1. The place of work and the address:

RF, 197376, Saint-Petersburg city,
str. Professor Popov, h. 5,

RF, 195248, Saint-Petersburg city,
pr. Energetikov, h
. 36, fl. 82,
“(SIO) "ACNS"”.

2. The home address:

RF, 195248, Saint-Petersburg city,
pr. Energetikov, h
. 36, fl. 82.

3.1. The phone and fax:

+7(812)222-5291 (home),
7(812)950-2706 (cellular).

3.2. The internet pager (“ICQ”):


3.3. The universal means for the communication
“InContact” (“VKontacte”):

www.vk.com/anatolynvetrov [www.vk.com/id290146234],
acad. of “(SIO) "ACNS"” Vetrov A.N.),
(E) (SIO) "ACNS"”),
of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”),
n. a.
Prokopenko N.A.”),
"SPbEC n. a. Brezhnev L.I."
"EAST n. a. Sobchak A.A."”),
of "RA(M)S" n. a. acad. Burdenko N.N.”)

3.4. The universal means for the communication “LinkedIn”:


3.5. The universal means for the communication “Facebook”:


4. The electronic address of electronic post (Email):

4.0. “AUT CMT SFA”,
The President of “NCO (E) SEC "SFA CMT"”,
academician of (natural) sciences (“(SIO) "ACNS"”)
Vetrov Anatoly Nikolaevich:

info@vetrovan.spb.ru (primary) [not working],
vetrovan@nwgsm.ru (primary),
vetrovan@spb.skylink.ru (secondary)
[not working],
vetrovan@mtsmail.ru (secondary)
[not working],
vetrovan@list.ru (primary),
vetrovan80@gmail.com (primary),
vetrovan80@yandex.ru (secondary)
vetrovan80@outlook.com (secondary).

4.1. “NCO(E) (SIO) "ACNS"”,
The President of “NCO (E) (SIO) "ACNS"”,
of (natural) sciences (“(SIO) "ACNS"”)
Vetrov Anatoly Nikolaevich:

sioacns@mail.ru (primary),
sioacns@bk.ru (secondary),
info@acns.spb.ru (primary)
[not working].


4.2. “NCO(E) SRI "SFA CMT"
of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”
the director of “NCO(E) SRI "SFA CMT"
of "RA(N)S" n. a.
Veniaminov V.N.”,
of (natural) sciences (“(SIO) "ACNS"”)
Vetrov Anatoly Nikolaevich:

sfacmt@mail.ru (primary),
sfacmt@bk.ru (secondary),
info@sfacmt.spb.ru (primary)
[not working].


4.3. “NCO(E) SF "SFA CMT"
n. a.
Prokopenko N.A.”,
the director of “NCO(E) SF "SFA CMT"
n. a.
Prokopenko N.A.”,
of (natural) sciences (“(SIO) "ACNS"”)
Vetrov Anatoly Nikolaevich:


sfacmtfund@mail.ru (primary),
sfacmtfund@bk.ru (secondary),
info@sfacmtfund.spb.ru (primary)
[not working].


4.4. “NCO(E) "SPbEC n. a. Brezhnev L.I."
"EAST n. a. Sobchak A.A."”,
the director of “NCO(E)
"SPbEC n. a. Brezhnev L.I."
"EAST n. a. Sobchak A.A."”,
of (natural) sciences (“(SIO) "ACNS"”)
Vetrov Anatoly Nikolaevich:


eceast@mail.ru (primary),
eceast@bk.ru (secondary),
info@eceast.spb.ru (primary)
[not working].

4.5. “NCO(E) SEC "SFA CMT"
of "RA(M)S" n. a. acad. Burdenko N.N.”
the director of NCO(E) SEC "SFA CMT"
of "RA(M)S" n. a. acad. Burdenko N.N.”,
of (natural) sciences (“(SIO) "ACNS"”)
Vetrov Anatoly Nikolaevich:


sciec@mail.ru (primary),
sciec@bk.ru (secondary),
info@sciec.spb.ru (primary)
[not working].


