In the section the description, purposes and tasks, thematic plan and methodical materials are presented.

“Informatics (computer science)”

* for the school-students of the 7th-9th grade with the purpose of preparation
to the passing of “The main state examination” (“MSE”) *

** for the school-students of the 10th-11th grade with the purpose of preparation
to the passing of “The unified state examination” (“USE”) **

*** for the students with the purpose of preparation to the passing of examination in HEI ***


The discipline “Informatics” is oriented on the studying by the students of the theoretical foundations of informatics,
information and information interaction.

It includes the consideration of the arithmetic and logical foundations of digital automatic-machines and the tendences of development
of the architecture of information systems, and also hardware and software of modern PECM.

The discipline has the practical directionality on the formation of skills to operate with the numbers in the various
numeral systems and the skills of simplification of the logical expressions at the development of the structural schemes of logical devices.

The working program of the discipline “Informatics” was developed according to the acting educational standards
and provides the preparation of the diploma specialists
on the directions 651900 – “Automation and control” and 654700 – “Information systems”
in the specialties 210100 – “Control and informatics in the technical systems”
and 071900 – “Information systems and technologies”.

The discipline “Informatics” is the foundation for the studying of the subsequent disciplines:
“Programming”, “Structures of data”, “Interfaces of information systems”,
“Corporative information systems” and “Theory of information processes and systems”.


The purposes and tasks of discipline:

1. The studying of the basic provisions of the theory of informatics and information.

2. The studying of the arithmetic and logical foundations of digital automatic-machines (ECM).

3. The studying of the origin and development of the architecture of information systems.

4. The studying of the basic elements and devices of the architecture of modern PECM.

5. The formation of skills to execute the simple arithmetic operations under the numbers in the various numeral systems.

6. The formation of skills of the transformation and simplifying of logical expressions.

7. The studying of techniques, providing the effective work with the interface
and the formation of practical skills of the configurating of the operating system “Windows 98/2000/XP” and newer,
and also the using of standard applications.

8. The studying of the applications “Word” and “Excel” of the package of applied programs “MS Office 2000/XP” and newer.


According to the requirements to the level of studying of the discipline the students must:

1. Know the basic concepts of the theory of information, the features of its presentation and processing.

2. Be able to convert the numbers from one numeral system to another, and also to execute the simple operations under the numbers.

3. Be able to use the laws of Boolean algebra for the simplifying of logical expressions.

4. Have the idea about the birth and development of the architecture of ECM.

5. Know the features of information systems and have the idea about the generations of development of ECM.

6. Know the architecture and principles of functioning of the elements of classical (Princeton) ECM
(the machine of John von Neumann).

7. Have the idea about the architecture of modern ECM and its internal and external elements.

8. Know the appointment of the main external (peripheral) devices of modern PECM.

9. Study the software of ECM: the operating system “MS Windows 98/2000/XP” and newer
and the package of applied programs “MS Office 97/2000” and newer.


The content of the working program of the discipline “Informatics (computer science)”

The list of sections and themes of the discipline

The section 1. “The theoretical foundations of informatics and information”.

The theme 1. “The information society, information crisis and informatization”.

The information society: the concept and the basic features.
The information crisis (information revolution): the historical kinds, the role, the significance and influence.
The informatization of society: the concept and influence.
The information resources, products and services on the information market.
The legal aspects of regulation of the relations on the information market.


The theme 2. “The theoretical foundations of informatics (computer science)”.

Informatics (computer science): the concept, the genesis, the subject and tasks (functions).
The structure and tasks of informatics: the branch of production, the fundamental science, the applied discipline,
hardware, software and brainware.


The theme 3. “The theoretical foundations of information”.

