
"Cognitive informatics
(computer science),
the cognitive modeling technology
for the system and financial analysis"
academician of (natural) sciences
("(SIO) "ACNS"") Vetrov A.N.,
"The international Higher education
academy of sciences" ("IHEAS"),
"The Russian academy
of (natural) sciences" ("RA(N)S"),
"(SIO) "Academy of cognitive
natural sciences"" ("(SIO) "ACNS""),
"The Administration
of Saint-Petersburg city"
and "The Government of RF"
at support of "The Presidents
of RF and the foreign countries"
due to means of the budget,
sponsors, interested
and "The Nobel prize" –
the procedure of the performance
with the scientific reports and rewarding
in organizations-participants,
the presentation of diplomas,
medals and "The Nobel prize"
in "The Nobel committee",
the creation of products
as valuable monuments
of architecture, town-planning
and landscape-gardening art,
important objects of historical,
cultural, art and scientific heritage
for (non)residents
at the international level,
the demonstration of achievements
in the area of technology,
architecture and building
in "The park of the 50
of The Great October
socialist revolution
named after V.I. Uljanov (Lenin)"
exhibition centre
named after Brezhnev L.I." ("SPbEC")
at "Exhibition of achievements
science and technology
named after Sobchak A.A." ("EAST")
with accommodation
in "The hotel "Karelia""
("The group of hotels "Intourist"")”
according to
the items 1542, 1543, 1544,
1545, 1546,
1547 and 1551
of “The civil codex (CC) of RF”
[The nominations of “The Nobel prize”:
“Literature” and “Peace”
(“Peacemaking problems”)]

[from the 01st of January 2019 y.
to the 31st of December 2019 y. –
the first participation]





Modern painting, architecture,
design and art

“The supremacism”
the modern direction in painting,
which allows to generate
the difficult geometrical figure
on the plane by means of a set
of the simple geometrical figures
К. Malevich).


“The black square”
the concentration of the unidentified

in depth of two measurements
К. Malevich).

“The red square”
the projection of peasant woman

in depth of two measurements
К. Malevich).


“The cognitive volumetric supremacism”
(also “The cognitive
the new direction in modern
painting, architecture,
design and art,
which allows to generate
the volumetric difficult graphic
picture by means of a set
of the simple flat and volumetric
geometrical figures in the Descartes
three-dimensional system of coordinates
(the method of eight points
and eight contours)
(Vetrov A.N.).


“The cognitive black sphere”
concentration of the ideal non-linear
and non-unique unidentified

in the environment of three measurements
(Vetrov A.N.).


“The cognitive red sphere”
ideal non-linear and non-unique
model of “The Sun”
in the environment of three measurements
(Vetrov A.N.).




collecting of money means for the creation
of the specified organizations

in period of carrying out of specified
The II
nd, IIIrd, IVth , Vth and VIth
international actions

in “The Nobel committee”
(The Kingdom of Norway

and The Kingdom of Sweden)
Europe, USA, UK,
Australia and Oceania and others)
is declared
since the 01st of January 2014 year)

I.  “The noncommercial organization
(state international organization)
"Academy of cognitive
natural sciences"”
(“NCO(E) (SIO) "ACNS"”)
(go to).

II. The noncommercial organization
scientific-research institute
"System and financial analysis
based on cognitive modeling
technology" of "RA(N)S"
named after Veniaminov V.N.”
of "RA(N)S"
n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”)
(go to).

III. “The noncommercial organization
"System and financial analysis
based on cognitive
modeling technology"
named after Prokopenko N.A.”

n. a. Prokopenko N.A.”)
(go to).

IV. “The noncommercial organization
exhibition centre

named after Brezhnev L.I."
"Exhibition of achievements
of science and technology
named after Sobchak A.A."”
n. a. Brezhnev L.I."
n. a. Sobchak A.A."”)
(go to).



