I. The list of my current scientific projects
and my scientific publications.
1) in “The Russian Federation”
(Eng, Rus, [national and foreign lang.]);
1.1) 1 my the second report
on the individual initiative
SRW for the 2006-2008 y.,
from 2008 y. and from 2009 y.,
and “SPbSUE and F "FINEC"”),
(translation into the English language);
the request
to “The Government of RF”
(the electronic letter has been sent,
the instruction
into “The HSAC of RF”
has been sent);
2) in “The United states of America”
(Eng, Rus, [Esp (Nav),
Jap, Chi, Tai, Viet, Kor, Laos
Hung, Fr, Port, Deu (Urdu, Gudg),
Tatal (Philip), Hav, FrCr ,
Sw, Nor, It, Pol, Serb, Croat, Gr,
Ind (Hind, Far), Arab, Evr,
Ukr, Belarus, Mol, Arm, Uzb,
Eng (Australian Aborigines)]);
2.1) 3 my scientific articles
on Technics
in the English language from 2007 y.;
2.2) 1 my scientific monography
on Economics
2004, 2007, 2010,
“IBI”, 2004, 2007, 2010,
“SPbSUE and F "FINEC"”,
2004, 2007, 2010,
“"VINITI" of "RAS"”,
2004,2007,2010, “SPbSU”,2010,
“SPbSEEU "INGECON"”, 2010,
with appendixes
for the vertical analysis
(the 24th of June 2004 y.,
the 01st of September 2007 y.
and the 23rd of November 2010 y. –
Vol.2 for the rev. 608 p. reduced
and full CD-ROM1 RAS,
Vol.5 CD-ROM4 IAS / GAAP –
2004, 2007, 2010,
“IBI”, 2004, 2007, 2010,
“SPbSUE and F "FINEC"”,
2004, 2007, 2010,
“"VINITI" of "RAS"”,
2004,2007,2010, “SPbSU”,2010),
for the horizontal analysis
(the 24th of June 2004 y.,
the 01st of September 2007 y.
and the 09th of December 2010 y. –
Vol.3 for the rev. 896 p. reduced
and full CD-ROM2 RAS,
Vol.6 CD-ROM5 IAS / GAAP –
2004, 2007, 2010,
“IBI”, 2004, 2007, 2010,
“"VINITI" of "RAS"”,
2004, 2007, 2010,
“SPbSEEU "INGECON"”, 2010)
for the trend analysis
(the 24th of June 2004 y.,
the 01st of September 2007 y.
and the 27th of December 2010 y. –
Vol.4 for the rev. 480 p. reduced
and full CD-ROM3 RAS,
Vol.7 CD-ROM6 IAS / GAAP –
2004, 2007, 2010,
“IBI”, 2004, 2007, 2010,
“"VINITI" of "RAS"”,
2004, 2007, 2010,
“SPbSEEU "INGECON"”, 2010)
(translation into the English language);
2.3) 1 my textbook on financial analysis
from 2004 y., 2007 y. and 2010 y.
(with appendixes),
2004, 2007, 2010,
“IBI”, 2004, 2007, 2010,
“SPbSUE and F "FINEC"”,
2004, 2007, 2010,
“"VINITI" of "RAS"”,
2004,2007,2010, “SPbSU”,2010,
“SPbSEEU "INGECON"”, 2010);
(translation into the English language);
the request
to “The General consulate of USA”
and “The Government of USA”
(the letter has been sent 30.05.2012y.);
(the letter has been sent
from the 01.04.2001 y.
into the office of international
information programs of USA
and the application
from the 30.05.2012 y. has been sent );
3) in “The United kingdom
of Great Britain (Eng (Cambr), Rus)
and Northern Ireland”
(Irl,Eng(Scotl,Sch), [Pol,Fr,Deu,It,Rus])
and “The Kingdom of Nederlands”
(Ned (Holl), Eng (BSA),
[Fr (Lotar), Deu (Westfresc, Limb, Sacs),
Esp (Palyam)]);
3.1) 1 my scientific monography on tech.
from 2003 y., 2005 y.
“"VINITI" of "RAS"”)
and from 2007y.
