Dear citizens of The Russian Federation and the foreign countries!
We invite You to take part in “The IVth international action
of "The Nobel committee" (The Kingdom of Norway and The Kingdom of Sweden),
the author of the unique cognitive modeling technology
and the scientific direction "Cognitive informatics (computer science),
the cognitive modeling technology
for the system and financial analysis" ("AUT CMT SFA"),
academician of (natural) sciences ("(SIO) "ACNS"") Vetrov A.N.,
"The international Higher education academy of sciences" ("IHEAS"),
"The Russian academy of (natural) sciences" ("RA(N)S"),
"(SIO) "Academy of cognitive natural sciences"" ("(SIO) "ACNS""),
"The Administration of Saint-Petersburg city" and "The Government of RF"
at support of "The Presidents of RF and the foreign countries"
due to means of the budget, sponsors, interested and "The Nobel prize" –
the procedure of the performance with the scientific reports and rewarding in organizations-participants,
the presentation of diplomas, medals and "The Nobel prize" in "The Nobel committee",
the creation of products as valuable monuments
of architecture, town-planning and landscape-gardening art,
important objects of historical, cultural, art and scientific heritage
for (non)residents at the international level,
the demonstration of achievements in the area of technology, architecture and building
in "The park of the 50th-century of The Great October socialist revolution named after V.I. Uljanov (Lenin)"
and "Saint-Petersburg exhibition centre named after Brezhnev L.I." ("SPbEC")
at "Exhibition of achievements of science and technology named after Sobchak A.A." ("EAST")
with accommodation in "The hotel "Karelia"" ("The group of hotels "Intourist"")”.
The list of my documents of my scientific works
to “The Nobel committee” (The Kingdom of Norway and The Kingdom of Sweden)
(for the participation in the specified international action)
According to the items 1542, 1543, 1544, 1545, 1546, 1547 and 1551 of “The civil codex (CC) of RF”
we ask You to study with specified documents and to confirm participation of the organization-participants and participants
(in particular, “(SIO) "ACNS"” and “AUT CMT SFA”,
academician of (natural) sciences (“(SIO) "ACNS"”) Vetrov A.N.)
in “The IVth international action of "The Nobel committee" (The Kingdom of Norway and The Kingdom of Sweden),
the author of the unique cognitive modeling technology and the scientific direction
"Cognitive informatics (computer science), the cognitive modeling technology for the system and financial analysis"
("AUT CMT SFA"), academician of (natural) sciences ("(SIO) "ACNS"") Vetrov A.N.,
"The international Higher education academy of sciences" ("IHEAS"),
"The Russian academy of (natural) sciences" ("RA(N)S"),
"(SIO) "Academy of cognitive natural sciences"" ("(SIO) "ACNS""),
"The Administration of Saint-Petersburg city" and "The Government of RF"
at support of "The Presidents of RF and the foreign countries"
due to means of the budget, sponsors, interested and "The Nobel prize" –
the procedure of the performance with the scientific reports and rewarding in organizations-participants,
the presentation of diplomas, medals and "The Nobel prize" in "The Nobel committee",
the creation of products as valuable monuments
of architecture, town-planning and landscape-gardening art,
important objects of historical, cultural, art and scientific heritage
for (non)residents at the international level,
the demonstration of achievements in the area of technology, architecture and building
in "The park of the 50th-century of The Great October socialist revolution named after V.I. Uljanov (Lenin)"
and "Saint-Petersburg exhibition centre named after Brezhnev L.I." ("SPbEC")
at "Exhibition of achievements of science and technology named after Sobchak A.A." ("EAST")
with accommodation in "The hotel "Karelia"" ("The group of hotels "Intourist"")”:
1.1. Certificate (diploma) of the state sample of RSFSR
about qualification assignment (professional retraining)
of “The training-industrial plant №1 of Krasnogvardejskij district of Saint-Petersburg city”
without series and without number
(order 405, circulation 5000, sample of the 19th of June 1989 y.) for the my name (Vetrov A.N.),
that on the 12th of May 1997 y. has passed professional (re)training and improvement of professional skills
in spec. 01.01.09 – “Discrete mathematics and mathematical cybernetics”
(“Theory of information: programming, vector computer graphics and genetic algorithms”),
the state attestation (certifying) commission by the decision from the 12th of May 1997 y.
has accepted (certified) conformity of my qualification (profession and specialty)
“Programmer-laboratory assistant” (Vetrov A.N.)
on conducting of professional activity in the sphere “Programming” (physical-mathematical sciences),
attesting (certifying) accepted by the chef of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N.
on the 12th of May 1997 y. (schemes), the 24th of March 2003 y., the 01st of May 2003 y.,
the 24th of June 2004 y., the 01st of September 2004 y., the 07th of June 2005 y., the 01st of September 2005 y.,
the 01st of September 2006 y., the 01st of September 2007 y., the 01st of September 2008 y.,
the 29th of June 2009 y., the 26th of January 2010 y., the 01st of February 2010 y.,
the 19th of February 2010 y., the 03rd of August 2010 y. – 1 sh., 1 p.
[it is valid for the representation at the international competitions of RF and abroad]. –
file-appendix 1 (format PDF) (download).
1.2. The diploma with honors degree of the state sample of RF about higher education
of “The Saint-Petersburg state electrotechnical university "LETI"
named after V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin)”
the series DVS №1230632 for the my name (Vetrov A.N.),
that from the 01st of September 1997 y. to the 11th of February 2003 y.
has passed professional training
in spec. 220201 – “Control and informatics (computer science) in technical systems”
(05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing”),
the state attestation (certifying) commission by the decision from the 11th of February 2003 y. (reg. №1018)
has accepted (certified) conformity of my qualification (specialization) “Engineer” (Vetrov A.N.)
on conducting of professional activity in the sphere “Control and informatics (computer science) in technical systems”
the copy of specified diploma with honors degree is registered in register book №D-5514,
attested (certified) by the notary of not. district of Saint-Petersburg city Bukhtoyarova S.A.
on the 07th of November 2008 y. (RF, Saint-Petersburg city),
attesting (certifying) accepted by the chef of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N.
on the 28th of February 2003 y., the 01st of September 2003 y., the 01st of September 2004 y.,
the 01st of September 2005 y., the 01st of September 2006 y., the 01st of September 2007 y.,
the 01st of September 2008 y., the 29th of June 2009 y., the 26th of January 2010 y.,
the 01st of February 2010 y., the 19th of February 2010 y., the 03rd of August 2010 y. – 1 sh., 1 p.
[it is valid for the representation at the international competitions of RF and abroad]. –
file-appendix 1 (format PDF) (download).
1.3. The appendix to diploma with honors degree of the state sample of RF about higher education
of “SPbSETU "LETI"” the series DVS №1230632 for the my name (Vetrov A.N.),
that from the 01st of September 1997 y. to the 11th of February 2003 y. has passed professional retraining
in spec. 220201 – “Control and informatics (computer science) in technical systems”
(05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing”),
the state attestation (certifying) commission of the decision from the 11th of February 2003 y. (reg. №1018)
has accepted (certified) conformity of my qualification (specialization) “Engineer” (Vetrov A.N.)
on conducting of professional activity in the sphere “Control and informatics (computer science) in technical systems”
the copy of specified diploma with honors degree is registered in register book №D5515,
attested (certified) by the notary of not. district of Saint Petersburg city Bukhtoyarova S.A.
on the 07th of November 2008 y. (RF, Saint-Petersburg city),
attesting (certifying) accepted by the chef of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N.
on the 28th of February 2003 y., the 01st of September 2003 y., the 01st of September 2004 y.,
the 01st of September 2005 y., the 01st of September 2006 y., the 01st of September 2007 y.,
the 01st of September 2008 y., the 29th of June 2009 y., the 26th of January 2010 y.,
the 01st of February 2010 y., the 19th of February 2010 y., the 03rd of August 2010 y. – 3 sh., 4 p.
[it is valid for the representation at the international competitions of RF and abroad]. –
file-appendix 2 (format PDF) (download).
2. The brief manuscript of my scientific article (in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript) in the Russian language
“The basic diagnostic module in the automated training system with the properties of adaptation
based on the parametrical cognitive models block” (full format A4) – 18 sh., 18 p.,
attested (certified) by the chief of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N.
on the 12th of May 1997 y. (schemes), the 24th of March 2003 y., the 01st of May 2003 y.,
the 01st of September 2004 y., the 07th of June 2005 y., the 01st of September 2005 y.,
the 01st of September 2006 y., the 01st of September 2007 y., the 01st of September 2008 y.,
the 29th of June 2009 y., the 26th of January 2010 y., the 01st of February 2010 y.,
the 03rd of August 2010 y. (see the list of my applications),
file-appendix 3.1 (format PDF) (download),
(format А4 with reduction of size from 2 p. to 1 p.) – 10 sh., 10 p.,
attesting (certifying) accepted chef of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N.
on the 19th of February 2010 y. (RF, Saint-Petersburg city)
file-appendix 3.2 (format PDF) (download),
(according to my application from the 26.01.2010 y. №87 with appendixes – 1 sh., 1 p. (download)
to the name of the chief of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N.
on the question of the notice of “The Office of Public Prosecutor of RF” and “The Government of RF”
about the process of preparation of the package of documents
on the 15th of December 2006 y. and the 15th of December 2009 y.).
3. My package of documents to the brief manuscript of my scientific article
(in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript) in the Russian language
“The basic diagnostic module in the automated training system with the properties of adaptation
based on the parametrical cognitive models block” – 18 sh., 18 p.
(in particular the list of literature sources (literature) – 1 sh., 1 p. and the summary – 1 sh., 1 p.),
attested (certified) by the chief of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N.
on the 29th of June 2009 y (RF, Saint-Petersburg city),
according to my application from the 29.06.2009 y. №813 with appendixes – 2 sh., 2 p. (download) and further
to the name of the nowadays former vice-rector in training work of “SPbSETU "LETI"”,
the head of the chair “A and CP”, c.t.s., prof. Kuzmin N.N.