1.1. The name of main bank:
OJSC “Sberbank of RF”,
Moscow city

1.2. The current account:

1.3. The kind of payment:
“For creation and equipment
of “(SIO) "ACNS"””.

1.4. BID: 044525225.

1.5. The correspondence account:
in OPERU-1 of Moscow GTU
of The Bank of Russia, Moscow city

1.6. The address of bank:
RF, 117997, Moscow city,
str. Vavilova, h. 19.


2.1. The name of additional bank:
“The Federal reserve bank
New York city (USA)”.

2.2. The kind of payment:
“For creation and equipment
of “(SIO) "ACNS"””.

2.3. The address of bank:
USA, NY 10045, New York city,
Liberty str., h. 33

All rights reserved and approved:
Vetrov Anatoly Nikolaevich 2003-2025 y. ©,
“(The state international organization) "Academy of cognitive natural sciences"” 2004-2025 y. ©,
“The scientific-educational centre "System and financial analysis based on cognitive modeling technology"
named after academician Burdenko N.N.” 2004-2025 y. ©,
“The scientific-research institute "System and financial analysis based on cognitive modeling technology"
of "RA(N)S" named after Veniaminov V.N.” 2004-2025 y. ©,
“The scientific fund "System and financial analysis based on cognitive modeling technology"
named after Prokopenko N.A.” 2004-2025 y. ©,
exhibition centre named after Brezhnev L.I."
at "Exhibition of achievements of science and technology named after Sobchak A.A."” 2004-2025 y. ©,
“The international Higher education academy of sciences” 2004-2025 y. ®,
“The Russian author’s society” 2007-2025 y. ®
and “"The All-Russian institute of scientific and technical information" of "The Russian academy of sciences"” 2008-2025 y. ®

The academic
scientific direction
“Cognitive informatics
(computer science)
cognitive modeling
for the system
and the financial analysis”
see “The register of the new
scientific directions”
of “The Russian academy
of natural science” (“RANS”)
go to),
the encyclopedia
“Famous scientists” of “RANS”
go to).


The structure
of “The scientific-educational
"System and financial
analysis based on cognitive
modeling technology"”


1. (SIO) "ACNS"”
(the main
of “(SIO) "ACNS"”
was created

on the 01.01.2010 y.)

“The noncommercial organization
international organization)
"Academy of cognitive
natural sciences"”
(“NCO(E) (SIO) "ACNS"”):
the information resource
in the network “Internet”
> (go to) <
(go to) [ENG] [RUS],
(go to) [ENG] [RUS],
(go to) [ENG] [RUS],
see the electronic group
in the social network
“Facebook” (go to) [ENG]
see the electronic group
in the social network
“InContact” (go to) [RUS].

All rights reserved (download).

The deposition of IEE (download).

The dep. of CMT (download).

Published (download).

The compulsory

1.0. “The President of RF”
“The Chairman
of The Government of RF”
my application
from the 27.12.2011 y.
and my application
from the 21.02.2013 y.

1.1. “The Ministry
of economic

development of RF”
my application
the 19.05.2009 y.

1.2. “The Russian fund
of basic

my application
the 25.01.2008 y.
my application
the 16.10.2008 y.
and my application
from the
12.11.2008 y.

1.3. “The Federal
of RF
in Saint-Petersburg city”
my application
from the 11.11.2008 y.
by “The post of RF”)
and my application
from the 11.11.2008 y. (personally)

1.4. “The pension fund of RF
in Saint-Petersburg city
and Leningrad area”
my application
from the 11.11.2008 y.

1.5. “The head department
of The Ministry
of internal affairs
of RF”
my application
from the 28.02.2013 y
1/B-173 (download),
my application
from the 11.04.2013 y
1/B-316 (download),
my application

from the 10.04.2014 y.
B-360 (download)
and my application
from the 11.06.2014 y.
B-590 (download).