(“RAS”, Moscow city),
(translation into English
(Cambridge) language);
(translation into Ireland language,
English (Scotland and Scotia) language,
[Polish language, French language,
Deutsch language
and Italian language]);
the request
to “The General consulate
of The United kingdom
of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”
and “The Government
of The United kingdom
of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland”;
(the application
from the 30.05.2012 y. has been sent);
(the application
from the 31.07.2012 y. has been sent);
(translation into Nederland
(Holland) language, English
(Big Solomon's Islands) language,
[French (Loitering) language,
Deutsch (West-frisians, Limburg
and Saxons) language,
Spain (Paliamento Bonaire) lang.]);
the request
to “The General consulate
of The Kingdom of Nederland”
and “The Government
of The Kingdom of Nederland”;
4) in “The Hungarian republic”
(“The republic of Hungary”)
(Eng, Hung, [Sloven, Rum, Rus])
and “The Estonian republic”
(“The republic of Estonia”) (Est, Rus,
[Latv, Lit, Bel, Pol, Ukr, Deu]);
4.1) 1 my scientific monography
on Philosophy
from 2003 y., 2004y.
“"VINITI" of "RAS"”)
and from 2007y.
(“RAS”, Moscow city),
(translation into the English language
and Hungarian language,
[Slovenes language
and Romanian language]);
the request
to “The General consulate
of The Hungarian republic
(The republic of Hungary)”
and “The Government
of “The Hungarian republic
(The republic of Hungary)”
(the application
from the 11.07.2012 y. has been sent);
(the application
from the 29.08.2012 y. has been sent);
(translation into Estonian language,
[Latvian language,
Lithuanian language,
Belarusian language, Polish language,
Ukrainian language
and Deutsch language]);
the request
to “The General consulate
of The Estonian republic
(The republic of Estonia)”
and “The Government
of The Estonian republic
(The republic of Estonia)”;
5) in “The constitutional monarchy
of Japan”
(Jap, Eng, [Kor, Mal])
and “The Kingdom of Thailand”
(Tai, Chi, [Mong, Tib]);
5.1) 1 my textbook
on “Informatics (computer science)”
from 2005 y., 2008 y.
“"VINITI" of "RAS"”)
and from 2008 y.
(“RAS”, Moscow city),
(translation into Japanese language
and English language,
[Korean language
and Malaysian language]);
the request
to “The General consulate of Japan”
and “The Government of Japan”
(the letter has been prepared);
(translation into Tines language,
Chinese language,
[Mongolian language
and Tibetan language]);
the request
to “The Honorable consulate
of The Kingdom of Thailand”
and “The Government
of The Kingdom of Thailand”
(the letter has been prepared);
6) in “The Great duchy Luxemburg”
(Lux, Eng, [Deu, Fr])
and “The Azerbaijan republic”
(“The republic of Azerbaijan”)
(Azerb, Rus, [Arm, Dagest]);
6.1) 1 my collection of scientific articles
“The automation means
of the system analysis
of the information-educational environment
based on the cognitive modeling
on “RA(N)S”
from 2005-2007 y.
(“(SIO) "ACNS"”,
into Luxembourgian language,
English language, [Deutsch language
and French language]);
the request
to The Honorable consulate
of The Great duchy Luxembourg
and to The Government
of The Great duchy Luxembourg
(the letter has been prepared);
into Azerbaijan language,
[Armenian language
and Dagestan language]);
the request
to “The Honorable consulate
of The Azerbaijan republic
(The republic of Azerbaijan)”
and “The Government
of The Azerbaijan republic
(The republic of Azerbaijan)”
(the letter has been prepared);
7) in “The republic of Belarus”
(Bel, Rus, [Pol, Ukr, Lit])
and “The republic of Philippines”
(Phil, Eng, [Mal, Polin]);
7.1) 1 my collection of scientific reports
“The features of the system,
financial and complex analysis
based on the cognitive modeling
on “RA(N)S”
from 2010 y.
(“(SIO) "ACNS"”,
and “IBI”);
(translation into Belorussian language,
[Polish language, Ukrainian language
and Lithuanian language]);
the request
to “The department of embassy
of The republic of Belarus
and “The Government
of The republic of Belarus
(the letter has been prepared);
(translation into Philippine language,
English language,
[Malaysian language
and Polynesian language]);
the request
to “The Honorable consulate
of The republic of Philippines”
and “The Government
of The republic of Philippines”
(the letter has been prepared);
8) in “The Kingdom of Sweden”
(Swed, Eng, [Dat, Ned, Deu, Fr, Fin])
and “The Kingdom of Norway”
(Norv, Rus, [Ice, Scotl, Farer, Zeland,
Deu (Limb, Brab, Flam)]);
8.1) 1 my collection of scientific reports
“The features of the system,
financial and complex analysis
based on the cognitive modeling
on “RA(N)S”
from 2011 y. (“SIO "ACNS"”,
and “IBI”);
(translation into Swedish language,
English language,
[Norwegian language,
Dutch language, Nederland language,
Deutsch language, French language
and Finish language]);
see my request
to “The General consulate
of The Kingdom of Sweden”
and “The Government
of The Kingdom of Sweden”
(according to my application
from the 08.08.2013 y.
