The academic
scientific direction
“Cognitive informatics
(computer science),
cognitive modeling
for the system
and the financial analysis” –
see “The register of the new
scientific directions”
of “The Russian academy
of natural science” (“RANS”)
(go to),
see the encyclopedia
“Famous scientists” of “RANS”
(go to).
The structure
of “The scientific-educational
"System and financial
analysis based on cognitive
modeling technology"”
1. “(SIO) "ACNS"”
(the main organization
of “(SIO) "ACNS"”
was created
on the 01.01.2010 y.)
“The noncommercial organization
international organization)
"Academy of cognitive
natural sciences"”
(“NCO(E) (SIO) "ACNS"”):
see the information resource
in the network “Internet”
> (go to) <
(go to) [ENG] [RUS],
(go to) [ENG] [RUS],
(go to) [ENG] [RUS],
see the electronic group
in the social network
“Facebook” (go to) [ENG]
and see the electronic group
in the social network
“InContact” (go to) [RUS].
All rights reserved (download).
The deposition of IEE (download).
The dep. of CMT (download).
Published (download).
The compulsory
1.0. “The President of RF”
and “The Chairman
of The Government of RF” –
my application
from the 27.12.2011 y.
and my application
from the 21.02.2013 y.
1.1. “The Ministry
of economic
development of RF” –
my application
from the 19.05.2009 y.
1.2. “The Russian fund
of basic
researches” –
my application
from the 25.01.2008 y.
my application
from the 16.10.2008 y.
and my application
from the 12.11.2008 y.
1.3. “The Federal
treasury of RF
in Saint-Petersburg city” –
my application
from the 11.11.2008 y.
(by “The post of RF”)
and my application
from the 11.11.2008 y. (personally)
1.4. “The pension fund of RF
in Saint-Petersburg city
and Leningrad area” –
my application
from the 11.11.2008 y.
1.5. “The head department
of The Ministry
of internal affairs of RF” –
my application
from the 28.02.2013 y.
№1/B-173 (download),
my application
from the 11.04.2013 y.
№1/B-316 (download),
my application
from the 10.04.2014 y.
№1/B-360 (download)
and my application
from the 11.06.2014 y.
№1/B-590 (download).
1.6. “The Federal
tax service of RF” –
my application
from the 12.09.2005 y.
INT have been got by me
(acad. of (nat.) sci.
(“(SIO) "ACNS"”))
my application
from the 11.11.2008 y.
my application
from the 08.09.2013 y.
my application
from the 12.09.2013 y.
and my application
from the 20.11.2013 y.
1.7. “The Federal
service of RF” –
my application
from the 08.09.2013 y.
my application
from the 12.09.2013 y.
and my application
from the 20.11.2013 y.
1.8. “The central bank of RF” –
my application
from the 08.09.2013 y.
my application
from the 12.09.2013 y.
and my application
from the 20.11.2013 y.
1.9. “The Federal
reserved system of USA” –
my application
from the 09.10.2013 y.
and my application
from the 20.11.2013 y.
1.10.“The network of enterprises
"1C: Franchising" in RF” –
my application
from the 30.09.2013 y.
my application
from the 09.10.2013 y.
and my application
from the 20.11.2013 y.
1.11.“CJSC "The regional
information centre"” –
my application
from the 18.09.2013 y.
and receipts on payment
from the 31.10.2013 y.
and the 29.10.2014 y.
2. “SRI "SFA CMT" of "RA(N)S"
n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”
(the additional organization
of “(SIO) "ACNS"”
was created
on the 01.01.2010 y.)
“The noncommercial organization
research institute
"System and financial
based on cognitive modeling
of "RA(N)S"
named after Veniaminov V.N.”
"SFA CMT" of "RA(N)S"
n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”):
see the information resource
in the network “Internet”
> (go to) <
(go to) [ENG] [RUS],
(go to) [ENG] [RUS],
(go to) [ENG] [RUS]
and see the electronic group
in the social network
“InContact” (go to) [RUS].