(appendixes manuscript – 18 sh., 18 p., 1 pts., copy of review – 1 sh., 1 p., 1 pts.,
copy of add. review – 1 sh., 1 p., 1 pts.,
the project of the expert judgment about the opportunity of publication – 1 sh., 1 p., 3 pts.,
the project of the extract from the report (protocol) of meeting of the chair “A and CP”
for the dep. in “"VINITI" of "RAS"” – 1 sh., 1 p., 3 pts.,
the project of the extract from the report (protocol) of meeting of the chair “A and CP”
for the publication – 1 sh., 1 p., 3 pts.),
my application from the 29.06.2009 y. №814 with appendixes – 3 sh., 3 p. (download) and further
to the name of the nowadays former dean of the faculty “CT and I” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, d.t.s., prof. Gerasimov I.V.
(appendixes manuscript – 18 sh., 18 p., 1 pts., copy of review – 1 sh., 1 p., 1 pts.,
copy of add. review – 1 sh., 1 p., 1 pts.,
the project of the extract from the report (protocol) of meeting of “The scientific council” of the faculty “CT and I”
for the dep. in “"VINITI" of "RAS"” – 1 sh., 1 p., 3 pts.,
the project of the extract from the report (protocol) of meeting of “The scientific council” of the faculty “CT and I”
for the publication – 1 sh., 1 p., 3 pts.),
my application from the 02.09.2010 y. №1183 with appendixes – 13 sh., 13 p. (download) and further
to the name of the dean of the faculty “CT and I” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, d.t.s., prof. Kupriyanov M.S.
(appendixes manuscript – 18 sh., 18 p., 1 pts., copy of review – 1 sh., 1 p., 1 pts.,
copy of add. review – 1 sh., 1 p., 1 pts.,
the project of the extract from the report (protocol) of meeting of “The scientific council” of the faculty “CT and I”
for the dep. in “"VINITI" of "RAS"” – 1 sh., 1 p., 3 pts.,
the project of the extract from the report (protocol) of meeting of “The scientific council” of the faculty “CT and I”
for the publication – 1 sh., 1 p., 3 pts.),
my application from the 29.06.2009 y. №815 with appendixes – 2 sh., 2 p. (download) and further
to the name of the scientific secretary on scientific-methodical activity
of “STC” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, c.t.s. Dmitriyev G.I.
(appendixes manuscript – 18 sh., 18 p., 1 pts., copy of review – 1 sh., 1 p., 1 pts.,
copy of add. review – 1 sh., 1 p., 1 pts.,
the project of the extract from the report (protocol) of meeting of “STC” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
for the dep. in “"VINITI" of "RAS"” – 1 sh., 1 p., 3 pts.,
the project of the extract from the report (protocol) of meeting of “STC” of “SPbSETU "LETI"“
for the publication – 1 sh., 1 p., 3 pts.),
my application from the 07.07.2009 y. №846 with appendixes – 3 sh., 3 p. (download) and further
to the name of the rector of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, d.t.s., prof. Kutuzov V.M.
(appendixes manuscript – 18 sh., 18 p., 1 pts., copy of review – 1 sh., 1 p., 1 pts.,
copy of add. review – 1 sh., 1 p., 1 pts.,
the project of the expert judgment about the opportunity of publication – 1 sh., 1 p., 3 pts.,
the project of the extract from the report (protocol) of meeting of the chair “A and CP”
for the dep. in “"VINITI" of "RAS"” – 1 sh., 1 p., 3 pts.,
the project of the extract from the report (protocol) of meeting of the chair “A and CP”
for the publication – 1 sh., 1 p., 3 pts.),
and also according to my oral request on the 29th of June 2009 y. on the question of receiving
of the attested (certified) copy of documents for the deposition in “"VINITI" of "RAS"” and publication
with the purpose of participation in the international actions (the competition of “The Nobel committee”),
my application from the 03.12.2009 y. №22-373/09 with appendixes – 1 sh., 1 p. (download)
to the name of the vice-rector in scientific work of “SPbSUAI "GUAP"”, d.t.s., prof. Khimenko V.I.
on the question of presentation (granting) of the add. review for the dep. in “"VINITI" of "RAS"” and publication
with the purpose of participation in the international actions (the competition of “The Nobel committee”),
my application from the 01.04.2010 y. №358 with appendixes – 1 sh., 1 p. (download)
to the name of the dean of the faculty “Informatics (computer science) and control”
of “SPbSTI (TU) named after Mendeleyev D.I.”, d.t.s., prof Sokolov G.A.
on the question of presentation (granting) of the expert judgments about the opportunity of publication (review)
for the deposition in “"VINITI" of "RAS"” and publication
with the purpose of participation in the international actions (the competition of “The Nobel committee”),
my application from the 03.06.2010 y. №cl-9 with appendixes – 1 sh., 1 p. (download)
to the name of the rector of “BSTU "VOENMEH" named after D.F. Ustinov”, d.t.s., prof. Ivanov K.M.
on the question of presentation (granting) of the expert judgments about the opportunity of publication (review)
for the deposition in “"VINITI" of "RAS"” and publication
with the purpose of participation in the international actions (the competition of “The Nobel committee”),
my application from the 13.07.2010 y. №958 with appendixes – 1 sh., 1 p. (download)
to the name of the chef of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N.
on the question of presentation (granting) of the attested (certified) copy of the review
and the attested (certified) copy of the add. review
for the deposition in “"VINITI" of "RAS"” and publication
with the purpose of participation in the international actions (the competition of “The Nobel committee”),
my application from the 03.08.2010 y. №1025 with appendixes – 1 sh., 1 p. (download)
to the name of the chef of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N.
on the question of presentation (granting) of the attested (certified) copy of the review
and the attested (certified) copy of the add. review
for the deposition in “"VINITI" of "RAS"” and publication
with the purpose of participation in the international actions (the competition of “The Nobel committee”):
3.1. Accompanying letter to “"VINITI" of "RAS"” on the question of deposition
of the brief manuscript of my scientific article (in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript) in the Russian language
on the letterhead of “SPbSETU "LETI"”,
with signature stamp of “The Ministry of education and science of RF” – 1 sh., 1 p.
and signature stamp “The Federal agency on education of RF” – 1 sh., 1 p.,
attested (certified) by the chief of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N.
on the 12th of May 1997 y. (schemes), the 24th of March 2003 y., the 01st of May 2003 y.,
the 01st of September 2004 y., the 07th of June 2005 y., the 01st of September 2005 y.,
the 01st of September 2006 y., the 01st of September 2007 y., the 01st of September 2008 y.,
the 29th of June 2009 y., the 26th of January 2010 y., the 01st of February 2010 y.,
the 19st of February 2010 y., the 03rd of August 2010 y. –
file-appendix 4.1 [see my pocket of documents].
3.2. The check-warrant (VSP “8074/0651”, operation “337778179”, date “15.07.2009 y. 19:37 MSK”,
terminal “К5513_51В К13_К9”, sum “295,00 RUR”, commission “30,00 RUR”, summary “325,00 RUR”,
payer “Vetrov Anatoly Nikolaevich”, address “Saint-Petersburg city, Energetikov pr-ct, 36, 82”,
receiver “UFK on Moscow city (“"VINITI" of "RAS"” P/A 03731340310)”,
INT “7712036754”, CRSTA “774301001”, RCATU “45277553000”,
current (settlement) account “40503810600001009079 in office of the 1st Moscow GTU
of The Bank of Russia Moscow 705”,
BIC “044583001”, corr. account “31930201010010000130”, type of payment “payments of private persons”,
kind of payment “scientific article 3” (in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript) in the Russian language (in 2009 y.),
№ permission 98, от “01/06/2005”, item “3”, purpose of payment “deposition”,
certificate “23961154”, payer “Vetrov Anatoly Nikolaevich”,
authorized signature of bank worker of “The North-Western bank of Sberbank of RF”)
and reception-order of established sample №PD-4sb
(name of organization “UFK on Moscow city (“"VINITI" of "RAS"”) personal/account 06319340312”,
INT “7712036754”, CRSTA “774301001”,
number of account of receiver of payment “40503810600001009079”, code RCATU “45277553000”,
name of bank of receiver of payment “Office 1 of Moscow GTU of The Bank of Russia Moscow city 705”,
BIC “044583001”, code of budget classification “31930201010010000130”,
payer “Vetrov Anatoly Nikolaevich”,
address of payer “195248, Saint-Petersburg city, pr. Energetikov, h. 36, fl. 82”,
name of payment «income flow (means), arriving to the scientific establishments,
which are under authority of "RAS" from business and bringing in other income of activity.
Item.3 permission №98 from the 01.06.2005 y.
Information service (deposition) of scientific article 3”
(in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript) in the Russian language (in 2009 y.),
date (specified by bank), sum of payment “295,00 RUR” and payer (authorized signature))
“The North-Western bank of Sberbank of RF”
about payment of deposition service of “"VINITI" of "RAS"”
of brief manuscript of scientific article 3 (in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript) in the Russian language (in 2009 y.),
attested (certified) by the chief of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N.
on the 26th of January 2010 y., the 01st of February 2010 y.,
the 19th of February 2010 y., the 03rd of August 2010 y. – 1 sh., 1 p. –
file-appendix 4.2 (format PDF) (download),
file-appendix 4.2.1 (check-warrant and reception-order, format GIF) (download),
file-appendix 4.2.2 (check-warrant, format GIF) (download)
and file-appendix 4.2.3 (reception-order, format GIF) (download).
