“The IInd (IIIrd, IVth, Vth and VIth) international action
of "The Nobel committee"
(The Kingdom of Norway and The Kingdom of Sweden),
the author of the unique cognitive modeling technology
and the scientific direction "Cognitive informatics (computer science),
the cognitive modeling technology for the system and financial analysis"
("AUT CMT SFA"), academician of (natural) sciences
("(SIO) "ACNS"") Vetrov A.N.,
"The international Higher education academy of sciences" ("IHEAS"),
"The Russian academy of (natural) sciences" ("RA(N)S"),
"(SIO) "Academy of cognitive natural sciences"" ("(SIO) "ACNS""),
"The Administration of Saint-Petersburg city" and "The Government of RF"
at support of "The Presidents of RF and the foreign countries"
due to means of the budget, sponsors, interested and "The Nobel prize" –
the procedure of the performance with the scientific reports and rewarding
in organizations-participants,
the presentation of diplomas, medals and "The Nobel prize"
in "The Nobel committee",
the creation of products as valuable monuments
of architecture, town-planning and landscape-gardening art,
important objects of historical, cultural, art and scientific heritage
for (non)residents at the international level,
the demonstration of achievements in the area of technology,
architecture and building
in "The park of the 50
th-century of The Great October socialist revolution
named after V.I. Uljanov (Lenin)"
and "Saint-Petersburg exhibition centre" ("SPbEC")
at "Exhibition of achievements of science and technology" ("EAST")
with accommodation in "The hotel "Karelia"" ("The group of hotels "Intourist"")”

[from the 01st of January 2013 y. to the 31st of December 2018 y.]

It is carried out according to the letter from the 27th of December 2011 y. №A26-13-808834 and the 27th of February 2013 y. №I-17399
in reply to application of “AUT CMT SFA”, academician of (natural) sciences (“(SIO) "ACNS"”) Vetrov A.N. to the name
of “The President of RF” Putin V.V. and “The Chairman of The Government of RF” Medvedev D.A.

The list of directions of applied scientific researches and scientific results
for the international action
in “The Nobel committee” (The Kingdom of Norway and The Kingdom of Sweden)
(page 2 from 2 pages)


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For the applied (scientific) researches direction 1.5.
modeling in the geo-political sciences and researches” (“NSGI”)

(The scientific areas “Applied macro-economics:
geo-politics, safety and history”)


The laboratory researches section 1.5.1 (“SGB”)

1.5.1. For the section, scientific-researches laboratory
and (financing) department of applied (scientific) researches
“(The research of) applications of geo-politics and safety” (“SGB”

Þ applications of demography
the general questions of usage of demography,
usage of theory and methodology of demographic science,
usage of theory of the general problems of national-population, usage of theory of the statistics of population,
usage of theory of the history of population, usage of theory of historical demography,
usage of theory of the moving of population, usage of theory of geographical demography,
usage of theory of the population of The World,
usage of theory of the cognitive modeling technology in the applications of demography;

Þ applications of politics and political sciences
the general questions of usage of politics and political sciences,
usage of theory of the methodology of political researches,
usage of theory of the history of political studies, usage of theory of political systems,
usage of theory of internal politics,
usage of theory of international relations, usage of theory of the external (foreign) politics and diplomacy,
usage of theory of the cognitive modeling technology in the applications of politics and political sciences;

Þ applications of the complex studying of separate countries and regions
the general questions of usage of the complex studying of separate countries and regions,
usage of theory of the researches of RF as a particular and RF as a whole,
usage of theory of The North-Western federal district of RF,
usage of theory of The Central federal district of RF,
usage of theory of The Privolgsky federal district of RF,
usage of theory of The Southern federal district of RF,
usage of theory of The Uralian federal district of RF,
usage of theory of The Siberian federal district of RF,
usage of theory of The Far-Eastern federal district of RF,
usage of theory of the areas and territories of the former USSR,
usage of theory of the countries of CIS of Eastern Europe,
usage of theory of the countries of CIS of Zacaucasia,
usage of theory of the countries of CIS of Central Asia,
usage of theory of Baltic countries and Baltic,
usage of theory of Europe as a whole, usage of theory of Western Europe,
usage of theory of Southern Europe, usage of theory of Central Europe,
usage of theory of Eastern Europe as a whole,
usage of theory of Scandinavia and Scandinavian countries,
usage of theory of Asia as a whole, usage of theory of Forward Asia,
usage of theory of Eastern Asia, usage of theory of Southern Asia,
usage of theory of South-Eastern Asia, usage of theory of Central Asia,
usage of theory of Near and Middle East,
usage of theory of Africa as a whole, usage of theory of Northern Africa,
usage of theory of Eastern Africa, usage of theory of Central Africa,
usage of theory of Western Africa, usage of theory of Southern Africa,
usage of theory of America as a whole, usage of theory of USA and Canada,
usage of theory of Central America, usage of theory of Southern America,
usage of theory of Australia and countries of Oceania,
usage of theory of the polar areas – Arctic and Antarctic areas,
usage of theory of the surface of The Earth and land, oceans, seas and internal waters,
usage of theory of the other physical-geographical features of The Earth,
usage of theory of the cognitive modeling technology
in the applications of the complex studying of separate countries and regions;

Þ applications of the problems of space flights
the general questions of usage of the problems of space flights,
usage of theory of the use of space systems for the connection and navigation,
usage of theory of the studying of extraterrestrial territories and the prospects of astronautics,
usage of theory of the research of The Earth and astronomical objects
by the space automation means from the space,
usage of theory of the cognitive modeling technology in the applications of the problems of space flights.


The laboratory researches section 1.5.2 (“SVIT”)

1.5.2. For the section, scientific-researches laboratory
and (financing) department of applied (scientific) researches
“(The research of) applications of classical and military history” (“SVIT”)

Þ applications of history
the general questions of usage of
history, usage of theory of general history,
usage of theory of the history of Azerbaijan, usage of theory of the history of Armenia,
usage of theory of the history of Belorussia, usage of theory of the history of Georgia,
usage of theory of the history of Kazakhstan, usage of theory of the history of Kirghizia,
usage of theory of the history of Moldova, usage of theory of the history of RF,
usage of theory of the history of Tajikistan, usage of theory of the history of Turkmenia
usage of theory of the history of Uzbekistan, usage of theory of the history of Ukraine,
usage of theory of the history of the separate processes, parties and phenomena of human activity,
usage of theory of the cognitive modeling technology
in the applications of history of RF and countries of near abroad;