All right reserved (download).
The deposition of IEE (download).
The dep. of CMT (download).
Published (download).
The compulsory
2.0. “The President of RF”
and “The Chairman
of The Government of RF” –
my application
from the 27.12.2011 y.
and my application
from the 21.02.2013 y.
2.1. “The Ministry
of economic
development of RF” –
my application
from the 19.05.2009 y.
2.2. “The Russian fund
of basic
researches” –
my application
from the 25.01.2008 y.
my application
from the 16.10.2008 y.
and my application
from the 12.11.2008 y.
2.3. “The Federal
treasury of RF
in Saint-Petersburg city” –
my application
from the 11.11.2008 y.
(by “The post of RF”)
and my application
from the 11.11.2008 y.
2.4. “The pension fund of RF
in Saint-Petersburg city
and Leningrad area” –
my application
from the 11.11.2008 y.
2.5. “The head department
of The Ministry
of internal affairs of RF” –
my application
from the 28.02.2013 y.
№1/B-173 (download),
my application
from the 10.04.2014 y.
№1/B-360 (download)
and my application
from the 11.06.2014 y.
№1/B-590 (download).
2.6. “The Federal
tax service of RF” –
my application
from the 12.09.2005 y.
INT have been got by me
(acad. of (nat.) sci.
(“(SIO) "ACNS"”))
my application
from the 11.11.2008 y.
my application
from the 08.09.2013 y.
my application
from the 12.09.2013 y.
and my application
from the 20.11.2013 y.
2.7. “The Federal
service of RF” –
my application
from the 08.09.2013 y.
my application
from the 12.09.2013 y.
and my application
from the 20.11.2013 y.
2.8. “The central bank of RF” –
my application
from the 08.09.2013 y.
my application
from the 12.09.2013 y.
and my application
from the 20.11.2013 y.
2.9. “The Federal
reserved system of USA” –
my application
from the 09.10.2013 y.
and my application
from the 20.11.2013 y.
2.10.“The network of enterprises
"1C: Franchising" in RF” –
my application
from the 30.09.2013 y.
my application
from the 09.10.2013 y.
and my application
from the 20.11.2013 y.
2.11.“CJSC "The regional
information centre"” –
my application
from the 18.09.2013 y.
and receipts on payment
from the 31.10.2013 y.
and the 29.10.2014 y.
3. “SF "SFA CMT"
n. a. Prokopenko N.A.”
(the additional organization
of “(SIO) "ACNS"”
was created
on the 01.01.2010 y.)
“The noncommercial organization
scientific fund
"System and financial
based on cognitive
modeling technology"
named after Prokopenko N.A.”
n. a. Prokopenko N.A.”):
see the information resource
in the network “Internet”
> (go to) <
(go to) [ENG] [RUS],
(go to) [ENG] [RUS],
(go to) [ENG] [RUS]
and see the electronic group
in the social network
“InContact” (go to) [RUS].
All right reserved (download).
The deposition of IEE (download).
The dep. of CMT (download).
Published (download).
The compulsory
3.0. “The President of RF”
and “The Chairman
of The Government of RF” –
my application
from the 27.12.2011 y.
and my application
from the 21.02.2013 y.
3.1. “The Ministry
of economic
development of RF” –
my application
from the 19.05.2009 y.
3.2. “The Russian fund
of basic
researches” –
my application
from the 25.01.2008 y.
from the 16.10.2008 y.
and my application
from the 12.11.2008 y.
3.3. “The Federal
treasury of RF
in Saint-Petersburg city” –
my application
from the 11.11.2008 y.
(by “The post of RF”)
and my application
from the 11.11.2008 y.
3.4. “The pension fund of RF
in Saint-Petersburg city
and Leningrad area” –
my application
from the 11.11.2008 y.
3.5. “The head department
of The Ministry
of internal affairs of RF” –
my application
from the 11.04.2013 y.