3.3. The title page of brief manuscript of my scientific article (in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript)
in the Russian language “The basic diagnostic module in the automated training system
with the properties of adaptation based on the parametrical cognitive models block”,
UDC 004.67(85)+519.87, author Vetrov A.N., Saint-Petersburg city,
1997 y., 2003 y., 2005 y., 2009 y. and 2010 y.,
on the letterhead of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
and with signature stamp of “The Ministry of education and science of RF” – 1 sh., 1 p.,
on the letterhead of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
and with signature stamp of “The Federal agency on education of RF” – 1 sh., 1 p.,
attested (certified) by the chief of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N.
on the 12th of May 1997 y. (schemes), the 24th of March 2003 y., the 01st of May 2003 y.,
the 01st of September 2004 y., the 07th of June 2005 y., the 01st of September 2005 y.,
the 01st of September 2006 y., the 01st of September 2007 y., the 01st of September 2008 y.,
the 29th of June 2009 y., the 26th of January 2010 y., the 01st of February 2010 y.,
the 19th of February 2010 y., the 03rd of August 2010 y. –
file-appendix 4.3 [see my pocket of documents].
3.4. The add. title page of brief manuscript of my scientific article (in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript)
in the Russian language “The basic diagnostic module in the automated training system
with the properties of adaptation based on the parametrical cognitive models block”,
UDC 004.67(85)+519.87, authorized signature Vetrov A.N.,
Saint-Petersburg city, 1997 y., 2003 y., 2005 y., 2009 y. and 2010 y.,
on the letterhead of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
and with signature stamp of “The Ministry of education and science of RF”,
accepted deposition by the rector of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, d.t.s., prof. Kutuzov V.M. – 1 sh., 1 p.,
on the letterhead of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
and with signature stamp of “The Ministry of education and science of RF”,
accepted deposition by the vice-rector in scientific work
of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, c.t.s., associate prof. Shestopalov M.Y. – 1 sh., 1 p.,
on the letterhead of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
and with signature stamp of “The Federal agency on education of RF”,
accepted deposition by the rector of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, d.t.s., prof. Kutuzov V.M. – 1 sh., 1 p.,
attested (certified) by the chief of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N.
on the 12th of May 1997 y. (schemes), the 24th of March 2003 y., the 01st of May 2003 y.,
the 01st of September 2004 y., the 07th of June 2005 y., the 01st of September 2005 y.,
the 01st of September 2006 y., the 01st of September 2007 y., the 01st of September 2008 y.,
the 29th of June 2009 y., the 26th of January 2010 y., the 01st of February 2010 y.,
the 19th of February 2010 y., the 03rd of August 2010 y. –
file-appendix 4.4 [see my pocket of documents].
3.5. The expert judgment about the opportunity of publication of brief manuscript
of my scientific article (in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript) in the Russian language
“The basic diagnostic module in the automated training system with the properties of adaptation
based on the parametrical cognitive models block”, 1997 y., 2003 y., 2005 y., 2009 y. and 2010 y.
on the letterhead of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
and with signature stamp of “The Ministry of education and science of RF”,
accepted deposition by the head-expert
and approved by the rector of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, d.t.s., prof. Kutuzov V.M. – 1 sh., 1 p.,
on the letterhead of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
and with signature stamp of “The Ministry of education and science of RF”,
accepted deposition by the head-expert
and approved by the vice-rector in scientific work of “SPbSETU "LETI"”,
c.t.s., associate prof. Shestopalov M.Y. – 1 sh., 1 p.,
accepted deposition by the head-expert
and approved by the rector of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, d.t.s., prof. Kutuzov V.M. – 1 sh., 1 p.,
accepted deposition by the head-expert
and approved by the vice-rector in scientific work of “SPbSETU "LETI"”,
c.t.s., associate prof. Shestopalov M.Y. – 1 sh., 1 p.,
attested (certified) by the chief of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N.
on the 12th of May 1997 y. (schemes), the 24th of March 2003 y., the 01st of May 2003 y.,
the 01st of September 2004 y., the 07th of June 2005 y., the 01st of September 2005 y.,
the 01st of September 2006 y., the 01st of September 2007 y., the 01st of September 2008 y.,
the 29th of June 2009 y., the 26th of January 2010 y., the 01st of February 2010 y.,
the 19th of February 2010 y., the 03rd of August 2010 y. –
file-appendix 4.5 [see my pocket of documents].
3.6. The extract from the report (protocol) of meeting of “The scientific-technical council” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
about the opportunity of publication of the brief manuscript
of my scientific article (in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript) in the Russian language
“The basic diagnostic module in the automated training system with the properties of adaptation
based on the parametrical cognitive models block”, 1997 y., 2003 y., 2005 y., 2009 y. and 2010 y.
on the letterhead of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
and with signature stamp of “The Ministry of education and science of RF”,
accepted publication by the chairman of “STC” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”,
the rector of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, d.t.s., prof. Kutuzov V.M.
and the scientific secretary on scientific-methodical activity
of “STC” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, c.t.s. Dmitriyev G.I. – 1 sh., 1 p.,
on the letterhead of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
and with signature stamp of “The Ministry of education and science of RF”,
accepted publication by the chairman of “STC” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”,
the vice-rector in scientific work of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, c.t.s., associate prof. Shestopalov M.Y.
and the scientific secretary on scientific-methodical activity
of “STC” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, c.t.s. Dmitriyev G.I. – 1 sh., 1 p.,
accepted publication by the chairman of “STC” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”,
the rector of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, d.t.s., prof. Kutuzov V.M.
and the scientific secretary on scientific-methodical activity
of “STC” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, c.t.s. Dmitriyev G.I. – 1 sh., 1 p.,
attested (certified) by the chief of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N.
on the 12th of May 1997 y. (schemes), the 24th of March 2003 y., the 01st of May 2003 y.,
the 01st of September 2004 y., the 07th of June 2005 y., the 01st of September 2005 y.,
the 01st of September 2006 y., the 01st of September 2007 y., the 01st of September 2008 y.,
the 29th of June 2009 y., the 26th of January 2010 y., the 01st of February 2010 y.,
the 19th of February 2010 y., the 03rd of August 2010 y. –
file-appendix 4.6 [see my pocket of documents].
3.7. The extract from the report (protocol) of meeting of “The scientific-technical council” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
about the opportunity of deposition of the brief manuscript
of my scientific article (in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript) in the Russian language
“The basic diagnostic module in the automated training system with the properties of adaptation
based on the parametrical cognitive models block”, 1997 y., 2003 y., 2005 y., 2009 y. and 2010 y.
on the letterhead of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
and with signature stamp of “The Ministry of education and science of RF”,
accepted dep. in “VINITI” of “RAS” by the chairman of “STC” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”,
the rector of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, d.t.s., prof. Kutuzov V.M.
and the scientific secretary on scientific-methodical activity
of “STC” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, c.t.s. Dmitriyev G.I. – 1 sh., 1 p.,
on the letterhead of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
and with signature stamp of “The Ministry of education and science of RF”,
accepted dep. in “VINITI” of “RAS” by the chairman of “STC” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”,
the vice-rector in scientific work of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, c.t.s., associate prof. Shestopalov M.Y.
and the scientific secretary on scientific-methodical activity
of “STC” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, c.t.s. Dmitriyev G.I. – 1 sh., 1 p.,
accepted publication by the chairman of “STC” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”,
the rector of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, d.t.s., prof. Kutuzov V.M.
and the scientific secretary on scientific-methodical activity
of “STC” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, c.t.s. Dmitriyev G.I. – 1 sh., 1 p.,
attested (certified) by the chief of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N.
on the 12th of May 1997 y. (schemes), the 24th of March 2003 y., the 01st of May 2003 y.,
the 01st of September 2004 y., the 07th of June 2005 y., the 01st of September 2005 y.,
the 01st of September 2006 y., the 01st of September 2007 y., the 01st of September 2008 y.,
the 29th of June 2009 y., the 26th of January 2010 y., the 01st of February 2010 y.,
the 19th of February 2010 y., the 03rd of August 2010 y. –
file-appendix 4.7 [see my pocket of documents].
3.8. The abstract of deposited brief manuscript of my scientific article
(in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript) in the Russian language
“The basic diagnostic module in the automated training system with the properties of adaptation
based on the parametrical cognitive models block”, 1997 y., 2003 y., 2005 y., 2009 y. and 2010 y.,
UDK 004.67(85)+519.87, author Vetrov A.N.,
attested (certified) by the chief of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N.
on the 12th of May 1997 y. (schemes), the 24th of March 2003 y., the 01st of May 2003 y.,
the 01st of September 2004 y., the 07th of June 2005 y., the 01st of September 2005 y.,
the 01st of September 2006 y., the 01st of September 2007 y., the 01st of September 2008 y.,
the 29th of June 2009 y., the 26th of January 2010 y., the 01st of February 2010 y.,
the 19th of February 2010 y., the 03rd of August 2010 y. – 1 sh., 1 p. –
file-appendix 4.8 [see my pocket of documents].
3.9. The brief manuscript of my scientific article (in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript) in the Russian language
“The basic diagnostic module in the automated training system with the properties of adaptation
based on the parametrical cognitive models block”,
attested (certified) by the chief of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N.
on the 12th of May 1997 y. (schemes), the 24th of March 2003 y., the 01st of May 2003 y.,
the 01st of September 2004 y., the 07th of June 2005 y., the 01st of September 2005 y.,
the 01st of September 2006 y., the 01st of September 2007 y., the 01st of September 2008 y.,
the 29th of June 2009 y., the 26th of January 2010 y., the 01st of February 2010 y.,
the 19th of February 2010 y., the 03rd of August 2010 y. – 21 sh., 21 p. –
file-appendix 4.9.1 (format PDF) (format A4 with reduction from 2 p. to 1 p.) (download)
and file-appendix 4.9.2 (download) (format PDF) (in my pocket of documents)
[see the list of my scientific works].
