1. The place of work and the address: RF, 197376, Saint-Petersburg city, RF, 195248, Saint-Petersburg city, 2. The home address: RF, 195248, Saint-Petersburg city, 3.1. The phone and fax: +7(812)222-5291 (home), 3.2. The internet pager (“ICQ”): 612017625. 3.3. The universal means for the communication www.vk.com/anatolynvetrov [www.vk.com/id290146234], 3.4. The universal means for the communication “LinkedIn”: http://ru.linkedin.com/in/anatoly-vetrov-15844810a. 3.5. The universal means for the communication “Facebook”: http://www.facebook.com/anatoly.vetrov.9. 4. The electronic address of electronic post (Email): 4.0. “AUT CMT SFA”, info@vetrovan.spb.ru (primary) [not working], 4.1. “NCO(E) (SIO) "ACNS"”, sioacns@mail.ru (primary),
4.2. “NCO(E) SRI "SFA CMT" sfacmt@mail.ru (primary),
4.3. “NCO(E) SF "SFA CMT"
sfacmtfund@mail.ru (primary),
4.4. “NCO(E) "SPbEC n. a. Brezhnev L.I."
eceast@mail.ru (primary), 4.5. “NCO(E) SEC "SFA CMT"
sciec@mail.ru (primary),
5. The international network 5.1. The local area network 5.2. The access point to the information resources (parameters: host “SIOACNS”, |
The contacts |
“SIO "ACNS"”, “SRI "SFA CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”, “SF "SFA CMT" n. a. Prokopenko N.A.”, |
Providers 1. OJSC (OC) “Rostelecom” 4. OJSC (OC) “MTS”.
Providers 1. 3Com corporation 6. Sony corporation.
Providers 1. IBM corporation. 3. AMD corporation. 4. Toshiba corporation 5. Hewlett-Packard corporation. 10. Seagate corporation. 11. Western digital corporation. 12. Sony corporation 14. Nec-Mitsubishi corporation. 15. LG (Gold star). 17. Xerox corporation
Providers 1. Microsoft corporation 2. Symantec corporation 3. Pacific image
Providers 1. OJSC (OC)
Providers of computers 1. CJSC (LC) 2. CJSC (LC) “Key”. 7. CJSC (LC) 8. CJSC (LC) 1C. |
2. The scheme of location of the mixed buildings (the system of the mixed constructions), |
1. The scheme of location of the mixed building (construction), |
1.2. The structure of the mixed spherical building (construction), |
1.1. The color photography of the transport connection type “circle” with the concrete blocks (the place of construction) |
1.3. The structure of the mixed spherical building (construction), located at the transport connection type “circle” |
2.1. The scheme of location of the mixed 4 spherical buildings (the system of the mixed constructions), |
2.2. The structure of the mixed 4 spherical buildings (the system of mixed constructions), |
2.3. The structure of shop (1st and 2nd level under ground), parking zone (3rd and 4th level under ground), dining room (5th level under gr.), |
3. The recommended structure of underground building (construction), |
3.1. The structure of underground building (construction), |
3.2. The structure of underground building (construction), |
The note: Different kinds of organizations in the structure of “SIO "ACNS"” 1. Are created in territory of RF and the Foreign countries only after 2. Are products (valuable monuments) of architecture, town-planning and landscape-gardening art, 3. Available to copy of structure of presented hybrid spherical building 4. My applications and my manuscripts have been sent to “The Nobel committee” |
All rights reserved and approved: |
Program realization |