“The international action
of "The Saint-Petersburg state university" ("SPbSU")
on the rights of "The Federal scientific centre of RF"
and "The National research university of RF",
the author of the unique cognitive modeling technology
and the scientific direction "Cognitive informatics (computer science),
the cognitive modeling technology
for the system and financial analysis"
("AUT CMT SFA") Vetrov A.N.
due to means of the budget and interested
natural persons and legal entities –
the procedure of defence of the dissertation
(in the form of manuscript) on the rights of manuscript
"The cognitive modeling technology
for the system analysis of the information-educational environments"
on the competition of scientific degree of the doctor of technical sciences
in spec. 05.13.01 – "The system analysis, control and information processing"
of "AUT CMT SFA" Vetrov A.N.
with participation of the national and foreign
members of "The dissertation council" of "SPbSU"
for (non)residents at the international level
with translation through the global network "Internet"
and accommodation in "The hotel "Moscow"" ("The group of hotels "Intourist"")”


the faculty “Applied mathematicscontrol processes” (“AMCP”)

the chair “Information systems” (“IS”)

The list of documents of doctoral dissertation of “AUT CMT SFA Vetrov A.N.
for the international action
in “The Saint-Petersburg state university” (RF, Saint-Petersburg city)
(page 1 from 2 pages)


Dear citizens of The Russian Federation and the foreign countries!


We invite You to take part in “The international action
of "The Saint-Petersburg state university" ("SPbSU")
on the rights of "The Federal scientific centre of RF" and "The National research university of RF",
the author of the unique cognitive modeling technology
and the scientific direction "Cognitive informatics (computer science),
the cognitive modeling technology
for the system and financial analysis" ("AUT CMT SFA") Vetrov A.N.
due to means of the budget and interested natural persons and legal entities –
the procedure of defence of the dissertation (in the form of manuscript) on the rights of manuscript
"The cognitive modeling technology
for the system analysis of the information-educational environments"
on the competition of scientific degree of the doctor of technical sciences
in spec. 05.13.01 – "The system analysis, control and information processing"
of "AUT CMT SFA" Vetrov A.N.
with participation of the national and foreign members of "The dissertation council" of "SPbSU"
for (non)residents at the international level
with translation through the global network "Internet"
[is required by the new rules of “SPbSU”]
and accommodation in "The hotel "Moscow"" ("The group of hotels "Intourist"")
[it is not required by the new rules of “SPbSU”].


The list of documents
for the submission
to “The department of support of the activity of dissertation councils” (“DSADC”) of “SPbSU”
of the applicant of scientific degree,
attached from the “   
th” of November 2023 y. to the “    th” of May 2024 y.
to the chair “Information systems” (“IS”)
(“Modeling of social-economic systems” (“MSES”))
of the faculty “Applied mathematics – control processes” (“AM – CP”) of “SPbSU”,
“"the author of the unique technology" of cognitive modeling
for the system, financial and complex analysis at the micro level”
Vetrov Anatoly Nikolaevich
[according to “The order of awarding in "SPbSU"
of the scientific degree of the candidate of sciences, the scientific degree of the doctor of sciences”,
approved by The order from the 19.11.2021 y. №11181/1
“About the order of awarding of the scientific degrees in SPbSU”
(approved by The order from the 01.09.2016 y. №6821/1
“About the order of awarding of the scientific degrees in SPbSU”)]
(also see the documents, registered
in the electronic system of document-flow of “SPbSU” from the 07
th of February 2018 y.)
[the list of all documents in the format “PDF”,
the name of file «Ветров_АН_Список_документов_для_предоставления_
.pdf» (download) [RUS],
the name of
file “Vetrov_AN_The_list_of_documents_for_the_submitting_
to_The_dep_of_supp_of_the_act_of_diss_councils_of_SPbSU_from_the_21_11_2023_dts_051301.pdf” (
download) [ENG]]


According to the items 1542, 1543, 1544, 1545, 1546, 1547 and 1551 of “The civil codex (CC) of RF”
we ask
You to study with the specified documents and to approve the participation of organizations-participants and participants
inThe international action of "The Saint-Petersburg state university" ("SPbSU")
on the rights of "The Federal scientific centre of RF" and "The National research university of RF",
the author of the unique cognitive modeling technology
and the scientific direction "Cognitive informatics (computer science), the cognitive modeling technology
for the system and financial analysis" ("AUT CMT SFA") Vetrov A.N.
due to means of the budget and interested natural persons and legal entities –
the procedure of defence of the dissertation (in the form of manuscript) on the rights of manuscript
"The cognitive modeling technology for the system analysis of the information-educational environments"
on the competition of scientific degree of the doctor of technical sciences
in spec. 05.13.01 – "The system analysis, control and information processing" of "AUT CMT SFA" Vetrov A.N.
with participation of the national and foreign members of "The dissertation council" of "SPbSU"
for (non)residents at the international level with translation through the global network "Internet"
and accommodation in "The hotel "Moscow"" ("The group of hotels "Intourist"")”.


The documents at the stage of attachment to “SPbSU”
and the organization of (preliminary) defence of the dissertation in “The dissertation council” of “SPbSU”
(also see the documents, registered in the electronic system of document-flow of “SPbSU” from the 07th of February 2018 y.)

[all documents in the archive “RAR”,
the name of file “Vetrov_AN_RF_SPbSU_from_the_21_11_2023_ENG.rar” (download) [ENG],
the name of
file “Vetrov_AN_RF_SPbSU_from_the_21_11_2023_RUS.rar” (download) [RUS]]


I. The main accompanying documents (“*” – the document is submitted for the first time)

1. The application of the applicant of scientific degree of “the doctor of technical sciences”
(the application must contain the consent of the applicant
on the presentation of the dissertation in accordance with the present Order)
in accordance with The appendix №1 to The order from the 19.11.2021 y. №11181/1
“About the order of awarding of the scientific degrees in "SPbSU"” (with changes and additions).

1.1. Copy of the application of Vetrov A.N. from the 31.10.2023 y. with app.
see the list of appendices on the paper and el. carriers)
with the mark “Accepted to the consideration on the 31.10.2023 y. The secretary of the head "DSAHLSD" Grib Yu.E.”
to the name of the dean of the faculty “AM
CP” of “SPbSU”,, prof. Petrosyan L.A.,
the head of the chair “IS” of the faculty “AM
CP” of “SPbSU”,, prof. Olemskoy I.V.
and the sci. supervisor, prof. of the chair “IS” of the faculty “AM
CP” of “SPbSU”,, prof. Kvitko A.N.
09 sh, 09 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
the name of file “Vetrov_AN_The_application_from_the_31_10_2023_y_with_appendices_
to_the_name_of_the_dean_of_faculty_AM_CP_of_SPbSU_d_ph_m_s_prof_Petrosyan_LA_reg.pdf” (
download) [RUS]
[the original copy of the specified document was submitted on the 21st of November 2023 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 21
st of November 2023 y.].

1.1. Copy of the application of Vetrov A.N. from the 21st of November 2023 y. with app. (“On the question of attachment”) to the name of the rector of “SPbSU”, d.j.s., prof. Kropachev N.M. –
16 sh., 16 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
the name of file “1_Vetrov_AN_Application_from_the_21_11_2023_with_appendices_
to_the_name_of_the_rector_of_SPbSU_djs_prof_Kropachev_NM_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS]
[the original copy of the specified document was submitted on the 21st of November 2023 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 21
st of November 2023 y.].

1.2. The application of Vetrov A.N. from the 21.11.2023 y. with app. (“On the question of the organization of defence”)
to the name of the rector of “SPbSU”, d.j.s., prof. Kropachev N.M.
[without the legal address]
02 sh., 02 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
the name of file “Vetrov_AN_Application_from_the_21_11_2023_with_app_
to_the_name_of_the_rector_of_SPbSU_djs_prof_Kropachev_NM_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
the name of file “Vetrov_AN_Application_from_the_21_11_2023_with_app_
to_the_name_of_the_rector_of_SPbSU_djs_prof_Kropachev_NM_ENG.pdf” (
download) [ENG]
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 21st of November 2023 y.].

1.3. The application of Vetrov A.N. from the 21.11.2023 y. with app. (“On the question of provision of The conclusion of "SPbSU")
to the name of the
scientific secretary of “SPbSU”’, d.b.s., prof. Gnetov A.V. [without the legal address]
sh., 02 p. (in the formatPDF”) (in the national Russian language),
the name of file “Vetrov_AN_Application_from_the_21_11_2023_with_app_
to_the_name_of_the_sci_sec_of_SPbSU_cbs_prof_Gnetov_AV_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
the name of file “Vetrov_AN_Application_from_the_21_11_2023_with_app_
to_the_name_of_the_sci_sec_of_SPbSU_cbs_prof_Gnetov_AV_ENG.pdf” (
download) [ENG]
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 21st of November 2023 y.].