5. The international network
of “NCO(E) (SIO) "ACNS"” (“WWW”).

5.1. The local area network
of  “NCO(E) (SIO) "ACNS"”
“FTN” and “WWW”).

5.2. The access point to the information resources
of the local area network
of “NCO(E) (SIO) "ACNS"” (with “WiFi”).

(parameters: host “SIOACNS”,
IP “192
.168.1.1”, DHCP).

Summary information www.vetrovan.spb.ru/index.htm
About author www.vetrovan.spb.ru/index.files/Page354.htm
Scientific research www.vetrovan.spb.ru/index.files/Page401.htm
Educational work www.vetrovan.spb.ru/index.files/Page451.htm
Logotypes www.vetrovan.spb.ru/index.files/Page1068.htm
Copyright certificates www.vetrovan.spb.ru/index.files/Page765.htm
Contacts www.vetrovan.spb.ru/index.files/Page307.htm

The contacts



Text Box: The scientific-educational portal
Text Box: The scientific-methodical materials are presented

“SIO "ACNS"”, “SRI "SFA CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”, SF "SFA CMT" n. a. Prokopenko N.A.”,
"SPbEC n. a. Brezhnev L.I." at "EAST n. a. Sobchak A.A."” and “SEC "SFA CMT" of "RA(M)S" n. a. acad. Burdenko N.N.”
are the products (valuable monuments) of architecture, town-planning and landscape-gardening art, and also
the important objects of historical, cultural, art and scientific heritage for the (non)residents at the international level,
acts as the essential basis of federal and international politics and many different programs (actions) in the field
of state and municipal, economic-scientific and technical, educational (social) and cultural,
national and international, ergonomic and ecological evolution of RF and the foreign countries
according to “The Constitution of RF” and international legislation in territory of the countries of The World.

of “Internet”-connection:

1. CJSC (LC) “Web Plus”.

2. OJSC (OC) “Skylink”.

3. OJSC (OC) “Tele2”.


of phone connection:

1. OJSC (OC) “Rostelecom”
phone network” (“PTS”))

2. OJSC (OC) “Megafon”.

3. OJSC (OC) “Skylink”.

4. OJSC (OC) “MTS”.

5. OJSC (OC) “Beeline”.

6. OJSC (OC) “Tele2”.


of end equipment
of data transmission:

1. 3Com corporation
US Robotics corporation):
Sportster voice fax modem
with personal voice mail,
Sportster message plus,
Sportster56K message modem.

2. Nokia corporation.

3. Ericsson corporation.

4. Hyundai corporation.

5. Samsung corporation.

6. Sony corporation.


of hardware:

1. IBM corporation.

2. Intel corporation.

3. AMD corporation.

4. Toshiba corporation
(Light scribe).

5. Hewlett-Packard corporation.

6. Rover book corporation.

7. Samsung corporation.

8. Fujitsu corporation.

9. Hitachi corporation.

10. Seagate corporation.

11. Western digital corporation.

12. Sony corporation
(Label flash).

13. Panasonic corporation.

14. Nec-Mitsubishi corporation.

15. LG (Gold star).

16. ASUS tech corporation.

17. Xerox corporation


of software:

1. Microsoft corporation
(System Works and Works).

2. Symantec corporation
(Norton antivirus).

3. Pacific image

(Super voice international).


paper and stationary
(office goods)

1. OJSC (OC)
“International paper”
(“Svetogorsky cellulose-
paper factory”)

2. GmbH (LC) “Erich Krause”.

3. OJSC (OC) “Bookvoed”.


Providers of computers
and automation means:

1. CJSC (LC)
“DNS” (“Computer world”

2. CJSC (LC) “Key”.

3. CJSC (LC) “Toshiba”.

4. CJSC (LC) “Roverbook”.

5. CJSC (LC) “Microsoft”.

6. CJSC (LC) “Garant”.

7. CJSC (LC)
“Consultant plus” (“Kadis”)

8. CJSC (LC) 1C.

9. GmbH (LC) “Agnitum Ltd”.

2. The scheme of location of the mixed buildings (the system of the mixed constructions),
located near “The hotel "Karelia"” (“The group of hotels "Intourist"”)
(at the crossing of street Aprelskaya and street Marshal Tukhachevsky
) at RF, Saint-Petersburg city.