Þ applications of history of Ancient world, Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, history of Medieval Europe,
history of USA, Australia and Oceania, history of Arctic region and Antarctic region,
history of RF, modern history of USSR, newest history of RF, history of The Solar system and planets

the general questions of usage of history of Ancient world, Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome,
history of Medieval Europe, history of USA, Australia and Oceania,
history of Arctic region and Antarctic region,
history of RF, modern history of USSR, newest history of RF, history of The Solar system and planets,

usage of theory of the history of Ancient world, Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome,
usage of theory of the history of Medieval Europe,
usage of theory of the history of USA, Australia and Oceania,
usage of theory of the history of Arctic region and Antarctic region,
usage of theory of the history of RF, usage of theory of modern history of USSR,
usage of theory of the newest history of RF,
usage of theory of the history of The Solar system and planets,
usage of theory of the cognitive modeling technology
in the applications of history of RF and countries of far abroad



For the applied (scientific) researches direction 1.6.
modeling in the society steady development
of post-industrial country” (“NURS”

(The scientific areas “Applied economics of country:
regional geography and social science”)


The laboratory researches section 1.6.1 (“SPUR”)

1.6.1. For the section, scientific-researches laboratory
and (financing) department of applied (scientific) researches
“(The research of) applications of complex problems of country development” (“SPUR”
) (*)
(see application in 2011-2013 y. and scientific work from the 25th of December 2008 y.),
(see. application in 2014 y. and scientific work from the 01st of September 2007 y. (the 24th June 2004 y.))



Þ applications of the economic problems of national economy management
the general questions of usage of the economic problems of national economy management,
usage of theory of self-financing, usage of theory of the provision of economic incentives,
usage of theory of manpower resources,
usage of theory of the cognitive modeling technology
in the applications of the economic problems of national economy management;

Þ applications of the global-phylosophical problems, philosophical and methodological problems
of science and scientific knowledge as a whole (*)

the general questions of usage of global-phylosophical problems, philosophical and methodological problems
of science and scientific knowledge as a whole,

usage of theory of modern philosophy, usage of theory of dialectic logics,
usage of theory of social sciences, usage of theory of modern social philosophy,
usage of theory of the modern sociology, demography and national-population,
usage of theory of The World economy and economics,
usage of theory of the grammar and applied science of language,
usage of theory of the art and art-science, usage of theory of artificial intelligence,
usage of theory of biological chemistry, usage of theory of regional geography,
usage of theory of the economic and social geography,
usage of theory of toponymics, usage of theory of astro-physics,
usage of theory of pharmacology and chemotherapy,
usage of theory of the normal and pathological physiology, usage of theory of genetic engineering,
usage of theory of bio-technology, usage of theory of agriculture,
usage of theory of the medicine and public-health-services,
usage of theory of the technical aestetics (industrial art) and ergonomics,
usage of theory of the preservation of environment,
usage of theory of the global-ethical and global-esthetical categories and problems,
usage of theory of the social activity and social problems,
usage of theory of the sociological problems of printing, television (TV) and radio-broadcasting,
usage of theory of the influences of the anthropogenous changes of environment
on the health and social-labor potential of population,
usage of theory of The World economic development,
usage of theory of the activity of international economic organizations and associations (communities),
usage of theory of the economic development and growth,
usage of theory of the prediction and planning of economics,
usage of theory of economic cycles and crises,
usage of theory of the social and economic problems of the development of advanced developed and less developed countries,
usage of theory of the economic problems of organization and management of the economy of country,
usage of theory of the problems of functioning of market economy
and the social-economic problems of labor,
usage of theory of the legal problems of the preservation of environment and ecological law,
usage of theory of the economic problems of politics,
usage of theory of the general problems of political systems at the socialism
in the advanced developed and less developed countries and the external-(foreign-) political aspects of global problems,
usage of theory of the problems of war and peace,
usage of theory of the means of sanction of international conflicts,
usage of theory of the problems of disarmament and anti-war movement,
usage of theory of the movement of non-alignment,
usage of theory of the international, federal, regional and local problems,
usage of theory of international terrorism,
usage of theory of the separate phylosophycal-theoretical problems of culture,
usage of theory of the sociological problems of motion-picture-art, usage of theory of religious consciousness,
usage of theory of the relation of church and phylosophycal-theological schools to the problem of war and peace,
usage of theory of the philosophy of mutual-relations of religion and army,
usage of theory of the relation of religions and churches
to the national-liberation movement, national and racial problems,
usage of theory of the general problems of physical experiment,
usage of theory of the physical problems of mechanics, usage of theory of bio-chemical problems,
usage of theory of the problems of safety of biological experiment,
usage of theory of the macro-molecular associations and problems recognition
in the molecular biology,
usage of theory of the general problems of antropogenes
in the paleontology and archeology,
usage of theory of the general problems of researches of The Sun, The Sun-The Earth and stars,
fogs and interstellar environment, atmosphere, chromosphere, crown and near
stars environments,
usage of theory of the problems of loss of weight of stars and star wind,
usage of theory of the general problems of researches of stars, usage of theory of problematical rests,
usage of theory and problematics of programming for the computer networks,
usage of theory of the general problems of the automation of designing,
usage of theory of the general problems of researches, calculations and designing in the mining mechanical-engineering,
usage of theory of the general problems of household radio-electronic equipment,
usage of theory of the genetic engineering for the decision of problem of bio-degradation,
usage of theory of the sociological, demographic and psychological problems in the construction,
usage of theory of the general problems of the land-improvement of agricultural grounds,
usage of theory of the social and economic problems in the countryside,
usage of theory of the medical problems of space flights,
usage of theory of the political problems of sport and sports single-kinds-combats,
usage of theory of the game kinds of sport, usage of theory of the speed-involving-strength kinds of sport,
usage of theory of the complicated-cordinated kinds of sport,
usage of theory of the technical kinds of sport, usage of theory of the cyclic kinds of sport,
usage of theory of the general problems of war, usage of theory of the training of staff,
usage of theory of the problems of material interest of workers,
usage of theory of the problems of material-technical supply,
usage of theory of the problems of fire safety,
usage of theory of the information about the centres on the studying of the problems of (managerial) control,
usage of theory of the general problems of prediction,
usage of theory of the role of separate areas of knowledge in the decision of problems
of environment and the use of natural resources,
usage of theory of the general problems of international cooperation,
usage of theory of the problems of evtrofiring
and auto-purification of waters,
usage of theory of the complex and regional problems of the protection of waters, bowels, landscape
and waste management,
usage of theory of the materials, characterizing the research of space environment as a whole
and interrelation of this problem with the other sciences and spheres of activity,
usage of theory of the general problems and prospects of development of the methods of space researches,
usage of theory of the safety and medical-biological problems of space flights,
usage of theory of the general problems and principles of work of the space connection systems,
usage of theory of the problems of development of the extraterrestrial territories and prospect of astronautics,
usage of theory of the nontraditional problems of researches of space environment,
usage of theory of the cognitive modeling technology
in the applications of the global-phylosophical problems,
philosophical and methodological problems of science and scientific knowledge as a whole;

Þ applications of the complex problems of social sciences
the general questions of usage of the complex problems of social sciences,
usage of theory of social-political idea, usage of theory of global problems and work,
usage of theory of the cognitive modeling technology
in the applications of the complex problems of social sciences;