1.6. “The Federal
service of RF”
my application
from the 12.09.2005 y.
INT have been got by me
. of (nat.) sci.
(“(SIO) "ACNS"”))

my application
from the 11.11.2008 y.
my application
from the 08.09.2013 y
my application
from the 12.09.2013 y
and my application
from the 20.11.2013 y

1.7. “The Federal

service of RF”
my application
from the 08.09.2013 y
my application
from the 12.09.2013 y
and my application
from the 20.11.2013 y

1.8. “The central bank of RF”
my application
from the 08.09.2013 y
my application
from the 12.09.2013 y
and my application
from the 20.11.2013 y

1.9. “The Federal
system of USA”
my application
from the 09.10.2013 y
and my application
from the 20.11.2013 y

1.10.“The network of enterprises
"1C: Franchising" in RF”
my application
from the 30.09.2013 y
my application
from the 09.10.2013 y
and my application
from the 20.11.2013 y

1.11.“CJSC "The regional

information centre"”
my application
from the 18.09.2013 y
and receipts on payment
from the 31.10.2013 y.
and the 29.10.2014 y.





2. SRI "SFA CMT" of "RA(N)S"
n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”
(the additional
of “(SIO) "ACNS"”
was created

on the 01.01.2010 y.)

The noncommercial organization
research institute
"System and financial
based on cognitive modeling
of "RA(N)S"
named after Veniaminov V.N.”
"SFA CMT" of "RA(N)S"
n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”):
the information resource
in the network “Internet”
> (go to) <
(go to) [ENG] [RUS],
(go to) [ENG] [RUS],
(go to) [ENG] [RUS]
and see the electronic group
in the social network
“InContact” (go to) [RUS].

All right reserved (download).

The deposition of IEE (download).

The dep. of CMT (download).

Published (download).

The compulsory

2.0. “The President of RF”
“The Chairman
of The Government of RF”
my application
from the 27.12.2011 y.
and my application
from the 21.02.2013 y.

2.1. “The Ministry
of economic
development of RF”

my application
from the 19.05.2009 y.

2.2. “The Russian fund
of basic

my application
from the 25.01.2008 y.
my application
from the
16.10.2008 y.
and my application
from the
12.11.2008 y.

2.3. “The Federal
of RF
in Saint-Petersburg city”
my application
from the
11.11.2008 y.
by “The post of RF”)
and my application
from the 11.11.2008 y.

2.4. “The pension fund of RF
in Saint-Petersburg city
and Leningrad area”
my application
from the 11.11.2008 y.

2.5. “The head department
of The Ministry
of internal affairs
of RF”
my application
from the 28.02.2013 y
1/B-173 (download),
my application
from the 10.04.2014 y.
B-360 (download)
and my application
from the 11.06.2014 y.
B-590 (download).

2.6. “The Federal
service of RF”
my application
from the 12.09.2005 y.
INT have been got by me
. of (nat.) sci.
(“(SIO) "ACNS"”))

my application
the 11.11.2008 y.
my application
from the 08.09.2013 y
my application
from the 12.09.2013 y
and my application
from the 20.11.2013 y

2.7. “The Federal

service of RF”
my application
from the 08.09.2013 y
my application
from the 12.09.2013 y
and my application
from the 20.11.2013 y

2.8. “The central bank of RF”
my application
from the 08.09.2013 y
my application
from the 12.09.2013 y
and my application
from the 20.11.2013 y

2.9. “The Federal
system of USA”
my application
from the 09.10.2013 y
and my application
from the 20.11.2013 y

2.10.“The network of enterprises
"1C: Franchising" in RF”
my application
from the 30.09.2013 y
my application
from the 09.10.2013 y
and my application
from the 20.11.2013 y

2.11.“CJSC "The regional

information centre"”
my application
from the 18.09.2013 y
and receipts on payment
from the 31.10.2013 y.
and the 29.10.2014 y.





3. “SF "SFA CMT"
n. a
. Prokopenko N.A.”
(the additional organization
of “(SIO) "ACNS"”
was created

on the 01.01.2010 y.)

“The noncommercial organization
"System and financial
based on cognitive
modeling technology"
named after Prokopenko N.A.”

n. a. Prokopenko N.A.”):
the information resource
in the network “Internet”
> (go to) <
(go to) [ENG] [RUS],
(go to) [ENG] [RUS],
(go to) [ENG] [RUS]
see the electronic group
in the social network
“InContact” (go to) [RUS].