(with request of invitation),
(by “The post of RF”)
to the name of “The President
of The Kingdom of Sweden”
and the management
of “The Government
of The Kingdom of Sweden”,
the head
of “The General consulate
of The Kingdom of Sweden
in Saint-Petersburg city”
(“The General council
of The Kingdom of Sweden”));
(translation into Norwegian language,
English language, [Swedish language,
Scottish language, Foreran language,
Zealand language, Deutsch (Limburg,
Brabant, Flamand) language]);
see also my request
to “The General consulate
of The Kingdom of Norway”
and “The Government
of The Kingdom of Norway”
(according to my application
from the 08.08.2013 y.
(with request of invitation),
(by “The post of RF”)
to the name of “The President
of The Kingdom of Norway”
and the management
of “The Government
of The Kingdom of Norway”,
the head
of “The General consulate
of The Kingdom of Norway
in Saint-Petersburg city”
(“The General council
of The Kingdom of Norway”));
9) in “The constitutional monarchy
of Australia” (“Oceania”)
(Eng (Aust Aborig))
and “The republic of Indonesia”
(Indones (Malay, Austron), Rus,
[Java, Sund, Madur, Papuass]);
9.1) 1 my collection of scientific reports
“The features of the system,
financial and complex analysis
based on the cognitive modeling
on “RA(N)S”
from 2012 y. (“(SIO) "ACNS"”,
and “IBI”);
(translation into English
(Australian aborigines) language,
languages of Arnhem-Land
and Cape-York,
languages of River Daly,
languages of Kimberly
and no classified languages,
languages of Torres strait creole
and Western desert);
the request
to “The Honorable consulate
of The constitutional monarchy
of Australia”
and “The Government
of The constitutional monarchy
of Australia”
(the letter has been prepared);
(translation into Indonesian
(Malaysian and Austronesia) language,
[Java language, Sudan language,
Madurai language
and Papuans language]);
the request
to “The Honorable consulate
of The republic of Indonesia”
and “The Government
of The republic of Indonesia”
(the letter has been prepared);
10) in “The republic of India”
(Ind(Hind), Eng (Tamil), Rus,
[IndoAryan, Dardsk, Dravid,
Munda, Tibet, Burman])
and “The republic of Iceland”
(Isl, Eng, Rus, [Skand]);
10.1)1 my the first report
on the individual initiative
SRW for the 2003-2005 y.,
from 2005 y. and 2006 y.
“SPbSUE and F "FINEC"”),
(translation into
Indian (Hindi) language
and English (Tamilian) language,
[Indo-aryan language,
Darts language, Dravidian language,
Munda language
and Tibeto-Burman language]);
the request
to “The General consulate
of The republic of India”
and “The Government
of The republic of India”
(the letter has been prepared);
(translation into Iceland language,
English (Iceland) language,
[and Scandinavian languages]);
the request
to “The General consulate
of The republic of Iceland”
and “The Government
of The republic of Iceland”
(the letter has been prepared);
11) in “The Kingdom of Spain”
(Esp [Catal, Galic, Basq, Occit, Astur,
Aragon], Eng, Rus)
and “The Puerto Rico country”
(“The republic of Puerto Rico”)
(Puerto (Esp), Eng, Rus);
11.1)1 my collection of scientific reports
and “SRI "SFA CMT"
of "RA(N)S"
n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”,
their divisions of fundamental
and applied scientific researches
(at the micro-level),
and also their local and international
scientific newspapers and journals”
on “RA(N)S”
from 2013 y.