1.4. The application of Vetrov A.N. from the 21.11.2023 y. with app. (“On the question of submission of The conclusion of "SPbSU"»)
to the
name of the scientific secretary of “SPbSU”, d.b.s., prof. Gnetov A.V. [without the jurisprudential address]
sh., 02 p. (in the formatPDF”) (in the national Russian language),
the name of file “Vetrov_AN_Application_from_the_21_11_2023_with_app_
to_the_name_of_the_sci_sec_of_SPbSU_cbs_prof_Gnetov_AV_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
the name of file “Vetrov_AN_Application_from_the_21_11_2023_with_app_
to_the_name_of_the_sci_sec_of_SPbSU_cbs_prof_Gnetov_AV_ENG.pdf” (
download) [ENG]
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 21st of November 2023 y.].

1.5.The letter from the 29.11.2023 y. №01/1-43-В-7770, signed
the head “The department on the support of activity of the dissertation councils” (“DSADC”)
of “SPbSU” Alekseyeva I.V. –
sh., 02 p. (in the formatPDF”) (in the national Russian language)
on the answer to my application from the 21.11.2023 y. (was received by “DDS” of “SPbSU” on the 21.11.2023 y. at 15:17,
was registered on the 23.11.2023 y. №01/1-43-В-7770)
to the name of the rector of “SPbSU”, d.j.s., prof. Kropachev N.M. –
16 sh., 16 p.
(in the formatPDF”) (in the national Russian language),
the name of file “Vetrov_AN_Letter_from_the_29_11_2023_N01_1_43_V_7770_
(download) [RUS].

1.6. The application of Vetrov A.N. from the 04.12.2023 y. with app. was received by “DDS” of “SPbSU” on the 07.12.2023 y. at 12:01
to the name of the first vice-rector of “SPbSU”, d.e.s., prof. Chernova E.G. –
16 sh., 16 p. (in the format “PDF”)
(in the national Russian language),
the name of file “Vetrov_AN_Application_from_the_04_12_2023_y_with_appendices_
(download) [RUS]
[the open public international defence in “SPbSU”
on the rights of The Federal scientific centre of RF and the national research university of RF];
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 28th of December 2023 y.].

1.7. The application of Vetrov A.N. from the 28.12.2023 y. with app. (“On the question of submission
of The list and comparison
of the scientific results (slides) of dissertations of
"AUT CMT SFA" Vetrov Anatoly Nikolaevich
on the theme
"The environment of automated training with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive models"
on the competition of scientific degree of the candidate of technical sciences
(was created in “SPbSETU "LETI"” in 2005 y., was submitted to “SPbSU” in 2018 y. and defenced in “SPbSU” in 2020 y.)
[1 volume, 272 (256) p., 2005 y. (on the 07.06.2005 y. the candidate minimum in spec. 05.13.01 was passed)]
and on the theme
"The cognitive modeling technology
for the system analysis of the information-educational environments
on the competition of scientific degree of the doctor of technical sciences
(was created at “SPbSETU "LETI"” in 2006 y., was submitted to “SPbSU” in 2023 y. and will defenced in “SPbSU” in 2024 y.)
[3 volumes, 910 p.: vol. 1, 240 p., 2006 y., vol. 2, 252 p., 2006 y. and vol. 3, 418 p., 2008 y., 2010 y.]
for the submission
"The department of support of the activity of dissertation councils" ("DSADC") of "SPbSU")
to the
name of the head of “The department on the support of activity of the dissertation councils” (“DSADC”) of “SPbSU” Alekseyeva I.V. –
sh., 17 p. (in the formatPDF”) (in the national Russian language)
[the open public international defence in “SPbSU”
on the rights of The Federal scientific centre of RF and the national research university of RF],
the name of file “Vetrov_AN_Application_from_the_28_12_2023_with_app_
to_the_name_of_the_head_of_DSADC_of_SPbSU_Alekseyeva_IV_RUS_reg.pdf” (
download) [RUS]
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 28th of December 2023 y.],
the name of file “Vetrov_AN_The_list_and_comparison_of_the_scientific_results_slides_
of_diss_to_DSADC_of_SPbSU_from_the_28_12_2023_signed_RUS_reg.pdf” (download) [RUS]
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 28th of December 2023 y.],
the name of file “Vetrov_AN_The_list_and_comparison_of_the_scientific_results_slides_
of_diss_to_DSADC_of_SPbSU_from_the_28_12_2023_signed_ENG_reg.pdf” (download) [ENG]
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 28th of December 2023 y.].

2. The certified copy of the document of established sample about the higher education
(the diploma of specialist / the diploma of magister /
the diploma about the completion of postgraduate-study (internship))
(for the applicants of scientific degree of the candidate of sciences).

2.1. Copy of the certificate (diploma) with honors of the state sample of RSFSR
about the giving of qualification (professional retraining)
of “The training-industrial plant №1 of Krasnogvardeisky district of Saint-Petersburg city”
without series and without number (the order 405, circulation 5000, the sample on the 19th of June 1989 y.)
to the name of Vetrov A.N. about the fact, that from the 01
st of September 1995 y. to the 12th of May 1997 y.
he has passed the professional (re)training and the improvement of professional skill
on the spec. 01.01.09 – “Discrete mathematics and mathematical cybernetics”
(“The theory of information”, “Programming”,
“Vector computer graphics and genetic algorithms”),
the state attestation commission by the decision from the 12
th of May 1997 y.
has certified the compliance of his qualification (profession and specialty)
“Programmer-laboratory assistant” (Vetrov A.N.)
on the conducting of professional activity
in the sphere “Programming”
[physical-mathematical sciences],
(*) copy of the specified diploma
with honors was registered in the registry book №78/182-N/78-2019-2-126,
certified by the notary of the not. district Saint-Petersburg city Odnoral O.E. on the 05
th of February 2019 y.
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city) – 01 sh., 01 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
(*) copy of the specified diploma
with honors was registered in the registry book №78/248-n/78-2023-9-226,
certified by the notary of the not. district Saint-Petersburg city Soldatenko L.G. on the 09
th of November 2023 y.
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city) – 01 sh., 02 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
the certification is confirmed
[by demand] by the head of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N.
on the 28
th of February 2003 y., the 01st of September 2003 y., the 01st of September 2004 y., the 01st of September 2005 y.,
the 01
st of September 2006 y., the 01st of September 2007 y., the 01st of September 2008 y., the 29th of June 2009 y.,
the 26
th of January 2010 y., the 01st of February 2010 y., the 19th of February 2010 y. and the 03rd of August 2010 y. –
01 sh., 01 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
the name of
file “2_1_Vetrov_AN_The_diploma_of_TIP_Saint_Petersburg_RF_
on_spec_050501_010109_AN_Vetrov_12_05_1997_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
(*) the name of
file “2_1_Vetrov_AN_Copy_of_the_diploma_of_TIP_Saint_Petersburg_RF_
on_spec_050501_010109_AN_Vetrov_12_05_1997_Odnoral_OE_05_02_2019_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
(*) the name of file
on_spec_050501_010109_AN_Vetrov_12_05_1997_Soldatenko_LG_09_11_2023_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS]
[copy of the specified document was submitted on the 26.12.2017 y. and 01.04.2019 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 01
st of April 2019 y.].

2.2. Copy of the diploma with honors of the state sample of RF about the higher education
of “The Saint-Petersburg state electrotechnical university "LETI"”
the series DVS №1230632 to the name of Vetrov A.N. about the fact,
that from the 01
st of September 1997 y. to the 11th of February 2003 y. he has passed the professional training
on the spec. 220201 – “Control and informatics in technical systems”
(05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing”),
the state attestation commission by the decision from the 11
th of February 2003 y. (reg. №1018)
has certified the conformity of his qualification (specialization) “Engineer” (Vetrov A.N.)
on the conducting of professional activity
in the sphere “Control and informatics in technical systems”
[technical sciences],
copy of the specified diploma
with honors was registered in the registry book №D-5514, Д-5515,
certified by the notary of the note. district Saint-Petersburg city Bukhtoyarova S.A. on the 07th of November 2008 y.
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city) – 01 sh., 02 p. (with app. – 04 sh, 04 p.) (in the format “PDF”) (in the nat. Russian language),
(*) copy of the specified diploma
with honors was registered in the registry book №78/182-N/78-2019-2-127, 128,
certified by the notary of the not. district Saint-Petersburg city Odnoral O.E. on the 05
th of February 2019 y.
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city) – 01 sh., 02 p. (with app. – 02 sh, 04 p.) (in the format “PDF”) (in the nat. Russian language),
(*) copy of the specified diploma
with honors was registered in the registry book №78/248-n/78-2023-9-230, 234,
certified by the notary of the not. district Saint-Petersburg city Soldatenko L.G. on the 09
th of November 2023 y.
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city) – 01 sh., 02 p. (with app. – 02 sh, 04 p.) (in the format “PDF”) (in the nat. Russian language),
the certification is confirmed
[by demand] by the head of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N.
on the 28
th of February 2003 y., the 01st of September 2003 y., the 01st of September 2004 y., the 01st of September 2005 y.,
the 01
st of September 2006 y., the 01st of September 2007 y., the 01st of September 2008 y., the 29th of June 2009 y.,
the 26
th of January 2010 y., the 01st of February 2010 y., the 19th of February 2010 y. and the 03rd of August 2010 y. –
01 sh., 01 p. (with app. – 02 sh, 04 p.) (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
the name of file
on_spec_220201_051301_AN_Vetrov_11_02_2003_with_appendix_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
(*) the name of file
on_spec_220201_051301_AN_Vetrov_11_02_2003_with_app_Odnoral_OE_05_02_2019_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
(*) the name of file
on_spec_220201_051301_AN_Vetrov_11_02_2003_with_app_Soldatenko_LG_09_11_2023_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS]
[copy of the specified document was submitted on the 26.12.2017 y. and 01.04.2019 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 01
st of April 2019 y.].