All right reserved (download).

The deposition of IEE (download).

The dep. of CMT (download).

Published (download).

The compulsory

3.0. “The President of RF”
“The Chairman
of The Government of RF”
my application
from the 27.12.2011 y.
and my application
from the 21.02.2013 y.

3.1. “The Ministry
of economic
development of RF”

my application
the 19.05.2009 y.

3.2. “The Russian fund
of basic

my application
the 25.01.2008 y.
the 16.10.2008 y.
and my application
the 12.11.2008 y.

3.3. “The Federal
treasury of RF

in Saint-Petersburg city”
my application
the 11.11.2008 y.
by “The post of RF”)
and my application
from the 11.11.2008 y.

3.4. “The pension fund of RF
in Saint-Petersburg city
and Leningrad area”
my application
from the
11.11.2008 y.

3.5. “The head department
of The Ministry
of internal affairs
of RF”
my application
from the 11.04.2013 y
1/B-317 (download),
my application
from the 10.04.2014 y.
1/B-360 (download)
and my application
from the 11.06.2014 y.
1/B-590 (download).

3.6. “The Federal
service of RF”
my application
from the 12.09.2005 y.
INT have been got by me
. of (nat.) sci.
(“(SIO) "ACNS"”))

my application
the 11.11.2008 y.
my application
from the 08.09.2013 y
my application
from the 12.09.2013 y
and my application
from the 20.11.2013 y

3.7. “The Federal

service of RF”
my application
from the 08.09.2013 y
my application
from the 12.09.2013 y
and my application
from the 20.11.2013 y

3.8. “The central bank of RF”
my application
from the 08.09.2013 y
my application
from the 12.09.2013 y
and my application
from the 20.11.2013 y

3.9. “The Federal
system of USA”
my application
from the 09.10.2013 y
and my application
from the 20.11.2013 y

3.10.“The network of enterprises
1C: Franchising" in RF”
my application
from the 30.09.2013 y
my application
from the 09.10.2013 y
and my application
from the 20.11.2013 y

3.11.“CJSC "Regional

information centre"
my application
from the 18.09.2013 y
and receipts on payment
from the 31.10.2013 y.
and the 29.10.2014 y.





4. “"SPbEC n. a. Brezhnev L.I."
at "EAST n. a. Sobchak A.A."”
(the additional organization
of “(SIO) "ACNS"”
was created

on the 01.01.2010 y.)

“The noncommercial organization
exhibition centre

named after Brezhnev L.I."
"Exhibition of achievements
of science and technology
named after Sobchak A.A."”
n. a. Brezhnev L.I."
"EAST n. a. Sobchak A.A."”):
the information resource
in the network “Internet”
> (go to) <
(go to) [ENG] [RUS],
(go to) [ENG] [RUS],
(go to) [ENG] [RUS]
see the electronic group
in the social network
“InContact” (go to) [RUS].

All right reserved (download).

The deposition of IEE (download).

The dep. of CMT (download).

Published (download).

The compulsory

4.0. “The President of RF”
“The Chairman
of The Government of RF”
my application
from the 27.12.2011 y.
and my application
from the 21.02.2013 y.

4.1. “The Ministry
of economic
development of RF”

my application
the 19.05.2009 y.

4.2. “The Russian fund
of basic

my application
the 25.01.2008 y.
my application
from the 16.10.2008 y.
and my application
from the
12.11.2008 y.

4.3. “The Federal
of RF
in Saint-Petersburg city”
my application
from the
11.11.2008 y.
by “The post of RF”)
and my application
from the
11.11.2008 y.

4.4. “The pension fund of RF
in Saint-Petersburg city
and Leningrad area”
my application
the 11.11.2008 y.