1. The scheme of location of the mixed building (construction),
located at the transport connection type “circle”
(at the crossing of highway Revolution and prospect Energetikov) at RF, Saint-Petersburg city.

1.2. The structure of the mixed spherical building (construction),
located at the transport connection type “circle”
(at the crossing of highway Revolution and prospect Energetikov) at RF, Saint-Petersburg city
including 8 levels under ground (green color),
12 floors above ground (blue color) (in particular 8 floors above ground in the sphere (orange color)),
and also 13 floor (the survey square with the flag of RF and the flags of EU countries)
and 14 floor (the technological square with the antennas, measurement devices and lighting rod)
with the cylindrical lifts and service rooms the view from left (without service constructions).

1.1. The color photography of the transport connection type “circle” with the concrete blocks (the place of construction)
(at the crossing
of Revolution highway and prospect Energetikov) at RF, Saint-Petersburg city.

1.3. The structure of the mixed spherical building (construction), located at the transport connection type “circle”
(at the crossing of highway Revolution and prospect Energetikov) at RF, Saint-Petersburg city
including 8 levels under ground (green color),
12 floors above ground (blue color) (in particular 8 floors above ground in the sphere (orange color)),
and also 13 floor (the survey square with the flag of RF and flags of EU countries)
and 14 floor (the technological square with the antennas , measurement devices and lighting rod)
with the cylindrical lifts and service rooms the view from top (with some service constructions).

2.1. The scheme of location of the mixed 4 spherical buildings (the system of the mixed constructions),
located near “The hotel "Karelia"” (“The group of hotels "Intourist"”)
(at the crossing of street Aprelskaya and street Marshal Tukhachevsky
) at RF, Saint-Petersburg city,
4 mixed buildings with 4 spheres, 8 levels under ground (green color),
12 floors above ground (blue color) (in particular 8 floors above ground in the sphere (orange color)),
and also 13 floor (the survey square with the flag of RF and flags of EU countries)
and 14 floor (the technological square with the antennas , measurement devices and lighting rod)
with the cylindrical lifts and service rooms the view from left (without the service constructions).

2.2. The structure of the mixed 4 spherical buildings (the system of mixed constructions),
located near “The hotel "Karelia"” (“The group of hotels "Intourist"”)
(at the crossing of street Aprelskaya and street Marshal Tukhachevsky
) at RF, Saint-Petersburg city,
4 mixed buildings with 4 spheres, 8 levels under ground (green color),
12 floors above ground (blue color) (in particular 8 floors above ground in the sphere (orange color)),
and also 13 floor (the survey square with the flag of RF and the flags of EU countries)
and 14 floor (the technological square with the antennas , measurement devices and lighting rod)
with the cylindrical lifts and service rooms the view from left (without the service constructions).

2.3. The structure of shop (1st and 2nd level under ground), parking zone (3rd and 4th level under ground), dining room (5th level under gr.),
warehouse (6th level under ground), computer centre (7th level under ground) and security (climate control) (8th level under ground)
of the mixed 4-spherical buildings (the system of mixed constructions),
located near “The hotel "Karelia"” (“The group of hotels "Intourist"”)
(at crossing of street Aprelskaya and street Marshal Tukhachevsky
) at RF, Saint-Petersburg city,
4 mixed buildings with 4 spheres, 8 levels under ground (green color),
12 floors above ground (blue color) (in particular 8 floors above ground in the sphere (orange color)),
and also 13 floor (survey square with flag of RF and flags of EU countries)
and 14 floor (technological square with antennas , measurement devices and lighting rod)
with cylindrical lifts and service rooms view from left (without service constructions).

3. The recommended structure of underground building (construction),
located near cottage (in a countryside) at Leningrad area, RF.