3.10.The bibliographic card of brief manuscript of my scientific article (in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript)
in the Russian language “The basic diagnostic module in the automated training system
with the properties of adaptation based on the parametrical cognitive models block”,
“UDC 004.67(85)+519.87, The basic diagnostic module in the automated training system
with the properties of adaptation based on the parametrical cognitive models block / А.Н. Ветров;
St.-Petersburgsk.state.electrotech.un-ty. – SPb., – 1997, 2003, 2005, 2009, 2010. – 18 p.:
pic. – Bibliogr. 12 nomens. – Rus. – Dep. in “"VINITI" of "RAS"” _____________ № _____________”,
attested (certified) by the chief of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N.
on the 12th of May 1997 y. (schemes), the 24th of March 2003 y., the 01st of May 2003 y.,
the 01st of September 2004 y., the 07th of June 2005 y., the 01st of September 2005 y.,
the 01st of September 2006 y., the 01st of September 2007 y., the 01st of September 2008 y.,
the 29th of June 2009 y., the 26th of January 2010 y., the 01st of February 2010 y.,
the 19th of February 2010 y., the 03rd of August 2010 y. – 1 sh., 1 p. –
file-appendix 4.10 [see the list of my scientific works].
3.11.The review of brief manuscript of my scientific article
(in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript) in the Russian language
“The basic diagnostic module in the automated training system with the properties of adaptation
based on the parametrical cognitive models block”
of the head of the chair “Applied informatics (computer science)” of “SPbSUT and D”, c.t.s., prof. Pimenov V.I.,
attested (certified) by the head specialist of “The personnel management department”
of “SPbSUT and D” Kutjina L.B. on the 29th of June 2009 y.,
attested (certified) by the chief of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N.
on the 29th of June 2009 y., the 26th of January 2010 y., the 01st of February 2010 y.,
the 19th of February 2010 y., the 03rd of August 2010 y. – 1 sh., 1 p. –
file-appendix 4.11 (format PDF) (download).
3.12.The add. review of brief manuscript of my scientific article
(in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript) in the Russian language
“The basic diagnostic module in the automated training system with the properties of adaptation
based on the parametrical cognitive models block”
of the dean of the faculty “Calculating systems and programming”
of “SPbSUAI "GUAP"”, d.t.s., prof. Shepeta A.P.,
attested (certified) by the deputy of chief of “The personnel department”
of “SPbSUAI "GUAP"” Manaeva L.V. on the 20th of January 2010 y.,
attested (certified) by the chief of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N.
on the 26th of January 2010 y., the 01st of February 2010 y., the 19th of February 2010 y.,
the 03rd of August 2010 y. – 1 sh., 1 p. –
file-appendix 4.12 (format PDF) (download).
4. The brief and full manuscript of my scientific article (in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript) in the Russian language
«Среда автоматизированного обучения со свойствами адаптации на основе когнитивных моделей»
(“The environment of automated training with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive models”)
(full format A4) – 256 sh., 256 p. ([red.] and [full]),
attested (certified) by the chief of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N.
on the 12th of May 1997 y. (schemes), the 24th of March 2003 y., the 01st of May 2003 y.,
the 01st of September 2004 y., the 07th of June 2005 y., the 01st of September 2005 y.,
the 01st of September 2006 y., the 01st of September 2007 y., the 01st of September 2008 y.,
the 29th of June 2009 y., the 26th of January 2010 y., the 01st of February 2010 y.,
the 03rd of August 2010 y. (see the list of my applications) –
file-appendix 3.1 (format PDF) (download),
(format А4 with reduction of size from 2 p. to 1 p.) – 11 sh., 11 p.,
attesting (certifying) accepted chef of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N.
on the 19th of February 2010 y. –
file-appendix 3.2 (format PDF) (download),
(according to my application from the 26.01.2010 y. №87 with appendixes – 1 sh., 1 p. (download)
to the name of the chief of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N.
on the question of the notice of “The Office of Public Prosecutor of RF” and “The Government of RF”
about the process of preparation of the package of documents
on the 15th of December 2006 y. and the 15th of December 2009 y.).
5. The package of documents on the reduced and full manuscript of my scientific monography
(in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript) in the Russian language
«Среда автоматизированного обучения со свойствами адаптации на основе когнитивных моделей»
(“The environment of automated training with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive models”) –
256 sh., 256 p. ([reduced] and [full]),
attested (certified) by the chief of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N.
on the 12th of May 1997 y. (schemes), the 24th of March 2003 y., the 01st of May 2003 y.,
the 01st of September 2004 y., the 07th of June 2005 y., the 01st of September 2005 y.,
the 01st of September 2006 y., the 01st of September 2007 y., the 01st of September 2008 y.,
the 29th of June 2009 y., the 26th of January 2010 y., the 01st of February 2010 y.,
the 03rd of August 2010 y. (see the list of my applications),
according to certificate (diploma) of the state sample of RSFSR
about qualification assignment (professional retraining)
of “The training-industrial plant №1 of Krasnogvardejskij district of Saint-Petersburg city”
without series and without number
(order 405, circulation 5000, sample of the 19th of June 1989 y.) for the my name (Vetrov A.N.),
that on the 12th of May 1997 y. has passed professional (re)training and improvement of professional skills
in spec. 01.01.09 – “Discrete mathematics and mathematical cybernetics”
(“Theory of information: programming, vector computer graphics and genetic algorithms”),
the state attestation (certifying) commission by the decision from the 12th of May 1997 y.
has accepted (certified) conformity of my qualification (profession and specialty)
“Programmer-laboratory assistant” (Vetrov A.N.)
on conducting of professional activity in the sphere “Programming” (physical-mathematical sciences),
attesting (certifying) accepted by the chef of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N.
on the 12th of May 1997 y. (schemes), the 24th of March 2003 y., the 01st of May 2003 y.,
the 01st of September 2004 y., the 07th of June 2005 y., the 01st of September 2005 y.,
the 01st of September 2006 y., the 01st of September 2007 y., the 01st of September 2008 y.,
the 29th of June 2009 y., the 26th of January 2010 y., the 01st of February 2010 y.,
the 19th of February 2010 y., the 03rd of August 2010 y. – 1 sh., 1 p.
[it is valid for the representation at the international competitions of RF and abroad],
diploma with honors degree of the state sample of RF about higher education
of “The Saint-Petersburg state electrotechnical university "LETI"
named after V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin)”
the series DVS №1230632 for the my name (Vetrov A.N.),
that from the 01st of September 1997 y. to the 11th of February 2003 y. has passed professional training
in spec. 220201 – “Control and informatics (computer science) in technical systems”
(05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing”),
the state attestation (certifying) commission by the decision from the 11th of February 2003 y. (reg. №1018)
has accepted (certified) conformity of my qualification (specialization) “Engineer” (Vetrov A.N.)
on conducting of professional activity in the sphere “Control and informatics (computer science) in technical systems”,
the copy of specified diploma with honors degree is registered in register book №D-5514,
attested (certified) by the notary of not. district of Saint-Petersburg city Bukhtoyarova S.A.
on the 07th of November 2008 y. (RF, Saint-Petersburg city),
attesting (certifying) accepted by the chef of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N.
on the 28th of February 2003 y. (schemes), the 01st of September 2003 y., the 01st of September 2004 y.,
the 01st of September 2005 y., the 01st of September 2006 y., the 01st of September 2007 y.,
the 01st of September 2008 y., the 29th of June 2009 y., the 26th of January 2010 y.,
the 01st of February 2010 y., the 19th of February 2010 y., the 03rd of August 2010 y. – 1 sh., 2 p.
[it is valid for the representation at the international competitions of RF and abroad],
my individual plan of teacher for the 2004-2005 ac. y.,
attesting (certifying) accepted by the chef of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N.
on the 12th of September 2008 y. – 9 sh., 9 p. (download)
[from the 01st of May 2003 y. to the 31st of May 2007 y. graduated from
daytime post-graduate study (aspirantura) of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
on program of the additional higher education and improvement of professional skills,
specialty 05.13.01 and specialization “The system analysis, control and information processing”;
protected attestation work on theme “The environment of automated training with the properties of adaptation
based on the cognitive models (based on the cognitive modeling technology)” –
the 24th of March 2003 y. and 07th of June 2005 y. –
for reviewing 256 p. [red.] and [full] Vol.1 CD-ROM1 (theory and practice)];
[Vetrov A.N. Среда автоматизированного обучения со свойствами адаптации на основе когнитивных моделей
(The environment of automated training with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive models):
the scientific monography (technical, physical-mathematical and medical sciences)
and the textbook (technical, physical-mathematical and medical sciences) (spec. 05.13.01) /
A.N. Vetrov; “SPbSETU "LETI"”. –
SPb.: “SPbSETU "LETI"”, 1997, 2003, 2005,
dep. in “"VINITI" of "RAS"”, 1997, 2003, 2005, dep. in “RAS”, 2007 –
the 12th of May 1997 y. (schemes), the 24th of March 2003 y., the 01st of May 2003 y., the 07th of June 2005 y. –
for reviewing 256 p. [red.] and [full] Vol.1 CD-ROM0 (theory and practice):
pic. – Bibliogr. 68 nomens. – Rus. + CD-ROM (theory and practice)],
my individual plan of teacher for the 2005-2006 ac. y.,
attesting (certifying) accepted by the chef of “The personnel department”
of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N. on the 12th of May 2008 y. – 9 sh., 9 p. (download),
my individual plan of teacher for the 2006-2007 ac. y.,
attesting (certifying) accepted by the chef of “The personnel department”
of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N. on the 12th of September 2008 y. – 9 sh., 9 p. (download),
my individual plan of teacher for the 2007-2008 ac. y.,
attesting (certifying) accepted by the deputy chef of “The personnel department”
of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Sarayev N.A. on the 16th of April 2009 y. – 9 sh., 9 p. (download),
and also my individual plan of teacher for the 2008-2009 ac. y.,
attesting (certifying) accepted by the chef of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N.
on the 30th of September 2009 y. and the 23th of October 2009 y. – 5 sh., 9 p. (download),
my individual plan of teacher for the 2009-2010 ac. y.,
attesting (certifying) accepted by the chef of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N.
on the 26th of January 2010 y. – 9 sh., 9 p. (download),
my oral request on the 12.05.1997 y., the 01.05.2003 y., the 01.09.2004 y.,
the 07.06.2005 y., the 01.09.2005 y., the 01.09.2006 y.,
the 01.09.2007 y., the 01.09.2008 y., the 01.09.2009 y.,
the 01.09.2010 y. and further,
my application from the 29.05.2007 y. – 1 sh., 1 p. (download)
[with resolution “In plans of SRW of the chair specified theme is absent (what application (basis)!?).