4.5. “The head department
of The Ministry
of internal affairs
of RF”
my application
from the 11.04.2013 y
1/B-316 (download),
my application

from the 10.04.2014 y.
1/B-360 (download),
my application
from the 10.04.2014 y.
1/B-360 (download)
and my application
from the 11.06.2014 y.
1/B-590 (download).

4.6. “The Federal
service of RF”
my application
from the 12.09.2005 y.
INT have been got by me
. of (nat.) sci.
(“(SIO) "ACNS"”))

my application
the 11.11.2008 y.
my application
from the 08.09.2013 y
my application
from the 12.09.2013 y
and my application
from the 20.11.2013 y

4.7. “The Federal

service of RF”
my application
from the 08.09.2013 y
my application
from the 12.09.2013 y
and my application
from the 20.11.2013 y

4.8. “The central bank of RF”
my application
from the 08.09.2013 y
my application
from the 12.09.2013 y
and my application
from the 20.11.2013 y

4.9. “The Federal
system of USA”
my application
from the 09.10.2013 y
and my application
from the 20.11.2013 y

4.10.“The network of enterprises
"1C: Franchising" in RF”
my application
from the 30.09.2013 y
my application
from the 09.10.2013 y
and my application
from the 20.11.2013 y.

4.11.“CJSC "The regional

information centre"”
my application
from the 18.09.2013 y
and receipts on payment
from the 31.10.2013 y.
and the 29.10.2014 y.





5. “SEC "SFA CMT" of "RA(M)S"
n. a. acad. Burdenko N.N.”
(the additional organization
of “(SIO) "ACNS"” in the medicine
was created

on the 01.01.2010 y.)

“The noncommercial organization
-educational centre
"System and financial analysis
based on cognitive
modeling technology"
of "RA(M)S"
named after
academician Burdenko N.N.”

"SFA CMT" of "RA(M)S"
n. a. acad. Burdenko N.N.”):
the information resource
in the network “Internet”
> (go to) <
(go to) [ENG] [RUS],
(go to) [ENG] [RUS],
(go to) [ENG] [RUS]
see the electronic group
in the social network
“InContact” (go to) [RUS].

All right reserved (download).

The deposition of IEE (download).

The dep. of CMT (download).

Published (download).

The registration
according to the plan

5.0. “The President of RF”
“The Chairman
of The Government of RF”.

5.1. “The Ministry
of economic
development of RF”.

5.2. “The Russian fund
of basic

5.3. “The Federal
treasury of RF

in Saint-Petersburg city”.

5.4. “The pension fund of RF
in Saint-Petersburg city
and Leningrad area”.

5.5. “The head department
of The Ministry
of internal affairs

of RF”.

5.6. “The Federal
service of RF”.

5.7. “The Federal

service of RF”.

5.8. “The central bank of RF”.

5.9. “The Federal
system of USA”.

5.10.“The network of enterprises
"1C: Franchising" in RF”.

5.11.“CJSC "The regional

information centre"”.





6. “"SEC
n. a. acad. Burdenko N.N."
of "The international medical
centre "SOGAZ""”
(the additional organization
of “(SIO) "ACNS"”
for the medical organization
was created

on the 01.01.2010 y.)

“The scientific-educational centre
named after
academician Burdenko N.N.”

in the structure
of “The international medical
centre "SOGAZ"”

SEC n. a. acad. Burdenko N.N.”
in the structure
of “The IMC "SOGAZ"”)
(under construction).

All right reserved (download).

The deposition of IEE (download).

The dep. of CMT (download).

Published (download).

The Registration
according to the plan

6.0. “The President of RF”
“The Chairman
of The Government of RF”.

6.1. “The Ministry
of economic
development of RF”.

6.2. “The Russian fund
of basic

6.3. “The Federal
treasury of RF

in Saint-Petersburg city”.

6.4. “The pension fund of RF
in Saint-Petersburg city
and Leningrad area”.

6.5. “The head department
of The Ministry
of internal affairs
of RF”.

6.6. “The Federal
service of RF”.

6.7. “The Federal

service of RF”.

6.8. “The central bank of RF”.