2.3. Copy of the diploma with honors of the state sample of RF about the higher education
of “The Saint-Petersburg state electrotechnical university "LETI"”
the series
confidentiallyconfidentially to the name of Vetrov A.N. about the fact,
that from the 01
st of September 1997 y. to the 11th of February 2003 y. he has passed the professional training
on the spec. 472500 – “Operation and repair of ship fighting information
control systems” (the automated control systems of submarines)
(05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing”),
the state attestation commission by the decision from the 11
th of February 2003 y. (reg. № confidentially)
has certified the compliance of his qualification (specialization) “Engineer” (Vetrov A.N.)
on the conducting of professional activity
in the sphere “MU-3” (lieutenant of “NAVY of RF”)
[military sciences],
the certification is confirmed
[by demand] by the head of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N.
on the 28
th of February 2003 y., the 01st of September 2003 y., the 01st of September 2004 y., the 01st of September 2005 y.,
the 01
st of September 2006 y., the 01st of September 2007 y., the 01st of September 2008 y., the 29th of June 2009 y.,
the 26
th of January 2010 y., the 01st of February 2010 y., the 19th of February 2010 y. and the 03rd of August 2010 y. –
confidentially (with appendix – confidentially)
[the specified document is confidential, therefore will not be submitted].

2.4. Copy of the diploma with honors of the state sample of RF about the professional retraining
and the second higher education of “The international banking institute”
the series PP №548008 to the name of Vetrov A.N. about the fact,
that from the 01
st of October 2003 y. to the 24th of June 2004 y. he has passed
the professional (re)training and the improvement of professional skill
on the spec. 060400 – “Finance and credit” (08.00.10 – “Finance, monetary circulation and credit”),
the state attestation commission by the decision from the 24
th of June 2004 y. (reg. №1004)
has certified the compliance of his qualification (specialization) “Expert economist” (Vetrov A.N.)
on the conducting of professional activity
in the sphere “Banking”
[economic sciences],
copy of the specified diploma
with honors was registered in the registry book №D-5507,
certified by the notary of the not. district Saint-Petersburg city Bukhtoyarova S.A. on the 07
th of November 2008 y.
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city) – 01 sh., 02 p. (with app. – 01 sh, 02 p.) (in the format “PDF”) (in the nat. Russian language),
(*) copy of the specified diploma
with honors was registered in the registry book №78/182-N/78-2019-2-129, 130,
certified by the notary of the not. district Saint-Petersburg city Odnoral O.E. on the 05
th of February 2019 y.
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city) – 01 sh., 02 p. (with app. – 01 sh, 20 p.) (in the format “PDF”) (in the nat. Russian language),
(*) copy of the specified diploma
with honors was registered in the registry book №78/248-n/78-2023-9-238, 242,
certified by the notary of the not. district Saint-Petersburg city Soldatenko L.G. on the 09
th of November 2023 y.
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city) – 01 sh., 02 p. (with app. – 01 sh, 02 p.) (in the format “PDF”) (in the nat. Russian language),
the certification is confirmed
[by demand] by the head of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N.
on the 24
th of June 2004 y., the 01st of September 2004 y., the 01st of September 2005 y., the 01st of September 2006 y.,
the 01
st of September 2007 y., the 01st of September 2008 y., the 29th of June 2009 y.,
the 26
th of January 2010 y., the 01st of February 2010 y., the 19th of February 2010 y. and the 03rd of August 2010 y. –
01 sh., 01 p. (with app. – 01 sh., 02 p.) (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
the name of file
on_spec_080105_080010_AN_Vetrov_24_06_2004_with_appendix_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
(*) the name of file
on_spec_080105_080010_AN_Vetrov_24_06_2004_with_appendix_Odnoral_OE_05_02_2019_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
(*) the name of file
on_spec_080105_080010_AN_Vetrov_24_06_2004_with_appendix_Soldatenko_LG_09_11_2023_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS]
[copy of the specified document was submitted on the 26.12.2017 y. and 01.04.2019 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 01
st of April 2019 y.].

3. The certified copy of the diploma of the candidate of sciences
(for the applicants of scientific degree of the doctor of sciences).

3.1. Copy of the diploma of the state sample of RF (“SPbSU”)
about the awarding of scientific degree of the candidate of technical sciences
of “The Saint-Petersburg state university”
the series AA20 №000041 to the name of Vetrov A.N. about the fact,
that on the 21
st of October 2020 y. he has awarded the scientific degree of the candidate of technical sciences
in spec. 05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing”,
the dissertation council by the decision of “The dissertation council” of “SPbSU” A05.20.6784
from the 21
st of October 2020 y. №1 (The order of “SPbSU” from the 27th of January 2021 y. №640/1)
has certified the compliance of his scientific degree (specialty)
“Candidate of technical sciences” (Vetrov A.N.)
on the conducting of professional activity
in the sphere “The system analysis, control and information processing”
[technical sciences],
(*) copy of the specified diploma was registered in the registry book №78/248-n/78-2023-9-246,
certified by the notary of the not. district Saint-Petersburg city Soldatenko L.G. on the 09
th of November 2023 y.
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city) – 01 sh., 02 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
the certification is confirmed
[by demand] by the vice-rector in legal affairs of “SPbSU”,
c.j.s., associate prof. Penov Yu.V. on the 27
th of January 2021 y. –
01 sh., 02 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
the name of file
candidate_of_technical_sciences_on_spec_051301_AN_Vetrov_21_10_2020_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
(*) the name of file
21_10_2020_Soldatenko_LG_09_11_2023_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS] 
[copy of the specified document was certified at the notary and submitted on the 21st of November 2023 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the “   
th” of November 2023 y.].

4. The document, confirming the passing of candidate examinations
(for the applicants of scientific degree of the candidate of sciences)
[copy of the specified document was submitted on the 26.12.2017 y. and 01.04.2019 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 01
st of April 2019 y.].

5. The review of scientific supervisor (for the applicants of scientific degree of the candidate of sciences) /
scientific consultant (for the applicants of scientific degree of the doctor of sciences) (in the presence).

5.1. The application about the consent to act as the scientific consultant on the defence of A.N. Vetrov
[!!! agreed!!!] (with app. according to the list of documents)
to the name of the scientific secretary of “The scientific council” (“SC”) of “SPbSU”, c.biol.s., prof. Gnetov A.V.
02 sh., 02 p., 4 pts. (in the format “PDF”) (in the nat. Russian language and the int. English language)
[1 pts. for the dean of the faculty “AM – CP” of “SPbSU”, d
.ph.-m.s., prof. Petrosyan L.A.,
1 pts. for the head of the chair “MSES” of the faculty “AM – CP” of “SPbSU”, d
.ph.-m.s., prof. Malafeyev O.A.,
1 pts. for the head of “DSADS” of “SPbSU” Alekseeva I.V. and 1 pts. for the “AUT CMT SFA” Vetrov A.N.],
the name of
file “The_application_of_the_scientific_consultant_
the name of
the name of
file “The_application_of_the_scientific_consultant_
into_DSADC_of_SPbSU_Malafeyev_OA_06_12_2023_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
the name of
into_DSADC_of_SPbSU_Malafeyev_OA_06_12_2023_ENG.pdf” (
download) [ENG].

5.2. The details about the candidate to the scientific consultants
[!!! agreed!!!] (the list of scientific works of Malafeyev O.A. was processed)
of “The dissertation council” of “SPbSU” on the defence of dissertation on the rights of manuscript
of Vetrov Anatoly Nikolaevich
on the theme “The cognitive modeling technology for the system analysis
of the information-educational environments”
on the competition of scientific degree of the doctor of technical sciences in the specialty
2.3.1. “The system analysis, control and information processing”
(05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing”)
(technical sciences) (the public international protection) –
47 (39) sh., 47 (39) p., 4 pts. (in the format “PDF”) (in the nat. Russian language and the int. English language)
[1 pts. for the dean of the faculty “AM – CP” of “SPbSU”, d
.ph.-m.s., prof. Petrosyan L.A.,
1 pts. for the head of the chair “MSES” of the faculty “AM – CP” of “SPbSU”, d
.ph.-m.s., prof. Malafeyev O.A.,
1 pts. for the head of “DSADS” of “SPbSU” Alekseeva I.V. and 1 pts. for the “AUT CMT SFA” Vetrov A.N.],

the name of file “The_details_about_the_candidate_to_the_scientific_consultants_
the name of
the name of
file “The_details_about_the_candidate_to_the_scientific_consultants_
of_DC_of_SPbSU_Malafeyev_OA_06_12_2023_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
the name of
of_DC_of_SPbSU_Malafeyev_OA_06_12_2023_ENG.pdf” (
download) [ENG].