Publishing of results of work of asp. (why post-graduate student?!) Vetrov A.N.
as the monography this right of the author (where documents!?)],
26.06.2007 y. №594 – 1 sh., 1 p. (download)
[documentation on the chair “A and CP” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”]
to the name of the vice-rector in training work of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, c.t.s., prof. Kuzmin N.N.
(with appendixes manuscript – 256 sh., 256 p., 1 pts., copy of review – 9 sh., 9 p., 1 pts.,
copy of additional review – 9 sh., 9 p., 1 pts.,
the project of expert judgement about the opportunity of publication – 1 sh., 1 p., 3 pts.,
the project of the extract from the report (protocol) of meeting of the chair “A and CP”
for the dep. in “"VINITI" of "RAS"” – 1 sh., 1 p., 3 pts.,
the project of the extract from the report (protocol) of meeting of the chair “A and CP”
for the publication – 1 sh., 1 p., 3 pts.),
my application from the 02.09.2010 y. №1183 – 13 sh., 13 p. (download) and further
to the name of the dean of the faculty “CT and I” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, d.t.s., prof. Kupriyanov M.S.
(with appendixes manuscript – 256 sh., 256 p., 1 pts., copy of review – 9 sh., 9 p., 1 pts.,
copy of additional review – 9 sh., 9 p., 1 pts.,
the project of the extract from the report (protocol) of meeting of “The scientific council” of the faculty “CT and I”
for the dep. in “"VINITI" of "RAS"” – 1 sh., 1 p., 3 pts.,
the project of the extract from the report (protocol) of meeting of “The scientific council” of the faculty “CT and I”
for the publication – 1 sh., 1 p., 3 pts.),
my application from the 19.11.2008 y. №1358 – 2 sh., 2 p. (download),
24.11.2008 y. №1393 – 1 sh., 1 p. (download), 24.11.2008 y №1394 – 3 sh., 3 p. (download) and further
to the name of the nowadays former dean of the faculty “CT and I” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, d.t.s., prof. Gerasimov I.V.
(with appendixes manuscript – 256 sh., 256 p., 1 pts., copy of review – 9 sh., 9 p., 1 pts.,
copy of additional review – 9 sh., 9 p., 1 pts.,
the project of the extract from the report (protocol) of meeting of “The scientific council” of the faculty “CT and I”
for the dep. in “"VINITI" of "RAS"” – 1 sh., 1 p., 3 pts.,
the project of the extract from the report (protocol) of meeting of “The scientific council” of the faculty “CT and I”
for the publication – 1 sh., 1 p., 3 pts.),
my application from the 23.09.2009 y. №1230 – 1 sh., 1 p. (download) and further
to the name of the vice-rector in training work of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, d.t.s., prof. Lysenko N.V.
(with appendixes manuscript – 256 sh., 256 p., 1 pts., copy of review – 9 sh., 9 p., 1 pts.,
copy of additional review – 9 sh., 9 p., 1 pts.,
the project of the extract from the report (protocol) of meeting of “STC” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
for the dep. in “"VINITI" of "RAS"” – 1 sh., 1 p., 3 pts.,
the project of the extract from the report (protocol) of meeting of “STC” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
for the publication – 1 sh., 1 p., 3 pts.),
my application from the 29.06.2009 y. №815 with appendixes – 2 sh., 2 p (download) and further
to the name of the scientific secretary on scientific-methodical activity
of “STC” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, c.t.s. Dmitriyev G.I.
(with appendixes manuscript – 256 sh., 256 p., 1 pts., copy of review – 9 sh., 9 p., 1 pts.,
copy of additional review – 9 sh., 9 p., 1 pts.,
the project of the extract from the report (protocol) of meeting of “STC” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
for the dep. in “"VINITI" of "RAS"” – 1 sh., 1 p., 3 pts.,
the project of the extract from the report (protocol) of meeting of “STC” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
for the publication – 1 sh., 1 p., 3 pts.),
my application from the 26.11.2008 y. №1408 – 1 sh., 1 p. (download) and further
to the scientific secretary of “The dissertation council D212.238.07”
of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, c.t.s., associate prof. Tsekhanovsky V.V.
(with appendixes manuscript – 256 sh., 256 p., 1 pts., copy of review – 9 sh., 9 p., 1 pts.,
copy of additional review – 9 sh., 9 p., 1 pts.,
the project of the extract from the report (protocol) of meeting of “STC” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
for the dep. in “"VINITI" of "RAS"” – 1 sh., 1 p., 3 pts.,
the project of the extract from the report (protocol) of meeting of “STC” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
for the publication – 1 sh., 1 p., 3 pts.),
my application from the 05.06.2007 y. №516 – 1 sh., 1 p. (download)
and 03.07.2007 y. №621 – 1 sh., 1 p. (download) and further
to the name of the nowadays former scientific secretary of “The dissertation council D212.238.07”
of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, d.t.s., prof. Yashin A.I.
(with appendixes manuscript – 256 sh., 256 p., 1 pts., copy of review – 9 sh., 9 p., 1 pts.,
copy of additional review – 9 sh., 9 p., 1 pts.,
the project of the extract from the report (protocol) of meeting of “STC” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
for the dep. in “"VINITI" of "RAS"” – 1 sh., 1 p., 3 pts.,
the project of the extract from the report (protocol) of meeting of “STC” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
for the publication – 1 sh., 1 p., 3 pts.),
my application from the 14.05.2007 y. №425 – 2 sh., 2 p. (download) and further
to the name of the chairman of “The dissertation council D212.238.07” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”,
the head of the chair “ASIP and C” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, d.t.s., prof. Sovetov B.Ya.
(with appendixes manuscript – 256 sh., 256 p., 1 pts., copy of review – 9 sh., 9 p., 1 pts.,
copy of additional review – 9 sh., 9 p., 1 pts.,
the project of the extract from the report (protocol) of meeting of “STC” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
for the dep. in “"VINITI" of "RAS"” – 1 sh., 1 p., 3 pts.,
the project of the extract from the report (protocol) of meeting of “STC” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
for the publication – 1 sh., 1 p., 3 pts.),
my application from the 14.05.2007 y. №423 – 2 sh., 2 p. (download) and further
to the name of the nowadays former vice-rector in scientific work
of “SPbSETU "LETI"”,, prof. Afanasyev V.P.
(with appendixes manuscript – 256 sh., 256 p., 1 pts., copy of review – 9 sh., 9 p., 1 pts.,
copy of additional review – 9 sh., 9 p., 1 pts.,
the project of the extract from the report (protocol) of meeting of “STC” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
for the dep. in “"VINITI" of "RAS"” – 1 sh., 1 p., 3 pts.,
the project of the extract from the report (protocol) of meeting of “STC” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
for the publication – 1 sh., 1 p., 3 pts.),
my application from the 29.05.2007 y. №482 – 1 sh., 1 p. (download) and further
to the name of the vice-rector in scientific work of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, c.t.s., associate prof. Shestopalov M.Y.
(with appendixes manuscript – 256 sh., 256 p., 1 pts., copy of review – 9 sh., 9 p., 1 pts.,
copy of additional review – 9 sh., 9 p., 1 pts.,
the project of the extract from the report (protocol) of meeting of “STC” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
for the dep. in “"VINITI" of "RAS"” – 1 sh., 1 p., 3 pts.,
the project of the extract from the report (protocol) of meeting of “STC” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
for the publication – 1 sh., 1 p., 3 pts.),
my application from the 03.07.2007 y. №620 – 1 sh., 1 p. (download) and further
to the name of the chief of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N.
(with appendixes manuscript – 256 sh., 256 p., 1 pts., copy of review – 9 sh., 9 p., 1 pts.,
copy of additional review – 9 sh., 9 p., 1 pts.,
the project of the extract from the report (protocol) of meeting of “STC” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
for the dep. in “"VINITI" of "RAS"” – 1 sh., 1 p., 3 pts.,
the project of the extract from the report (protocol) of meeting of “STC” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
for the publication – 1 sh., 1 p., 3 pts.),
my application from the 31.10.2008 y. №1259 – 2 sh., 2 p. (download) and further
to the name of the first vice-rector in administrative, financial and economy questions
of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, c.t.s. Sheludko V.N.
(with appendixes manuscript – 256 sh., 256 p., 1 pts., copy of review – 9 sh., 9 p., 1 pts.,
copy of additional review – 9 sh., 9 p., 1 pts.,
the project of the extract from the report (protocol) of meeting of “STC” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
for the dep. in “"VINITI" of "RAS"” – 1 sh., 1 p., 3 pts.,
the project of the extract from the report (protocol) of meeting of “STC” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
for the publication – 1 sh., 1 p., 3 pts.),
my application from the 02.05.2007 y. №391 – 6 sh., 6 p. (download) and further
to the name of the nowadays former rector of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, d.t.s., prof. Puzankov D.V.
(with appendixes manuscript – 256 sh., 256 p., 1 pts., copy of review – 9 sh., 9 p., 1 pts.,
copy of additional review – 9 sh., 9 p., 1 pts.,
the project of the extract from the report (protocol) of meeting of “STC” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
for the dep. in “"VINITI" of "RAS"” – 1 sh., 1 p., 3 pts.,
the project of the extract from the report (protocol) of meeting of “STC” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
for the publication – 1 sh., 1 p., 3 pts.),
my application from the 14.05.2007 y. №424 – 6 sh., 6 p. (download) and further
to the name of the rector of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, d.t.s., prof. Kutuzov V.M.
