“The Vth international action
of "The Nobel committee"
(The Kingdom of Norway and The Kingdom of Sweden),
the author of the unique cognitive modeling technology
and the scientific direction "Cognitive informatics (computer science),
the cognitive modeling technology for the system and financial analysis"
("AUT CMT SFA"), academician of (natural) sciences
("(SIO) "ACNS"") Vetrov A.N.,
"The international Higher education academy of sciences" ("IHEAS"),
"The Russian academy of (natural) sciences" ("RA(N)S"),
"(SIO) "Academy of cognitive natural sciences"" ("(SIO) "ACNS""),
"The Administration of Saint-Petersburg city" and "The Government of RF"
at support of "The Presidents of RF and the foreign countries"
due to means of the budget, sponsors, interested and
"The Nobel prize"
the procedure of the performance with the scientific reports and rewarding
in organizations-participants,
the presentation of diplomas, medals and
"The Nobel prize"
"The Nobel committee",
the creation of products as valuable monuments
of architecture, town-planning and landscape-gardening art,
important objects of historical, cultural, art and scientific heritage
for (non)residents at the international level,
the demonstration of achievements in the field
of technology, architecture and building
in "The park of the 50
th-century of The Great October socialist revolution
named after V.I. Uljanov (Lenin)"
"Saint-Petersburg exhibition centre
named after Brezhnev L.I.
" ("SPbEC")
"Exhibition of achievements of science and technology
named after Sobchak A.A.
" ("EAST")
with accommodation in "The hotel "Karelia"" ("The group of hotels "Intourist"")”

[from the 01st of January 2016 y. to the 31st of December 2016 y.] (part 1)

It is carried out according to the letter from the 27th of December 2011 y. №A26-13-808834 and the 27th of February 2013 y. №I-17399
in reply to application of “AUT CMT SFA”, academician of (natural) sciences (“(SIO) "ACNS"”) Vetrov A.N. to the name
of “The President of RF” Putin V.V. and “The Chairman of The Government of RF” Medvedev D.A.
according to the letter from the 03.04.2014 y. №0020/291 in reply to application from the 25.03.2014 y. №460
from “AUT CMT SFA”, academician of (natural) sciences (“(SIO) "ACNS"”) Vetrov A.N. to the name
of the rector of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, d.t.s., prof. Kutuzov V.M. and the vice-rector in training work of “SPbSETU "LETI",
the vice-rector in work with students and social questions of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, d.t.s., prof. Lysenko N.V. (download)
and according to my application from the 16.09.2014 y. to the name of the head of “ANCO HPE "IBI"(download).


Dear citizens of The Russian Federation and the foreign countries!


We invite You to take part in “The Vth international action
of "The Nobel committee" (The Kingdom of Norway and The Kingdom of Sweden),
the author of the unique cognitive modeling technology
and the scientific direction "Cognitive informatics (computer science),
the cognitive modeling technology
for the system and financial analysis" ("AUT CMT SFA"),
academician of (natural) sciences ("(SIO) "ACNS"") Vetrov A.N.,
"The international Higher education academy of sciences" ("IHEAS"),
"The Russian academy of (natural) sciences" ("RA(N)S"),
"(SIO) "Academy of cognitive natural sciences"" ("(SIO) "ACNS""),
"The Administration of Saint-Petersburg city" and "The Government of RF"
at support of "The Presidents of RF and the foreign countries"
due to means of the budget, sponsors, interested and "The Nobel prize" –
the procedure of the performance with the scientific reports and rewarding in organizations-participants,
the presentation of diplomas, medals and "The Nobel prize" in "The Nobel committee",
the creation of products as valuable monuments
of architecture, town-planning and landscape-gardening art,
important objects of historical, cultural, art and scientific heritage
for (non)residents at the international level,
the demonstration of achievements in the area of technology, architecture and building
in "The park of the 50
th-century of The Great October socialist revolution named after V.I. Uljanov (Lenin)"
and "Saint-Petersburg exhibition centre named after Brezhnev L.I." ("SPbEC")
at "Exhibition of achievements of science and technology named after Sobchak A.A." ("EAST")
with accommodation in "The hotel "Karelia"" ("The group of hotels "Intourist"")”.


The table of contents of the hand-written manuscripts (lectures)
of the main participant of “The international scientific competition named after A. Nobel”,
“AUT CMT SFA”, acad. of (nat.) sci. (“(SIO) "ACNS"”) Vetrov A.N.
on the nominations “Literature” and “Peace” (“Peacemaking problems”)
(the dialectic-materialistic approach in the philosophy of science and technics)

“Knowledge is power”

Francis Bekon

“The philosophy of science without history of science is empty,

and the history of science without philosophy of science is blind”

Imre Lakatos


I. The table of contents of the printing manuscript (the scientific monography)
of the dissertation
on the rights of manuscript (in the form of scientific monography)
on the
theme “The features of evolution of the theory of information and information technologies
on a threshold of the XXI
st century”
on the competition of scientific degree of Philosophy doctor (PhD)
in spec. 07.00.10 – “History of science and technics”
09.00.08 – “Philosophy of science and technics”
of “AUT
CMT SFA” Vetrov A.N.
(the scientific
supervisor: “The honored worker of science of RF”,
“The honorary worker of higher professional education of RF”,
the full member
of “The Russian academy of humanitarian sciences”,
the head of the
chair “Philosophy” of the faculty “Humanitarian” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”,
of philosophical sciences, professor Kotenko Vitaly Pavlovich)
[it was  created in “The Saint-Petersburg state electrotechnical university "LETI"
named after
V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin) (“SPbSETU "LETI"”) in 2004 y.,
1 volume
, 141 p., 2004 y.,
it was deposited in “The Russian author’s society” (“RAS”) in 2007 y.,
1 volume, 141 p., 2007 y.
and it will be defenced at the territory of foreign country]

The list of definitions


The list of reductions and symbols


The introduction


1. The basic concepts of the theory of information and the characteristic features of information


1.1. The information, its properties, information interaction and informatics conceptually


1.2. The kinds of the sources and consumers of information


1.3. The features of collecting and classification of information


1.4. The process of information interaction and its structure


1.5. The main approaches (criteria) to the classification of the characteristics of information


1.6. The principles and levels of information interaction


1.7. The spectrum of the problems of informatics on the way of informatization as a target vector of development
of information technology


2. The concept of information technology and its kinds


2.1. The information revolution in the public relations as a factor of the development of science and technology


2.2. The stages of development of information technologies


2.3. The requirements and components of information technology


2.4. The tool base of information technology


2.5. The kinds of modern information technology


2.5.1. The information technology of data mining (acquisition)


2.5.2. The information technology of data processing


2.5.3. The information technology of data storage


2.5.4. The information technology of data transmission


2.5.5. The information technology of support of decision-making


2.5.6. The information technology of control in the technical systems


2.5.7. The information technology of support of the financial analysis


2.5.8. The information technology of management on the enterprise


2.5.9. The information technology of accounting and audit on the enterprise


2.5.10. The information technology of automation of document-flow on the enterprise


2.5.11. The information technology of information security


2.6. The main problems of use of information technology


3. The informatization as the process of encapsulation of the information technologies


3.1. The essence, purposes and principles of informatization


3.2. The general classification and essence of problems of informatization


3.3. The social problems of informatization


4. The information society and information market


4.1. The information resources and sectors of the market of information services


4.2. The information society and informatization of science


The conclusion


The bibliographic apparatus



II. The table of contents of the printing manuscript
“History and philosophy of technics and informatics (computer science)”
(the scientific monography)