The information: the concept, the features, the kinds and forms of adequacy (syntactic, semantic and pragmatic).
The information: the external and internal properties.
The classification of information (by the time of occurrence, by the stability and by the way of use and availability).
The information interaction: the concept, the structure and principles.
The information: measures and quantity (syntactic, semantic and pragmatic approaches).
The information: the consumer indicators of quality
(representativeness, pithiness, reliability, availability, relevance, speed-efficiency and accuracy).
The signal as the material carrier of information: the concept and kinds of signals.
The quantization of continuous (analog) signal: the concept, the basic kinds (by the time and by the level)
and the inaccuracy (error) of conversion of the signal.
The recovering of the analog signal by the discrete signal.


The section 2. “The arithmetic foundations of digital automatic-machines (ECM).

The theme 4. “The information interaction and presentation of information in ECM”.

The information and data, and also the features of representation (coding) of information in ECM:
the initial alphabet, the alphabet for the coding, the table of codes (the code table)
and the expanded (cryptographic) code.
The encoding and decoding of information:
the concept, appointment and the classification of the ways of representation (encoding) of the information.
The direct code, the inverse code, and the additional code of number.


The theme 5. “The numeral systems and the simplest arithmetic operations over the numbers”.

The numeral system: the concept, the appointment, the basic kinds (non-positional and positional) and comparative characteristics.
The positional numeral system: the concept and the classification by the base.
The binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal numeral systems.
The classification of the rules of translation of the numbers (for the integer and fractional parts of number).
The rules of execution of the arithmetic operations over the numbers in the different numeral systems.


The section 3. “The logical foundations of digital automatic-machines (ECM)”.

The theme 6. “The basic logical operations (functions)”.

The basic logical functions (operations): the concept and the ways of representation
(analytical, tabular, functional-logical scheme,
electrical circuit scheme and time diagram).
The logical operation (function): the concept, appointment and kinds
(simple and difficult, and also the priority of execution of the logical operations).
The logical operation of “inversion” (“¬”) or the function of “logical negation” (“NOT”):
analytical (formula – “¯”), tabular (the table of truth of “NOT”)
and schematic (the conditionally-graphic designation of “inversion” on the logical scheme
and the electrical circuit scheme of “inverter”) presentations.
The logical operation of “conjunction” (“˄”) or the function of “logical multiplication” (“AND”):
analytical (formula – “&”), tabular (the table of truth of “AND”)
and schematic (the conditionally-graphic designation of “conjunction” on the logical scheme
and the electrical circuit scheme of “conjunctor”) presentations.
The logical operation of “disjunction” (“˅”) or the function of “logical addition” (“OR”):
analytical (formula – “|”), tabular (the table of truth of “OR”)
and schematic (the conditionally-graphic designation of “disjunction” on the logical scheme
and the electrical circuit scheme of “disjunctor”) presentations.
The hybrid logical operations (functions) “AND-NOT” and “OR-NOT”.


The theme 7. “The laws of algebra of logic (Boolean algebra)”.

The laws of Boolean algebra (algebra of logic): the concept, the appointment and kinds
(moving, combination, distributive,
the law of zero set, the law of universal set,
the law of repetition, law of absorption, the laws of inversion
and converting of the hybrid logical operations to a set of simple operations).
The sequence of synthesis of the logical devices (schemes).
The schemes of combinatorial logics, providing the storage of information:
the asynchronous RS-trigger, the synchronous RS-trigger and the clocked trigger.


The section 4. “The genesis and tendences of development
of the architecture of computers and information systems”.

The theme 8. “The emergence and development of the architecture of information systems”.

The system: the concept, kinds (social, PECM, tele-communicational and information),
the structural elements, the purposes of functioning and features.
The information system and technology: the concept and the main kinds
(data acquisition, data processing, data storage and data transfer).
The emergence and development of the architecture of computers, and also the generations of ECM:
the main classification and comparative characteristics
(by the period of time, the element base, the level of integration, the main devices of input / output,
software, the mode of working of the operating system and the purposes of use).


The theme 9. “The classical (Princeton) architecture of ECM”.