(with appendixes manuscript – 256 sh., 256 p., 1 pts., copy of review – 9 sh., 9 p., 1 pts.,
copy of additional review – 9 sh., 9 p., 1 pts.,
the project of the extract from the report (protocol) of meeting of “STC” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
for the dep. in “"VINITI" of "RAS"” – 1 sh., 1 p., 3 pts.,
the project of the extract from the report (protocol) of meeting of “STC” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
for the publication – 1 sh., 1 p., 3 pts.),
and also according to my oral request from the 03.11.2007 y.
to the name of the head of the chair “Systems and means of automation of control”
of “MNIRE named after A.S. Popov”, d.t.s., associate prof., capt. of the 1st rank Philippov P.V.
[Vetrov A.N. Среда автоматизированного обучения со свойствами адаптации на основе когнитивных моделей
(The environment of automated training with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive models):
the scientific monography (technical, physical-mathematical and medical sciences)
and the textbook (technical, physical-mathematical and medical sciences) (spec. 05.13.01) /
A.N. Vetrov; “SPbSETU "LETI"”. –
SPb.: “SPbSETU "LETI"”, 1997, 2003, 2005,
dep. in “"VINITI" of "RAS"”, 1997, 2003, 2005, dep. in “RAS”, 2007 –
the 12th of May 1997 y. (schemes), the 24th of March 2003 y., the 01st of May 2003 y., the 07th of June 2005 y. –
for reviewing 256 p. [red.] and [full] Vol.1 CD-ROM0 (theory and practice):
pic. – Bibliogr. 68 nomens. – Rus. + CD-ROM (theory and practice)],
and the senior assistant of head of “Scientific-research and editorial department”
of “MNIRE named after A.S. Popov”, c.t.s., associate prof., capt. of the 2nd rank Kusov E.V.
[Vetrov A.N. Среда автоматизированного обучения со свойствами адаптации на основе когнитивных моделей
(The environment of automated training with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive models):
the scientific monography (technical, physical-mathematical and medical sciences)
and the textbook (technical, physical-mathematical and medical sciences) (spec. 05.13.01) /
A.N. Vetrov; “SPbSETU "LETI"”. –
SPb.: “SPbSETU "LETI"”, 1997, 2003, 2005,
dep. in “"VINITI" of "RAS"”, 1997, 2003, 2005, dep. in “RAS”, 2007 –
the 12th of May 1997 y. (schemes), the 24th of March 2003 y., the 01st of May 2003 y., the 07th of June 2005 y. –
for reviewing 256 p. [red.] and [full] Vol.1 CD-ROM0 (theory and practice):
pic. – Bibliogr. 68 nomens. – Rus. + CD-ROM (theory and practice)],
on the question of receiving of the attested (certified) copies of documents
for the deposition in “"VINITI" of "RAS"” and publishing
with the property of participation in the international actions (the competition of “The Nobel committee”)
[by the request of author or publishing-house],
my application from the 12.11.2010 y. №1527 with appendixes – 1 sh., 2 стр. (download) and further
to the name of the rector of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, d.t.s., prof. Kutuzov V.M.
(appendixes on paper format А4 [red.] and CD-ROM [full]
specified manuscript with my authorized signature in each page
and copy of letter from the 15.09.2010 y. №0026/1031
with authorized signature of the chairman of “The dissertation council D212.238.07”
of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, d.t.s., prof. Sovetov B.Ya. – 1 sh., 1 p., 1 pts. (download))
on the question of reading and organization of reviewing
[Vetrov A.N. Среда автоматизированного обучения со свойствами адаптации на основе когнитивных моделей
(The environment of automated training with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive models):
the scientific monography (technical, physical-mathematical and medical sciences)
and the textbook (technical, physical-mathematical and medical sciences) (spec. 05.13.01) /
A.N. Vetrov; “SPbSETU "LETI"”. –
SPb.: “SPbSETU "LETI"”, 1997, 2003, 2005,
dep. in “VINITI” of “RAS”, 1997, 2003, 2005, dep. in “RAS”, 2007 –
the 12th of May 1997 y. (schemes), the 24th of March 2003 y., the 01st of May 2003 y., the 07th of June 2005 y. –
for reviewing 256 p. [red.] and [full] Vol.1 CD-ROM0 (theory and practice):
pic. – Bibliogr. 68 nomens. – Rus. + CD-ROM (theory and practice)],
my application from the 12.11.2010 y. №1528 with appendixes – 1 sh., 2 p. (download) and further
to the name of the chairman of “The dissertation council D212.238.07” at “SPbSETU "LETI"”,
the head of the chair “ASIP and C” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, d.t.s., prof. Sovetov B.Ya.
(appendixes on paper format А4 [red.] and CD-ROM [full]
specified manuscript with my authorized signature in each page
and copy of letter from the 15.09.2010 y. №0026/1031
with authorized signature of the chairman of “The dissertation council D212.238.07”
at “SPbSETU "LETI"”, d.t.s., prof. Sovetov B.Ya. – 1 sh., 1 p., 1 pts. (download))
on the question of reading and organization of reviewing
[Vetrov A.N. Среда автоматизированного обучения со свойствами адаптации на основе когнитивных моделей
(The environment of automated training with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive models):
the scientific monography (technical, physical-mathematical and medical sciences)
and the textbook (technical, physical-mathematical and medical sciences) (spec. 05.13.01) /
A.N. Vetrov; “SPbSETU "LETI"”. –
SPb.: “SPbSETU "LETI"”, 1997, 2003, 2005,
dep. in “"VINITI" of "RAS"”, 1997, 2003, 2005, dep. in “RAS”, 2007 –
the 12th of May 1997 y. (schemes), the 24th of March 2003 y., the 01st of May 2003 y., the 07th of June 2005 y. –
for reviewing 256 p. [red.] and [full] Vol.1 CD-ROM0 (theory and practice):
pic. – Bibliogr. 68 nomens. – Rus. + CD-ROM (theory and practice)]:
5.1. Accompanying letter to “"VINITI" of "RAS"” on the question of deposition
of the specified manuscript of my scientific monography
(in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript) in the Russian language
on the letterhead of “SPbSETU "LETI"”,
with signature stamp of “The Ministry of education and science of RF” – 1 sh., 1 p.
and with signature stamp “The Federal agency on education of RF” – 1 sh., 1 p.,
attested (certified) by the chief of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N.
on the 12th of May 1997 y. (schemes), the 24th of March 2003 y., the 01st of May 2003 y.,
the 01st of September 2004 y., the 07th of June 2005 y., the 01st of September 2005 y.,
the 01st of September 2006 y., the 01st of September 2007 y., the 01st of September 2008 y.,
the 29th of June 2009 y., the 26th of January 2010 y., the 01st of February 2010 y.,
the 19st of February 2010 y., the 03rd of August 2010 y. –
file-appendix 5.1 [see my pocket of documents].
5.2. The check-warrant (VSP “1877/0610”, operation “131891218”, date “14.12.2007 y. 16:00 MSK”,
terminal “К5516_80А”, sum “212,40 RUR”, commission “10,00 RUR”, summary “222,40 RUR”,
payer “Vetrov Anatoly Nikolaevich”, address “Saint-Petersburg city, Energetikov pr-ct, 36, 82”,
receiver “OFK on SAO of Moscow city 705 “"VINITI" of "RAS"” P/A 06319340312/131891212”,
INT “7712036754”, CRSTA “774301001”, RCATU “45277553000”,
current (settlement) account “40503810800001009002 in office of the 1st Moscow GTU
of The Bank of Russia Moscow city”,
BIC “044583001”, corr. account “31930201010010000130”, type of payment “payments of private persons”,
kind of payment “monography” (in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript)
in the Russian language (technical, physical-mathematical and medical sciences in 2007 y.),
№ permission 98, от “01/06/2005”, item “3”, purpose of payment “deposition”,
certificate “N/A”, payer “Vetrov Anatoly Nikolaevich”,
authorized signature of bank worker of “The North-Western bank of Sberbank of RF”)
and reception-order of established sample №PD-4sb
(name of organization “OFK on SAO of Moscow city 705 “"VINITI" of "RAS"”
personal/account 06319340312”,
INT “7712036754”, CRSTA “774301001”,
number of account of receiver of payment “40503810800001009002”, code RCATU “45277553000”,
name of bank of receiver of payment “Office 1 of Moscow GTU of The Bank of Russia Moscow city”,
BIC “044583001”, code of budget classification “31930201010010000130”,
payer “Vetrov Anatoly Nikolaevich”,
address of payer “195248, Saint-Petersburg city, pr. Energetikov, h. 36, fl. 82”,
name of payment “Payment of information library service (dep. of depositing)
on deposition of of monography” (in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript)
in the Russian language (technical, physical-mathematical and medical sciences in 2007 y.),
date (specified by bank), sum of payment “212,40 RUR” and payer (authorized signature))
of “The North-Western bank of Sberbank of RF”
about payment of deposition service in “"VINITI" of "RAS"”
of specified manuscript of scientific monography (in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript)
in the Russian language (technical, physical-mathematical and medical sciences in 2007 y.),
attested (certified) by the chief of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N.
on the 01st of September 2008 y., the 29th of June 2009 y., the 26th of January 2010 y.,
the 01st of February 2010 y., the 19th of February 2010 y., the 03rd of August 2010 y. – 1 sh., 1 p. –
file-appendix 5.2 (format PDF) (download),
file-appendix 5.2.1 (check-warrant and reception-order, format GIF) [see my pocket of documents],
file-appendix 5.2.2 (check-warrant, format GIF) (download)
and file-appendix 5.2.3 (check-warrant, format GIF) (download).