5.3. The review of scientific consultant, the head of the chair
“Modeling of social-economic systems” (“MSES”)
of the faculty “Applied mathematics – control processes” (“AM – CP”)
of “The Saint-Petersburg state university” (“SPbSU”),, prof. Malafeyev Oleg Alekseyevich from the “   
th” of November 2023 y.
on the dissertation (in the form of manuscript) on the rights of manuscript of Vetrov Anatoly Nikolayevich
on the theme “The cognitive modeling technology
for the system analysis of the information-educational environments”
(the initial theme “The environment of automated training with the properties
of adaptation based on the cognitive models” – the research and processing of data)
Технология когнитивного моделирования
для системного анализа информационно-образовательных сред
исходная тема «Среда автоматизированного обучения со свойствами
адаптации на основе когнитивных моделей
» – исследование и обработка данных))
on the competition of scientific degree of the doctor of technical sciences in the specialty 05.13.01 –
“The system analysis, control and information processing”
Системный анализ, управление и обработка информации»)
(technical sciences (
технические науки))
[3 volumes, 910 p.: vol. 1, 240 p., 2006 y., vol. 2, 252 p., 2006 y. and vol. 3, 418 p., 2008 y., 2010 y.]
(the adaptive systems of automatic control with the determined entrance influences
and the reference cognitive models of the subject of training and the means of training,
the reconstructed models of the cognitive processes
адаптивные системы автоматического управления с детерминированными входными воздействиями
и эталонными когнитивными моделями субъекта обучения и средства обучения,
реконструируемые модели когнитивных процессов)),
certified by the specialist of “The personnel department” of “SPbSU” on the “    th” of November 2023 y. –
10 sh., 10 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the nat. Russian language and the int. English language),
the name of file “Vetrov_AN_The_response_of_the_scientific_consultant_
dph_ms_prof_Malafeyev_OA_03_11_2023_RUS_corr.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
the name of file “Vetrov_AN_The_response_of_the_scientific_consultant_
dph_ms_prof_Malafeyev_OA_03_11_2023_RUS_ENG_corr.pdf” (
download) [ENG],
the name of file “Vetrov_AN_The_response_of_the_scientific_consultant_
dph_ms_prof_Malafeyev_OA_03_11_2023_RUS_corr2.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
the name of file “Vetrov_AN_The_response_of_the_scientific_consultant_
dph_ms_prof_Malafeyev_OA_03_11_2023_RUS_ENG_corr2.pdf” (
download) [ENG],
the name of file “Vetrov_AN_The_response_of_the_scientific_consultant_
dph_ms_prof_Malafeyev_OA_03_11_2023_RUS_corr3.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
the name of file “Vetrov_AN_The_response_of_the_scientific_consultant_
dph_ms_prof_Malafeyev_OA_03_11_2023_RUS_ENG_corr3.pdf” (
download) [ENG],
the name of file “Vetrov_AN_The_response_of_the_scientific_consultant_
dph_ms_prof_Malafeyev_OA_03_11_2023_RUS_ENG.pdf” [RUS] [ENG]
[the original copy of the specified document was submitted on the 21st of November 2023 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 21
st of November 2023 y.].

6. The conclusion (presentation) of the organization, where the doctoral dissertation was performed (in the presence).

The external documents (2006-2007 ac. y.)

“The Saint-Petersburg state electrotechnical university "LETI"” [the predefence]

6.1. Copy of my hand-written application from the 19th of April 2006 y. with app.
to the name of the vice-rector in learning work of “SPbSETU "LETI"”,
the head of the chair “ACP”, c.t.s., prof. Kuzmin N.N.
with his resolution
“Accepted for the consideration on the 19.04.2006 y.”,
certified by the head of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N. on the 01
st of February 2010 y. –
01 sh., 01 p. (in the format "PDF") (in the national Russian language),
(*) copy from copy of the specified application, certified by the head of “The personnel department”
of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N. on the 01
st of February 2010 y.
was registered in the registry book №78/357-n/78-2023-22-476,
certified by the notary of the not. district Saint-Petersburg city Oleneva E.N. on the 13
th of November 2023 y.
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city) – 01 sh., 02 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the nat. Russian language),
(*) copy of the specified application was registered in the registry book №78/182-n/78-2023-3-1236,
certified by the notary of the not. district Saint-Petersburg city Odnoral O.E. on the 14
th of November 2023 y.
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city) – 01 sh., 02 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the nat. Russian language),
the name of file
the_head_of_chair_ACP_cts_prof_Kuzmin_NN_orig_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
the name of file
the_head_of_chair_ACP_cts_prof_Kuzmin_NN_Shubinsky_VN_01_02_2010_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
(*) the name of file
the_head_of_chair_ACP_cts_prof_Kuzmin_NN_Oleneva_EN_13_11_2023_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
(*) the name of file
the_head_of_chair_ACP_cts_prof_Kuzmin_NN_Odnoral_OE_14_11_2023_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS]
[copy of the specified document was submitted on the 01st of April 2019 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 01
st of April 2019 y.].

6.2. Copy of the announcement “On the 3rd of October 2006 y. at 11 hours 30 minutes on the chair "ACP"
will hold the pre-defense of the dissertation work of postgraduate-student Vetrov A.N.
and the presentation with the report on the theme: "Models and technique of the estimation of efficiency
of the interaction of user with the information and communication technologies
in the environment of automated (remote) training"”,

signed by the head of the chair “ACP” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, c.t.s., prof. Kuzmin N.N.,
certified by the head of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N. on the 01
st of February 2010 y. –
01 sh., 01 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
(*) copy from copy of the specified announcement was registered in the registry book №78/182-n/78-2023-3-1253,
certified by the notary of the not. district Saint-Petersburg city Odnoral O.E. on the 14
th of November 2023 y.
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city) – 01 sh., 02 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the nat. Russian language),
the name of file
signed_by_the_head_of_chair_ACP_cts_prof_Kuzmin_NN_orig_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
the name of file
by_the_head_of_chair_ACP_cts_prof_Kuzmin_NN_Shubinsky_VN_01_02_2010_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
the name of file
by_the_head_of_chair_ACP_cts_prof_Kuzmin_NN_Odnoral_OE_14_11_2023_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS]
[copy of the specified document was submitted on the 01st of April 2019 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 01
st of April 2019 y.].

6.3. Copy of the announcement “On the 11th of December 2006 y. at 15 hours 00 minutes on the chair "ACP"
will hold the pre-defence of the dissertation work of postgraduate-student Vetrov A.N.
on the theme: "The environment of automated training with the properties
of adaptation based on the cognitive models"”,

signed by the head of the chair “ACP”, c.t.s., prof. Kuzmin N.N.,
certified by the head of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N. on the 01
st of February 2010 y. –
01 sh., 01 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
(*) copy from copy of the specified announcement was registered in the registry book №78/357-n/78-2023-25-30,
certified by the notary of the not. district Saint-Petersburg city Oleneva E.N. on the 13
th of November 2023 y.
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city) – 01 sh., 01 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the nat. Russian language),
(*) copy from copy of the specified announcement was registered in the registry book №78/182-n/78-2023-3-1249,
certified by the notary of the not. district Saint-Petersburg city Odnoral O.E. on the 14
th of November 2023 y.
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city) – 01 sh., 01 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the nat. Russian language),
the name of file
by_the_head_of_chair_ACP_cts_prof_Kuzmin_NN_Shubinsky_VN_01_02_2010_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
the name of file
by_the_head_of_chair_ACP_cts_prof_Kuzmin_NN_Oleneva_EN_13_11_2023_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
the name of file
by_the_head_of_chair_ACP_cts_prof_Kuzmin_NN_Odnoral_OE_14_11_2023_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS]
[copy of the specified document was submitted on the 01st of April 2019 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 01
st of April 2019 y.].

6.4. Copy of the positive extract from the protocol of meeting of the chair “ACP” from the 11th of December 2006 y.
in the fact of performance of Vetrov A.N. with the scientific report
and multimedia-presentation at the predefence of dissertation of Vetrov A.N.,
signed by the deputy of the head of the chair “ACP” of the faculty “CTI”
of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, c.t.s., associate prof. Alekseyev A.A.,
the scientific secretary of the chair “ACP” Berezin S.A.
and approved by the vice-rector in scientific work of “SPbSETU "LETI"”,, prof. Afanasyev V.P.,
certified by the deputy of the head of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Sarayev N.A. on the 05
th of June 2007 y.,
certified by the head of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N. on the 10
st of February 2010 y. –
11 sh., 11 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
(*) copy from copy of the specified extract was registered in the registry book №78/357-n/78-2023-22-480,
certified by the notary of the not. district Saint-Petersburg city Oleneva E.N. on the 13
th of November 2023 y.
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city) – 12 sh., 12 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the nat. Russian language),
(*) copy from copy of the specified extract was registered in the registry book №78/182-n/78-2023-3-1290,
certified by the notary of the not. district Saint-Petersburg city Odnoral O.E. on the 14
th of November 2023 y.
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city) – 11 sh., 11 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the nat. Russian language),
the name of file
in DB of “SPbSU” “0_4_Vetrov_AN_Copy_of_the_positive_extract_from_protocol_
the name of file
in DB of “SPbSU” “0_4_Vetrov_AN_Copy_of_the_positive_extract_from_the_protocol_of_meeting_
of_the_chair_ACP_of_SPbSETU_LETI_from_the_11_12_2006_certified_on_the_05_06_2007_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
(*) the name of file
certified_by_Saraev_NA_on_the_05_06_2007_Oleneva_EN_13_11_2023_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
(*) the name of file
certified_by_Saraev_NA_on_the_05_06_2007_Odnoral_OE_14_11_2023_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS]
[copy of the specified document was submitted on the 01st of April 2019 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 01
st of April 2019 y.].