№1/B-317 (download),
my application
from the 10.04.2014 y.
№1/B-360 (download)
and my application
from the 11.06.2014 y.
№1/B-590 (download).
3.6. “The Federal
tax service of RF” –
my application
from the 12.09.2005 y.
INT have been got by me
(acad. of (nat.) sci.
(“(SIO) "ACNS"”))
my application
from the 11.11.2008 y.
my application
from the 08.09.2013 y.
my application
from the 12.09.2013 y.
and my application
from the 20.11.2013 y.
3.7. “The Federal
service of RF” –
my application
from the 08.09.2013 y.
my application
from the 12.09.2013 y.
and my application
from the 20.11.2013 y.
3.8. “The central bank of RF” –
my application
from the 08.09.2013 y.
my application
from the 12.09.2013 y.
and my application
from the 20.11.2013 y.
3.9. “The Federal
reserved system of USA” –
my application
from the 09.10.2013 y.
and my application
from the 20.11.2013 y.
3.10.“The network of enterprises
"1C: Franchising" in RF” –
my application
from the 30.09.2013 y.
my application
from the 09.10.2013 y.
and my application
from the 20.11.2013 y.
3.11.“CJSC "Regional
information centre"” –
my application
from the 18.09.2013 y.
and receipts on payment
from the 31.10.2013 y.
and the 29.10.2014 y.
4. “"SPbEC n. a. Brezhnev L.I."
at "EAST n. a. Sobchak A.A."”
(the additional organization
of “(SIO) "ACNS"”
was created
on the 01.01.2010 y.)
“The noncommercial organization
exhibition centre
named after Brezhnev L.I."
at "Exhibition of achievements
of science and technology
named after Sobchak A.A."”
"SPbEC n. a. Brezhnev L.I."
at "EAST n. a. Sobchak A.A."”):
see the information resource
in the network “Internet”
> (go to) <
(go to) [ENG] [RUS],
(go to) [ENG] [RUS],
(go to) [ENG] [RUS]
and see the electronic group
in the social network
“InContact” (go to) [RUS].
All right reserved (download).
The deposition of IEE (download).
The dep. of CMT (download).
Published (download).
The compulsory
4.0. “The President of RF”
and “The Chairman
of The Government of RF” –
my application
from the 27.12.2011 y.
and my application
from the 21.02.2013 y.
4.1. “The Ministry
of economic
development of RF” –
my application
from the 19.05.2009 y.
4.2. “The Russian fund
of basic
researches” –
my application
from the 25.01.2008 y.
my application
from the 16.10.2008 y.
and my application
from the 12.11.2008 y.
4.3. “The Federal
treasury of RF
in Saint-Petersburg city” –
my application
from the 11.11.2008 y.
(by “The post of RF”)
and my application
from the 11.11.2008 y.
4.4. “The pension fund of RF
in Saint-Petersburg city
and Leningrad area” –
my application
from the 11.11.2008 y.
4.5. “The head department
of The Ministry
of internal affairs of RF” –
my application
from the 11.04.2013 y.
№1/B-316 (download),
my application
from the 10.04.2014 y.
№1/B-360 (download),
my application
from the 10.04.2014 y.
№1/B-360 (download)
and my application
from the 11.06.2014 y.
№1/B-590 (download).
4.6. “The Federal
tax service of RF” –
my application
from the 12.09.2005 y.
INT have been got by me
(acad. of (nat.) sci.
(“(SIO) "ACNS"”))
my application
from the 11.11.2008 y.
my application
from the 08.09.2013 y.
my application
from the 12.09.2013 y.
and my application
from the 20.11.2013 y.
4.7. “The Federal
service of RF” –
my application
from the 08.09.2013 y.
my application
from the 12.09.2013 y.
and my application
from the 20.11.2013 y.
4.8. “The central bank of RF” –
my application
from the 08.09.2013 y.
my application
from the 12.09.2013 y.
and my application
from the 20.11.2013 y.