The introduction


1. The emergence of science and the main stages of its historical evolution


1.1. The prescience and science in the true sense word


1.2. The school science and elite science


1.3. The prescience and the developed science


1.4. The culture of the antique policy and the genesis of the first forms of theoretical science


1.5. The universities and workshops


2. The technics as the philosophical problem


2.1. The concept of technics: genesis and evolution


2.2. The images of technics in the philosophy of XXth century


2.3. The technics and the problem of human life


2.4. The social and spiritual parameters of technics


3. The science about the information and information society in the context of philosophical reflection


3.1. The formation of informatics as the interdisciplinary direction in the second half of the XXth century


3.2. Informatics and general theory of systems


3.3. The theories of information society


3.4. Informatics as the technical science


3.5. The efficiency of representation of knowledge


The conclusion


The bibliographic apparatus



III. The table of contents of the hand-written manuscripts

The table of contents of the lectures “Philosophy of science and technics”

The normative links

The list of definitions

The list of reductions and symbols

The introduction

1. Philosophy of science and technics, the circle of its problems and the antique image of science

1.1. Philosophy of science: the circle of its problems

1.2. The problems of the genesis of science

1.3. Philosophy of equipment: the subject and structure

2. The development of European religious philosophy of science in the middle ages

2.1. The features of philosophy and science in the middle ages

2.2. The social-cultural image of medieval science

2.3. The theoretical-gnoseological image of science

3. Philosophy of science of renaissance era and modern times

3.1. The features of philosophy of science of renaissance era

3.2. The genesis and the main lines of science of modern times

3.3. The mechanistical empiricism

3.4. The mechanistical (mathematical) rationalism

3.5. The development of the image of science of European philosophy
from the XVII
th century to the XVIIIth century.

4. The development of philosophy of science in the Russian philosophical social thought

4.1. The problems of the genesis of science in Russia

4.2. Philosophy of science of the Russian middle ages and renaissance
from the XI
th century to the first half of the XVIIIth century

4.3. The image of science in the Russian social thought of the second half of the XVIIIth century

4.4. The image of science in Russian philosophy of the first half of the XIXth century

4.5. The image of science in Russian philosophy
from the second half of the XIX
th century to the beginning of the XXth century

5. The image of science in German classical philosophy

5.1. The features of philosophy of science in German classical philosophy

5.2. Kant I. in philosophy of science

5.3. Hegel G.W.F. in philosophy of science

6. The Western philosophy from the end of the XIXth century to the XXth century

6.1. The scientistical conceptions of science from the end of the XIXth century to the end of the XXth century

6.2. Antiscientistical philosophy of science from the end of the XIXth century to the end of the XXth century

7. The dialectic-materialistic conception of philosophy of science

7.1. The features of emergence and the main schools of dialectic-materialistic philosophy of science

7.2. The theoretical-methodological bases and problems
of the conceptions of philosophy of science of Marx K. and Engels F.

7.3. The development of the dialectic-materialistic conception of philosophy of science at Russia in the XXth century

8. The philosophical problems of scientific and technical reality

8.1. The forms of the spiritual development of The World

8.2. The concept and structure of the modern scientific reality

8.3. The novations and traditions in the science

8.4. The scientific revolutions

8.5. The eras (areas) of the development of science

9. The ontological bases of science

9.1. The concept of bases and the philosophical bases of science

9.2. The concept of ontology and the ontological bases of science

9.3. The concept of the object and subject of science

9.4. The deterministical-ontological bases of scientific knowledge

10. The gnoseological bases of science

10.1. The concept and structure of the gnoseological bases of science

10.2. The ideals of scientific and technical knowledge

10.3. The ideals and norms of justification and the structure of scientific knowledge

10.4. The problems of knowledge in the system of artificial intelligence (the computer epistemology)

11. The axiological bases of science

11.1. The formation and development of the axiological bases of science

11.2. The social and valuable determination of science

11.3. The axio-sphere of scientist and the values of science

12. The philosophical problems of modern science (the philosophical problems of the modern natural-science)

12.1. The concept and structure of the philosophical problems of science
(the features of the philosophical problems of natural-science)

12.2. The main philosophical problems of natural-science

12.3. The philosophical problems of philosophical cosmology

12.4. The physical, chemical and other philosophical problems of modern science

13. The philosophical problems of sciences about the society

13.1. The axiological problems of sciences about the society

13.2. The gnoseological problems of social-humanistical knowledge

13.3. The methodological problems of social-humanitarian knowledge

14. The philosophical problems of the modern technical and information reality

14.1. The philosophical problems of technical reality

14.2. The philosophical problems of information reality


IV. The table of contents of the hand-written manuscripts

The table of contents of the manuscripts “History and philosophy of science and technics”

1. The introduction and problems of philosophy of science (download)

1.1. The axiological and methodological problems of science

1.2. The methodology of technical creativity

1.3. The historical natural-science pictures of The World

2. The social problems of the genesis of philosophy of science in Russia (download)

2.1. The general principles of emergence of the Russian science and philosophy of science

2.2. The purely Russian principles in the development of science

2.3. The difference of the western thought and the Russian thought in the science and philosophy of science

2.4. The main lines of the Russian philosophical thought

3. The philosophical problems of science (download)

3.1. The reasons of increased interest to the science

3.2. The emergence of knowledge about the science

3.3. The main philosophical problems of science:
the intrinsic approach, the substantial approach and the science-study approach

4. The history of philosophy of science (download)

4.1. The basic concepts and definitions of the history of philosophy of science

4.2. The points of view on the history of philosophy of science: positivism, dialectic materialism and logics

4.3. The subject and main problems of the history of philosophy of science

4.4. The areas of the history of philosophy of science:
classical science, nonclassical science, neo-nonclassical science, post-neo-nonclassical science

4.5. The formational approach of the history of philosophy of science: antiquity, middle ages, modern time,
Europe from the XVII
th century to the XVIIIth century and the image of science in the German classical philosophy

4.6. The development of the complete philosophical conception of science

4.7. The solution of task about the method of philosophy of science

5. The conceptions of the genesis of science (download)

5.1. The general approaches of historical-scientific researches

5.2. The main models of the historical reconstructions of science

5.3. The main models of the history of philosophy of science: the cumulative model and the model of scientific revolutions