6.5. Copy of my application from the 15th of April 2010 y. №542 with app.
to the name of the scientific secretary of “The scientific council” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, d.t.s., prof. Sokolov S.S.
with his resolution
“The application of Vetrov A.N. has received and got acquainted with it on the 19.04.2010 y.”
on the question of submission of my autoabstract of my dissertation in the form of manuscript
on the theme “The environment of automated training with the properties
of adaptation based on the cognitive models”
on the competition of scientific degree of the doctor of technical sciences on the specialties
05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing”
and 19.00.03 –“Psychology of work, engineering psychology and ergonomics”
[for the informing about the consisted situation with the organization of defence of the specified my dissertations
and the carrying out of the verification of documentation in the divisions of “SPbSETU "LETI"”]

01 sh., 01 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
(*) copy of the specified application was registered in the registry book №78/357-n/78-2023-25-38,
certified by the notary of the not. district Saint-Petersburg city Oleneva E.N. on the 13
th of November 2023 y.
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city) – 01 sh., 02 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the nat. Russian language),
(*) copy of the specified application was registered in the registry book №78/182-n/78-2023-3-1240,
certified by the notary of the not. district Saint-Petersburg city Odnoral O.E. on the 14
th of November 2023 y.
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city) – 01 sh., 02 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the nat. Russian language),
the name of file
of_the_sci_secretary_of_The_sci_council_of_SPbSETU_LETI_Sokolov_SS_orig_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
the name of file
of_the_sci_secretary_of_The_sci_council_of_SPbSETU_LETI_Sokolov_SS_Oleneva_EN_13_11_2023_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
the name of file
of_the_sci_secretary_of_The_sci_council_of_SPbSETU_LETI_Sokolov_SS_Odnoral_OE_14_11_2023_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS] 
[copy of the specified document was submitted on the 01st of April 2019 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 01
st of April 2019 y.].

6.6. Copy of my application from the 29.06.2010 y. №919 with app.
to the name of the chairman of “The dissertation council D212.238.07”, d.t.s., prof. Sovetov B.Ya.
on the question of submission of the materials of my add. appendices (on the 29
th of June 2010 y., vol. 3, 437 p.)
to my dissertation in the form of manuscript (total 3 volumes)
on the theme “The environment of automated training with the properties
of adaptation based on the cognitive models”
on the competition of scientific degree of the doctor of technical sciences on the specialties
05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing”
and 19.00.03 – “Psychology of work, engineering psychology and ergonomics”
(on the 07
th of June 2005 y., the 31st of January 2006 y., the 19th of April 2006 y.,
the 19
th of September 2006 y. and the 10th of October 2006 y. –
vol. 1, 176 p. with app. of vol. 2, 220 p. and on the 29
th of June 2010 y. – vol. 3, 437 p.)
was submitted to “The dissertation council D212.238.07” at “SPbSETU "LETI"”
[the results of the add. program of experiments for the confirmation of compliance
to the areas of research and the branches of science of the scientific specialty 05.13.01]

01 sh., 02 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
(*) copy of the specified application was registered in the registry book №78/357-
certified by the notary of the not. district Saint-Petersburg city Oleneva E.N. on the 13th of November 2023 y.
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city) – 02 sh., 03 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the nat. Russian language),
(*) copy of the specified application was registered in the registry book №78/182-n/78-2023-3-1244,
certified by the notary of the not. district Saint-Petersburg city Odnoral O.E. on the 14
th of November 2023 y.
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city) – 02 sh., 03 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the nat. Russian language),
the name of file
of_the_chairman_of_dissertation_council_dts_prof_Sovetov_BY_orig_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
the name of file
of_the_chairman_of_dissertation_council_dts_prof_Sovetov_BY_Oleneva_EN_13_11_2023_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
the name of file
of_the_chairman_of_dissertation_council_dts_prof_Sovetov_BY_Odnoral_OE_14_11_2023_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS]
[copy of the specified document was submitted on the 01st of April 2019 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 01
st of April 2019 y.].

6.7. Copy of the letter from the 15.09.2010 y. №0026/1031, signed by the chairman
of “The dissertation council D212.238.07” at “SPbSETU "LETI"”, d.t.s., prof. Sovetov B.Ya.
(the performer: the scientific secretary of “The dissertation council of D212.238.07”
at “SPbSETU "LETI"”, c.t.s., associate prof. Tsekhanovsky V.V.)
“In the response to Your application from the 29.06.2010 y. №919 he reports,
that the dissertation council D212.238.07 at “SPbSETU "LETI"” n. a. V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin)”
begins to the consideration of the dissertation work
at the applicant submits all the necessary documents
according to the item 3.6.1 of The regulation about the council on the defence of doctoral and candidate dissertations,
approved by the order of “The mineduscience of Russia” from the 09
th of January 2007 y. №2,
including copy of the diploma of the candidate of sciences for the applicant of the scientific degree of the doctor of sciences”

01 sh., 01 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
(*) copy of the specified letter was registered in the registry book №78/357-n/78-2023-25-42,
certified by the notary of the not. district Saint-Petersburg city Oleneva E.N. on the 13
th of November 2023 y.
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city) – 01 sh., 02 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the nat. Russian language),
(*) copy of the specified letter was registered in the registry book №78/182-n/78-2023-3-1232,
certified by the notary of the not. district Saint-Petersburg city Odnoral O.E. on the 14
th of November 2023 y.
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city) – 01 sh., 02 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the nat. Russian language),
the name of file
of_dissertation_council_D212_238_07_of_SPbSETU_LETI_d_t_s_prof_Sovetov_BY_orig_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
the name of file
d_t_s_prof_Sovetov_BY_Oleneva_EN_13_11_2023_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
the name of file
d_t_s_prof_Sovetov_BY_Odnoral_OE_14_11_2023_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS] 
[copy of the specified document was submitted on the 01st of April 2019 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 01
st of April 2019 y.].

The internal documents (2023-2024 ac. y.)

“The Saint-Petersburg state university”
[the predefence (doctor of technical sciences)]

6.8. The positive extract from the protocol of meeting of the chair “IS” (“MSES”) from the “    th” of November 2023 y.
in the fact of performance of Vetrov A.N. with the scientific report
(with the multimedia-presentation and information materials)
at the preliminary defence of dissertation (in the form of manuscript) on the rights of manuscript
“The cognitive modeling technology
for the system analysis of the information-educational environments”
(the initial theme “The environment of automated training with the properties
of adaptation based on the cognitive models” – the research and processing of data)
Технология когнитивного моделирования
для системного анализа информационно-образовательных сред
исходная тема «Среда автоматизированного обучения со свойствами
адаптации на основе когнитивных моделей
» – исследование и обработка данных))
on the competition of scientific degree of the doctor of technical sciences in the specialty
05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing”
Системный анализ, управление и обработка информации»)
(technical sciences (
технические науки))
[3 volumes, 910 p.: vol. 1, 240 p., 2006 y., vol. 2, 252 p., 2006 y. and vol. 3, 418 p., 2008 y., 2010 y.]
(the adaptive systems of automatic control with the determined entrance influences
and the reference cognitive models of the subject of training and the means of training,
the reconstructed models of the cognitive processes
адаптивные системы автоматического управления с детерминированными входными воздействиями
и эталонными когнитивными моделями субъекта обучения и средства обучения,
реконструируемые модели когнитивных процессов))
of the applicant of scientific degree Vetrov A.N.,
signed by the head of the chair “IS” of the faculty “AM – CP” of “SPbSU”,, prof. Olemskoy I.V.
and the sci. secr. of the chair “IS” of the faculty “AM – CP” of “SPbSU”,, associate prof. Eremin A.S. –
23 sh., 23 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the nat. Russian language and the int. English language),
the name of file “Vetrov_AN_The_positive_extract_from_the_protocol_of_meeting_
[the original copy of the specified document was submitted on the 21st of November 2023 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the “   
th” of November 2023 y.].