Þ applications of the general and complex problems of technical and applied sciences and the branches of national economy
the general questions of usage of the general and complex problems
of technical and applied sciences and the branches of national economy,
usage of theory of material science (materiology), usage of theory of the general techology of production,
usage of theory of designing, usage of theory of construction,
usage of theory of the flexible industrial systems, usage of theory of vacuum technics,
usage of theory of cryogenic technics,
usage of theory of the corrosion and protection against the corrosion, usage of theory of welding,
usage of theory of optical manufacture, usage of theory of staff,
usage of theory of control over (total) and quality management,
usage of theory of the installation, operation and repair of industrial equipment,
usage of theory of matherial-technical supply,
usage of theory of logistics, usage of theory of warehouse economy,
usage of theory of container and packing, usage of theory of the secondary raw materials,
usage of theory of fire safety, usage of theory of safety,
usage of theory of salvage-rescue services,
usage of theory of the technical aestetics (industrial art) and ergonomics,
usage of theory of the protection of information,
usage of theory of the cognitive modeling technology
in the applications of the general and complex problems
of technical and applied sciences and the branches of national economy;

Þ applications of the general and complex problems of natural and exact sciences
the general questions of usage of the general and complex problems of natural and exact sciences,
usage of theory of  the materials of general character,
usage of theory of the scientific and technical societies,
usage of theory of the conventions, congresses, conferences, symposiums, seminars and exhibitions,
usage of theory of terminology,
usage of theory of reference literature, usage of theory of learning literature,
usage of theory of the cognitive modeling technology
in the applications of the general and complex problems natural and exact sciences.



For the applied (scientific) researches direction 1.7.
modeling in the social-economic and jurisprudential sciences” (“NSEPP”)

(The scientific areas “Applied micro-(macro-)economics:
politics, law, market economy, management, sociology, statistics,
financial analysis, accounting, audit and other branches”)


The laboratory researches section 1.7.1 (“SMEESI”)

1.7.1. For the section, scientific-researches laboratory
and (financing) department of applied (scientific) researches
“(The research of) applications of inter-branch jurisprudential and economic
system researches of society and country” (“SMEESI”)


Þ applications of the state, law and jurisprudential sciences
the general questions of usage of the state, law and jurisprudential sciences,
usage of theory of state and law, usage of theory of the history of state and law,
usage of theory of the history of political and legal learnings,
usage of theory of constitutional (state) law,
usage of theory of municipal law, usage of theory of administrative law,
usage of theory of information law,
usage of theory of financial law, usage of theory of enterprise law,
usage of theory of civil law,
usage of theory of civil
-procedural law (civil process),
usage of theory of arbitration
-procedural law (arbitration process),
usage of theory of patent law, usage of theory the law of industrial property,
usage of theory of copyright and adjacent rights,
usage of theory of succession law, usage of theory of family law,
usage of theory of agrarian law, usage of theory of the legal problems of the preservation of environment,
usage of theory of ecological law, usage of theory of ground law,
usage of theory of wood law, usage of theory of water law,
usage of theory of aerial-protection
law, usage of theory of the legislations about the bowels,
usage of theory of the legislation about the fauna world,
usage of theory of labor law, usage of theory of social support law,
usage of theory of legal institutions, usage of theory of criminal law,
usage of theory of criminal-procedural law (criminal process), usage of theory of criminalogy
usage of theory of criminal-executive law, usage of theory of penitentiary,
usage of theory of criminalistics, usage of theory of judicial statistics,
usage of theory of international law, usage of theory of international private law,
usage of theory of the state and law of separate countries,
usage of theory of the cognitive modeling technology
in the applications of the state, law and jurisprudential sciences;

Þ applications of patent business, invention and rationalization-work
the general questions of usage of patent business, invention and rationalization-work,
usage of theory of patent-information activity,
usage of theory of invention and rationalization-work,
usage of theory of patent-license work,
usage of theory of the technical-economic analysis on the patent materials,
usage of theory of invention law,
usage of theory of the cognitive modeling technology
in the applications of patent business, invention and rationalization-work;

Þ applications of international economic relations
the general questions of usage of international economic relations,
usage of theory of
prediction and planning, usage of theory of economic cycles and crisis,
usage of theory of productive forces, usage of theory of the social-economic structure,
usage of theory of reproductive
usage of theory of accumulation and consumption, usage of theory of well-being,
usage of theory of the territorial (local), regional (the subject of federation),
city (federal) and branch structure of economics,
usage of theory of the cognitive modeling technology
in the applications of international economic relations.



The laboratory researches section 1.7.2 (“SPMSRH”)

1.7.2. For the section, scientific-researches laboratory
and (financing) department of applied (scientific) researches
“(The research of) applications of the complex problems of micro-(macro-)economics,
social sphere and market economy of country” (“SPMSRH”

Þ applications of the internal trade and tourist-excursion service
the general questions of usage of the internal trade and tourist-excursion service,
usage of theory of the wholesale trade and retail trade, usage of theory public catering,
usage of theory of hotel economy, usage of theory of tourist-excursion service,
usage of theory of the cognitive modeling technology
in the applications of the internal trade and tourist-excursion service;

Þ applications of external trade
the general questions of usage of external trade,
usage of theory of the communication of external trade with the manufacture,
usage of theory of the general questions of external trade, usage of theory of external-trade politics,
usage of theory of the kinds of external trade, usage of theory of the structure of external trade,
usage of theory of the calculations on the external-trade operations, usage of theory of external-trade transportations,
usage of theory of world commodity markets,
usage of theory of the international agreements about the trade, usage of theory of international contracts,
usage of theory of international trading organizations, usage of theory of commodity agreements,
usage of theory of the organization and management of external trade,
usage of theory of the cognitive modeling technology in the applications of external trade;

Þ applications of housing-communal economy (services), housekeeping and consumer services
the general questions of usage of housing-communal economy (services), housekeeping and consumer services,
usage of theory of housing economy (services), usage of theory of communal (municipal) economy (services),
usage of theory of consumer services, usage of theory of housekeeping,
usage of theory of the cognitive modeling technology
in the applications of housing-communal economy, housekeeping and consumer services;

Þ applications of insurance
the general questions of usage of insurance,
usage of theory of state social insurance,
usage of theory of the funds of social support and social insurance,
usage of theory of external-trade insurance, usage of theory of the statistics of social insurance,
usage of theory of the cognitive modeling technology in the applications of insurance;

Þ applications of the investment and investment projects
the general questions of usage of the investment and investment projects,
usage of theory of the concentration of capital, usage of theory of financial-industrial groups,
usage of theory of investment institutes,
usage of theory of the legal bases of investment activity,
usage of theory of the cognitive modeling technology
in the applications of the investment and investment projects;

Þ applications of social (not cargo) transport
the general questions of usage of social (not cargo) transport,
usage of theory of social railway transport,
usage of theory of social motor-car transport,
usage of theory of social sea (water) transport,
usage of theory of social air transport,
usage of theory of social pipeline transport,
usage of theory of social industrial transport,
usage of theory of municipal transport,
usage of theory of the interactions of the different kinds of social transport,
usage of theory of mixed transportations, usage of theory of the other kinds of social transport,
usage of theory of the cognitive modeling technology in the applications of social (not cargo) transport.