(“(SIO) "ACNS"” and “IBI”);
(translation into Spanish language
[Catalan language, Galician language,
Basque language, Occitan language,
Asturian language,
Aragonese language],
English language
and Russian language);
the request
to “The General consulate
of The Kingdom of Spain”
and “The Government
of The Kingdom of Spain”
(translation into Spanish
(Puerto-Rico) language,
English language
and Russian language);
the request
to “The General consulate
of The Puerto Rico country
(The republic of Puerto Rico)”
and “The Government
of The Puerto Rico country
(The republic of Puerto Rico)”
(the letter has been prepared);
12) in “The Korean people’s
democratical republic”
(Kor, Eng, [Chi])
and “The republic of Korea”
(Kor, Eng,, Rus, [Kogur, Sill]);
12.1)1 my appendix
to my the first report
on the individual initiative
SRW for the 2003-2005 y.,
from 2005 y. and 2006 y.
and “SPbSUE and F "FINEC"”);
(translation into Korean language,
English language
[and Chinese language]);
the request
to “The Honorable general consulate
of The Korean people
democratical republic”
and “The Government
of The Korean people
democratical republic”
(the letter has been prepared);
(translation into Korean language,
[Kogure language and Silla language]
and English language);
the request
to “The Honorable general consulate
of The republic of Korea”
and “The Government
of The republic of Korea”
(the letter has been prepared);
13) in “The Federative republic
of Germany”
(Deu (Bav), Rus, Eng, Lux, Dat, Fr)
and “The Estonian republic”
(“The republic of Estonia”)
(Est, Rus, [Setu, Swed, Fin, Eng]);
13.1)1 my collection of scientific reports
“The topology and conception
of organization
of the integration environment
of “SIO "ACNS"””
on “RA(N)S”
from 2013 y. (“(SIO) "ACNS"”
and “SPbSETU "LETI"”);
(translation into Deutsch language
(Bavarian language),
English language,
[Luxembourgian language,
Dutch language
and French language]);
the request
to “The General consulate
of The Federative republic
of Germany”
and “The Government
of The Federative republic
of Germany”
(the letter has been prepared);
(translation into Estonian language
[Seta language, Sweden language,
Finnish language
and English language]);
the request
to “The General consulate
of The Estonian republic
(The republic of Estonia)”
and “The Government
of The Estonian republic
(The republic of Estonia)”
(the letter has been prepared);
14) in “The parliament monarchy
of Canada” (Eng, Fr, Rus,
[Chi, Cant, Penj, Esp, It, Ukr,
Arab, Deu, Tagal, Viet, Kor, Jap,
Port, Urdu, Pol, Dutch,
Pers (Farsi), Tamil (Hindi),
Gr, Guj, Hung, Rum])
and “The republic
of Seychelles islands”
(Kreol (Seych and Mask), Eng, [Fr]);
14.1)1 my collection of scientific reports
their divisions of fundamental
and applied scientific researches
(at the micro-level),
and also their local and international
scientific newspapers and journals”
from 2013 y.
(“(SIO) "ACNS"” and “IBI”);
(translation into the English language,
French language, [Chinese language,
Cantonese Language,
Punjabi language, Spanish language,
Italian language, Ukrainian language,
Arabic language, Deutsch language,
Tagalog (Philippines) language,
Vietnamese language,
Korean language, Japanese language,
Portuguese language, Urdu language,
Polish language, Dutch language,
Persian (Farsi) language,
Tamil (Hindi) language,
Greek language, Gujarati language,
Hungarian language
and Romanian language]);
the request
to “The General consulate
of The parliament monarchy
of Canada”
and “The Government
of The parliament monarchy
of Canada”;
(translation into the English language,
French language,
and Seychellois language);
the request
to “The Honorable consulate
of The republic of Seychelles islands”
and “The Government
of The republic of Seychelles islands”
(the letter has been prepared);
15) in “The China people republic”
(Ch, Eng,
[Mon, Tib, Uigur, Chju, Kor, Viet])
and “The republic of Dominica”
(Dom (Esp), Eng);
15.1)1 my collection of scientific reports
““SRI "SFACMT" of "RA(N)S"
n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”,
their divisions
of fundamental and applied
scientific researches
(at the micro-level),
and also their local and international
scientific newspapers and journals”
from 2013 y.
(“(SIO) "ACNS"” and “IBI”);
(translation into Chinese language,
English language,
[Mongolian language,
Tibetan language, Uyghur language,
Zhuang language, Korean language
and Vietnam language]);
the request
to “The General consulate
of The China people republic”
and “The Government
of The China people republic”;
(translation into Dominican language
(Spanish language),
English language);
the request
to “The Honorable consulate
of The republic of Dominica”
and “The Government
of The republic of Dominica”
(the letter has been prepared);
16) in “The French republic”
(“The republic of France”)
(Fr, Eng, Rus, [Port, It, Esp])
and “The republic of Cuba”
(Cub (Esp), Eng, Rus, [Fr, Deu]);
16.1)1 my collection of scientific reports
n. a. Prokopenko N.A.”,
their financing divisions
of fundamental and applied
scientific researches
(at the micro-level),
and also their local and international
scientific newspapers and journals”
on “RA(N)S”
from 2013 y.