The classical (Princeton) architecture of ECM (the machine of John von Neumann):
the concept, the appointment and the principles of functioning.
The structural elements of the classical architecture of ECM: the appointment and relationship in the process of functioning.
The basic elements of neoclassical architecture of ECM.
The device of control: the appointment, the structure and the principle of functioning.
The arithmetic-logical device: the appointment, the structure and the principle of action.
The internal memory: the concept, the appointment and the structure of addressing, proposed by “IBM” and “Microsoft”
(in the context of standardization).
The external memory (the storage-device of information): the concept, the appointment and kinds.


The section 5. “The basic elements and devices of the architecture of modern PECM”.

The theme 10. “The external elements and devices of modern PECM”.

The architecture of PECM based on the processor “Intel Pentium 4”:
the concept, the appointment, the topology and the features of realization.
The external structure of PECM (the system block, display, keyboard, manipulator and peripheral equipment):
the concept, the structure and the short characteristics of elements.
The system block and the block of power supply of PECM:
the concept, the appointment, the technical characteristics and the varieties of realization.
The classification of modern PECM: by the appointment, by the sizes and functional capabilities
and by the design features of realization.
The architecture of modern PECM: the concept and the fundamental principles.
The display of PECM: the concept, the appointment, the classification and the technical characteristics.
The keyboard and manipulators of PECM: the concept, the appointment, the classification and the technical characteristics.


The theme 11. “The internal elements and devices of modern PECM”.

The internal structure of PECM (the system board, the central processing unit
and the random access memory as the internal memory):
the concept, the appointment, the structure and the short characteristics of elements.
The slots (buses and interfaces) of expansion (connection):
the concept, the appointment, the classification, the topology of connection and the short characteristic.
The system board: the concept, the appointment, the classification and the topology.
The ways of connection of the central processing unit to the mother board.
The central processing unit: the concept, the appointment, the distinctive characteristics,
the structure, the parameters and the comparative characteristics of generations.
The internal memory (the random access memory):
the concept, the kinds, the appointment, the way of connection, the classification,
the comparative characteristics and the evolution of micro-circuits of the modules of memory.


The theme 12. “The storage-devices of information in the basis of the architecture of modern PECM”.

The external storage device (the storage-device of information):
the concept, the appointment, the kinds, the features of realization and the short characteristic
(the storage-devices of information on the punch-cards and punch-tapes, streamers,
the storage-devices of information on the magnetic and optical disks
and the storage-devices of information on the electronic cards of memory).
The carrier of information (for the storage-device of information):
the concept, the appointment, the classification and the features of construction.
The storage-devices of information on the perforated cards and perforated tapes:
the concept, the appointment and the structural-functional scheme.
The storage-device of information on the magnetic tapes (streamer): the concept, the appointment and the structural-functional scheme.
The storage-devices of information on the flexible (“FDD”) and hard magnetic disks (“HDD”):
the concept, the appointment, the classification, the characteristics, the features of the structural-functional scheme
and the way of connection to the system board.
The interfaces of connection of the storage-device of information on the hard magnetic disk:
the concept, the appointment, the varieties, the classification and the characteristic
(the standard interface of connection of the low level “ATAPI”
and the intellectual multi-function interface “SCSI”).
The physical and logical structure of the magnetic disks of the storage-devices of information.
The (de)fragmentation of the file system of the storage-device of information on the magnetic disk.
The formatting of the storage-devices of information on the flexible and hard magnetic disks.
The laser storage-devices of information on the optical discs
и R / RW) and “DVD-ROM” (SS / DS, SL / DL и R / RW):
the concept, the appointment, the classification, the parameters and the features of recording of the information.
The electronic storage-device of information: the concept, the appointment and the classification.
The internal electronic storage-device of information: the concept, the appointment and the structure.
The external (wearable) electronic storage-device of information:
the concept, the appointment, the connection and the structural-functional scheme.