The laboratory researches section 1.7.3 (“SES”)

1.7.3. For the section, scientific-researches laboratory
and (financing) department of applied (scientific) researches
“(The research of) applications of economics, management,
sociology, statistics and their other branches” (“SES”

Þ applications of economics and economic sciences
the general questions of usage of the economics and economic sciences,
usage of economic theory,
usage of theory of the history of economic idea, usage of theory of accounting-economic sciences,
usage of theory of the sciences of management of economics,
usage of theory of economic history, usage of theory of The World economy,
usage of theory of international economic relations,
usage of theory of the economic development and growth,
usage of theory of the prediction and planning of economics,
usage of theory of economic cycles and crises,
usage of theory of the productive forces and scientific-technical progress,
usage of theory of the social-economic structure,
usage of theory of the reproductive structure of economics,
usage of theory of accumulation and consumption, usage of theory of well-being,
usage of theory of the territorial structure of economics,
usage of theory of the regional and city economics,
usage of theory of the branch structure of economics,
usage of theory of financial science, usage of the monetary and tax theories,
usage of theory of credit-financial institutes (indstitutional
usage of theory of the economic problems of organization and management of the economy of country,
usage of theory of self-financing, usage of theory of economic incentives provision,
usage of theory of the economics of labor, usage of theory of manpower resources,
usage of theory of the economics and organization of enterprise,
usage of theory of the management of enterprise,
usage of theory of the cognitive modeling technology in the applications of economics and economic sciences;

Þ applications of organization and management
the general questions of usage of organization and management,
usage of theory and methodology of management,
usage of theory of the state and administrative management,
usage of theory of the organization of management of economics, usage of theory of social management,
usage of theory of prediction, usage of theory of futurology,
usage of theory of strategic management, usage of theory of strategic planning,
usage of theory of the cognitive modeling technology in the applications of organization and management;

Þ applications of the other branches of economics
the general questions of usage of the other branches of economics,
usage of theory of the manufacture of musical instruments,
usage of theory of the manufacture of art products, usage of theory of jeweler industry,
usage of theory of the manufacture of toys, usage of theory of the manufacture of sports products,
usage of theory of the manufacture of writing goods,
usage of theory of the cognitive modeling technology
in the applications of the other branches of economics;

Þ applications of sociology
the general questions of usage of sociology,
usage of theory of the general problems of modern sociology,
usage of theory of the methodology of sociology,
usage of theory of the technique and technics of sociological researches,
usage of theory of the society as a system, usage of theory of social relations and processes,
usage of theory of the social classes, communities and groups,
usage of theory of the sociology of the spheres of social life, usage of theory of social phenomena and institutes,
usage of theory of the sociology of personality and behaviour,
usage of theory of the historical and regional sociology,
usage of theory of sociology, usage of theory of the history of sociology,
usage of theory of the cognitive modeling technology in the applications of sociology;

Þ applications of statistics
the general questions of usage of statistics,
usage of theory of general statistics,
usage of theory of economic statistics, usage of theory of branch statistics,

usage of theory of social statistics, usage of theory of international statistics,
usage of theory of the statistics of separate countries and social-economic systems,
usage of theory of the organization and management of statistics,
usage of theory of the methods and means of gathering (data mining), processing and the analysis of statistical information,
usage of theory of the cognitive modeling technology in the applications of statistics.


The laboratory researches section 1.7.4 (“SFABUA”)

1.7.4. For the section, scientific-researches laboratory
and (financing) department of applied (scientific) researches
“(The research of) applications of the financial analysis,
accounting and audit of (credit) organization
based on the cognitive modeling technology” (“SFABUA”
) (*)
(see application in 2011-2013 y. and scientific work from the 25th of December 2008 y.),
(see. application in 2014 y. and scientific work from the 01st of September 2007 y. (the 24th June 2004 y.))