(“(SIO) "ACNS"” and “IBI”);
(translation into French language,
English language,
[Portuguesa language,
Italian language
and Spanish language);
the request
to “The General consulate
of The French republic
(The republic of France)”
and “The Government
of The French republic
(The republic of France)”;
(translation into Cuban
(Spanish) language, English language,
[French language,
Italian language
and Deutsch language]);
the request
to “The General consulate
of The republic of Cuba”
and “The Government
of The republic of Cuba”
(the letter has been prepared);
17) in “The Portugal republic”
(“The republic of Portugal”)
(Port, Eng, [Mir, Fr, It])
and “The republic of Israel”
(Jew (Hebr), Deu, Fr,
[Arab, It, Amh, Esp,
Rom, Pol, Lad, Hung]);
17.1)1 my collection of scientific reports
“The integration environment,
the divisions
of fundamental and applied
scientific researches
(at the micro-level),
their financing,
the local and international scientific
newspapers and journals
of “SIO "ACNS"”,
of "RA(N)S"
n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”
and “SF "SFA CMT"
n. a. Prokopenko N.A.””
on “RA(N)S”
from 2013 y.
(“(SIO) "ACNS"” and “IBI”);
(translation into Portugal language,
English language,
[Miranda language, French language
and Italian language]);
the request
to “The General consulate
of The republic of Portugal
(The Portugal republic)”
and “The Government
of The republic of Portugal
(Portugal republic)”
(the letter has been prepared);
(translation into Jewish
(Hebrew) language,
Deutsch language, French language,
[Arabic language, Italian language,
Amharic language, Spanish language,
Romanian language, Polish language,
Ladino language
and Hungarian language);
the request
to “The General consulate
of The republic of Israel”
and “The Government
of The republic of Israel”
(the letter has been prepared);
18) in “The Federative republic
of United Arab emirates”
(Arab, Eng, Rus,
[Eg (Hind, Urdu, Pers), Fr, It, Deu])
and “The Lithuanian republic”
(“The republic of Lithuania”)
(Lit, Rus, Latv, Est,
Belrus, Pol, Ukr, Eng, Deu);
18.1)1 my collection of scientific reports
“Features of the system,
financial and complex analysis
based on the cognitive modeling
on “RA(N)S”
from 2009 y. (“(SIO) "ACNS"”,
and “IBI”);
(translation into Arabic language,
English language,
[Egyptian (Hindi language, Urdurian,
Persian) language, French language,
Italian language, Deutsch language]);
the request
to “The General consulate
of The Federal republic
of United Arab emirates”
and “The Government
of The Federal republic
of United Arab emirates”
(the letter has been prepared);
(translation into Lithuanian language,
Latvian language, Estonian language,
Belorussian language,
Polish language, Ukrainian language,
English language
and Deutsch language]);
the request
to “The General consulate
of The Lithuanian republic
(The republic of Lithuania)”
and “The Government
of The Lithuanian republic
(The republic of Lithuania)”
(the letter has been prepared);
19) in “The Arab republic of Egypt”
(Arab (Hind, Urdu, Pers),
[Eng, Fr, It, Deu])
and “The Latvian republic”
(“The republic of Latvia”)
(Latv, Eng, Rus,
[Lit, Est, Belrus, Pol, Ukr, Deu]);
19.1)1 my collection of scientific reports
“Features of the system,
financial and complex analysis
based on the cognitive modeling
on “RA(N)S”
from 2007-2008 y.