6. The emergence of two opposite directions in philosophy of science (download)

6.1. The internalism (Koyre A. and Hall R.)

6.2. The externalism (Merton R.K. and Krombi A.)

6.3. Theory of scientific revolutions (Kuhn T.S.)

6.4. Theory case study

6.5. The conceptions of modeling (Rozenblyum A.S., Winer N., Bykov T.V.)

6.6. The system theory

6.7. The evolutionary theory

6.8. The information theory

6.9. The social-cultural theory

6.10. The synergetical theory (Haken H.)

7. The conceptions of the development of antique science (download)

7.1. The conception of interrelation of the formation of science and philosophy

7.2. The positivistical conception (Comte I.A.M.F.X.)

7.3. The budding of science (Russell B.A.W.)

7.4. The gnoseogennical and sociogennical conceptions (Bogdanov A.A.)

7.5. The mifogennical conception (Hegel G.V.F. and Losev A.F.)

7.6. The conception of denial: the antique science wasn't

7.7. The dialectic conception

7.8. The science is connected with the emergence of a row of factors

7.9. The main stages of the development of antique science

7.10. The historical image of science

8. The main stages of development and the line of antique science (download)

8.1. The fundamental ideas and problems

8.2. The periodization by the change of the object and tasks of philosophy of science:
the natural-philosophical (cosmological) period (from the VI
th century b.c. to the middle of the Vth century b.c.)
the miletus school, the eleat school, the pythagorean school and the atomic school),
the anthropological period (from the second half of the V
th century b.c. to the end of the Vth century b.c.)
the sophistical school and the socratic school),
the systematic period (from the V
th century to the IVth century b.c.) (the plato school and the aristotle school),
the ellic period (from the III
rd century b.c. to the Ist century b.c.) (the period of gains of Macedon A.,
the epicurian school, the stoicistic school and the skeptical school)
and the religious period (from the I
st century c.e. to the VIth century c.e.)
(the neo-plato school and the school of Christian thought about the origin of science)

8.3. The main lines of ancient philosophy of science

9. The Christian rationalistic image of science (download)

9.1. The main lines of medieval science

9.2. The historical conditions of the formation of medieval philosophy of science

9.3. The characteristic lines of medieval philosophy of science

10. The social-cultural image of science of the middle ages
and the theoretical-gnoseological image of science of the middle ages

10.1. The social-cultural image of science

10.2. The theoretical-gnoseological image of science

10.3. The features of religious rationalism

11. The religious rationalism and the religious irrationalism (download)

11.1. The features of irrationalism

11.2. The features of religious rationalism

11.3. The features of religious skepticism

11.4. The kind of religious skepticism

11.5. The features of humanism

12. The religious skepticism (download)

12.1. The orthodox religious skepticism

12.2. The unorthodox religious skepticism

12.3. The problem of the existence of God

12.4. The features of interrelation of the religious skepticism and the religious humanism

13. The genesis and the main lines of science of the modern time (download)

13.1. The structure of scientific reality

13.2. The main lines of the science and philosophy of science of the modern time

14. The main forms of the transfer of traditions inside the science:
the scientific school, the scientific college, the scientific discipline, the scientific direction,
the area of research and the scientific movement

14.1. The features of European philosophy from the XVIIth century to the XVIIIth century

14.2. The main tendencies in the science of modern time

14.3. The images of science in philosophy of science of the modern time

15. The mechanistical rationalism
(the mathematical rationalism of Descartes R. and the laws of Kepler J.)

15.1. The scientific work of Descartes R. “The rules for the management of mind”

15.2. The scientific work of Descartes R. “The reasonings about the method for the good direction
and description of truth in the sciences”

15.3. The cognitive activity of person based on the three ideas (Descartes R.)

15.4. The basic concepts of God in the cosmological part of the teaching of Descartes R.

15.5. The three laws of mechanics as the eternal laws of nature (Descartes R.)

16. The mechanistical empiricism (Bacon F.) (download)

16.1. The scientific work of Bacon F. “About the value and success of knowledge, divine and human”

16.2. The scientific work of Bacon F. “New Organon”

16.3. The scientific work of Bacon F. “About the advantage and enhancement of sciences”

16.4. The task of Bacon F. “The great recovery of sciences”

16.5. The classification of knowledge (the humanistical principle)

16.6. The cognitive abilities of person: the memory, imagination and reason

16.7. The associative abilities of person:
history, poetry, literature and philosophy (theoretical sciences)

16.8. The points of view on the subject of research and nature: God, nature and person

16.9. The natural philosophy (natural-philosophy) and natural philosophy (the natural sciences)

16.10. The theory and practice: physics, meta-physics and the abilities of person of the different nature

16.11. The ideals of person in philosophy: the sort (tribe), a cave, a square, a theater (the theory)

16.12. The classification of ideals and sciences of the person:
the natural ideals (sciences) and the acquired ideals (sciences)

16.13. The analysis of the ways of knowledge and scientific knowledge: the way by hands, the way by roles and the way of bee

16.14. The scientific knowledge: the way by hands

16.15. The scientific knowledge: the way by roles

16.16. The scientific knowledge: the way of bee

16.17. The scientific work of Bacon F. “New Organon”: person is servant and scientist of the nature

16.18. The method of scientific knowledge of Bacon F.

16.19. The stages of the inductive method (the tables of openings):
the table of presence, the table of deviation, the table of comparison and degrees and the table of the collecting of fruits

16.20. The main restrictions of the reason of person (Bacon F.)

17. The critical rationalism of Kant I. (“Criticism of pure reason”) (download)

17.1. The features of the German classical philosophy of science

17.2. The role of science in the development of world culture

17.3. The system approach to the analysis of science: ontology, gnoseology, anthropology, logics and axiology

17.4. The dialectic conception of science on the basis of the meta-physical method in the science

17.5. The historical analysis of science

17.6. The main regularities of the development of human knowledge

17.7. The main ethical-humanistical problems in the science

17.8. The contradictions and difficulties on the way of an embodiment of science into the rationalism

17.9. The communication of philosophy of science and philosophy of technics

17.10. The ancestor (founder) of the system analysis in the science (Kant I.)

17.11. The problems of the conception of Kant I.

17.12. The components of the theory of knowledge of Kant I.:
the theory of sensory (perception) knowledge and the theory of a priori forms of judicious (rational) knowledge

17.13. The scientific work of Kant I. “Criticism of pure reason”

17.14. The scientific work of Kant I. “Criticism of practical reason” (“Criticism of the ability of judgment”)

17.15. The structure of sensory perception (cognition) in the science: the sensuality (esthetics) and mind

17.16. The kinds of scientific contemplation (Kant I.): the empirical contemplation and the contemplation of reason

17.17. The communication of the theoretical contemplation and the empirical contemplation as the psychological process

17.18. The theory of a priori forms of the judicious (rational) knowledge as the transcendental analytics

17.19. The different-kinds of sciences (Kant I.):
the sciences about the laws of sensuality as the esthetics and the sciences about the mind as psychology

17.20. The logics as the science (Kant I.): the formal logics and the transcendental logics

17.21. The transcendental dialectics (Kant I.) as dialectics of the history of philosophy of science:
the reason and the structure of reason

17.22. The kinds of conclusions (Kant I.):
the categorical conclusion (the psychological soul), the hypothetical conclusion
(the cosmological soul) and the dividing conclusion (the theological soul)

17.23. The science is always confirmed by the experience and the cognitive abilities of person (Kant I.):
the reason as the ability to the conclusions, the mind as the ability to the concepts and judgments
and the sensuality as the ability to the feelings

17.24. The communication between the unique experience and the transcendental mind (Kant I.)

18. The logical rationalism of Hegel G.V.F. (“Phenomenology of spirit”) (download)

18.1. The features of the development of science in the human society

18.2. The analysis of knowledge in dependence from the historical and social-cultural conditions
from the positions of objective idealism