4.9. “The Federal
reserved system of USA” –
my application
from the 09.10.2013 y.
and my application
from the 20.11.2013 y.
4.10.“The network of enterprises
"1C: Franchising" in RF” –
my application
from the 30.09.2013 y.
my application
from the 09.10.2013 y.
and my application
from the 20.11.2013 y.
4.11.“CJSC "The regional
information centre"” –
my application
from the 18.09.2013 y.
and receipts on payment
from the 31.10.2013 y.
and the 29.10.2014 y.
5. “SEC "SFA CMT" of "RA(M)S"
n. a. acad. Burdenko N.N.”
(the additional organization
of “(SIO) "ACNS"” in the medicine
was created
on the 01.01.2010 y.)
“The noncommercial organization
scientific-educational centre
"System and financial analysis
based on cognitive
modeling technology"
of "RA(M)S"
named after
academician Burdenko N.N.”
"SFA CMT" of "RA(M)S"
n. a. acad. Burdenko N.N.”):
see the information resource
in the network “Internet”
> (go to) <
(go to) [ENG] [RUS],
(go to) [ENG] [RUS],
(go to) [ENG] [RUS]
and see the electronic group
in the social network
“InContact” (go to) [RUS].
All right reserved (download).
The deposition of IEE (download).
The dep. of CMT (download).
Published (download).
The registration
according to the plan:
5.0. “The President of RF”
and “The Chairman
of The Government of RF”.
5.1. “The Ministry
of economic
development of RF”.
5.2. “The Russian fund
of basic
5.3. “The Federal
treasury of RF
in Saint-Petersburg city”.
5.4. “The pension fund of RF
in Saint-Petersburg city
and Leningrad area”.
5.5. “The head department
of The Ministry
of internal affairs
of RF”.
5.6. “The Federal
tax service of RF”.
5.7. “The Federal
service of RF”.
5.8. “The central bank of RF”.
5.9. “The Federal
reserved system of USA”.
5.10.“The network of enterprises
"1C: Franchising" in RF”.
5.11.“CJSC "The regional
information centre"”.
6. “"SEC
n. a. acad. Burdenko N.N."
of "The international medical
centre "SOGAZ""”
(the additional organization
of “(SIO) "ACNS"”
for the medical organization
was created
on the 01.01.2010 y.)
“The scientific-educational centre
named after
academician Burdenko N.N.”
in the structure
of “The international medical
centre "SOGAZ"”
(“SEC n. a. acad. Burdenko N.N.”
in the structure
of “The IMC "SOGAZ"”)
(under construction).
All right reserved (download).
The deposition of IEE (download).
The dep. of CMT (download).
Published (download).
The Registration
according to the plan:
6.0. “The President of RF”
and “The Chairman
of The Government of RF”.
6.1. “The Ministry
of economic
development of RF”.
6.2. “The Russian fund
of basic
6.3. “The Federal
treasury of RF
in Saint-Petersburg city”.
6.4. “The pension fund of RF
in Saint-Petersburg city
and Leningrad area”.
6.5. “The head department
of The Ministry
of internal affairs of RF”.
6.6. “The Federal
tax service of RF”.
6.7. “The Federal
service of RF”.
6.8. “The central bank of RF”.
6.9. “The Federal
reserved system of USA”.
6.10.“The network of enterprises
"1C: Franchising" in RF”.
6.11.“CJSC "The regional
information centre"”.
to The President
Executive office
of RF and foreign states,
The Government
Executive office
of RF and foreign states,
Administration of subjects
of RF
and municipal formations
on creation and use
of “(SIO) "ACNS"”,
of "RA(N)S"
named after Veniaminov V.N.”,
named after Prokopenko N.A.”
and “"SPbEC
named after Brezhnev L.I."
at "EAST
named after Sobchak A.A."”
(see the list of my applications
and my scientific works)