6.9. The positive conclusion of “The Federal state budgetary
educational establishment of higher education (FSBEEHE)
"The Saint-Petersburg state university" ("SPbSU")” from the “   
th” of November 2023 y.
on the dissertation (in the form of manuscript) on the rights of manuscript
on the theme “The cognitive modeling technology
for the system analysis of the information-educational environments”
(the initial theme “The environment of automated training with the properties
of adaptation based on the cognitive models” – the research and processing of data)
Технология когнитивного моделирования
для системного анализа информационно-образовательных сред
исходная тема «Среда автоматизированного обучения со свойствами
адаптации на основе когнитивных моделей
» – исследование и обработка данных))
on the competition of scientific degree of the doctor of technical sciences in the specialty
05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing”
Системный анализ, управление и обработка информации»)
(technical sciences (
технические науки))
[3 volumes, 910 p.: vol. 1, 240 p., 2006 y., vol. 2, 252 p., 2006 y. and vol. 3, 418 p., 2008 y., 2010 y.]
(the adaptive systems of automatic control with the determined entrance influences
and the reference cognitive models of the subject of training and the means of training,
the reconstructed models of the cognitive processes
адаптивные системы автоматического управления с детерминированными входными воздействиями
и эталонными когнитивными моделями субъекта обучения и средства обучения,
реконструируемые модели когнитивных процессов))
of the applicant of scientific degree Vetrov A.N.,
signed by the chairman of expert group of the faculty “AM – CP” of “SPbSU” –
the head of the chair “Computer technologies and systems”,, prof. Veremey E.I.,
the members of expert group (commission) of the faculty “AM – CP” of “SPbSU”:
the head of the chair “Modeling of social-economic systems”,, prof. Malafeyev O.A.,
the head of the chair “Theory of control”,, prof. Zhabko A.P.,
the head of the chair “Computer modeling and multiprocessor systems”,, prof. Andrianov S.N.,
the head of the chair “Higher mathematics”,, prof. Kamachkin A.M.
and prof. of the chair “Modeling of electromechanical and computer systems”,, prof. Kurbatova G.I. –
30 sh., 30 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language and the international English language),
the name of file “Vetrov_AN_The_conclusion_of_SPbSU_on_the_dissertation_from_the_24_12_2018_RUS.pdf”,
the name of file “Vetrov_AN_The_conclusion_of_SPbSU_on_the_dissertation_from_the_24_12_2018_ENG.pdf”
[the original copy of the specified document was submitted on the 21st of November 2023 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the “   
th” of November 2023 y.].

6.10. The list and comparison of the scientific results (slides)
of dissertations of “AUT CMT SFA” Vetrov Anatoly Nikolaevich
on the theme “The environment of automated training with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive models”
on the competition of scientific degree of the candidate of technical sciences
(was created in “SPbSETU "LETI"” in 2005 y., was submitted to “SPbSU” in 2018 y. and defenced in “SPbSU” in 2020 y.)
[1 volume, 272 (256) p., 2005 y. (on the 07.06.2005 y. the candidate minimum in spec. 05.13.01 was passed)]
and on the theme “The cognitive modeling technology
for the system analysis of the information-educational environments”
on the competition of scientific degree of the doctor of technical sciences
(was created at “SPbSETU "LETI"” in 2006 y.,
was submitted to “SPbSU” in 2023 y. and will defenced in “SPbSU” in 2024 y.)
[3 volumes, 910 p.: vol. 1, 240 p., 2006 y., vol. 2, 252 p., 2006 y. and vol. 3, 418 p., 2008 y., 2010 y.]
for the submission to “The department of support of the activity of dissertation councils” (“DSADC”) of “SPbSU”

(also see the documents, registered
in the electronic system of document-circulation of “SPbSU” since the 07th of February 2018 y.)
for the organization of defence in the dissertation council of “SPbSU” (early D212.232.50)
of my dissertation (in the form of manuscript) on the rights of manuscript
on the theme “The cognitive modeling technology
for the system analysis of the information-educational environments”
on the competition of scientific degree of the doctor of technical sciences
in the specialty
05.13.01 –
“The system analysis, control and information processing” (technical sciences)
UDC 681.513.66+004.81 – the adaptive systems of automatic control
with the determined entrance influences
and the reference cognitive models of the subject of training and the means of training,
the reconstructed models of the cognitive processes
vol. 1, 240 p., 2006 y., vol. 2., 252 p., 2006 y. and vol. 3, 418 p., 2008 y., 2010 y.];
[the open public international defence in “SPbSU”
on the
rights of The Federal scientific centre of RF and the national research university of RF]
sh., 12 p. (in the formatPDF”) (in the nat. Russian language and the int. English language),
the name of fileVetrov_AN_The_list_and_comparison_of_the_scientific_results_
slides_of_diss_to_DSADC_of_SPbSU_from_the_26_12_2023_RUS.pdf” (
the name of file
slides_of_diss_to_DSADC_of_SPbSU_from_the_26_12_2023_ENG.pdf” (

7. The list of publications (scientific works), in which the main scientific results of the dissertation
on the competition of scientific degree of the doctor of sciences, on the competition of scientific degree of the candidate of sciences are stating.

7.1. The official list of scientific works of Vetrov A.N. (261 on 2017-2018 y.) –
44 sh., 44 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the nat. Russian language and the int. English language)
[not relevant],
the name of file “4_1_Vetrov_AN_The_official_list_of_scientific_works_from_the_16_01_2018_RUS.pdf”,
the name of file “4_1_Vetrov_AN_The_official_list_of_scientific_works_from_the_16_01_2018_ENG.pdf”
[the original copy of the specified document was submitted on the 26th of December 2017 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 01
st of April 2019 y.].

7.2. The official list of scientific works of Vetrov A.N. (265 on 2018-2019 ac. y. and 314 on 2023 y.) –
56 (45) sh., 56 (45) p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the nat. Russian language and the int. English language),
the name of file
“4_1_Vetrov_AN_The_official_list_of_scientific_works_from_the_01_12_2018_RUS.pdf” (download) [RUS],
the name of file
“4_1_Vetrov_AN_The_official_list_of_scientific_works_from_the_01_12_2018_ENG.pdf” (download) [ENG],
the name of file
“4_1_Vetrov_AN_The_official_list_of_scientific_works_from_the_29_01_2019_RUS.pdf” (download) [RUS],
the name of file
“4_1_Vetrov_AN_The_official_list_of_scientific_works_from_the_29_01_2019_ENG.pdf” (download) [ENG]
[the original copy of the specified document was submitted on the 01st of April 2019 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 01
st of April 2019 y.],
the name of file
“4_1_Vetrov_AN_The_official_list_of_scientific_works_from_the_13_10_2023_RUS.pdf” (download) [RUS],
the name of file
“4_1_Vetrov_AN_The_official_list_of_scientific_works_from_the_13_10_2023_ENG.pdf” (download) [ENG]
[the original copy of the specified document was submitted on the 31st of October 2023 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the “   
th” of November 2023 y.].

7.3. The general structure of scientific works of “"the author of the unique technology" of cognitive modeling
for the system, financial and complex analysis at the micro-level”
(“AUT CMT SFA”) Vetrov A.N. (on 2018-2019 ac. y.) –
01 sh., 01 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the nat. Russian language and the int. English language),
the name of file
“4_1_Vetrov_AN_The_general_structure_of_scientific_works_from_the_22_04_2019_RUS.pdf” (download) [RUS],
the name of file
“4_1_Vetrov_AN_The_general_structure_of_scientific_works_from_the_22_04_2019_ENG.pdf” (download) [ENG]
[the original copy of the specified document was submitted on the 22nd of April 2019 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 22
nd of April 2019 y.],
the name of file
“4_1_Vetrov_AN_The_general_structure_of_scientific_works_from_the_05_11_2023_RUS.pdf” (download) [RUS],
the name of file
“4_1_Vetrov_AN_The_general_structure_of_scientific_works_from_the_05_11_2023_ENG.pdf” (download) [ENG]
[the original copy of the specified document was submitted on the 31st of October 2023 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the “   
th” of November 2023 y.].

7.4. The list of scientific publications, in which the main scientific results
of the dissertation on the competition of scientific degree of the doctor of technical sciences
in the specialty 05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing”
on the theme “The cognitive modeling technology
for the system analysis of the information-educational environments” are stating,
published in the reviewed scientific editions of Vetrov A.N. (14 on 2018-2019 ac. y.) –
07 sh., 07 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the nat. Russian language and the int. English language),
the name of file
in_the_reviewed_scientific_editions_from_the_22_04_2019_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
the name of file
in_the_reviewed_scientific_editions_from_the_22_04_2019_ENG.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
the name of file
in_the_reviewed_scientific_editions_from_the_22_04_2019_RUS_ENG.pdf” (
download) [RUS]
[the original copy of the specified document was submitted on the 22nd of April 2019 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 22
nd of April 2019 y.],
the name of file
[without date] (download) [RUS],
the name of file “4_1_Vetrov_AN_The_list_of_the_scientific_publications_of_the_applicant_
[without date] (download) [ENG],
the name of file “4_1_Vetrov_AN_The_list_of_the_scientific_publications_of_the_applicant_
[without date] (download) [RUS] [ENG],
[it were repeatedly prepared by Vetrov A.N. by the request of employees of “DSADC” of “SPbSU”],
[the original copy of the specified document was submitted on the 12
th of March 2020 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 12
th of March 2020 y.],
the name of file
in_the_reviewed_scientific_editions_from_the_24_03_2020_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
the name of file
in_the_reviewed_scientific_editions_from_the_24_03_2020_ENG.pdf” (
download) [ENG],
the name of file
in_the_reviewed_scientific_editions_from_the_24_03_2020_RUS_ENG.pdf” (
download) [RUS] [ENG]
[it were repeatedly prepared by Vetrov A.N. by the request of employees of “DSADC” of “SPbSU”],
[the original copy of the specified document was submitted on the 24
th of March 2020 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 24
th of March 2020 y.],
the name of file “4_1_Vetrov_AN_The_list_of_the_scientific_publications_of_the_applicant_
the name of file “4_1_Vetrov_AN_The_list_of_the_scientific_publications_of_the_applicant_
the name of file “4_1_Vetrov_AN_The_list_of_the_scientific_publications_of_the_applicant_
[the original copy of the specified document was submitted on the 31st of October 2023 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the “   
th” of November 2023 y.].