Þ applications of the financial analysis, accounting and audit (*)
the general questions of usage of the financial analysis, accounting and audit,
usage of theory of the tendencies, dependences and laws
of the financial analysis of the objects, processes and phenomena,
usage of theory of the system, information and cognitive approaches in the economics,
usage of theory of the structure and dynamics of functioning of the financial market
of the economic system of country,
usage of theory of the global purposes of the standardization of accounting
and the problems of the unification of accounting documents (primary registers),
usage of theory of institutional subjects
regulating of the creation, distribution and use of the international standards,
usage of theory of the principles of the creation, distribution and use of the international standards
of financial and accounting documents,
usage of theory of the basic methods of the transformation of financial documents
prepared on the national standards into the documents on the international standards,
usage of theory of the formation of the accounting balance on the international standards
of financial documents,
usage of theory of the qualifying tests of professional participants
of the financial system of country,
usage of theory of the administrative-legal forms of existence of managing subject,
usage of theory of the features of procedure of the financial analysis of managing subject,
usage of theory of the organizational structure of enterprise and its features
(the educational establishment of the system of education and the information-educational environment),
usage of theory of inflationary depreciation,
usage of theory of the discounting and compaunding of money streams in the economic system of country,
usage of theory of the indexes of the dynamics of financial market and tools,
usage of theory of the dynamics and communication of managing subjects,
usage of theory of the investment and innovative politics of managing subject
in the financial system of country,
usage of theory of the organizational, technological, scientific, methodical, normative
information, hardware, software, brainware, raw, warehouse, personnel
and economic preparation of manufacture
and the bases of the financial analysis and the estimation of quality of the activity of credit and other organization,
usage of theory of the requirements and structure of financial documents
of the (non)industrial organizational structures,
usage of theory of the additional elements of the accounting and financial documents
of credit organization,
usage of theory of the consumers of financial documents,
usage of theory of the elements of financial documents
connected with the changes of financial-economy activity,
usage of theory of the simple and consolidated accounting and financial documents,
usage of theory of the methods of the financial analysis of the different forms of documents,
usage of theory of the structure of accounts of the acounting and the financial analysis,
usage of theory of the vertical, horizontal and trend financial analysis
based on the analytical coefficients system,
usage of theory of the scheme of carrying out of the auditor check, the financial analysis and audit,
usage of theory of the external and internal control of the activity of different organizations,
usage of theory of the kinds of bank operations,
usage of theory of the structure of the accounting balance (the form №1),
usage of theory of the structure of the explanatory note to the accounting balance,
usage of theory of the structure of the report about profits and losses (the form №2),
usage of theory of the structure of the explanatory note to the report about profits and losses,
usage of theory of the structure of the report about the change of capital (the form №3),
usage of theory of the structure of the report about the movement of monetary means on the accounts (the form №4),
usage of theory of the structure of the explanatory note to the report about the movement of means,
usage of theory of the structure of the appendix to the accounting balance (the form №5),
usage of theory of the structure of the report about the target use of received means (the form №6),
usage of theory of the structure of the auditor conclusion about the results of activity of the enterprise,
the (credit) organization, the organization of “The Federal reserve system USA”,
usage of theory of the analysis of the sustainability of credit organization and commercial bank,
usage of theory of the basic analytical coefficients of the financial analysis,
usage of theory of the structure of the accounting balance and the report about the profits and losses of enterprise
for the introduction of analytical coefficients system,
usage of theory of the cognitive modeling technology
with dynamic cloning, verification and subverification
usage of theory of the iterative cycle of the cognitive modeling technology,
usage of theory of the technique of use of the cognitive modeling technology,
usage of theory of the techniques of formation of the normative-legal
and information bases for the financial analysis of the organization,
usage of theory of the technique of additional check of the information basis of the financial analysis,
usage of theory of the technique of creation and updating of the working plan of accounts and the model of accounting,
usage of theory of the technique of carrying out of the financial analysis of the condition of organization,
usage of theory of the parametrical cognitive models block for the financial analysis
and the increasing in the efficiency of functioning of the objects, processes and phenomena,
usage of theory of the structure of the cognitive models for the vertical, horizontal and trend
financial analysis of the (credit) organization and enterprise,
usage of theory of the ways of representation of the structure of cognitive models and difficult problem environments:
the formal classical of the 0
th generation (the logical and production models),
the nonformal classical of the 0
th generation (the semantic network, the frame network and ontology),
the formal new of the 0
th generation (the calculus of theory of sets and corteges on domains
and the innovative calculus of theory of sets and graphs),
the nonformal new of the 0
th generation (the multilevel structural scheme
and the multilevel encapsulated pyramids combining theory of graphs and theory of sets),
the flat of the 1
st generation (the cognitive circle and cognitive disc),
the volumetric of the 1
st generation (the cognitive cylinder, cognitive cone and cognitive sphere),
the flat and volumetric of the 2
nd generation (the one-, two-, three-, four-, five- and more cognitive circle,
cognitive disc, cognitive cylinder, cognitive cone and cognitive sphere),
the hybrid of the 3
rd generation (the combinations of the existing cognitive models),
usage of theory of the algorithm of formation of the structure of cognitive model,
usage of theory of the technique of the research of the parameters of cognitive model,
usage of theory of the algorithm of the analysis of a posteriori results of research,
usage of theory of the formation and accounting of the aggregates of the accounting balance
of industrial and non-production organization,
usage of theory of the calculation of the parameters of the cognitive models
for the vertical, horizontal and trend static and dynamic financial analysis
of the (credit) organization in the conditions of definiteness and uncertainty,
usage of theory of the software for the automation of the tasks of research,
usage of theory of the statistical justification (substantiation) of the practical use of received results,
usage of theory of the factors influencing on the efficiency of functioning
of the (credit) organization in the economic system,
usage of theory of the organization and plan of carrying out of the experiment,
usage of theory of the research of parameters of the cognitive models
for the vertical, horizontal and trend financial analysis,
usage of theory of the preliminary processing of a posteriori results of diagnostics,
usage of theory of the choice of the methods of the statistical analysis of generated data sets
usage of theory of the analysis of the dynamics of resultativity of financial-economy activity,
usage of theory of the dispersion, regression
, discriminant and cluster analysis,
multidimensional scaling
, factor analysis and bibliographic lists.


For the applied (scientific) researches direction 1.8.
modeling in the biological and medical sciences” (“NBME”)

(The scientific areas “Applied physiology and medicine:
vegetative and generative growth of plants and animals”)

The laboratory researches section 1.8.1 (“SBE”)

1.8.1. For the section, scientific-researches laboratory
and (financing) department of applied (scientific) researches
“(The research of) applications of biology, ecology and physiology of plants” (“SBE”

Þ applications of biology
the general questions of usage of biology,
usage of theory of the methods and equipment of biological researches,
usage of theory of the biology of plants, usage of theory of the molecular biology of plants,
usage of theory of the bio-physics of plants, usage of theory of the cytology of plants,
usage of theory of the embriology of plants, usage of theory of the genetics of plants,
usage of theory of the virology of plants, usage of theory of the micro-biology of plants,
usage of theory of botany of plants, usage of theory of the physiology of plants,
usage of theory of the zoology of plants, usage of theory of the ecology of plants,
usage of theory of the anthropology of plants,
usage of theory of the communication of the physiology of plants, human and animals,
usage of theory of the communication of the morphology of plants, human and animals,
usage of theory of the immunology of plants,
usage of theory of the pharmacology of plants, usage of theory of the toxicology of plants,
usage of theory of the radiation biology of plants, usage of theory of the space biology of plants,
usage of theory of the bionics of plants, usage of theory of the bio-cybernetics of plants,
usage of theory of the bio-engineering of plants,
usage of theory of the cognitive modeling technology in the applications of biology;

Þ applications of the preservation of environment and ecology of plants
the general questions of usage of the preservation of environment and ecology of plants,
usage of theory and methods of studying and preservation of environment,
usage of theory of the ecological bases of the use of natural resources,
usage of theory of international cooperation,
usage of theory of the contamination of environment, usage of theory of control of pollution,
usage of theory of the pollution and protection of atmosphere, usage of theory of pollution,
usage of theory of the protection of the waters of land, seas and oceans,
usage of theory of the protection of soils
, usage of theory of the protection of bowels,
usage of theory of the ecological bases of live ability of plants,
usage of theory of the influence of the anthropogenous changes of environment
on the health and vegetative potential of plants,
usage of theory of influence of the contamination of environment on the condition of natural ecosystems
populations and organisms of flora world,
usage of theory of the protection of flora world,
usage of theory of the anthropogenous influence on the landscape,
usage of theory of the protection and optimization of landscape,
usage of theory of reserved affair, usage of theory of the protected natural territories and water areas,
usage of theory of the acts of nature and the accidents of anthropogenous origin,
usage of theory of ecological safety,
usage of theory of the rational use of natural resources,
usage of theory of the reproduction of natural resources,
usage of theory of the preservation of environment and natural resources in the separate countries and regions,
usage of theory of the management of wastes, usage of theory of the small-waste and without-waste technology,
usage of theory of the protection against the noise, vibration, electric and magnetic fields and radiations,
usage of theory of the cognitive modeling technology
in the applications of the preservation of environment and ecology of plants;

Þ applications of the medicine and public-health-services
the general questions of usage of the medicine and public-health-services,
usage of theory of the medical-biological disciplines,
usage of theory of medical materials, usage of theory of medical means and products,
usage of theory of medical technics,
usage of theory of clinical medicine, usage of theory of pharmacology,
usage of theory of hygiene, usage of theory of epidemiology,

usage of theory of the other branches of the medicine and public-health-services,
usage of theory of social hygiene,
usage of theory of the organization and management of public-health-services,
usage of theory of the cognitive modeling technology in the applications of the medicine and public-health-services.