18.3. The scientific work of Hegel G.V.F. “Phenomenology of spirit”

18.4. The analysis of science from the common world-outlook positions and the principle of historicism

18.5. The two scientific approaches (Hegel G.V.F.):
the analysis from the positions of leadership and the analysis from the positions of world and public knowledge

18.6. The manifestations of spirit as the consciousness, reason and thinking
on the various stages of empirical consciousness and absolute spirit

18.7. The science about the spirit (Hegel G.V.F. “Phenomenology of spirit”):
the definition of life, the plurality of life and the absoluteness of knowledge

18.8. The historical steps of the development of knowledge:
the subject knowledge, the self-consciousness and the stage of the absolute subject of knowledge

18.9. The plans of the solution of scientific problems in “Phenomenology of spirit” (Hegel G.V.F.):
the plan of the movement of spirit in the line of independent comprehension through all historical changes
of The around World and the plan relating to the certain historical individual

18.10. The prevalence of objective-ideological approach

18.11. The scheme of the development of knowledge (the way of spirit) and its manifestation:
the stages and moduses of the phenomenology of spirit

18.12. The figure of way: the stages of the passing of knowledge

18.13. The consciousness (sensuality, perception and mind) and self-consciousness
(the independence and dependence of self-consciousness as the domination and slavery,
and also the free self-consciousness as stoicism, skepticism and unfortunate consciousness)

18.14. The reason as the unity of life and thinking, synthesis and the overcoming of unfortunate consciousness:
the observation reason, the acting reason and spirit as the reason in action

18.15. The ratio of the spirit and reason in the free people

18.16. The religion as the stage of the development of understanding of spirit:
east philosophy, greek philosophy and Christian religion

18.17. The absolute knowledge as the priority of the logical point of view over the historical point of view

18.18. The initial measure of object, essence, phenomenon, reality and subject

18.19. The mind as the source of empirical knowledge and the reason as the source of theoretical knowledge

18.20. The scientific concept as the unity of essence and phenomenon

18.21. The concrete scientific concept is identically to the scientific subject of research

18.22. The development of the forms of knowledge as the process of transition from the abstract to the concrete

18.23. The scientific knowledge as the logical reality

19. The functions of philosophy (philosophy and science) (download)

19.1. The concept of philosophy of science

19.2. The structural elements of philosophy of science: ontology as the studying about the life,
gnoseology as the studying about the knowledge, dialectics as the studying about the development,
social philosophy as the studying about the society,
logics as the studying about the logical regularities and communications, ethics as the study about the norms of behavior,
esthetics as the studying about the manifestations of ethics in The around World,
history of philosophy as the studying about the development of philosophy in the time continuum,
philosophical anthropology as the studying about the life of person in The World

19.3. The main functions of philosophy of science:
world-outlook, methodological, cognitive and social-communicative

19.4. The main stages of the development of philosophy of science: world-outlook before the philosophical period,
ancient philosophy (the sociocentrism as the dialectics of Heraclitus E.,
atomistic materialism of Democritus A. and Epicurus S., idealism of Pythagoras S.
and objective idealism of Plato A. and Aristotle S.),
philosophy of the middle ages (the medieval patristics, scholasticism,
the medieval arab-east peripateticism
al-Farabi A.H.M. ibn M. ibn T. ibn U. and A.A.H. ibn A. ibn al-H. ibn A. ibn Sina),
philosophy of renaissance age (renaissance) (anthropocentrism),
philosophy of modern time (philosophy of the French materialism),
German philosophy (Marxism), philosophy of the XIX
th century,
philosophy of irrationalism
(philosophy of life of Bergson A., existentialism of Heidegger M. and Freudianism)
and modern philosophy (the dialectic-materialistic approach of Ulyanov (Lenin) V.I.
and the development of dialectic-materialistic approach in politics and economics of Brezhnev L.I.)

19.5. The science as the supervision, classification, description, experimental researches
and the theoretical descriptions of natural phenomena

19.6. The science and philosophy as the specific forms of public consciousness

19.7. Philosophy carries out the functions of the methodology of knowledge
and the world-outlook interpretation of the results of science

19.8. Philosophy as the aspiration to the building of knowledge in the form of theory
with taking into account of the logical substantiality of conclusions

19.9. Philosophy as the need of person in the complete understanding of The World

19.10. Philosophy as the justification of regularities of the functioning of sciences

19.11. The ratios of consciousness and matter, spirit and nature, thinking and life

20. The element, structure and system (download)

20.1. The concept of element in philosophy of science

20.2. The element as a set of atoms with the identical charge

20.3. The natural and artificial chemical elements

20.4. The theory of chemical elements and elementary particles

20.5. The influence of natural sciences and the research of chemical elements and elementary particles
on philosophy of science and social-science

20.6. The role of element and system in economics, sociology, law, science of politics and science of culture

20.7. The system as the essence (von Bertalanfi K.L., Mendeleyev D.I., Bogdanov A.A.,
Anokhin P.K., Afanasyev V.G., Glushkov V.M., Ulyanov (Lenin) V.I. and Brezhnev L.I.):
consists from the elements, parts, components and connections, each element carries out
the certain function and the occurrence of each element is or isn't casual

20.8. The system is organically connected with the other similar formations by the hierarchical stair,
with the systems of the other level, subsystems with the communications and relations between them

20.9. The system has the certain structure and the external and internal environment of functioning

20.10. The whole system as the internal and external unity of the content and form

20.11. The characteristics of system aren't invariable and absolute in their real value

20.12. The typology and topology of systems is under construction by the different bases

20.13. The systems of inanimate (nonorganic) nature: geological, physical and chemical

20.14. The systems of life nature: plants, animals and person

20.15. The society as the special type of material systems

20.16. The ideal systems: the spirituality and products of cogitative activity:
mythology, philosophy, the values of culture and “Internet”

20.17. The kinds of systems: opened and closed, stable (steady) and unstable (nonsteady),
static and dynamic in time

20.18. The levels of systems by their sizes and scales:
The Universe as the system of systems, the meta-galaxy as the part of The Universe from the billions of galaxies,
the galactic systems, the mega-systems, the macro-systems and the micro-systems

20.19. The structure of public system: the economic subsystem, the social subsystem,
the political subsystem, the administrative subsystem, the cybernetic subsystem,
the information subsystem and other subsystems

20.20. The social system as the unity of society and nature

20.21. The structure (composition, arrangement and order)
as the certain set of stable relations of the object

20.22. The communication of the difficulty of structure and variety of the functions of system

20.23. The ontological character of categories: the element, structure and system

20.24. The synergetical methods of research of systems (Haken H.)

20.25. The scientific work of Haken H. “Synergetrics”

20.26. The scientific researches of the Belgian physicist of the Russian origin Prigozhin I.R.

20.27. The scientific researches of the Russian scientists
(Andronov A.A., Witt A.A., Khaykin S.E., Rudenko A.P., Klimentovich Y.L.,
Kurdyumov S.P., Samarsky A.A., Akchurin I.A., Moiseyev N.N., Egorov V.S. and others)

20.28. Synergetrics and self-organization

20.29. The scientific problems of synergetrics (physics of nucleus and atomic nucleus):
the thermal-dynamics of nonequilibrium processes, theory of casual processes
and theory of nonlinear fluctuations