The theme 13. “The peripheral equipment in the basis of the architecture of modern PECM”.

The peripheral equipment (the external components and devices) of PECM:
the concept, the appointment, the classification of devices, the way of connection and the short characteristic
(the devices of input / output and interactive communication).
The devices of input of the information: the concept, the appointment, the classification and the features.
The devices of output of the information: the concept, the appointment, the classification and the features.
The devices of network (interactive) interaction and data transmission:
the concept, the appointment, the classification and the features of use.
The network equipment for the data transmission on the side of client
(the terminal equipment for the data transmission by the switched cable channel,
by the radio-frequency channel of communication and by the cable channel of communication):
the concept, the appointment, the classification and the features of use.
The communication equipment for the support of functioning of the local area network
(the network concentrators and amplifiers of signal).
The network equipment for the data transmission on the side of server
(the network screen, router, and modem pool).
The features of organization of the local area network.
The basic topologies (principles) of organization of the computing networks:
the linear principle (the bus organization), the branched principle
and the multilevel principle (the hierarchical organization),
and also the topologies of the type “ring”, the type “star” and the type “ring-bus”.
The device of printing of the information on the various carriers (printer):
the concept, the appointment, the classification and the technologies of formation of the image.
The matrix printer: the concept, the appointment, the structural scheme and the features of printing.
The inkjet printer: the concept, the appointment, the basic classification,
the scheme of printer and print head based on the air-bubble technology.
The laser printer: the concept, the appointment, the basic classification,
the structural-functional scheme and the features of formation of the image.
The comparative characteristic of printers and the used technologies of printing.
The scanner: the concept, the appointment, the classification and the features of technology of the scanning.
The tablet scanner: the concept, the appointment and the structural scheme
with the possibility of connection of the device of automatic feeding of the carrier and the slide-adapter.
The manual scanner: the concept, the appointment, the structure and the features of arrangement of the elements.
The scanner for the scanning of bar-codes:
the concept, the appointment, the structural-functional scheme and the features of arrangement of the elements.


The section 6. “The software of modern PECM”
(studying at the laboratory workshop).

The theme 14. “The features of software of computers (PECM)”.

The software of modern computers: the appointment and the classification.
The general classification of the system and applied software.
The modern interfaces of interaction of the operating system with the user
(the command interface, the interface of type “WIMP” and the interface of type “SILK”):
the concept, the appointment, the classification and the features of use.


The theme 15. “The system software of computer (PECM)”.

The system software of computer:
the concept, the appointment and the typical (generalized) structural scheme of the operating system.
The local and single-user operating systems:
the concept, the appointment and the structure of the autonomous control system of the aggregates of enterprise.
The network and multi-user operating systems: the concept and the appointment.
The technology of wandering profile, the authentication of user and the domain.
The features of organization of the segment of local area network
with the using of the domain the architecture and work groups.
The shell (above the operating system): the concept, the appointment and the classification.


The theme 16. “The system software of industrial controllers”.

The software for the industrial controllers:
the concept, the appointment, the kinds and the sphere of practical use.
The scheme of connection of the industrial controller for the control of object (process).
The scheme of using of the industrial controller
at the realization of the principle of supervisor control of the difficult production.


The theme 17. “The applied software of computer (PECM)”.

The applied software: the concept, the appointment and the classification.
The packages of applied programs of the office appointment (for the automation of tasks of the office):
the concept, the appointment, the classification and the features of use.
The comparative characteristic of the capabilities, technical limitations
and the structure of the package of applied programs of the office appointment “MS Office”.
The applied programs for the automation of accounting:
the concept, the appointment, the key elements of accounting policy of the organization, the main registers of accounting,
the ways of summarizing and grouping of the information about the financial-economy operations,
the structure of accounts of the plan of accounts, the synthetic and analytical accounting
and the rating of modern software means of the automation of accounting.
The software for the protection of information and information systems:
the concept, the appointment, the classification and the features of use.
The addition of data (the introduction of redundancy). The cryptography. The hashing.
The identification. The authentication. The verification. The check of integrity. The screening.
The packages of (diagnostic) utilities and service programs of computer (PECM):
the concept, the appointment, the classification and the features of use.