(“(SIO) "ACNS"”,
and “IBI”);
(translation into Arabic language
(Hindi language, Urdurian language,
Persian language),
[Egyptian language, French language,
Italian language
and Deutsch language);
the request
to “The General consulate
of The Arab republic of Egypt”
and “The Government
of The Arab republic of Egypt”
(the letter has been prepared);
(translation into Latvian language,
English language, Russian language,
[Lithuanian language,
Estonian language,
Belorussian language,
Polish language, Ukrainian language
and Deutsch language),
[Egyptian language, French language,
Italian language
and Deutsch language);
the request
to “The General consulate
of The Latvian republic
(The republic of Latvia)”
and “The Government
of The Latvian republic
(The republic of Latvia)”
(the letter has been prepared);
20) in “The Italian republic”
(“The republic of Italy”)
(It, Fr, Eng, [Deu, Rum, Slov])
“The Bulgarian republic”
(“The republic of Bulgaria”)
(Bulg, Rus, [Tur, Tatar, Arm, Rum,
Maced, Ukr, Eng, Deu, Fr]);
20.1)1 my collection of scientific reports
“Features of the system,
financial and complex analysis
based on the cognitive modeling
on “RA(N)S”
from 2006 y. (“(SIO) "ACNS"”,
and “IBI”);
(translation into Italian language,
French language, English language,
[Deutsch language,
Rumanian language,
Slovenian language]);
the request
to “The General consulate
of The Italian republic
(The republic of Italy)”
and “The Government
of “The Italian republic
(The republic of Italy)”
(the letter has been prepared);
(translation into Bulgarian language,
Russian language, [Turkish language,
Tatarian language,
Armenian language,
Rumanian language,
Macedonian language,
Ukrainian language,
English language, Deutsch language,
and French language]);
the request
to “The General consulate
The Bulgarian republic
(The republic of Bulgaria)”
and “The Government
The Bulgarian republic
(The republic of Bulgaria)”
(the letter has been prepared);
21) in “The Dutch republic”
(“The republic of Dutch”)
(Dat, Eng, [Deu, Fr, Farer, Grenl])
and “The republic of Armenia”
(Arm, Rus, [Esid, Gre, Assir]);
21.1)1 my collection of scientific reports
“Features of the system,
financial and complex analysis
based on the cognitive modeling
on “RA(N)S”
from 2005 y. (“(SIO) "ACNS"”,
and “IBI”);
(translation into Dutch language,
English language,
[Deutsch language, French language,
Foreran language
and Greenland language]);
the request
to “The General consulate
of The Dutch republic
(The republic of Dutch)”
and “The Government
of The Dutch republic
(The republic of Dutch)”
(the letter has been prepared);
(translation into Armenian language,
Russian language,
[Esidian language, Greek language
and Assyrian language);
the request
to “The General consulate
of The republic of Armenia”
and “The Government
of The republic of Armenia”
(the letter has been prepared);
22) in “The Greece republic”
(“The republic of Greece”)
(Gr, Eng, [Alb, Rum, Arnaut,
Tur, Mak, Latin])
and “The Finnish republic”
(“The republic of Finland”)
(Fin, Eng, Rus, [Swed, Norv, Deu,
Est, Latv, Lit, Saam, Karel]);
22.1)1 my collection of scientific reports
“Features of the system,
financial and complex analysis
based on the cognitive modeling
on “RA(N)S”
from 2004 y. (“(SIO) "ACNS"”,
and “IBI”);
(translation into Greek language,
English language, [Albanian language,
Rumanian language,
Arnautian language,
Turkish language,
Macedonian language
and Latin language]);
the request
to “The General consulate
of The Greece republic
(The republic of Greece)”
and “The Government
of The Greece republic
(The republic of Greece)”
(the letter has been prepared);
(translation into Finnish language,
English language, [Swedish language,
Norwegian language,
Deutsch language, Estonian language,
Latvian language,
Lithuanian language,
Saamian language
and Karelian language]);
the request
to “The General consulate
of The Finnish republic
(The republic of Finland)”
and “The Government
of The Finnish republic
(The republic of Finland)”
(the letter has been prepared);
23) in “The republic of Kazakhstan”
(Kaz, Rus, [Kor, Deu, Pol, Ukr,
Tur, Uzb, Ujgur, Eng])
and “The republic of Saha (Yakutia)”
(Jukut, Rus, [Eng, Kazakh, Kor,
Tatar, Mong, Chi]);
23.1)1 my collection of scientific reports
“Features of the system,
financial and complex analysis
based on the cognitive modeling
on “RA(N)S”
from 2003 y. (“(SIO) "ACNS"”,
and “IBI”);
(translation into Kazakh language,
Russian language,
[Korean language, Deutsch language,
Polish language, Ukrainian language,
Turkish language, Uzbekian language,
Ugrian language
and English language]);
the request