7.5. The materials of 14 scientific articles, published in the scientific journals, recommended by “HAC of RF”
[the el. copies of the specified documents were prepared by the applicant of sci. degree Vetrov A.N.
directly by the request of employees of “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 12
th of March 2020 y.],
[the el. copies of the specified documents were submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 12
th of March 2020 y.].

· the author’s original-models of 14 scientific articles of Vetrov A.N., submitted to the scientific journals;

· 14 original-models of published scientific journals from the official cites of publishing-houses;

· the reviews of candidates and doctors of technical and economic sciences on 14 scientific articles.

8. The dissertation (in the form of manuscript) on the rights of manuscript
on the competition of scientific degree of the doctor of technical sciences in the specialty
05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing”
on the paper carrier and in the electronic view (on the electronic carrier).

8.1.1. The dissertation (in the form of manuscript) on the rights of manuscript
in the national Russian language (The Russian Federation)
on the theme “The cognitive modeling technology
for the system analysis of the information-educational environments”
(the initial theme “The environment of automated training with the properties
of adaptation based on the cognitive models” – the research and processing of data)
on the competition of scientific degree of the doctor of technical sciences in the specialty
05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing” –
2 volumes, 399 p.: vol. 1, 176 p., 2006 y., vol. 2, 223 p., 2006 y.
(in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
the name of file “0_7_Vetrov_AN_The_dissertation_2006_2007_EAT_with_PA_based_on_CM_
from_the_28_12_2007_RUS.pdf” (2006 y
., 2007 y.)
[the original copy of the specified document was deposited
in “The Russian author’s society” (RF, Moscow city) on the 28
th of December 2007 y.].

8.1.2. The dissertation (in the form of manuscript) on the rights of manuscript
[the first book (vol. 1), the second book (vol. 2) and the third book (vol. 3), RUS]
in the national Russian language (The Russian Federation)
on the theme “The cognitive modeling technology
for the system analysis of the information-educational environments”
(the initial theme “The environment of automated training with the properties
of adaptation based on the cognitive models” – the research and processing of data)
on the competition of scientific degree of the doctor of technical sciences in the specialty
05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing” (technical sciences) –
3 volumes, 910 p.: vol. 1, 240 p., 2006 y., vol. 2, 252 p., 2006 y. and vol. 3, 418 p., 2008 y., 2010 y.
(in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language)
[there was expanded the bibliographic chapter by the scientific works of the applicant (author) Vetrov A.N.],
the name of file
from_the_13_10_2023_PRN_RUS.pdf” (vol.
1, 2006 y., 2007 y., 2023 y.) (download) [RUS],
the name of file
from_the_13_10_2023_scan_RUS.pdf” (vol.
1, 2006 y., 2007 y., 2023 y.) (download) [RUS],
the name of file
from_the_13_10_2023_scan_copy_21_04_2024_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
the name of file
from_the_13_10_2023_scan_copy_12_05_2024_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS]
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 31st of October 2023 y.],
the name of file
from_the_17_10_2023_PRN_RUS.pdf” (vol.
2, 2006 y., 2007 y., 2023 y.) (download) [RUS],
the name of file
from_the_17_10_2023_scan_RUS.pdf” (vol.
2, 2006 y., 2007 y., 2023 y.) (download) [RUS],
the name of file
from_the_17_10_2023_scan_copy_21_04_2024_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
the name of file
from_the_17_10_2023_scan_copy_12_05_2024_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS]
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 31st of October 2023 y.],
the name of file
from_the_27_10_2023_PRN_RUS.pdf” (vol.
3, 2008 y., 2010 y., 2023 y.) (download) [RUS],
the name of file
from_the_27_10_2023_scan_RUS.pdf” (vol.
3, 2008 y., 2010 y., 2023 y.) (download) [RUS],
the name of file
from_the_27_10_2023_scan_copy_21_04_2024_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
the name of file
from_the_27_10_2023_scan_copy_12_05_2024_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS]
[the el. copy of the specified doc. was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 31st of October 2023 y.],
[the control copy of the specified doc. was printed in “The publishing-house” of “SPbSU” on the “   
th” of November 2023 y.],
[the control copy of the specified doc. was submitted by Vetrov A.N. to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the “   
th” of November 2023 y.],
[the control copy was approved by the head of “DSADC” of “SPbSU” Alekseyeva I.V. on the “   
th” of November 2023 y.],
[the circulation 20 copies was signed in printing in “The publ.-house” of “SPbSU” on the “   
th” of November 2023 y. (the order №143)],
[the circulation 20 copies was paid by Vetrov A.N. in “The accounting dep.” of “The publ.-house” of “SPbSU” on the “   
th” of November 2023 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the “   
th” of November 2023 y.],
[the circulation 20 copies was printed in “The printing-house” of “SPbSU” on the “   
th” of November 2023 y. (the order №143)],
[the signed original of the specified doc. was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the “   
th” of November 2023 y.].

8.1.3. The dissertation (in the form of manuscript) on the rights of manuscript
[the first book (vol. 1), the second book (vol. 2) and the third book (vol. 3), ENG]
in the international English language (The United kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
on the theme “The cognitive modeling technology
for the system analysis of the information-educational environments”
(the initial theme “The environment of automated training with the properties
of adaptation based on the cognitive models” – the research and processing of data)
Технология когнитивного моделирования
для системного анализа информационно-образовательных сред
исходная тема «Среда автоматизированного обучения со свойствами
адаптации на основе когнитивных моделей
» – исследование и обработка данных))
on the competition of scientific degree of the doctor of technical sciences in the specialty
05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing”
Системный анализ, управление и обработка информации»)
(technical sciences (
технические науки)) –
volumes, 910 p.: vol. 1, 240 p., 2006 y., vol. 2, 252 p., 2006 y. and vol. 3, 418 p., 2008 y., 2010 y.
(in the format “PDF”) (in the international English language)
[there was expanded the bibliographic chapter by the scientific works of the applicant (author) Vetrov A.N.],
the name of file
from_the_13_10_2023_PRN_ENG.pdf” (vol.
1, 2006 y., 2007 y., 2023 y.) (download) [ENG],
the name of file
from_the_13_10_2023_scan_ENG.pdf” (vol.
1, 2006 y., 2007 y., 2023 y.) (download) [ENG],
the name of file
from_the_13_10_2023_scan_copy_21_04_2024_ENG.pdf” (
download) [ENG],
the name of file
from_the_13_10_2023_scan_copy_12_05_2024_ENG.pdf” (
download) [ENG]
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 31st of October 2023 y.],
the name of file
from_the_17_10_2023_PRN_ENG.pdf” (vol.
2, 2006 y., 2007 y., 2023 y.) (download) [ENG],
the name of file
from_the_17_10_2023_scan_ENG.pdf” (vol.
2, 2006 y., 2007 y., 2023 y.) (download) [ENG],
the name of file
from_the_17_10_2023_scan_copy_21_04_2024_ENG.pdf” (
download) [ENG],
the name of file
from_the_17_10_2023_scan_copy_12_05_2024_ENG.pdf” (
download) [ENG]
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 31st of October 2023 y.],
the name of file
from_the_27_10_2023_PRN_ENG.pdf” (vol.
3, 2008 y., 2010 y., 2023 y.) (download) [ENG],
the name of file
from_the_27_10_2023_scan_ENG.pdf” (vol.
3, 2008 y., 2010 y., 2023 y.) (download) [ENG],
the name of file
from_the_27_10_2023_scan_copy_21_04_2024_ENG.pdf” (
download) [ENG],
the name of file
from_the_27_10_2023_scan_copy_12_05_2024_ENG.pdf” (
download) [ENG]
[the el. copy of the specified doc. was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 31st of October 2023 y.],
[the control copy of the specified doc. was printed in “The publishing-house” of “SPbSU” on the “   
th” of November 2023 y.],
[the control copy of the specified doc. was submitted by Vetrov A.N. to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the “   
th” of November 2023 y.],
[the control copy was approved by the head of “DSADC” of “SPbSU” Alekseyeva I.V. on the “   
th” of November 2023 y.],
[the circulation 20 copies was signed in printing in “The publ.-house” of “SPbSU” on the “   
th” of November 2023 y. (the order №144)],
[the circulation 20 copies was paid by Vetrov A.N. in “The accounting dep.” of “The publ.-house” of “SPbSU” on the “   
th” of November 2023 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the “   
th” of November 2023 y.],
[the circulation 20 copies was printed in “The printing-house” of “SPbSU” on the “   
th” of November 2023 y. (the order №144)],
[the signed original of the specified doc. was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the “   
th” of November 2023 y.].