The theme 18. “The operating system "MS Windows 98/2000/XP" and newer”.

The interface of interaction. The task manager. The start menu. The program “Explorer”. The control panel.
The standard applications. The multitasking, residency and “DOS”-applications.


The theme 19. “The package of programs "MS Office 97/2000" and newer: the textual editor (processor) "Word"”.

The basics of working in the textual editor (processor) “Word”: the formatting of characters and paragraphs.
The basics of working in the textual editor (processor) “Word”: the formatting of structurally difficult documents.
The advanced possibilities of formatting of the documents “Word”.
The working with the graphical objects in the textual editor “Word”.
The creation of documents of merge, correspondence and forms in the textual editor (processor) “Word”.
The management of large editions and reviewing in the text processor “Word”.


The theme 20. “The package of applied programs "MS Office 97/2000" and newer:
the system of spreadsheets (tabular processor) "Excel"”.

The general details about the tabular processor “Excel”.
The features of input of data and formatting in the table processor “Excel”.
The formatting of worksheet in the tabular processor “Excel”.
The editing of worksheet in the tabular processor “Excel”.
The realization of analytical-numerical methods of the solving of tasks in “Excel”. The finding of solutions and consolidation of data.


The section 7. “The conceptual foundations of modeling and computer experiment”.

The theme 21. “The foundations of computer modeling and the kinds of models”.

The modeling: the concept, the appointment, the tasks (analysis, synthesis and optimization)
and the kinds (the real and simulation modeling).
The object, process and phenomenon of modeling: the concept and the appointment.
The model: the concept, the appointment and the kinds (material and information).
The information model: the concept, the appointment and the kinds (verbal, formal, graphical and hybrid).
The adequacy of the model to the real object, process or phenomenon.
The system approach in the modeling: the concept and the appointment.
The main stages of the real and simulation modeling.


The section 8. “The main elements of the theory of algorithms”.

The theme 22. “The foundations of algorithmization (the theory of algorithms)”.

The algorithm: the concept, the appointment and the kinds (simple and complex).
The universal executor of the algorithm: the concept and the appointment.
The calculating machine of Turing A.: the concept, the appointment and the principle of operation.
The calculating machine of Post E.L.: the concept, the appointment and the principle of operation.
The (non)computable function and the algorithmically (non)solvable task:
the concept, the appointment, and the classification of the difficulty of algorithm.
The algorithms of searching and sorting of the information elements.
The correctness of algorithm and computer program. The hybrid algorithms: the concept and the appointment


The section 9. “The conceptual foundations of programming”.

The theme 23. “The features of the theory of programming”.

The structure (record): the concept, the appointment and the description. The file: the concept, the appointment and the use.
The sorting of information elements: the concept and the appointment.
The (dynamic) array: the concept, the appointment and the description.
The (chained) list: the concept, the appointment and the description.
The module: the concept, the appointment and the description. The stack, queue and deck: the concept and the appointment.
The queue: the concept, the appointment and the kinds (“FIFO” and “LIFO”).
The tree: the concept, the appointment and the ways of bypass of its structure.
The graph: the concept, the appointment and the kinds (oriented and weighted).
The dynamic programming: the concept and the appointment. The quantity of solutions and the finding of optimal solution.


The theme 24. “The features of object-oriented programming”.