to “The General consulate
of The republic of Kazakhstan”
and “The Government
of The republic of Kazakhstan”
(the letter has been prepared);
(translation into Jukutian language,
Russian language,
[English language, Kazakh language,
Korean language, Tatarian language,
Mongolian language
and Chinese language]);
the request
to “The General consulate
of The republic of Saha (Yakutia)”
and “The Government
of The republic of Saha (Yakutia)”
(the letter has been prepared);
24) in “The republic of Georgia”
(Georg, Rus, Eng,
[Megr, Arm, Azerb, Abh, Oset, Gr])
and “The Swiss Confederation”
(“The Confederation of Switzerland”)
(Swit, Deu,
Eng,[Fr, It, Retor, Alem, Rus]);
24.1) 1 my collection of scientific articles
“The automation means
of the system analysis
of the information-educational environment
based on the cognitive modeling
on “RA(N)S”
from 2008 y. (“(SIO) "ACNS"”,
(translation into Georgian language,
Russian language, English language,
[Megrenian language,
Armenian language,
Azerbaijan language,
Abkhazian language,
Ossetian language and Greek lang.]);
the request
to “The General consulate
of The republic of Georgia”
and “The Government
of The republic of Georgia”
(the letter has been prepared);
(translation into Switzerland language,
Deutsch language, English language,
[French language, Italian language,
Rhetorician language,
Alemanian language
and Russian language]);
the request
to “The General consulate
of The Swiss Confederation
(The Confederation of Switzerland)”
and “The Government
of The Swiss Confederation
(The Confederation of Switzerland)”
(the letter has been prepared);
25) in “The Ingushetian republic”
(“The republic of Ingushetia”)
(Ingush, Rus, Eng),
“The Chechen republic”
(“The republic of Chechnya”)
(Chech, Rus, Eng)
and “The republic of Northern Ossetia
and Alania”
(Oset, Ovarsk, Alansk, Rus, Eng);
25.1) 1 my collection of scientific articles
“The automation means
of the system analysis
of the information-educational environment
based on the cognitive modeling
on “RA(N)S”
from 2009 y. (“(SIO) "ACNS"”,
(translation into Ingush language,
Russian language
and English language);
the request
to “The General consulate
of The republic of Ingushetia”
and “The Government
of The republic of Ingushetia”
(the letter has been prepared);
(translation into Chechen language,
Russian language
and English language);
the request
to “The General consulate
of The Chechen republic
(The republic of Chechnya)”
and “The Government
of The Chechen republic
(The republic of Chechnya)”
(the letter has been prepared);
(translation into Ossetian language,
Ovarsky language, Alansky language
Russian language
and English language);
the request
to “The General consulate
of The republic of Northern Ossetia
and Alania”
and “The Government
of The republic of Northern Ossetia
and Alania”
(the letter has been prepared);
26) in “The Slovakian republic”
(“The republic of Slovakia”)
(Slov, Eng, Rus [Czech, Hung, Rusin])
and “The Czech republic”
(“The republic of Czech”)
(Czech, Eng, Rus [Slov, Hung, Rusin]);
26.1) 1 my collection of scientific reports
““"Saint-Petersburg exhibition
centre named after Brezhnev L.I."
at "Exhibition of achievements
of science and technology
named after Sobchak A.A."”,
their exhibitions (financing) divisions
of fundamental and applied
scientific researches
(at the micro-level),
and also their local and international
scientific newspapers and journals”
on “RA(N)S”
from 2014 y.
(“(SIO) "ACNS"” and “IBI”),
(translation into Slovakian language,
English language, Russian language,
[Czech language, Hungarian language
and Russinian language]);
the request
to “The General consulate
of The Slovakian republic
(The republic of Slovakia)”
and “The Government
of The Slovakian republic
(The republic of Slovakia)”
(the letter has been prepared);
(translation into Czech language,
English language, Russian language,
[Slovakian language,
Hungarian language
and Russinian language]);
the request
to “The General consulate
of The Czech republic
(The republic of Czech)”
and “The Government
of The Czech republic
(The republic of Czech)”
(the letter has been prepared);
27) in “The republic of Poland”
(“The Polish republic”) (Eng, Polsk)
and “The republic of Ukraine”
(“The Ukrainian republic”) (Ukr, Rus);
27.1)1 my collection of scientific reports
“The integration environment,
(exhibitions) (financing) divisions
of fundamental and applied
scientific researches
(at the micro-level),
their local and international
scientific newspapers and journals
of “SIO "ACNS"”,
of "RA(N)S"
n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”,
n. a. Prokopenko N.A.”