6.9. “The Federal
system of USA”.

6.10.“The network of enterprises
"1C: Franchising" in RF”.

6.11.“CJSC "The regional

information centre"”.



















to The President
Executive office
of RF and foreign states,
The Government
Executive office
of RF and foreign states,
Administration of subjects
of RF
and municipal formations
on creation and use
of “(SIO)
of "RA(N)S"
named after Veniaminov V.N.”,

named after Prokopenko N.A.”
and “"SPbEC
named after Brezhnev L.I."
at "EAST
named after Sobchak A.A."”

(see the list of my applications
and my scientific works)


“(SIO) "ACNS"”, “SRI "SFA CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”,
SF "SFA CMT" n. a. Prokopenko N.A.”
and “"SPbEC n. a. Brezhnev L.I." at "EAST n. a. Sobchak A.A."”
are the products (valuable monuments) of architecture, town-planning and landscape-gardening art,
and also
the important objects of historical, cultural, art and scientific heritage
for the (non)residents at the international
acts as the essential basis of the federal and international politics and many different programs (actions) in the field
of the state and municipal, economic and scientific-technical, educational (social) and cultural,
national and international, ergonomic and ecological development of RF and the foreign countries
according to “The constitution of RF” and international legislation in the territory of the countries of the world.
The application have been sent to “The Nobel committee” through “The Government of RF” for the reception of “The Nobel prize”.

The list of violators
of my author’s and exclusive rights
in period of carrying out of specified
The Ist, IInd, IIIrd, IVth , Vth and VIth
international actions
in “RA(N)S” (RF)
in “The Nobel committee”
(The Kingdom of Norway

and the Kingdom of Sweden)
Europe, USA, UK,
Australia and Oceania and others)
is declared
since the 07th of June 2004 year)

I. “The Saint-Petersburg
state polytechnical university”

1.1. My application
from the 04.07.2007 y.
to the name of the director
of “SRC” of “SPbSPU”,
.e.s., prof. Babkin A.V.

1.2. My application
the 09.07.2007 y.
to the name of the first vice-rector
of “SPbSPU”,
.t.s., prof. Rudskoj A.I.

II. Other illegal users (organizations).


The deposition
of my scientific works
in period of carrying out of specified
The Ist, IInd, IIIrd, IVth , Vth and VIth
international actions
in “RA(N)S” (RF)
in “The Nobel committee”
(The Kingdom of Norway

and The Kingdom of Sweden)
Europe, USA, UK,
Australia and Oceania and others)
is declared
since the 01st of May 2003 year)

I. “The Russian academy
of sciences” (“RAS”)

1.1. My application from the 23.10.2007 y.
to the name of The President
of “RAS”,
. of “RAS” Osipov Y.S.
by “The post of RF” (download)
it has been sent
from the
23rd of October 2007 y.
and received
from the
01st of November 2007 y.).

1.2. My application from the 27.10.2007 y.
to the name of “The editor in chief
of The publishing-house

of scientific journal
“The Bulletin of "RAS"””,
“The Presidium of "RAS"”,
. of “RAS” Osipov Y.S.
by “The post of RF” (download)
it has been sent
from the 27th of October 2007 y.
and received
from the 12th of November 2007 y.).

II. “"The All-Russian institute of scientific
and technical information"
of "The Russian academy of sciences"”
(“"VINITI" of "RAS"”)

2.1.My application
from the 02.12.2008 y.
to the name of the director
of “"VINITI" of "RAS"”,
. of “RAS” Arskij Y.M.
by “The post of RF” (download)
(it has been sent
from the 05th of December 2008 y.
and it has been received
from the 10th of December 2008 y.).

III. “The All-Russian scientific-technical
information centre”
of “The Russian academy of sciences”
(“"VNTIC" of "RAS"”)

3.1. My application
the 02.12.2008 y.
to the name of director
of “"VNTIC" of "RAS"”,
. of “RAS” Bastrikin A.M.
by “The post of RF” (download)
(it has been sent
from the 05th of December 2008 y.
and it has been received
from the 09th of December 2008 y.).