5.3. The title page of reduced and full manuscript of my scientific monography
(in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript) in the Russian language
«Среда автоматизированного обучения со свойствами адаптации на основе когнитивных моделей»
(“The environment of automated training with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive models”),
UDC 681.513.66+004.81, author Vetrov A.N.,
Saint-Petersburg city, 1997 y., 2003 y., 2005 y., 2007 y. and 2010 y.,
on the letterhead of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
and with signature stamp of “The Ministry of education and science of RF” – 1 sh., 1 p.,
on the letterhead of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
and with signature stamp of “The Federal agency on education of RF” – 1 sh., 1 p.,
attested (certified) by the chief of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N.
on the 12th of May 1997 y. (schemes), the 24th of March 2003 y., the 01st of May 2003 y.,
the 01st of September 2004 y., the 07th of June 2005 y., the 01st of September 2005 y.,
the 01st of September 2006 y., the 01st of September 2007 y., the 01st of September 2008 y.,
the 29th of June 2009 y., the 26th of January 2010 y., the 01st of February 2010 y.,
the 19th of February 2010 y., the 03rd of August 2010 y. –
file-appendix 5.3 [see my pocket of documents].
5.4. The add. title page of reduced and full manuscript of my scientific monography
(in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript) in the Russian language
«Среда автоматизированного обучения со свойствами адаптации на основе когнитивных моделей»
(“The environment of automated training with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive models”),
UDC 681.513.66+004.81, authorized signature Vetrov A.N.,
Saint-Petersburg city, 1997 y., 2003 y., 2005 y., 2007 y. and 2010 y.,
on the letterhead of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
and with signature stamp of “The Ministry of education and science of RF”,
accepted deposition by the nowadays former rector
of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, d.t.s., prof. Puzankov D.V. – 1 sh., 1 p.,
on the letterhead of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
and with signature stamp of “The Ministry of education and science of RF”,
accepted deposition by the nowadays former vice-rector in scientific work
“SPbSETU "LETI"”,, prof. Afanasyev V.P. – 1 sh., 1 p.,
on the letterhead of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
and with signature stamp of “The Federal agency on education of RF”,
accepted deposition by the nowadays former rector
of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, d.t.s., prof. Puzankov D.V. – 1 sh., 1 p.,
attested (certified) by the chief of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N.
on the 12th of May 1997 y. (schemes), the 24th of March 2003 y., the 01st of May 2003 y.,
the 01st of September 2004 y., the 07th of June 2005 y., the 01st of September 2005 y.,
the 01st of September 2006 y., the 01st of September of 2007 y., the 01st of September 2008 y.,
the 29th of June 2009 y., the 26th of January 2010 y., the 01st of February 2010 y.,
the 19th of February 2010 y., the 03rd of August 2010 y. –
file-appendix 5.4 [see my pocket of documents].
5.5. The expert judgment about the opportunity of publication of the reduced and full manuscript
of my scientific monography (in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript) in the Russian language
«Среда автоматизированного обучения со свойствами адаптации на основе когнитивных моделей»
(“The environment of automated training with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive models”),
1997 y., 2003 y., 2005 y., 2007 y. and 2010 y.
on the letterhead of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
and with signature stamp of “The Ministry of education and science of RF”,
accepted deposition by the head-expert
and approved by the nowadays former rector
of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, d.t.s., prof. Puzankov D.V. – 1 sh., 1 p.,
on the letterhead of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
and with signature stamp of “The Ministry of education and science of RF”,
accepted deposition by the head-expert
and approved by the nowadays former vice-rector in scientific work
of “SPbSETU "LETI"”,, prof. Afanasyev V.P. – 1 sh., 1 p.,
accepted deposition by the head-expert
and approved by the nowadays former rector
of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, d.t.s., prof. Puzankov D.V. – 1 sh., 1 p.,
accepted deposition by the head-expert
and approved by the nowadays former vice-rector in scientific work
of “SPbSETU "LETI"”,, prof. Afanasyev V.P. – 1 sh., 1 p.,
attested (certified) by the chief of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N.
on the 12th of May 1997 y. (schemes), the 24th of March 2003 y., the 01st of May 2003 y.,
the 01st of September 2004 y., the 07th of June 2005 y., the 01st of September 2005 y.,
the 01st of September 2006 y., the 01st of September 2007 y., the 01st of September 2008 y.,
the 29th of June 2009 y., the 26th of January 2010 y., the 01st of February 2010 y.,
the 19th of February 2010 y., the 03rd of August 2010 y. –
file-appendix 5.5 [see my pocket of documents].
5.6. The extract from the report (protocol) of meeting of “The scientific-technical council”
of “SPbSETU "LETI"” about the opportunity of publication of the reduced and full manuscript
of my scientific monography (in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript) in the Russian language
«Среда автоматизированного обучения со свойствами адаптации на основе когнитивных моделей»
(“The environment of automated training with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive models”),
1997 y., 2003 y., 2005 y., 2007 y. and 2010 y.
on the letterhead of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
and with signature stamp of “The Ministry of education and science of RF”,
accepted publication by the chairman of “STC” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”,
the nowadays former rector of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, d.t.s., prof. Puzankov D.V.
and the scientific secretary on scientific-methodical activity
of “STC” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, c.t.s. Dmitriyev G.I. – 1 sh., 1 p.,
on the letterhead of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
and with signature stamp of “The Ministry of education and science of RF”,
accepted publication by the chairman of “STC” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”,
the nowadays former vice-rector in scientific work
of “SPbSETU "LETI"”,, prof. Afanasyev V.P.
and the scientific secretary on scientific-methodical activity
of “STC” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, c.t.s. Dmitriyev G.I. – 1 sh., 1 p.,
accepted publication by the chairman of “STC” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”,
the nowadays former rector of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, d.t.s., prof. Puzankov D.V.
and the scientific secretary on scientific-methodical activity
of “STC” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, c.t.s. Dmitriyev G.I. – 1 sh., 1 p.,
attested (certified) by the chief of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N.
on the 12th of May 1997 y. (schemes), the 24th of March 2003 y., the 01st of May 2003 y.,
the 01st of September 2004 y., the 07th of June 2005 y., the 01st of September 2005 y.,
the 01st of September 2006 y., the 01st of September 2007 y., the 01st of September 2008 y.,
the 29th of June 2009 y., the 26th of January 2010 y., the 01st of February 2010 y.,
the 19th of February 2010 y., the 03rd of August 2010 y. –
file-appendix 5.6 [see my pocket of documents].
5.7. The extract from the report (protocol) of meeting of “The scientific-technical council”
of “SPbSETU "LETI"” about the opportunity of deposition of the reduced and full manuscript
of my scientific monography (in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript) in the Russian language
«Среда автоматизированного обучения со свойствами адаптации на основе когнитивных моделей»
(“The environment of automated training with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive models”),
1997 y., 2003 y., 2005 y., 2007 y. and 2010 y.
on the letterhead of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
and with signature stamp of “The Ministry of education and science of RF”,
accepted dep. in “"VINITI" of "RAS"” by the chairman of “STC” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”,
the nowadays former rector of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, d.t.s., prof. Puzankov D.V.
and the scientific secretary on scientific-methodical activity
of “STC” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, c.t.s. Dmitriyev G.I. – 1 sh., 1 p.,
on the letterhead of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
and with signature stamp of “The Ministry of education and science of RF”,
accepted dep. in “VINITI” of “RAS” by the chairman of “STC” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”,
the nowadays former vice-rector in scientific work of “SPbSETU "LETI"”,, prof. Afanasyev V.P.
and the scientific secretary on scientific-methodical activity
of “STC” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, c.t.s. Dmitriyev G.I. – 1 sh., 1 p.,
accepted publication by the chairman of “STC” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”,
the nowadays former rector of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, d.t.s., prof. Puzankov D.V.
and the scientific secretary on scientific-methodical activity
of “STC” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, c.t.s. Dmitriyev G.I. – 1 sh., 1 p.,
attested (certified) by the chief of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N.
on the 12th of May 1997 y. (schemes), the 24th of March 2003 y., the 01st of May 2003 y.,
the 01st of September 2004 y., the 07th of June 2005 y., the 01st of September 2005 y.,
the 01st of September 2006 y., the 01st of September 2007 y., the 01st of September 2008 y.,
the 29th of June 2009 y., the 26th of January 2010 y., the 01st of February 2010 y.,
the 19th of February 2010 y., the 03rd of August 2010 y. –
file-appendix 5.7 [see my pocket of documents].
5.8. The abstract of deposited reduced and full manuscript of my scientific monography
(in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript) in the Russian language
«Среда автоматизированного обучения со свойствами адаптации на основе когнитивных моделей»
(“The environment of automated training with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive models”),
1997 y., 2003 y., 2005 y., 2007 y. and 2010 y.
UDK 681.513.66+004.81, author Vetrov A.N.,
attested (certified) by the chief of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N.
on the 12th of May 1997 y. (schemes), the 24th of March 2003 y., the 01st of May 2003 y.,
the 01st of September 2004 y., the 07th of June 2005 y., the 01st of September 2005 y.,
the 01st of September 2006 y., the 01st of September 2007 y., the 01st of September 2008 y.,
the 29th of June 2009 y., the 26th of January 2010 y., the 01st of February 2010 y.,
the 19th of February 2010 y., the 03rd of August 2010 y. – 1 sh., 1 p. –
file-appendix 5.8 [see my pocket of documents].