20.30. Synergetrics as the young interdisciplinary science:
bifurcation, hyper-cycle, the dissipative structures, coherence, The World, the nonlinearity,
nonequilibrium, self-organization, openness, self-sufficiency, the self-consciousness of nature,
fluctuation, chaos, entropy, reversibility, the arrows of time and others

20.31. The methodological bases of synergetics

21. The concept of method and methodology (download)

21.1. The method as the way of scientific knowledge

21.2. The methodology as the system of methods, ways, receptions and operations
in the certain sphere of activity and as the studying (theory) about the system of methods

21.3. The methodology as the science about the structure and development of scientific knowledge,
the means and methods of scientific research, the ways of justification of the scientific results,
the mechanisms and forms of realization of the scientific knowledge in practice

21.4. The problems of method and methodology in philosophy and science

21.5. The ratio of concepts: method, discipline, theory, the subject of research,
the object of research and the subject of research

21.6. The variety of the kinds of human activity and the variety of the methods of research

21.7. The methods of spiritual, ideal, practical and material activity

21.8. The multilevel conception of methodological knowledge:
the philosophical methods (dialectics, meta-physics, analytics,
intuition, phenomenology and hermeneutics),
general scientific methods (information processing, modeling,
isomorphism, structuring and optimality),
the private science methods (the ways and principles of knowledge,
the research receptions and procedures in the certain branch of science),
the disciplinary methods (the system of receptions in the certain discipline
from the branch of science or on the joint of sciences)
and the methods of interdisciplinary research (a set of the synthetic
and integrative ways on the joint of different sciences)

21.9. The features of philosophical methods: antique dialectics (Heraclitus E. and Zenon E.),
German idealistic dialectics (Kant I., Hegel G.V.F., Fichte I.G. and von Schelling F.W.J.)
and materialistic dialectics (Marx K., Engels F., Ulyanov (Lenin) V.I. and Brezhnev L.I.),
meta-physics, analytics, intuition, phenomenology and hermeneutics

21.10. The features of general-scientific methods:
information processing, modeling, isomorphism, structuring and optimality

21.11. The features of private-science methods: the ways and principles of knowledge,
the research receptions and procedures in the certain branch of science

21.12. The features of disciplinary methods:
the system of receptions in the certain discipline from the branch of science or on the joint of sciences

21.13. The features of the methods of interdisciplinary research:
a set of synthetic and integrative ways on the joint of different sciences

22. The method of scientific knowledge (download)

22.1. The concept of the method of scientific knowledge

22.2. The classification of the methods of scientific knowledge:
knowledge (the methods of empirical research,
the empirical-theoretical methods and the methods of theoretical researches)
and coverage (the all-general methods, the general-scientific methods,
the private(concretely)-scientific methods and interdisciplinary methods)

22.3. The empirical (sensual) methods of scientific researches:
supervision, description, measurement, experiment and comparison

22.4. The theoretical (rational) methods of scientific researches:
formalization, axiomatization, hypothetical method and deductive method

23. The general scientific methods (download)

23.1. The concept of general scientific methods

23.2. The classification (dichotomic) general scientific method:
meta-physics and dialectics, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction,
generalization and abstraction, analogy and modeling, historicism and logics

23.3. The concept of abstractioning

23.4. The classification of abstractions: the isolating abstraction,
the abstraction of identification, the abstraction of contractorization,
the abstraction of actual infinity and the abstraction of potential feasibility

23.5. The concept of the analysis and synthesis

23.6. The classification of the analysis and synthesis: direct (empirical),
returnable (theoretical) and structural-genetic

23.7. The concept of deduction and induction

23.8. The classification of deduction and induction: the deductive conclusion,
the inductive conclusion (the incomplete induction and the full induction),
the empirical induction and deduction, the popular induction and deduction
and the scientific induction and deduction

23.9. The concept of model and modeling

23.10. The classification of models:
by the purpose of use in the process of knowledge (the heuristic models and didactic models),
by the way of the reproduction of information (the sign models and the material-technical models),
by the degree of participation of the person in the creation of models (the natural models and the artificial models)

23.11. The structure of modeling as the scientific research on the basis of models: the definition of task,
the creation or choice of models, the research of model and the transfer of knowledge from the model on the original

23.12. The main functions of models: the model as the source of information
and the model as the means of fixing (saving) of knowledge

23.13. The concept of the historical scientific method (historicism) and the logical scientific method (logics)

23.14. The communication between the historical scientific method (historicism)
and the logical scientific method (logics)

24. The object of research and cognitive image:
the material basis and the subjective basis

24.1. The concept of the object of scientific research (phenomenon),
the subject of scientific research (the cognitive image)
and the subject of scientific research (of the scientist)

24.2. The concept of The material World and matter (abstraction) in the objective reality,
the information (the objective content)
and the activity of the learning subject (the subject of research)

24.3. The structure of the actual object of scientific research:
the object of research (concrete) and the subject of research (the cognitive image)

24.4. The characteristics of the subjective image of The objective World

24.5. The concept of essence (thing) and phenomenon

24.6. The essence (thing) as the unity of sustainability

24.7. The phenomenon as the unity of variability

24.8. The structure of the real object of scientific research: the essence (thing) and phenomenon

24.9. The object of scientific research as the generalization of the difficult natural and social formations
and as The whole World (The Mankind) in any historical era

24.10. The concept of the material unity of The World

24.11. The structure of the material unity of The World:
the general properties of matter (all-generality, objectivity, survivability and inexhaustibility),
the way of existence (the movement and development)
and the forms of existence of the matter and substance (the space and time)

25. The activity of consciousness and practice as the engine and the criterion of truth (download)

25.1. The concept of the activity of consciousness

25.2. The structure of the activity of consciousness:
the internal activity of consciousness and the external activity of consciousness

25.3. The structure of the internal activity of consciousness: the generators of the activity of consciousness
(the first level as the requirements, interests, purposes, norms, belief, ideals and others)
and the regulators of the activity of consciousness
(the second level as the knowledge and the estimation of previous factors
and the third level as the strong-willed processes directed on the action)

25.4. The structure of the external activity of consciousness: the practice as the engine and criterion of truth

25.5. The forms of manifestation of the activity of consciousness:
the internal tension of consciousness (the power of thought, feelings and will)
and the external manifestation of consciousness (the activity in the subject area or the problem sphere)

26. The classification of the objects of scientific research:
the object of scientific research is the primary concerning the subject of scientific research

26.1. The classification of the objects of scientific research
on the ratio of the object of scientific research and the knowledge of the subject of scientific research:
the primary objects of scientific research as the objects of the first sort
and secondary objects of scientific research as objects of the second sort

26.2. The classification of the objects of scientific research
in relation to the material activity of the subject of scientific research:
the objects of scientific research existing before, outside and irrespective of this activity
and the objects of scientific research not existing before it,
but existing outside and irrespective of it

27. The concept about the material object of scientific research
becomes substantial only if its attributes are specified

27.1. The concept of attributes of the object of scientific research

27.2. The interrelation of attributes and the substances of the object of scientific research

27.3. The concept of the material object of scientific research

28. The representation about the structure of matter (substance):
the exact quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the objects of scientific research
is defined by the certain the sciences