The laboratory researches section 1.8.2 (“SB”)

1.8.2. For the section, scientific-researches laboratory
and (financing) department of applied (scientific) researches
“(The research of) applications of bio-technology, bio-medicine,
ergonomics and labor safety of organic individuals” (“SB”
) (*)
(see application in 2011-2013 y. and scientific work from the 25th of December 2008 y.)



Þ applications of bio-technology (*)
the general questions of usage of bio-technology,
usage of theory of the raw materials and producents for the bio-technological manufacture,
usage of theory of the bio-technological processes and apparatuses,
usage of theory of cellular engineering, usage of theory of technological bio-energetics,
usage of theory of genetic engineering, usage of theory of engineering enzimology
usage of theory of the immuno-bio-technological methods of the analysis,
usage of theory of the other problems of bio-technology,
usage of theory of the cognitive modeling technology
in the applications of physical-chemical bio-technology and genic engineering,
usage of theory of the modeling of the structure of desoxyribonucleic acid
based on the cognitive cylinder;

Þ applications of bio-medicine and public-health-services (*)
the general questions of usage of bio-medicine and public-health-services,
usage of theory of the medical-biological disciplines,
usage of theory of the bio-medical materials, means and products,
usage of theory of bio-medical technics,
usage of theory of clinical bio-medicine, usage of theory of bio-pharmacology,
usage of theory of bio-hygiene and bio-epidemiology
usage of theory of the other branches of bio-medicine and public-health-services,
usage of theory of social bio-hygiene,
usage of theory of the organization and management of public-health-services,
usage of theory of the modified model of reduced eye,
usage of theory of the software for the automation of the tasks of research
of the physiological, psychological and linguistic parameters
of the parametrical cognitive models block,
usage of theory of the statistical justification (substantiation) of the practical use of received results,
usage of theory of the physiological, psychological and linguistic factors
influencing on the efficiency of functioning of the information
-educational environment
and the increasing of resultativity of the automated training system
with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive
usage of theory of the organization and plan of carrying out of the experiment,
usage of theory of the research of the physiological, psychological and linguistic parameters
of the cognitive models of the subject of training and the means of training,
usage of theory of the preliminary processing of a posteriori results of diagnostics,
usage of theory of the choice of the methods of the statistical analysis of generated data sets
usage of theory of the analysis of the dynamics of resultativity of training,
usage of theory of the dispersion, regression
, discriminant and cluster analysis,
multidimensional scaling
, factor analysis and bibliographic lists,
usage of theory of the complex analysis of the modified model of reduced eye
for the research of the acuity of vision, field of vision, color perception and other parameters and other parameters
in the Descartes space of the 2 and 3 coordinates;

Þ applications of labor safety
the general questions of usage of labor safety,
usage of theory of the organization and management of labor safety,
usage of theory of working conditions, usage of theory of industrial sphere,
usage of theory of safety precaution, usage of theory of the professional illnesses and their preventive-support,
usage of theory of the accidents on the manufacture and their prevention,
usage of theory of work-capacity, usage of theory of the examination of work-capacity,
usage of theory of the labor safety on the categories of workers,
usage of theory of the work safety on the manufactures of increased danger,
usage of theory of the cognitive modeling technology in the applications of labor safety.


For the applied (scientific) researches direction 1.9.
modeling in the humanitarian sciences, art and creativity” (“NGNOT”)

(The scientific areas “Applied problems of peace:
(cognitive) linguistics, (national) creativity,
culture, art, religion, literature, science-study,
philosophy, journalism, (cognitive) psychology, education,
science and young scientists, encyclopedias, innovations and investments”)


The laboratory researches section 1.9.1 (“SGNT”)

1.9.1. For the section, scientific-researches laboratory
and (financing) department of applied (scientific) researches
“(The research of) applications of (cognitive)
(national) creativity, culture, art and religion” (“SGNT”
) (*)
(see application in 2011-2013 y. and scientific work from the 25th of December 2008 y.),
(see. application in 2014 y. and scientific work from the 01st of September 2007 y. (the 24th June 2004 y.))



Þ applications of science of language 
the general questions of usage of science of language,
usage of theory of general science of language,
usage of theory of applied science of language, usage of theory of the languages of The World,
usage of theory of the cognitive modeling technology in the applications of science of language;

Þ applications of (cognitive) linguistics (*)
the general questions of usage of (cognitive) linguistics,
usage of theory of (cognitive) linguistics, usage of theory of applied linguistics,
usage of theory of the cognitive modeling technology in the (cognitive) linguistics,
usage of theory of the general questions of languages,
usage of theory of the modified stratified(layered)-step model of understanding (applied linguistics)
of the content of information fragments,
usage of the theoretical bases of (cognitive)
linguistics and the cognitive modeling technology
in the technical, economic, physical-mathematical and other sciences,
usage of the theoretical bases of the parametrical cognitive models block
for the system analysis of the information
-educational environments
(the cognitive
models of the subject of training and the means of training),
usage of theory of the ways of representation of the structure of cognitive models and difficult problem environments:
the formal classical of the 0
th generation (the logical and production models),
the nonformal classical of the 0
th generation (the semantic network, the frame network and ontology),
the formal new of the 0
th generation (the calculus of theory of sets and corteges on domains
and the innovative calculus of theory of sets and graphs),
the nonformal new of the 0
th generation (the multilevel structural scheme
and the multilevel encapsulated pyramids combining theory of graphs and theory of sets),
the flat of the 1
st generation (the cognitive circle and cognitive disc),
the volumetric of the 1
st generation (the cognitive cylinder, cognitive cone and cognitive sphere),
the flat and volumetric of the 2
nd generation (the one-, two-, three-, four-, five- and more cognitive circle,
cognitive disc, cognitive cylinder, cognitive cone and cognitive sphere),
the hybrid of the 3
rd generation (the combinations of the existing cognitive models),
usage of theory of the adaptive automation means of the information
-educational environment
(the basic and applied diagnostic module, the electronic textbook,
the laboratory practical work, the electronic dean’s office, the electronic library and others),
usage of theory of the technical means of support of the adaptive information interaction
(the adaptive representation of a sequence of information fragments processor,
the question-answers structures sequence processing processor, the linguistic processor and others);

Þ applications of culture and cultural-science
the general questions of usage of culture and cultural-science,
usage of theory, methodology and philosophy of culture,
usage of theory of the history of culture, usage of theory of the history of study of culture,
usage of theory of the culture in The modern World,
usage of theory of the organization and management in the area of culture,
usage of theory of the international cooperation in the area of culture,
usage of theory of the hardware of the establishments of culture,
usage of theory of the social-cultural activity in the sphere of leisure,
usage of theory of library affair, usage of theory of library science,
usage of theory of bibliography, usage of theory of library-graphy science
usage of theory of museum affair, usage of theory of museum management science (museology),
usage of theory of the protection of the monuments of history and culture,
usage of theory of archival affair, usage of theory of archival science
usage of theory of the culture and cultural-science of separate countries and peoples,
usage of theory of the cognitive modeling technology in the applications of culture and cultural-science (culturology);