3.1. The structure of underground building (construction),
near cottage (in a countryside) at Leningrad area, RF,
6 levels under ground (green color) and service rooms view from left (without service constructions).

3.2. The structure of underground building (construction),
near cottage (in a countryside) at Leningrad area, RF,
6 levels under ground (green color) and service rooms view from top (without service constructions).

The note:

Different kinds of organizations in the structure of “SIO "ACNS"”
[scientific-research centre (SRC), virtual SRC (VSRC),
(virtual) representation of the SRC ((V)RSRC) and (virtual) consulting centre of the SRC ((V)CCSRC)]
and defined
basic educational establishment ((non)resident) (BEE)
[(virtual) regional educational centre ((V)REC), regional virtual university (RVU),
(virtual) representation of the BEE ((V)R) and (virtual) consulting centre of the BEE ((V)CC)]:

1. Are created in territory of RF and the Foreign countries only after
the sanction and reception of the nonexclusive license
(non-exceptional law or non-sole right)
of the author of the unique cognitive modeling technology (for the micro-system, financial and complex analysis),
“The Government of RF”, “The Russian author's society” (“RAS”) (RF, Moscow city)
(as agreed with “The Government of the foreign country” for the non-residents).

2. Are products (valuable monuments) of architecture, town-planning and landscape-gardening art,
and also the important objects of historical, cultural, art and scientific heritage for the (non)residents at the international level,
acts as essential basis of federal and international politics and many different programs (actions) in the field
of state and municipal, economic-scientific and technical, educational (social) and cultural, national and international,
ergonomic and ecological evolution of RF and the foreign countries
according to The Constitution of RF and international legislation in territory of the countries of The World (foreign countries).

3. Available to copy of structure of presented hybrid spherical building
(system of constructions) (intown and (or) in a countryside)
of “SIO "Academy of cognitive natural sciences"”,
“SRI "System and financial analysis
based on the cognitive modeling technology" of "RA(N)S" named after Veniaminov V.N.”,
“SF " System and financial analysis
based on the cognitive modeling technology " named after Prokopenko N.A.”
and “"The Saint-Petersburg exhibition centre named after Brezhnev L.I."
at "The Exhibition of achievements of science and technology named after Sobchak A.A."”
by nonexclusive license of “RAS” (RF, Moscow city).

4. My applications and my manuscripts have been sent to “The Nobel committee”
(The Kingdom of Norway and The Kingdom of Sweden)
through “The Government of RF” for the reception of “The Nobel prize”
(please do not interrupt of the stated (current) international actions).

All rights reserved and approved:
Vetrov Anatoly Nikolaevich 2003-2025 y. ©,
“(The state international organization) "Academy of cognitive natural sciences"” 2004-2025 y. ©,
“The scientific-educational centre "System and financial analysis based on cognitive modeling technology"
named after academician Burdenko N.N.” 2004-2025 y. ©,
“The scientific-research institute "System and financial analysis based on cognitive modeling technology"
of "RA(N)S" named after Veniaminov V.N.” 2004-2025 y. ©,
“The scientific fund "System and financial analysis based on cognitive modeling technology"
named after Prokopenko N.A.” 2004-2025 y. ©,
exhibition centre named after Brezhnev L.I."
at "Exhibition of achievements of science and technology named after Sobchak A.A."” 2004-2025 y. ©,
“The international Higher education academy of sciences” 2004-2025 y. ®,
“The Russian author’s society” 2007-2025 y. ®
and “"The All-Russian institute of scientific and technical information" of "The Russian academy of sciences"” 2008-2025 y. ®

Callout: Down Arrow: Building is planed 
due to the means of “The Nobel prize” 
of “AUT CMT SFA”, 
academician of (natural) sciences (“SIO "ACNS"”) Vetrov A.N., 
due to the payments of the (foreign) countries(y), 
due to the means of the natural persons and legal entities (non)residents

Program realization
of all information resources
was produced
by the acad. of (nat.) sci.
in the integrated environment
of development
of polygraphic production
(“Corporation Microsoft”)