The object-oriented programming: the concept, the appointment
and the kinds (the conception “from top to bottom” and the conception “from bottom to top”).
The structural decomposition. The abstraction. The echeloning. The stratification.
The object: the concept, the appointment and the features of description (creation).
The class of objects: the concept, the appointment and the features of description.
The constructor and destructor of the class of objects: the concept and the appointment.
The modularity, the main program and subprogram: the concept and the appointment.
The encapsulation as the hiding of the internal structure of object.
The hierarchy of classes and classification: the concept, the appointment and the kinds (the class-parent and the class-successor).
The polymorphism as the variative ability of the class-successor to realize the method (function) of the class-parent.
The abstract and virtual class and method: the concept and the appointment.
The visual programming: the concept and the appointment.
The integrated environment of visual programming and the technology “RAD”
(window, the palette of components, form, the properties of object and the handler of events).


The section 10. “The conceptual foundations of the technology of retrieval and storage of the information”.

The theme 25. “The features of the structure of database”.

The database: the concept, the appointment and the classification (local and network).
The database management system (DBMS): the concept, the appointment, the tasks
(storage, search, editing, processing, recovery, the checking of integrity and consistency of the data)
and the classification (local or autonomous and network).
The architecture of the database (management system) (local or autonomous and network (de)centralized).
The request to the database (transaction): the concept, the appointment and kinds.
The table: the concept, the appointment and properties. The information field.
The record as the collection of values of the information fields of the table.
The (key) information field of the table: the concept, the appointment and the properties.
The single-table and multi-table databases: the concept and the appointment.
The relational model in the basis of the multi-table database.
The types of connections (relationships) between the key information fields of tables
(“one to one”, “one to many” and “many to many”).
The normalization of the database (the indivisibility of the information field,
the dependence of the information field on the key information field
and the exclusion of presence of the identical information fields).


The list of laboratory works
on the discipline “Informatics (computer science)”

1. The operating system “MS Windows 98/Me/2000” and newer (there are the methodical instructions).

1.1. The basics of interaction. The task manager. The start menu (the theme 18).

1.2. The program “Explorer” (the theme 18).

1.3. The configurating of operating system (the theme 18).

1.4. The standard applications of operating system (the theme 18).

1.5. The multitasking and “DOS”-applications of the operating system (the theme 18).

2. The package of applied programs “MS Office 97/2000” and newer:
the textual editor “Word” (there are the methodical instructions).

2.1. The basics of working in the textual editor (processor) “Word”: the formatting of characters and paragraphs (the theme 19).

2.2. The basics of working in the textual editor (processor) “Word”: the formatting of structurally difficult documents (the theme 19).

2.3. The advanced possibilities of formatting of the document “Word” (the theme 19).

2.4. The working with the graphical objects in the textual processor “Word” (the theme 19).

2.5. The creation of documents of merge, correspondence and forms in the text editor (processor) “Word” (the theme 19).

2.6. The management of large editions and reviewing in the textual editor (processor) “Word” (the theme 19).

3. The package of programs “MS Office 97/2000” and newer:
the system of spreadsheets “Excel” (there are the methodical instructions).

3.1. The general details about the tabular editor (processor) “Excel” (the theme 20).

3.2. The features of input of data and formatting in the tabular editor (processor) “Excel” (the theme 20).

3.3. The formatting of worksheet in the tabular processor “Excel” (the theme 20).

3.4. The editing of worksheet in the tabular processor “Excel” (the theme 20).

3.5. The realization of analytical-numerical methods of the solving of tasks in “Excel” (the theme 20).

3.6. The realization of analytical-numerical methods of the solving of tasks in “Excel”:
the finding of solutions and consolidation of data (the theme 20).


The list of recommended literature

A. The basic sources

1. Bosova L.L., Bosova A.Yu. Informatics: textbook for the 7th grade /
L.L. Bosova, A.Yu. Bosova. – M.: “Binom”. “The laboratory of knowledge”, 2013. – 224 p.

2. Bosova L.L., Bosova A.Yu. Informatics: workbook for the 7th grade /
L.L. Bosova, A.Yu. Bosova. – M.: “Binom”. “The laboratory of knowledge”, 2014. – 160 p.