Þ applications of the art and art-science
the general questions of usage of the art and art-science,
usage of
theory and methodology of art, usage of theory of the problems of art-science,
usage of theory of the history and modern condition of art,
usage of theory of the art-science and photo-art-science,
usage of theory of the art in The modern World,
usage of theory of the organization and management in the area of art,
usage of theory of the international cooperation in the area of art,
usage of theory of fine art,
usage of theory of music, usage of theory of musical science (musicology),
usage of theory of theatre, usage of theory of theater science,
usage of theory of mass shows and
theatrical holidays,
usage of theory of dance, usage of theory of choreography,
usage of theory of circus, usage of theory of platform,
usage of theory of cinema, usage of theory of motion-picture-art,
usage of theory of national folk art, usage of theory of the art of separate countries and peoples,
usage of theory of the cognitive modeling technology in the applications of the art and art-science;

Þ applications of religion and atheism
the general questions of usage of religion and atheism,
usage of theory of atheism and free-thinking, usage of theory of separate religions,
usage of theory of church and cults, usage of theoriy of the problems of religious consciousness,
usage of theory of philosophy and religion, usage of theory of religion, usage of theory of church and society,
usage of theory of the organizational-practical activity of churches,
usage of theory of the history of atheism, usage of theory of religions and churches,
usage of theory of the cognitive modeling technology in the applications of religion and atheism.


The laboratory researches section 1.9.2 (“SLPZ”)

1.9.2. For the section, scientific-researches laboratory
and (financing) department of applied (scientific) researches
“(The research of) applications of literature, science-study
, philosophy,
journalism and mass communication means” (“SLPZ”

Þ applications of literature, literary-science and oral national creativity
the general questions of usage of literature, literary-science and oral national creativity,
usage of theory of literature, usage of theory of the history of literature,
usage of theory of national creativity,
usage of theory of auxiliary literary-science disciplines,
usage of theory of the products of fiction literuture,
usage of theory of the cognitive modeling technology
in the applications of literature, literary-science and oral national creativity;

Þ applications of science-study (sciencelogic)
the general questions of usage of science-study,
usage of theory of the development of science, usage of theory of science and society,
usage of theory of the sociology of science,
usage of theory of scientific work, usage of theory of scientific creativity,
usage of theory of the organization of science, usage of theory of the politics in the area of science,
usage of theory of the technique and technics of research work,
usage of theory of the economics of science, usage of theory of scientific staff,
usage of theory of the international cooperation in the science,
usage of theory of the science and scientific-research work in the separate countries,
usage of theory of the cognitive modeling technology in the applications of science-study (sciencelogic)

Þ applications of mass communication, journalism and mass media means
the general questions of usage of mass communication, journalism and mass media means,
usage of theory of mass communication,
usage of theory of the open popular network information resources in the network “Internet” and “WWW”,
usage of theory of journalism, usage of theory of mass media means,
usage of theory of print, usage of theory of television (TV), usage of theory of radio,
usage of theory of use of the technical means for the mass communication,
usage of theory of the cognitive modeling technology
in the applications of mass communication, journalism and mass media means.


The laboratory researches section 1.9.3 (“SPOPMU”)

1.9.3. For the section, scientific-researches laboratory
and (financing) department of applied (scientific) researches
“(The research of) applications of the problems of (cognitive) psychology, education,
science and the support of young scientists (the programs of grants and others)” (“SPOPMU”
) (*)
(see application in 2011-2013 y. and scientific work from the 25th of December 2008 y.),
(see. application in 2014 y. and scientific work from the 01st of September 2007 y. (the 24th June 2004 y.))



Þ applications of the national education and pedagogics
the general questions of usage of the national education and pedagogics,
usage of theory of general pedagogics, usage of theory of the history of education and pedagogics,
usage of theory of personnels, usage of theory of education systems,
usage of theory of preschool education, usage of theory of preschool pedagogics,
usage of theory of comprehensive school, usage of theory of the pedagogics of comprehensive school,
usage of theory of out-of-school (additional) education and training,
usage of theory of out-of-school pedagogics,
usage of theory of special (correctional) schools, usage of theory of defectology,
usage of theory of initial vocational(professional)-technical training,
usage of theory of the pedagogics of professional school,
usage of theory of average vocational (professional) training,
usage of theory of the pedagogics of average vocational (professional) training,
usage of theory of supreme vocational (professional) training,
usage of theory of the pedagogics of supreme professional school,
usage of theory of the education of adults, usage of theory of the improvement of professional skills,
usage of theory of self-education,
usage of theory of family education, usage of theory of family pedagogics,
usage of theory of the specialized branches of pedagogics,
usage of theory of the technical means of training and educational equipment,
usage of theory of the national education and pedagogics in the separate countries,
usage of theory of the cognitive modeling technology
in the applications of the national education and pedagogics;

Þ applications of (cognitive) psychology (*)
the general questions of usage of (cognitive) psychology,
usage of theory of general psychology, usage of theory of the psychology of development,
usage of theory of age psychology, usage of theory of comparative psychology,
usage of theory of social psychology, usage of theory of applied psychology,
usage of theory of the cognitive modeling technology in the applications of (cognitive)
usage of theory of the modified stratified(layered)-step model of processing (cognitive psychology)
of the content of information fragments,
usage of the theoretical bases of cognitive
psychology and the cognitive modeling technology,
usage of the theoretical bases of the parametrical cognitive models block
for the system analysis of the information
-educational environments
(the cognitive
models of the subject of training and the means of training),
usage of theory of the ways of representation of the structure of cognitive models and difficult problem environments:
the formal classical of the 0
th generation (the logical and production models),
the nonformal classical of the 0
th generation (the semantic network, the frame network and ontology),
the formal new of the 0
th generation (the calculus of theory of sets and corteges on domains
and the innovative calculus of theory of sets and graphs),
the nonformal new of the 0
th generation (the multilevel structural scheme
and the multilevel encapsulated pyramids combining theory of graphs and theory of sets),
the flat of the 1
st generation (the cognitive circle and cognitive disc),
the volumetric of the 1
st generation (the cognitive cylinder, cognitive cone and cognitive sphere),
the flat and volumetric of the 2
nd generation (the one-, two-, three-, four-, five- and more cognitive circle,
cognitive disc, cognitive cylinder, cognitive cone and cognitive sphere),
the hybrid of the 3
rd generation (the combinations of the existing cognitive models),
usage of theory of the adaptive automation means of the information
-educational environment
(the basic and applied diagnostic module, the electronic textbook,
the laboratory practical work, the electronic dean’s office, the electronic library and others),
usage of theory of the technical means of support of the adaptive information interaction
(the adaptive representation of a sequence of information fragments processor,
the question-answers structures sequence processing processor, the linguistic processor and others),
usage of theory of the technical means of support of the complex analysis
(the automation means of formation and research of the psychological parameters
of the cognitive model in the view of the cognitive circle,
cognitive disc, cognitive
cylinder, cognitive cone, cognitive sphere,
the one-, two-, three-, four-, five- and more cognitive
sphere and others);