and “"SPbEC n. a. Brezhnev L.I."
at "EAST n. a. Sobchak A.A."””
on “RA(N)S”
from 2014 y. (“(SIO) "ACNS"”,
and “IBI”);
(translation into the English language
and Polish language);
the request
to “The General consulate
of The republic of Poland
(The Polish republic)”
and “The Government
of The republic of Poland
(The Polish republic)”
(the letter has been prepared),
(translation into Ukrainian language
and Russian language);
the request
to “The General consulate
of The republic of Ukraine
(The Ukrainian republic)”
and “The Government
of The republic of Ukraine
(The Ukrainian republic)”
(the letter has been prepared);
28) in “The Kingdom of Belgium”
(Ned, Deut, Rus, [Lux, Dut, Fr])
and “The republic of Cyprus”
(Gr (Cypr), Engl, Tur, [Arab, Jew]);
28.1)1 my collection of scientific reports
“The features of the topology
of organization and realization
of the innovative integration
of “SIO "ACNS"”,
of "RA(N)S"
n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”,
n. a. Prokopenko N.A.”
and “"SPbEC n. a. Brezhnev L.I."
at "EAST n. a. Sobchak A.A."””
on “RA(N)S”
from 2014 y. (“(SIO) "ACNS"”
and “SPbSETU "LETI"”);
(translation into Nederland language,
Deutsch language,
[Luxembourgian language,
Dutch language
and French language]);
the request
to “The General consulate
of The Kingdom of Belgium”
and “The Government
of The Kingdom of Belgium”
(the letter has been prepared);
(translation into
Greek (Cyprus) language,
English language, Turkish language,
[Arabian language
and Jewish language]);
the request
to “The General consulate
of The republic of Cyprus”
and “The Government
of The republic of Cyprus”
(the letter has been prepared);
29) in “The Islam republic
of Afghanistan”
(Pash, Rus, [Dari, Arab])
and “The Islam republic
of Pakistan”
(Urdu, Eng, Rus, [Pash, Arab])
29.1)1 my collection of scientific reports
“The conception and strategy
of informatization
of the integration environment,
the national and international programs
of transition to the information society,
fundamental and applied
areas of activity,
the information resources,
products and services
of post-industrial society,
the scientific newspapers and journals
of “SIO "ACNS"”,
of "RA(N)S"
n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”,
n. a. Prokopenko N.A.”
and “"SPbEC n. a. Brezhnev L.I."
at "EAST n. a. Sobchak A.A."””
on “RA(N)S”
from 2014 y. (“(SIO) "ACNS"”,
and “IBI”);
(translation into
Pashto language, [Dari language
and Arabian language]);
the request
to “The General consulate
of The Islam republic
of Afghanistan”
and “The Government
of The Islam republic
of Afghanistan”
(the letter has been prepared);
(translation into
Urdu language, English language,
[Pashto language
and Arabian language]);
the request
to “The General consulate
of The Islam republic
of Pakistan”
and “The Government
of The Islam republic
of Pakistan”
(the letter has been prepared);
30) in “The republic of Turkmenistan
(“The Turkmen republic”)
(Turkm, Rus, [Uzb])
and “The republic of Kyrgyzstan
(“The Kyrgyz republic”)
(Kirg, Engl, [Kaz, Turkm]);
30.1)1 my collection of scientific reports
“The features
of modifications
of the plan of accounts
of accounting
of the credit organizations
to The regulation (instruction)
“About rules of conducting
of accounting in credit organizations,
located at the territory of RF”
of “CB of RF”
from the 05.12.2002 y. №205-P,
26.03.2007 y. №302-P
and the 16.07.2012 y. №385-P
(with modif. and add.): Ch. A-D”
on “RA(N)S”
from 2014 y. (“(SIO) "ACNS"”,
and “IBI”);
(translation into
Turkmen language,
[Uzbekistan language]);
the request
to “The General consulate
of The republic of Turkmenia
(The Turkmen republic)”
and “The Government
of The republic of Turkmenia
(The Turkmen republic)”
(the letter has been prepared);
(translation into
Kirgiz language, English language,
[Kazakh lang. and Turkmen lang.]);
the request
to “The General consulate
of The republic of Kirgizia
(The Kirgiz republic)”
and “The Government
of The republic of Kirgizia”
(The Kirgiz republic)”
(the letter has been prepared);