3. Bosova L.L., Bosova A.Yu. Informatics: textbook for the 8th grade /
L.L. Bosova, A.Yu. Bosova. – M.: “Binom”. “The laboratory of knowledge”, 2013. – 155 p.

4. Bosova L.L., Bosova A.Yu. Informatics: workbook for the 8th grade /
L.L. Bosova, A.Yu. Bosova. – M.: “Binom”. “The laboratory of knowledge”, 2014. – 160 p.

5. Bosova L.L., Bosova A.Yu. Informatics: textbook for the 9th grade /
L.L. Bosova, A.Yu. Bosova. – M.: “Binom”. “The laboratory of knowledge”, 2013. – 184 p.

6. Semakin I.G., Henner E.K., Sheina T.Y. Informatics and ICT. The basic level:
workshop for the 10
th-11th grades / I.G. Semakin, E.K. Henner, T.Yu. Sheina. – 6th ed. –
M.: “Binom”. “The laboratory of knowledge”, 2011. – 120 p.

7. Semakin I.G., Henner E.K., Sheina T.Y. Informatics and ICT. The basic level:
textbook for the 10
th grade / I.G. Semakin, E.K. Henner, T.Yu. Sheina. – 4th ed. –
M.: “Binom”. “The laboratory of knowledge”, 2015. – 264 p.

8. Polyakov K.Yu., Eryomin E.A. Informatics. In-depth level:
textbook for the 10
th grade: in 2 p. Part 1 / K.Yu. Polyakov, E.A. Eryomin. –
M.: “Binom”. “The laboratory of knowledge”, 2013. – 344 p.

9. Polyakov K.Yu., Eryomin E.A. Informatics. In-depth level:
textbook for the 10
th grade: in 2 p. Part 2 / K.Yu. Polyakov, E.A. Eryomin. –
M.: “Binom”. “The laboratory of knowledge”, 2013. – 304 p.

10. Semakin I.G., Henner E.K., Sheina T.Yu. Informatics. The basic level:
textbook for the 11
th grade / I.G. Semakin, E.K. Henner, T.Yu. Sheina. – 3rd ed. – M.:
“Binom”. “The laboratory of knowledge”, 2014. – 224 p.

11. Polyakov K.Yu., Eryomin E.A. Informatics. In-depth level:
textbook for the 11
th grade: in 2 p. Part 1 / K.Yu. Polyakov, E.A. Eryomin. –
M.: “Binom”. “The laboratory of knowledge”, 2013. – 240 p.

12. Polyakov K.Yu., Eryomin E.A. Informatics. In-depth level:
textbook for the 11
th grade: in 2 p. Part 2 / K.Yu. Polyakov, E.A. Eryomin. –
M.: “Binom”. “The laboratory of knowledge”, 2013. – 304 p.

13. Informatics and ICT. Task-workshop in 2 vol. Vol. 1 / L.A. Zalogova and others;
edited by I.G. Semakin, E.K. Henner. – 3
rd ed. –
M.: “Binom”. “The laboratory of knowledge”, 2011. – 309 p.

14. Informatics: manual for the preparing to USE / E.T. Vovk and others;
edited by E.T. Vovk. – M.: “Binom”. “The laboratory of knowledge”, 2013. – 322 p.

15. Informatics / edited by N.V. Makarova. – M.: “Finance and statistics”, 2006 – 765 p.

16. Informatics. The basic course / edited by S.V. Simonovich. – SPb.: “Piter”, 2003 – 639 p.

17. Tanenbaum A. The architecture of computer. – SPb.: “Piter”, 2002 – 698 p.


B. The additional sources

1. Tanenbaum A.. The modern operating systems. – SPb.: “Piter”, 2002 – 1037 p.

2. Figurnov V.E. Windows for the beginners and experienced. – M.: “Infra-M”, 2006 – 768 p.


C. The electronic textbook (methodical manual)

1. Vetrov A.N. Informatics (computer science): the textbook for the students and pupils
(technical, natural, humanitarian, social and medical sciences) / A.N. Vetrov;
“SPbSETU "LETI"”. – SPb.: “SPbSETU "LETI"”, 2005, M.: “"VINITI" of "RAS"”, 2008, M.: “RAS”, 2008. – 331 p.:
pic. – Bibliogr. 26 nom. – Rus. – Dep. in “"VINITI" of "RAS"”, 2008, “RAS”, 2008