The financing
of creation, encapsulation and usage
of my scientific results
in period of carrying out
of the competitions of “The Government
of Saint-Petersburg city”
and the specified Ist, IInd, IIIrd, IVth , Vth and VIth
international actions
in “RA(N)S” (RF)
in “The Nobel committee”
(The Kingdom of Norway

and The Kingdom of Sweden)
Europe, USA, UK,
Australia and Oceania and others)
is declared
since the 01st of May 2003 year)

I. “The philanthropy fund of V. Potanin”

1.1. My application
from the 24.10.2008 y. №1204
with appendices
to the name of the nowadays former
vice-rector in training work,
the head of the chair “A and CP”
of “SPbSETU "LETI"”,
c.t.s., prof. Kuzmin N.N.

1.2. My application
from the 24.10.2008 y. №1205
with appendices
to the name of the chief
of “The personnel department”
Shubinsky V.N.

II.“US Civilian research
& development foundation”

2.1. My application
from the 05.11.2008 y. №1270
with appendices
and the 14.11.2008 №1327
with appendices
to the name of the nowadays former
vice-rector in training work,
the head of the chair “A and CP”
of “SPbSETU "LETI"”,
c.t.s., prof. Kuzmin N.N.

III. “The Russian fund
of basic researches” (“RFBR”)

3.1. My application
from the 14.01.2004 y.
with network “Internet”),
12.01.2005 y. (through network “Internet”),
16.01.2006 y. (through network “Internet”),
18.01.2007 y. (through network “Internet”),
application-form from the 31.08.2009 y.
through network “Internet”) (download),
the 25.01.2008 y. (download),
the 16.10.2008 y. (download)
and the 12.11.2008 y. (download)
to the name of the director
of “RFBR”
Lapshin V.B.
and Panchenko V.Y.

3.2. My application
from the 01.10.2009 y. №1286
with appendices
the 08.10.2009 y
. №1314
with appendices
to the name of the chief
of “The personnel department”
Shubinsky V.N.

3.3. My application
from the 16.09.2009 y. №1214
with appendices
the 09.10.2009 y. №1319
with appendices
the 15.10.2009 y. №1374
with appendices
the 16.10.2009 y. №1380
with appendices
the 22.10.2009 y. №1419
with appendices
the 22.10.2009 y.1420 (download)
and the 22.04.2010 y
. №577 (download)
to the name of the vice-rector
on scientific work
of “SPbSETU "LETI"”,
c.t.s., associate prof. Shestopalov M.Y.

3.4. My application
from the 03.09.2009 y. №1145
with appendices
the 23.09.2009 y. №1228 (download)
and the 01.10.2009 y
. №1283
with appendices
to the name of the chief accountant
Ivanushkina L.M.

IV. “American philanthropy
fund of information

of education and science”

4.1. My application
from the 19.11.2008 y. №1361
with appendices
to the name of the nowadays former
rector of “SPbSETU "LETI"”,
.t.s., prof. Puzankov D.V.

V. “The Government of Saint Petersburg city”

5.1. My application
from the 29.10.2008 y. №1228
with appendices
to the name of the nowadays former
rector of “SPbSETU "LETI"”,
.t.s., prof. Puzankov D.V.

5.2. My application
from the 29.10.2008 y. №1226
with appendices
to the name of the
to the name of the chief
of “The personnel department”
Shubinsky V.N.

5.3. My applications
to “The Government
of Saint-Petersburg city”
from the 07.11.2008 y. (download),
the 28.05.2009 y. (download),
the 01.06.2009 y. (download),
the 18.08.2009 y. (download),
my application-form
from the 28.08.2009 y. (download),
the 15.05.2012 y.
through network “Internet”),
the 22.04.2013 y.
through network “Internet”),
the 30.04.2013 y.
through network “Internet”),
the 21.10.2013 y.
through network “Internet”) (download)
and the 22.10.2013 y.
through network “Internet”) (download).