28.1. The levels of the internal system organization of the material object of scientific research:
the first level (particles, antiparticles, atomic nucleuses, atoms, molecules and plasma),
the second level (gaseous, liquid and strong substances),
the third level (planets, geo-sphere and stars) and the fourth level (galaxy and meta-galaxy)

28.2. The first level of the internal system organization of the material object of scientific research:
the particles and antiparticles are connected with the proteinaceous bodies and nucleonic acids,
atomic nucleuses, atoms and molecules are connected with the cells and micro-organisms as the viruses,
microbes, bacterias and plasma is connected with the mono-celled and multi-cellular
plants and animals

28.3. The second level of the internal system organization of the material object of scientific research:
the gaseous substances are connected with the organic kinds, biocenoses and bio-sphere,
the liquid substances are connected with people, human society and social-sphere and strong substances
are connected with the techno-sphere and real means of transformation of the nature and society

28.4. Third level of the internal system organization of material object of scientific research:
planets and geo-sphere are connected with the neo-sphere and the secondary nature created by society
and stars are connected with a micro-cosm as micro-bodies, macro-cosm as macro-bodies
and The mega-World as mega-bodies

28.5. The fourth level of the internal system organization of the material object of scientific research:
the galaxy and meta-galaxy are connected with systems of mega-bodies,
the biological systems and the social systems

29. The representation about the structure of matter (substance):
at each level of the structure of matter there are the special manifestations
of the space-time relations with the various kinds of movement

29.1. The classification of the levels of the structure of matter,
the space-time relations and the kinds of movement:
The micro-World (micro-cosm)
is described by the laws of quantum mechanics in the micro-space and micro-time,
The macro-World (macro-cosm)
is described by the laws of classical mechanics in the macro-space and macro-time
and The mega-World
is described by the laws of the theory of relativity in the mega-space and mega-time

29.2. The main types of material systems: nonorganic, organic and social

29.3. The concept of the development of material systems: single-polar, regressive and progressive

30. The historical analysis of the object and the historical synthesis of the object (download)

30.1. The principle of development demands the unity of the historical analysis and the historical synthesis

30.2. The historical analysis of the object of scientific research as the consecutive transition
from the modern situation of development to the earlier stages up to the revealing
of the elementary (initial) form from which the object historically developed

30.3. The historical synthesis of the object of scientific research as the transition
from the more simpler conditions of the developing object to the more difficult

31. The subject of science and the process of knowledge:
the idealized object and the idealization of real object

31.1. A set of the material objects of scientific research and their difficult and multilevel communications

31.2. The concept of the subject of scientific research

31.3. The structure of the process of scientific knowledge:
the idealized object, the process of creation of the idealized object
and the idealization of real object

31.4. The ways of idealization of the object of scientific research:
the abstraction from one properties of real objects,
keeping at the same time the other properties and entering the object,
which are inherent only the remained properties (the mechanic of Newton I.)

31.5. The ways of idealization of the object of scientific research:
the abstraction from some relations of the studied objects from each other (the ideal gas)

31.6. The ways of idealization of the object of scientific research:
the attributing to the real objects of the properties which are absent at them
in some limit value (the absolutely black body and the ideal mirror)

31.7. The ways of idealization of the object of scientific research:
any real subject can become the idealized object,
which is thought in the nonexistent ideal conditions (the inertia)

31.8. The ways of idealization of the object of scientific research:
the various combinations of the known ways of idealization of the objects

32. The reasons of idealization of the object and subject of research (download)

32.1. The pronounced activity of the human knowledge of reality

32.2. The infinite complexity, variability, fluidity
and inclusiveness of the real objects into the universal system of interrelations

32.3. The scientist can't comprehensively capture and understand at once
any real subject from the positions of a certain the science

33. The philosophy of technics of the dialectic-materialistic philosophy (download)

33.1. The historical forms and representatives of materialism:
the naive (contemplate) (Thales M., Heraclitus E., Democritus A. and Epicurus S.),
the meta-physical (Bacon F., Spinoza B., Locke J., Golbakh P.-H.T.,
Lomonosov M.V., von Feuerbach L.A. and Herzen A.I.)
and the dialectic (Marx K., Engels F., Dietzgen P.J., Mehring F.,
Plekhanov G.V., Ulyanov (Lenin) V.I. and Brezhnev L.I.)

34. The basic dialectic principles, laws and categories (download)

34.1. The basic dialectic principles:
the principle of all-general communication and the principle of all-general movement and development

34.2. The basic dialectic laws:
the law of unity and the conflict of opposites, the law of mutual transition of the quantitative
and qualitative changes and the law of denial of denial

34.3. The main dialectic categories:
the reason and effect, the need and accident, the possibility and reality,
the content and form, the essence and phenomenon, the separate and general,
the separate and special and the separate and unique

35. The gnoseological roots (bases) of materialism (download)

35.1. In the process of scientific knowledge there is the need and possibility
of the materialistic outlook

35.2. The concept of materialistic outlook:
the objectivity of consideration of any things and phenomena,
the versatility of consideration of the studied subject, the flexibility and mobility of concepts
and the continuous communication of all scientific representations (theories, hypotheses, laws and concepts),
all sides of scientific knowledge with the concept of matter, nature,
providing their use as relative

36. The genesis of the dialectic-materialistic philosophy of science and technics:
the theoretical basis (sources),
the transition to the nonclassical dialectic-materialistic philosophy (Marx K. and Engels F.),
the natural-scientific openings and social-economic prerequisites

36.1. The theoretical basis (sources) of the dialectic-materialistic philosophy of science and technics:
German classical philosophy (Hegel G.V.F. and von Feuerbach L.A.),
classical English political economics (Smith A. and Ricardo D.)
and the critical utopian socialism of the XIX
th century (comte de Saint-Simon C.H. de R. and Fourier F.M.C.)

36.2. The natural-scientific openings of the dialectic-materialistic philosophy of science and technics:
cellular theory (Schwann T. and Schleiden M.J.),
theory of origin and development of the species of plants and animals (Darwin Ch.R.)
and the law of conservation and transformation of energy (von Mayer J.R. and von Helmholtz H.L.F.)

36.3. The social-economic prerequisites of the dialectic-materialistic philosophy of science and technics:
the introduction of social production into the industrial stage of development,
the more close connection of science and production, the manifestation of social-class dissociation,
the creation of the new philosophical-methodological and world-outlook bases of philosophy of science
and the introduction of science into the third stage of the development
(descriptive, ordering and explanatory)

36.4. The transition to the nonclassical dialectic-materialistic philosophy of science and technics
(Marx K., Engels F., Ulyanov (Lenin) V.I. and Brezhnev L.I.)