D. The methodical instructions for the laboratory works

1. Vetrov A.N. The operating system “MS Windows 98/Me/2000”:
the methodical instructions to the laboratory works
(technical, natural, humanitarian, social and medical sciences) / O.Y. Belash, A.N. Vetrov, E.E. Kotova;
edited by the prof. N.N. Kuzmin. – SPb.: The publishing-house of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, 2005. – 72 p. (

2. Vetrov A.N. The package of applied programs “MS Office 97/2000”: the textual editor “Word”:
the methodical instructions to the laboratory works
(technical, natural, humanitarian, social and medical sciences) / O.Y. Belash, A.N. Vetrov, E.E. Kotova;
edited by the prof. N.N. Kuzmin. – SPb.: The publishing-house of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, 2005. – 64 p. (

3. Vetrov A.N. The package of applied programs “MS Office 97/2000”: the system of electronic spreadsheets “Excel”:
the methodical instructions to the laboratory works
(technical, natural, humanitarian, social and medical sciences) / O.Y. Belash, A.N. Vetrov, E.E. Kotova;
edited by the prof. N.N. Kuzmin. – SPb.: The publishing-house of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, 2005. – 76 p. (


E. The list of questions for the preparation
to the examination or the automated control testing

1. The list of examination (control) questions (download).

2. The list of the themes of abstracts (for the school-children and students of the first course of day and evening departments) (download).


The calendar plan of the theoretical course of lectures and laboratory workshop
on the discipline “Informatics (computer science)”

The day department – the faculty “Computer technologies and informatics” (“CT and I”) of “SPbSETU "LETI"”:
lectures in the six groups and laboratory workshop in the three groups.

The evening department – the faculty “Open” (“O”) of “SPbSETU "LETI"”:
lectures in the two groups and laboratory workshop in the two groups.


The name of sections and themes

The quantity of training hours


The literature
by the themes


Lab. work


Practical work

Aud. works

Personal work


The section 1. “The theoretical foundations
of informatics
and information”










“Information society,
information crisis
and informatization”








L1, L2


“Theoretical foundations
of informatics
(computer science)”








L1, L2


“Theoretical foundations
of information”








L1, L2

The section 2. “The arithmetic foundations
of digital automatic-machines










“The information

and presentation
of information in ECM”








L1, L2


“The numeral systems
and the simplest
operations over the numbers”








L1, L2

The section 3. “The logical foundations
of digital automatic-machines










The basic logical
operations (functions)”








L1, L2


The laws of algebra of logic
(Boolean algebra)”








L1, L2

The section 4. “The genesis and tendences
of development
of the architecture
of information systems”










The emergence and development
of the architecture
of information systems”










The classical
architecture of ECM”









The section 5. “The basic elements
and devices
of the architecture
of modern PECM”










The internal elements
and devices
of modern ECM”










The storages of information
in the basis of the architecture
of modern ECM”










The external elements
and devices
of modern ECM”









The section 6. “The software
of modern PECM”
at the laboratory workshop)










“The operating system
"MS Windows 98/2000/XP"
and newer”








M1, M2, E1


“The package of applied programs
"MS Office 97/2000" and newer: the textual editor
(processor) "Word"”










“The package of applied programs
"MS Office 97/2000" and newer:
the system of electronic spreadsheets
(tabular processor) "Excel"”









The course designing









The individual home tasks





























Text Box: The scientific-methodical materials are presented
Text Box: The scientific-educational portal