In section copyright certificates on my personal monographies and the dissertation in which the basic personal scientific results
of my research work during the period since the 10
st of May 2003y. on the present are presented:

· On the 19th of April 2006 y. the materials of my dissertation
on the theme “The research of the model of interaction of the user with information
and communication technologies in the information-educational environment of remote training” in the specialty 05.13.01 –
“The system analysis, control and information processing” are submitted on the chair “Automatics and control processes”
of “The Saint-Petersburg state electrotechnical university "LETI
" named after V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin)”;

· On the 19th of September 2006 y. the materials of my dissertation on the theme “The environment of automated training
with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive
models” in the specialty 05.13.01 –
“The system analysis, control and information processing” are submitted to “The dissertation council D212.238.07”
at “The Saint-Petersburg state
electrotechnical university "LETI" named after V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin)”;

· On the 03th of October 2006 y. my performance with the scientific report on the theme “Models and technique of estimation
of efficiency of interaction of the user with information and communication technologies
in the environment of automated (remote) training” on the first predefence of my dissertation
on the theme “The environment of automated training with the properties of adaptation
based on the cognitive
models” has taken place;

· On the 10th of October 2006 y. the materials of my dissertation
on the theme “The environment of automated training with the properties
of adaptation based on the cognitive
models” on the specialties 05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing”
and 19.00.03 – “Psychology of work, engineering psychology and ergonomics”
are submitted to “The dissertation council D212.238.07”
at “The Saint-Petersburg state electrotechnical university "LETI
" named after V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin)”;

· On the 11th of December 2006 y. my performance with the scientific report
on the theme “The environment of automated training with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive
on the second predefence of my dissertation
on the theme “The environment of automated training with the properties of adaptation
based on the cognitive
models” has taken place;

· On the 28th of December 2007 y. I had to receive the copyright certificate №13116 about deposition and product registration
as object of intellectual property on the manuscript of my personal scientific monography
“The features of evolution of the theory of information and information technologies on a threshold of the XXI
st century”
created during the period from the 01
st March 2004 y. till the 01st of May 2006 y.;

· On the 28th of December 2007 y. I had to receive the copyright certificate №13117 about deposition and product registration
as object of intellectual property on the manuscript of my personal scientific monography
“The environment of automated training with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive models”
created from the 01
st of April 2004 y. till the 30th of June 2007 y.;

· On the 28th of December 2007 I had to receive the copyright certificate №13118 about deposition and product registration
as object of intellectual property on the manuscript of my personal dissertation
“The environment of automated training with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive models”
(on the specialties 05.13.01 and 19.00.03)
created during the period from the 01
st of May 2003 y. till the 30th June 2007 y.;

· Defence of my dissertation submitted on the 19th of September 2006 y. and on 10th of October 2006 y.
 in “The dissertation council D212.238.07”
at “The Saint-Petersburg state electrotechnical university "LETI
" named after V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin)” is not appointed yet.

The copyright certificates



Text Box: Information-educational resource
Text Box: Scientific methodical materials are presented

The scientific-educational portal

The scientific-methodical materials are presented

The diplomas
of “The average school
161 with deep learning
of the international English language” (RF, Saint-Petersburg city)
“The training-industrial plant №1
of Krasnogvardeisky district of Saint-Petersburg city” (RF, Saint-Petersburg city)
“The Saint-Petersburg state
electrotechnical university "LETI"
named after V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin)” (RF, Saint-Petersburg city)

On the 12th of May 1997 y. I have defended with honors my attestative work
on the theme “The development of learning course for the studying PECM in "PATS"”
(the program automated training system for the realization of corporative training),
and also I have participated in “The city concourse "Best on profession" in the specialty "Programmer-laboratory-assistant" 
of "The interschool training plant №1 of Krasnogvardeisky district of Saint-Petersburg city"” –
I was awarded the diploma for the 3rd place and I have participated in “The city Olympiad on programming” –
I was awarded “The gratitude for the participation in the city tour of Olympiad”.




On the 11th of February 2003 y. I have defended with honors my attestative work (diploma project)
on the theme “The development of the working demonstration prototype of the expert system of training”
(“The environment of automated training with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive models”),
and also I have participated in “The concourse of ETU "LETI" on the best diploma work of students in 2003 year”
in the specialty “Informatics and control in the technical systems” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” –
I was awarded by the diploma of the IInd degree “For the high results and active participation in the scientific-research work”.




The copyright certificates
of “The Russian author’s society” (RF, Moscow city)

The copyright certificate
of “RAS” (RF, Moscow city
from the 28.12.2007 y. №13116
on the manuscript
of the personal scientific monography
“The features of evolution of the theory
of information and information technologies
on a threshold of the XXI
st century”

The copyright certificate
of “RAS” (RF, Moscow city)
from the
28.12.2007 y. №13117
on the manuscript
of the personal scientific monography
“The environment of automated training
system with the properties of adaptation
based on the cognitive models”

The copyright certificate
of “RAS” (RF, Moscow city)
from the
28.12.2007 y. №13118
on the manuscript
of dissertation on the theme
“The environment of automated training
system with the properties of adaptation
based on the cognitive models”
on the specialties 05.13.01 and 19.00.03





The copyright certificate
of “RAS” (RF, Moscow city)
from the
10.12.2008 y. №14622
on the manuscript
of the personal educational edition
on the rights of textbook
on discipline
“Informatics (computer science)”
for the first course students





The copyright certificates about the deposition of scientific works
in “"The All-Russian institute of scientific and technical information"
of "The Russian
academy of sciences"
(“"VINITI" of "RAS"”) (RF, Moscow city)

The copyright certificate
about deposition
in “"VINITI" of "RAS"”
(RF, Moscow city)
№1-V2008 from the 09.01.2008 y.
of the manuscript
of the personal scientific article
“The cognitive modeling

in automated
educational environment”

The copyright certificate
about deposition
in “"VINITI" of "RAS"”
(RF, Moscow city)
№3-V2008 from the 09.01.2008 y.
of the manuscript
of the personal scientific article
“The features of realization
of the information-educational
of automated training”

The copyright certificate
about deposition
in “"VINITI" of "RAS"”
(RF, Moscow city)
№4-V2008 from the 09.01.2008 y.
of the manuscript
of the personal scientific article
“The electronic textbook
based on the adaptive representation
of information fragments processor
in the automated
educational environment”




The copyright certificate
about deposition
in “"VINITI" of "RAS"”
(RF, Moscow city)
№427-V2009 from the 01.07.2009 y.
of the manuscript
of the personal scientific article
“The program complex
for the tasks of research
of the adaptive environment
of automated training
based on the cognitive models”


The copyright certificate
about deposition
in “"VINITI" of "RAS"”
(RF, Moscow city)

V2009 from the 01.07.2009 y.
of the manuscript
of the personal scientific article
“The applied
diagnostic module
for the diagnostics of parameters
of the cognitive model
of the subject of training
in the adaptive environment”