37. The researched matter (as the poly-syllabic and multi-connected essence)
and the forms of its movement become complicated:
the dialectic view on the objective reality
and the meta-physical view of the objective reality

37.1. The dialectic view of the events:
the lowest forms enter to the interaction with the highest,
but the highest form isn't the simple sum of the lowest, the recognition of development going on a spiral
(the repetition of passed, but at the higher level),
the internal contradictions as the source of development
and the recognition of mutual transition of the quantitative and qualitative changes

37.2. The meta-physical view on the events doesn't work any more:
the highest forms are reduced to the lowest, at the studying of the highest forms of movement
the actions of the lowest aren't properly considered,
the development as an incrementation or a decrementation with the repetition,
the insufficient attention to the source of movement (the driving force),
the misunderstanding of all-general relationship of the phenomena in The World
and the inattention to the historical development (the transition)

37.3. The features of the accounting of mutual influence and the forecasting of the development of matter
(the problem of combinatory explosion)

37.4. The features of neuro-cybernetic and the synergetic approach

38. The scientific term “the dialectic materialism” is entered by Plekhanov G.V.
in 1831 y. Marx K. and Engels F. used terms
“the new materialism” and “the modern materialism”

38.1. The structure of the dialectic-materialistic philosophy of science and technics:
theory of development and all-general communication, the dialectic logics, the theory and method of knowledge,
the subjective dialectics, the objective dialectics and the historical and logical approaches

38.2. The dialectic-materialistic philosophy of science and technics
as theory of development and theory of all-general communication:
the all-general communication and the development and laws of the relations in the objective reality

38.3. The dialectic-materialistic philosophy of science and technics as the dialectic logics:
the subjective dialectics (the development of nature and society and the reflection of dialectic thinking)
and the objective dialectics (the science about all-general laws of the development of nature, society and thinking)

38.4. The dialectic-materialistic philosophy of science and technics as the theory and method of knowledge:
the laws and categories of dialectics as the tool of knowledge and the unity
and coincidence of dialectics, logics and theory of knowledge

38.5. The dialectic-materialistic philosophy of science and technics
as the historical and logical approaches:
the all-general method of knowledge and transformation (the structural decomposition) of The World

39. The conceptual basis of society, public relations
and the main functions of social system: in a wide sense and narrow sense

39.1. The concept of society in a wide sense:
as all set of the historically developed forms of joint activity of people

39.2. The concept of society of narrow sense:
as the historically caused and the concrete type of social system
and the certain form of social relations

39.3. The conceptual bases of public relations:
the structural communications, the functional communications and the dynamic communications

39.4. The structural communications of public relations:
the social activity (the production, political, moral,
legal and religious relations), the social communities
(sort, tribe, nationality and nation) and the social layers (classes, estates and castes)

39.5. The functional communications of public relations:
the saving and reproduction of social system
and the expansion and improvement (optimization) of social system

39.6. The dynamic communications of public relations:
the linear type of social dynamics, the cyclic type of social dynamics
and the spiral type of social dynamics

39.7. The society as the difficult, ordered and self-governed integrity of public relations,
the carrier of which is the person

39.8. The main functions of social system:
the function of simple reproduction, the function of adaptation and protection and the function of improvement

39.9. The dialectic-materialistic philosophy of science and technics places particular emphasis
on the public relations in the sphere of material production

40. The public relations and the stratification of society
by the layers, groups and classes (the class fight):
the basis (the material relations)
and the superstructure (the state and ideological relations)

40.1. The material relations as the basis of public relations:
a set of the material and economic relations between people
in the process of the social production and the movement of public product
from the production before the consumption (the production relations)

40.2. The state and ideological relations as the superstructure of public relations:
a set of the regulating relations in the sphere of law, politics, economics, science and culture

40.3. The society is stratified and structurally differentiated
between the various layers and groups of population

40.4. The elements of stratification and the structural differentiation of society:
the slavery (the division of people on the beyond all bounds free and the slaves as the people things),
the castes (the isolated public groups, the members of which are connected by the origin
or legal status, accessory to which is hereditary),
the estates (the social groups, the status of which is fixed by the custom, religion,
law or belonging to this or that class)
and the classes (the groups of people, from which one can appropriate the work of another,
thanks to distinction of their place in the certain way of public economy)

40.5. The features of the conflict of interests between the classes in the sphere of consumer benefits:
by the place in the historically certain system of social production,
by the role in public organization of work, in relation of people to the means of production
and by the size (share) of public product

40.6. The prerequisites of the emergence of classes: the public division of labor,
the development of productive forces, the emergence of private property
and the emergence of additional product

40.7. The forms of class fight: economic, political and ideological

41. The development of society: the social-ethnic approach, the formational approach,
the organizational row of economy and the civilizational approach

41.1. The social and ethical row of public relations: sort, tribe, nationality and nation

41.2. The formational row of public relations:
the primitive society, the slaveholding society, the feudal society,
the capitalist society and the socialist society (the ideal society)

41.3. The organizational row of economy: the subsistence economy, the commodity economy and the planned economy

41.4. The civilization row of public relations:
the before-civilized society (the wild society and the barbarous society), the civilized society
(the landowner’s society, the industrial society and the information society)

42. The material conditionality of the life of society:
the natural conditions and material production
(the way of production as the organization of the means of production)

42.1. The natural conditions of society: the natural environment and national-population

42.2. The material production of society: the productive forces
(the labor force, science and technology and the way of production as the organization of the means of production)
and the productive relations (the economic position of classes and social groups,
the relations of property, the relation of exchange, the distribution and consumption
and the production-technological relations)

42.3. The way of production as the organization of the means of production:
the means of labor (the instruments of production and working conditions)
and the subjects of labor (passed the primary processing and not passed the primary processing)

43. The social-economic formation, the interrelation of the technology of production
and the type of civilization (Marx K.) and the kinds of property

43.1. The kind of social-economic formation:
the scientific work of Marx K. “Critic of political economy”
(the asian, antique, feudal, bourgeois and modern),
the scientific work of Marx K. “A letter sketch to V. Zasulich”
(the before-class society, the class society and the communistic classless society)
and the scientific work of Dzhugashvili (Stalin) I.V.
“The short course of history of the All-Russian communistic party (of bolsheviks)”
(the primitive-communal society, the slaveholding society, the feudal society,
the capitalist society and the communistic society)

43.2. The interrelation of the technology of production and the type of civilization (Marx K.):
the intensive technology and the active type of civilization
(the antique form of property and private property),
the extensive technology and the contemplate type of civilization
(the asian form of property and earth, the irrigational system, the means and conditions
are the property of community and everyone temporarily uses by the communal property)
both the mixed technology and the mixed type of civilization (the German form of property,
the part of property belongs to each family and the part is a community)

44. The concept of technics and the stages of development of the social-economic formation of society (download)

44.1. In the process of the development of technics allocate the various stages
of the development of social-economic formation of society:
the emergence and distribution of the simple instruments of labor in the conditions
of the primitive-communal way of production
(from 700-600 thousands y. b.c to the IV
th-IIIrd thousands y. b.c.),
the development and distribution of the difficult instruments of labor
and the emergence of the separate branches of knowledge in the conditions of the slaveholding way of production
(from the IV
th-IIIrd thousands y. b.c. to the IVth-Vth thousands y. a.c.),
the distribution of the difficult instruments of labor, put in action by the forces of nature
and the accumulation of natural-science knowledge in the conditions of the feudal way of production
(from the VII
th-Xth century to the XIVth-XVth century),
the emergence of prerequisites for the creation of machine technics and the formation of natural-science
as the science in the conditions of the manufactory production
(from the end of the XVIII
th century to the beginning of the XIXth century),
the creation and distribution of working machines on the basis of the steam engine
and the formation of the classical natural-science in the period of a victory
and the statement of the capitalist machine-plant manufacturing
(from the end of the XVIII
th century to the beginning of the 70th y. of XIXth century),
the development of the system of machines on the basis of the electric-drive and the newest revolution in natural-science
in the conditions of the begun decline of capitalism
(from the 70
th y. of the XIXth century to 1917 y.),
the preparation and carrying out of the transition to the automatic systems of machines
and the unification of science and production
(from 1917 y. to the 50
th y. of the XXth century)
and the modern scientific-technical revolution (the present time)