5.9. The brief manuscript of my scientific monography (in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript) in the Russian language
«Среда автоматизированного обучения со свойствами адаптации на основе когнитивных моделей»
(“The environment of automated training with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive models”),
[Vetrov A.N. Среда автоматизированного обучения со свойствами адаптации
на основе когнитивных моделей
(The environment of automated training with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive models):
the scientific monography (technical, physical-mathematical and medical sciences)
and the textbook (technical, physical-mathematical and medical sciences) (spec. 05.13.01) /
A.N. Vetrov; “SPbSETU "LETI"”. –
SPb.: “SPbSETU "LETI"”, 1997, 2003, 2005,
dep. in “"VINITI" of "RAS"”, 1997, 2003, 2005, dep. in “RAS”, 2007 –
the 12th of May 1997 y., the 24th of March 2003 y., the 07th of June 2005 y. –
for reviewing 256 p. [red.] and [full] Vol.1 CD-ROM0 (theory and practice):
pic. – Bibliogr. 68 nomens. – Rus. + CD-ROM (theory and practice)],
attested (certified) by the chief of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N.
on the 12th of May 1997 y. (schemes), the 24th of March 2003 y., the 01st of May 2003 y.,
the 01st of September 2004 y., the 07th of June 2005 y., the 01st of September 2005 y.,
the 01st of September 2006 y., the 01st of September 2007 y., the 01st of September 2008 y.,
the 29th of June 2009 y., the 26th of January 2010 y., the 01st of February 2010 y.,
the 19th of February 2010 y., the 03rd of August 2010 y. –
file-appendix 5.9 (Vol.1 CD-ROM0 (theory RAS/GAAP/IAS))
[see the list of my scientific works]
(see plan – for the translation (download), view of expert commission (download),
publication in publishing-house (download) and to send to “The Nobel committee” (Norway and Sweden)
[USA in international English language, Norway in national Norwegian language,
Sweden in national Swedish language, RF in national Russian language]).
5.10.The bibliographic card of reduced and full manuscript of my scientific monography
(in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript) in the Russian language
«Среда автоматизированного обучения со свойствами адаптации на основе когнитивных моделей»
(“The environment of automated training with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive models”),
“UDC 681.513.66+004.81, Vetrov A.N. Среда автоматизированного обучения со свойствами адаптации
на основе когнитивных моделей
(The environment of automated training with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive models):
the scientific monography; St.-Peterburgsk.state.electrotechn.un-t. – SPb., 1997, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2010. – 256 с.
+ CD-ROM (theory): pic. – Bibliogr. 68 nomens –
Rus. – Dep. in “"VINITI" of "RAS"” _____________ № _____________.”,
attested (certified) by the chief of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N.
on the 12th of May 1997 y. (schemes), the 24th of March 2003 y., the 01st of May 2003 y.,
the 01st of September 2004 y., the 07th of June 2005 y., the 01st of September 2005 y.,
the 01st of September 2006 y., the 01st of September 2007 y., the 01st of September 2008 y.,
the 29th of June 2009 y., the 26th of January 2010 y., the 01st of February 2010 y.,
the 19th of February 2010 y., the 03rd of August 2010 y. –
file-appendix 5.10 [see the list of my scientific works].
5.11.The review of reduced and full manuscript of my scientific monography
(in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript) in the Russian language
«Среда автоматизированного обучения со свойствами адаптации на основе когнитивных моделей»
(“The environment of automated training with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive models”)
of the head of the chair “Systems and means of automation of control”
of “MNIRE named after A.S. Popov”, d.t.s., associate prof., capt. of the 1st rank Philippov P.V.,
attested (certified) by the deputy of head of “MNIRE named after A.S. Popov”,
capt. of the 1st rank Kolesnichenko V.G. on the 03rd of December 2007 y.,
attested (certified) by the deputy of chief of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Sarayev N.A.
on the 10th of December 2007 y.,
attested (certified) by the chief of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N.
on the 10th of December 2007 y., the 09th of December 2010 y., the 01st of September 2011 y.,
the 01st of September 2012 y., the 01st of September 2013 y. – 9 sh., 9 p. –
according to my oral request from the 03.11.2007 y.
to the head of the chair “Systems and means of automation of control” of “MNIRE named after A.S. Popov”,
d.t.s., associate prof., capt. of the 1st rank Philippov P.V.
file-appendix 5.11 (download).
5.12.The add. review of reduced and full manuscript of my scientific monography
(in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript) in the Russian language
«Среда автоматизированного обучения со свойствами адаптации на основе когнитивных моделей»
(“The environment of automated training with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive models”)
of the senior assistant of head of “The scientific-research and editorial department”
of “MNIRE named after A.S. Popov”, c.t.s., associate prof., capt. of the 2nd rank Kusov E.V.,
attested (certified) by the deputy of head of “MNIRE named after A.S. Popov”,
capt. of the 1st rank Kolesnichenko V.G. on the 03rd of December 2007 y.,
attested (certified) by the deputy of chief of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Sarayev N.A.
on the 10th of December 2007 y.,
attested (certified) by the chief of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N.
on the 10th of December 2007 y., the 09th of December 2010 y., the 01st of September 2011 y.,
the 01st of September 2012 y., the 01st of September 2013 y. – 9 sh., 9 p. –
according to my oral request from the 03.11.2007 y.
to the head of the chair “Systems and means of automation of control” of “MNIRE named after A.S. Popov”,
d.t.s., associate prof., capt. of the 1st rank Philippov P.V. –
file-appendix 5.12 [by request of the author or publishing-house].
5.13.The add. review of reduced and full manuscript of my scientific monography
(in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript) in the Russian language
«Среда автоматизированного обучения со свойствами адаптации на основе когнитивных моделей»
(“The environment of automated training with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive models”)
according to my application from the 12.11.2010 y. №1527 with appendixes and further
to the name of the rector of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, d.t.s., prof. Kutuzov V.M. – 1 sh., 2 p.
и my application from the 12.11.2010 y. №1528 with appendixes and further
of the chairman of “The dissertation council D212.238.07”
of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, d.t.s., prof. Sovetov B.Ya. – 1 sh., 2 p. –
file-appendix 5.13 [by request of the author or publishing-house].
5.14.The report (protocol) of examination committee №1 from the 24th of March 2003 y.
[according to my individual plan of work of the post-graduate student from the 01st of May 2003 y.,
attested (certified) by the deputy of chief of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Sarayev N.A.
on the 03rd of July 2007 y.,
attested (certified) by the chief of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N.
on the 19th of February 2010 y.],
approved by the order №671 from the 15th of May 2002 y. upon delivery of entrance examination
in the specialty 05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing”,
on techniques with the mark “excellent”,
signed by the chairman – the head of the chair “A and CP” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, c.t.s., prof. Kuzmin N.N.,
the members of commission: d.t.s., prof. Dushin S.E., d.t.s., prof. Fomin B.F.,
c.t.s., prof. Solodovnikov A.I., d.t.s., prof. Terekhov V.A.,
attested (certified) by the deputy of chief of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Sarayev N.A.
on the 03rd of July 2007 y. – 1 sh., 1 p. –
file-application 5.14 (download).
5.15.The report (protocol) of examination committee №1 from the 07th of June 2005 y.
[according to my individual plan of work of the post-graduate student from the 01st of May 2003 y.,
attested (certified) by the deputy of chief of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Sarayev N.A.
on the 03rd of July 2007 y.,
attested (certified) by the chief of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N.
on the 19th of February 2010 y.],
approved by the order №697 from the 17th of February 2004 y. upon delivery of final examination
in the specialty 05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing”,
on techniques with the mark “excellent”,
signed by the chairman – the nowadays former vice-rector
on scientific work of “SPbSETU "LETI"“, d. ph.-m.s., prof. Afanasyev V.P.,
the members of commission: the head of the chair “A and CP” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, c.t.s., prof. Kuzmin N.N.,
d.t.s., prof. Dushin S.E., d.t.s., prof. Fomin B.F.,
attested (certified) by the deputy of chief of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Sarayev N.A.
on the 03rd of July 2007 y. – 1 sh., 1 p. –
file-application 5.15 (download).
5.16.Copyright certificate №13117 from the 28th of December 2007 y. on deposition and registration
in “The Russian author's society” (RF, Moscow city) of the specified my scientific monography
as the object of intellectual property created from the 01st of May 2003 y. to the 07th of June 2005 y.,
attested (certified) by the chief of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N.
on the 05th of November 2008 y. – 1 sh., 1 p. –
file-application 5.16 (download).
5.17.Copyright certificate №13118 from the 28th of December 2007 y. on deposition and registration
in “The Russian author's society” (RF, Moscow city) of the specified my dissertation
as the object of intellectual property created from the 01st of May 2003 y. to the 07th of June 2005 y.,
attested (certified) by the chief of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N.
on the 05th of November 2008 y. – 1 sh., 1 p. –
file-application 5.17 (download).
The materials of scientific reports and multimedia-presentations should be coordinated with advisers
and to have responses of advisers, (external) reviews and conclusions.
In fact of the presence, gathering, coordination and formation of the necessary documentation
of the allowed experts, candidates, doctors and academicians of sciences in the organizations-participants
it is necessary to give the hall of video-conferences with the multimedia equipment
for the regular carrying out of the rehearsals of performances with the scientific reports
and multimedia-presentations before the specified actions
in “RA(N)S” and “The Nobel committee” (The Kingdom of Norway and The Kingdom of Sweden).
The acting author, the head, the executor,
the legal-owner, the potential patentee
of the unique cognitive modeling technology
and the scientific direction “Cognitive informatics (computer science),
the cognitive modeling technology
for the system and financial analysis”,
The President of “(SIO) "Academy of cognitive
natural sciences"”,
the director of “SRI "System and financial analysis
based on cognitive modeling technology"
of "RA(N)S" named after Veniaminov V.N.”,
the director of “SF "System and financial analysis
based on cognitive modeling technology"
named after Prokopenko N.A.”,
the director of “"The Saint-Petersburg exhibition centre
named after Brezhnev L.I."
at "The Exhibition of achievements of science and technology
named after Sobchak A.A."”,
academician of (natural) sciences (“(SIO) "ACNS"”)
in spec. 01.02.01, 05.13.01, 05.13.10,
19.00.02 (19.00.03), 08.00.10
Vetrov Anatoly Nikolaevich