Þ applications of the grants of “RFBR”, “RHSF” and other organizations
the general questions of usage of grants of “RFBR”, “RHSF” and other organizations,
usage of theory of the general data of “The Russian fund of basic researches”,
“The Russian humanitarian scientific fund” and other organizations,
usage of the theoretical-methodological basis of grants,
usage of theory of the reception, distribution and usege of the grants
of “RFBR”, “RHSF” and other grant-formation organizations,
usage of theory of the cognitive modeling technology
in the applications of the grants of “RFBR”, “RHSF” and other organizations.



The laboratory researches section 1.9.4 (“SRE”)

1.9.4. For the section, scientific-researches laboratory
and (financing) department of applied (scientific) researches
“(The research of) applications of the innovations of the project "The Russian encyclopedias",
philosophy of science, technics and technology on the branches of knowledge” (“SRE”

Þ applications of the encyclopedias on the natural and exact sciences
the general questions of usage of the encyclopedias on the natural and exact sciences,
usage of theory of the encyclopedias on the mathematics, cybernetics, physics, mechanics,
chemistry, biology, geodesy and cartography, geo-physics, geology, geography, astronomy,
usage of theory of the general and complex problems of natural and exact sciences,
usage of theory of the cognitive modeling technology
in the applications of the encyclopedias on the natural and exact sciences;

Þ applications of the encyclopedias on the social sciences
the general questions of usage of the encyclopedias on the social sciences,
usage of theory of the encyclopedias on the social sciences as a whole,
on the philosophy, history and historical sciences, sociology, demography,
economics and economic sciences, state, law and jurisprudential sciences,
politics and political sciences, science-study
, culture and cultural-science,
national education and pedagogics, psychology, science of language, literature and literary-science,
oral national creativity, art and art-science, mass communication and journalism,
mass media means, computer science, religion and atheism,
the complex studying of separate countries and regions, the complex problems of social sciences,
usage of theory of the cognitive modeling technology
in the applications of the encyclopedias on the social sciences;

Þ applications of the encyclopedias on the technical, applied and economic sciences
the general questions of usage of the encyclopedias on the technical, applied and economic sciences,
usage of theory of the encyclopedias on the power-engineering, electric-engineering,
electronics, radio-engineering, connection,
automatics, computer engineering,
mining, metallurgy, mechanical-engineering, nuclear technics, instrument-making,
polygraphy, reprography
, photo-cinema-technics,
chemical technology and chemical industry, bio-technology,
light industry, food(-processing) industry, wood and wood-processing industry,
construction and architecture,
agriculture and forestry, fish economy and aqua-culture
, water economy (management) (economy),
internal trade, tourist
-excursion service, external trade, transport,
housing-communal economy (services), housekeeping, consumer services,
medicine and public-health-services,
physical training and sport, military science, the other branches of economics,
usage of theory of the cognitive modeling technology
in the applications of the encyclopedias on the technical, applied and economic sciences;

Þ applications of the encyclopedias on the general and complex problems
of technical and applied sciences and the branches of national economy

the general questions of usage of the encyclopedias on the general and complex problems
of technical and applied sciences and the branches of national economy,
usage of theory of the encyclopedias on the organization and management,
statistics, standartisation, patent business, invention and rationalization,
labor safety, the preservation of environment and ecology of person, space researches, metrology,
usage of theory of the cognitive modeling technology
in the applications of the encyclopedias on the general and complex problems
of technical and applied sciences and the branches of national economy;

Þ applications of philosophy of science, technics and technology
the general questions of usage of philosophy of science, technics and technology,
usage of theory of the general problems of modern philosophy of science, technics and technology,
usage of theory of global-philosophy problems, usage of theory of logic of the philosophy and methodology of science,
usage of theory of social philosophy, usage of theory of ethics, usage of theory of aesthetics,
usage of theory of the philosophy of religion and atheism, usage of theory of the history of philosophy,
usage of theory of the cognitive modeling technology
in the applications of philosophy of science, technics and technology.



For the applied (scientific) researches direction 1.10.
modeling in the physical training and sport” (“NFS”)

(The scientific areas “Applied medicine and physiology:
physical training and sport”)


The laboratory researches section 1.10.1 (“SSSNM”)

1.10.1. For the section, scientific-researches laboratory
and (financing) department of applied (scientific) researches
“(The research of) applications of sport, sports sciences and actions” (“SSSNM”


Þ applications of physical training and sport
the general questions of usage of physical training and sport,
usage of theory of physical training and sport,
usage of theory of the methodological and medical-biological bases of physical training and sport,
usage of theory of the material-technical base of physical training and sport,
usage of theory of the methodical bases of the kinds of sport and sport competitions,
usage of theory of the cognitive modeling technology in the applications of physical training and sport.


For the applied (scientific) researches direction 1.11.
modeling in the military sciences” (“NVN”)

(The scientific areas “Applied military physical,
chemical and other methods and technologies:
architecture, construction and technics, politics and economics,
literature, education, history and problems of peace”)


The laboratory researches section 1.11.1 (“SASTIOPEVC”)

1.11.1. For the section, scientific-researches laboratory
and (financing) department of applied (scientific) researches
“(The research of) applications of architecture, construction, technics,
history, education, politics and economics in the armed forces” (“SASTIOPEVC”


Þ applications of military sciences
the general questions of usage of military sciences,
usage of theory of the doctrine about the war and army, usage of theory of military history,
usage of theory of military education, usage of theory of the professional training of staff,
usage of theory of military politics, usage of theory of military doctrines,
usage of theory of military science, usage of theory of military-applied sciences,
usage of theory of the arms and military technics, usage of theory of
armed forces,
usage of theory of military economics,
usage of theory of the cognitive modeling technology in the applications of military sciences.


The note:

The contents corresponds
to “The state rubricator of scientific-technical information” (“
"VINITI" of "RAS"”)
and “The indexes of scientific citing” (“Science direct”).


The list of directions of applied scientific researches and scientific results
for the international action
in “The Nobel committee” (The Kingdom of Norway and The Kingdom of Sweden)
(page 2 from 2 pages)

Text Box: of “The Russian academy of (natural) sciences” named after Veniaminov V.N. 
Text Box: The scientific-research institute
Text Box: “System and financial analysis 
based on cognitive modeling technology”
Text Box: SIO “Academy of cognitive natural sciences”