45. The stages of the development of technical knowledge (download)

45.1. The before-scientific stage of the development of technical knowledge
(from the primitive-communal formation to the era of renaissance):
the technical knowledge existed as the empirical descriptions of subject areas
the practice of subject, the means of its work activity and the ways of their application

45.2. The second stage of the development of technical knowledge
(from the second half of the XV
th century to the 70th y. of the XIXth century):
the origin of technical sciences and the emergence of machine technics

45.3. The third (classical) stage of the development of technical knowledge
(from the 70
th y. of the XIXth century to the middle of the XXth century):
the technical sciences as the formed and developed areas of scientific knowledge with their subject,
their means and methods, the areas of research and the close interrelation
of natural and technical sciences

45.4. The fourth stage of the development of the complex automated production (the present time):
the period of the complex-automated production and the formation of system
“science, equipment and production”

46. The material types of the systems and methods of thinking (download)

46.1. The material objects of research possess by the internal form and the system organization:
The mega-World, The macro-World (macro-cosm) and The micro-World (micro-cosm)

46.2. The classification of material systems:
the nonorganic systems, the organic systems and the social systems

46.3. The classification of the methods of scientific thinking:
the meta-physical thinking (static) and the dialectic thinking (dynamic)

46.4. The development as the irreversible qualitative change:
the single-directional development, the regressive development and the progressive development

47. The conception of the interdisciplinarity of science and technics (download)

47.1. The common problems of the interdisciplinarity of science

47.2. The objective prerequisites of the interdisciplinarity of science

47.3. The scientific approaches to the analysis of the interdisciplinarity of science: the methodical approaches
(the historical approach, the historical-epoch approach and the historical-psychological approach)
and the modern approaches (the internalistical approach and the externalistical approach)

48. The problems of leadership in the science, the genesis of the distsiplinarity and interdisciplinarity of science (download)

48.1. The problems of financing in the science

48.2. The gnoseological problems

48.3. The scientific work of Polikarpov N.N. “History of science and technics”

48.4. The synergetic bases of interdisciplinarity in the science (Haken G.)

49. The ways of interpretation of the concept of the interdisciplinarity of science (download)

49.1. The concept and conception of the interdisciplinarity of science

49.2. The organizational structure of science is independent from the level of development and differentiation

49.3. The formation of skills of the joint scientific work

49.4. The characteristic of researches on the first line of science

49.5. The subjective and objective process of scientific creativity

49.6. The interdisciplinarity and methodical purposes of science

49.7. The integration in the science

49.8. The signs of the crushing of sciences and scientific directions

50. The concept of scientific discipline, the levels of interdisciplinarity
and the historical forms of the interrelation of sciences

50.1. The scientific discipline as the form of joint work

50.2. The scientific discipline as the form of carrying out of scientific researches

50.3. The scientific discipline as the form of the organization and knowledge acquisition (knowledge mining)

50.4. The scientific discipline as the form of cooperation of the scientists from the different countries of The World

50.5. The scientific discipline as the form of the preparation of scientific personnel

50.6. The scientific discipline as the form of the institutionalizing of science

50.7. The classification of the levels of the interdisciplinarity of science:
the experimental approach, the social-theoretical approach,
the special approach and the philosophical approach

50.8. The historical forms of the interrelation of sciences: the emergence of kernel (cementization) of science,
the interlacing of sciences, the superposition of sciences and the combination (complexivity) of sciences

50.9. The active role of science in the public life

51. The kinds of the interdisciplinarity of science (download)

51.1. The classification of the kinds of interdisciplinarity in the science:
the collision of interests of the scientific paradigms
, the scientific-research practice,
the unity of the applied and fundamental researches, the regional sciences,
the exact interpretation and new scientific directions (the micro-scientific revolutions),
the transfer of methods between the sciences, the fixity of interdisciplinary knowledge (thesaurus)
and the emergence of the other kinds of scientific activity (consulting)

51.2. The discussion of process of the interdisciplinarity of science

52. The aspects of interdisciplinarity (download)

52.1. The classification of the levels of research of the interdisciplinarity of science:
the ontological level, the gnoseological level, the cognitive level,
the political level, the social level, the communicative level,
the methodological level, the linguistic level and the organizational level

53. The genesis of the object and subject of scientific knowledge (download)

53.1. The emergence of the object of scientific research

53.2. The emergence of the subject of scientific research

53.2. The emergence of the subject of scientific research

54. The concept of the object and subject of science (download)

54.1. The scientific sense of the term the object (subject) of scientific research

54.2. The scientific sense of the term of the subject of scientific research

54.3. The scientific sense of attributes of the object (subject) of scientific research

54.4. The scientific sense of concept of the idealization of the object (subject) of scientific research

54.5. The scientific sense of concept of the abstraction of the object (subject) of scientific research

55. The general models of the history of science: the classical models and the nonclassical models (download)

55.1. The concept and main tasks of the history of philosophy of science and technics

55.2. The most general approaches and programs of the historical-scientific researches:
the chronological systematization of achievements in this or that area of science,
the description of the mechanism of the progressive development of scientific ideas and problems,
the analysis of human element of the scientific activity and the tasks of the reconstruction of last knowledge
and the reconstruction of various historical stages of the development of scientific thought

55.3. The theories and conceptions of the history of philosophy of science and technics:
the history of science as the cumulative and progressive process,
the history of science as the development through the scientific revolutions,
the history of science as a set of private situations (the case studies
and the history of science as a set of models

55.4. The models of development of the history of philosophy of science and technics:
the classical models of the history of science and the nonclassical models of the history of science

55.5. The classical cumulativical model of the historical development of science:
the positivism (Comte I.A.M.F.X.), the late positivism (Makh E.W.J.W. and Duhem P.M.M.)
and the positive evolutionary positivism (Spencer H.)

55.6. The classical model of scientific revolutions:
the meta-physical bases of the modern classical science
and theory of fundamental scientific revolutions (Barthes R. and Koyre A.):
the internalism and the externalism

55.7. The classical theory of scientific revolutions (Kuhn T.S.)

55.8. The classical theory of scientific revolutions (Popper K.R.)

55.9. The scientific work of Feyerabend P.K. “Against the methodological coercion”

55.10. The scientific work of Polani M. “The personal knowledge”

55.11. The nonclassical conception (theory and model) of case studies (Laudan L. and Mc Mallin R.)

55.12. The nonclassical models of the history of philosophy of science and technics (Rozenblyum A.S. and Winer N.)

55.13. The scientific work of Winer N. “A role of models in the science”

55.14. The scientific work of Bykov G.V. “The historiographic models”

55.15. The scientific work of White T.H. “Meta-history”

55.16. The scientific work of Neuymin Ya.G. “Models in the science and technics”

55.17. The scientific work of Uyemov A.I. “The logical bases of the method of modeling”

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