8.2.1. The plan of dissertation (in the form of manuscript) on the rights of manuscript
in the national Russian language (The Russian Federation)
on the theme “The cognitive modeling technology
for the system analysis of the information-educational environments”
(the initial theme “The environment of automated training with the properties
of adaptation based on the cognitive models” – the research and processing of data)
on the competition of scientific degree of the doctor of technical sciences in the specialty
05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing”
(on applied mathematics and control processes) –
[the adaptive systems of automatic control with the determined entrance influences
and the reference cognitive models of the subject of training and the means of training,
the reconstructed models of the cognitive processes] –
05 sh., 05 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
(*) copy of the specified plan of dissertation was registered in the registry book №78/182-n/78-2023-3-1261,
certified by the notary of the not. district Saint-Petersburg city Odnoral O.E. on the 14
th of November 2023 y.
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city) – 05 sh., 05 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
(*) the name of fileVetrov_AN_The_plan_of_dissertation_2006_2007_CMT_for_SA_IEE_
from_the_28_12_2007_RUS.pdf” (2006 y
., 2007 y.) [for the attachment without changes],
(*) the name of fileVetrov_AN_Copy_of_the_copyright_certificate_of_RAS_Moscow_RF_
Odnoral_OE_14_11_2023_CONT_RUS.pdf” (2006 y
., 2007 y.) [for the attachment without changes] (download) [RUS],
[the original copy of the specified document was deposited
in “The Russian author’s society” (RF, Moscow city) on the 28
th of December 2007 y.].

8.2.2. The plan of dissertation (in the form of manuscript) on the rights of manuscript
[the first book (vol. 1), the second book (vol. 2) and the third book (vol. 3), RUS]
in the national Russian language (The Russian Federation)
on the theme “The cognitive modeling technology
for the system analysis of the information-educational environments”
(the initial theme “The environment of automated training with the properties
of adaptation based on the cognitive models” – the research and processing of data)
on the competition of scientific degree of the doctor of technical sciences in the specialty
05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing” (technical sciences)
[the adaptive systems of automatic control with the determined entrance influences
and the reference cognitive models of the subject of training and the means of training,
the reconstructed models of the cognitive processes] –
05 sh., 05 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
the name of file
from_the_13_10_2023_PRN_RUS.pdf” (vol.
1, 2006 y., 2007 y., 2023 y.) (download) [RUS]
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the “    th” of November 2023 y.],
the name of file
from_the_17_10_2023_PRN_RUS.pdf” (vol.
2, 2006 y., 2007 y., 2023 y.) (download) [RUS]
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the “    th” of November 2023 y.],
the name of file
from_the_27_10_2023_PRN_RUS.pdf” (vol.
3, 2008 y., 2010 y., 2023 y.) (download) [RUS]
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the “    th” of November 2023 y.].

8.2.3. The plan of dissertation (in the form of manuscript) on the rights of manuscript
[the first book (vol. 1), the second book (vol. 2) and the third book (vol. 3), ENG]
in the international English language (The United kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
on the theme “The cognitive modeling technology
for the system analysis of the information-educational environments”
(the initial theme “The environment of automated training with the properties
of adaptation based on the cognitive models” – the research and processing of data)
Технология когнитивного моделирования
для системного анализа информационно-образовательных сред
исходная тема «Среда автоматизированного обучения со свойствами
адаптации на основе когнитивных моделей
» – исследование и обработка данных))
on the competition of scientific degree of the candidate of technical sciences in the specialty
05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing”
Системный анализ, управление и обработка информации»)
(technical sciences (
технические науки))
the adaptive systems of automatic control with the determined entrance influences
and the reference cognitive models of the subject of training and the means of training,
the reconstructed models of the cognitive processes
адаптивные системы автоматического управления с детерминированными входными воздействиями
и эталонными когнитивными моделями субъекта обучения и средства обучения,
реконструируемые модели когнитивных процессов)] –
sh., 05 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the international English language),
the name of file “Vetrov_AN_The_plan_of_dissertation_2006_2007_2023_CMT_for_SA_IEE_
from_the_13_10_2023_PRN_ENG.pdf” (vol. 1, 2006 y., 2007 y., 2023 y.)
(download) [ENG]
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the “    th” of November 2023 y.],
the name of file “Vetrov_AN_The_plan_of_dissertation_the_appendix_1_2006_2007_2023_CMT_for_SA_IEE_
from_the_17_10_2023_PRN_ENG.pdf” (vol. 2, 2006 y., 2007 y., 2023 y.)
(download) [ENG]
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the “    th” of November 2023 y.],
the name of file “Vetrov_AN_The_plan_of_dissertation_the_appendix_2_2008_2010_2023_CMT_for_SA_IEE_
from_the_27_10_2023_PRN_ENG.pdf” (vol. 3, 2008 y., 2010 y., 2023 y.)
(download) [ENG]
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the “    th” of November 2023 y.].

8.3.1. The autoabstract of dissertation (in the form of manuscript) on the rights of manuscript
[the first book (vol. 1), the second book (vol. 2) and the third book (vol. 3), RUS]
in the national Russian language (The Russian Federation)
on the theme “The cognitive modeling technology
for the system analysis of the information-educational environments”
(the initial theme “The environment of automated training with the properties
of adaptation based on the cognitive models” – the research and processing of data)
on the competition of scientific degree of the candidate of technical sciences in the specialty
05.13.01 –“The system analysis, control and information processing” (technical sciences) –
27 sh., 27 p. (with final-list) (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
the name of file
from_the_31_10_2023_RUS.pdf” (2006 y
., 2007 y., 2010 y.) (download) [RUS]
[for the expertise (primary) without changes],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the “   
th” of November 2023 y.].

8.3.2. The autoabstract of dissertation (in the form of manuscript) on the rights of manuscript
[the first book (vol. 1), the second book (vol. 2) and the third book (vol. 3), ENG]
in the international English language (The United kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
on the theme “The cognitive modeling technology
for the system analysis of the information-educational environments”
(the initial theme “The environment of automated training with the properties
of adaptation based on the cognitive models” – the research and processing of data)
Технология когнитивного моделирования
для системного анализа информационно-образовательных сред
исходная тема «Среда автоматизированного обучения со свойствами
адаптации на основе когнитивных моделей
» – исследование и обработка данных))
on the competition of scientific degree of the candidate of technical sciences in the specialty
05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing”
Системный анализ, управление и обработка информации»)
(technical sciences (
технические науки)) –
sh., 27 p. (with final-list) (in the format “PDF”) (in the international English language),
the name of file “Vetrov_AN_2006_2007_2010_CMT_for_SA_IEE_AVT_
from_the_31_10_2023_ENG.pdf” (2006 y., 2007 y., 2010 y.) (download) [ENG]
[for the expertise (primary) without changes],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the “   
th” of November 2023 y.].

8.4.1. The posters (slides) of scientific report of the applicant on the (preliminary) defence
of dissertation (in the form of manuscript) on the rights of manuscript
[the distributing (handout) material in the first folder of red color]
in the national Russian language (The Russian Federation)
on the theme “The cognitive modeling technology
for the system analysis of the information-educational environments”
(the initial theme “The environment of automated training with the properties
of adaptation based on the cognitive models” – the research and processing of data)
on the competition of scientific degree of the doctor of technical sciences in the specialty
05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing” (technical sciences) –
123 (139) p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
the name of file “Vetrov_AN_The_pre_defence_of_dissertation_
from_the_29_10_2023_RUS.pdf” (2006 y., 2007 y., 2008 y., 2010 y., 2023 y.) (
download) [RUS]
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the “    th” of November 2023 y.].

8.4.2. The posters (slides) of scientific report of the applicant on the (preliminary) defence
of dissertation (in the form of manuscript) on the rights of manuscript
[the distributing (handout) material in the second folder of blue color]
in the international English language (The United kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
on the theme “The cognitive modeling technology
for the system analysis of the information-educational environments”
(the initial theme “The environment of automated training with the properties
of adaptation based on the cognitive models” – the research and processing of data)
Технология когнитивного моделирования
для системного анализа информационно-образовательных сред
исходная тема «Среда автоматизированного обучения со свойствами
адаптации на основе когнитивных моделей
» – исследование и обработка данных))
on the competition of scientific degree of the doctor of technical sciences in the specialty
05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing”
Системный анализ, управление и обработка информации»)
(technical sciences (
технические науки)) –
123 (139)
p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the international English language),
the name of file “Vetrov_AN_The_pre_defence_of_dissertation_
from_the_31_10_2023_ENG.pdf” (2006
г., 2007 г., 2008 г., 2010 г., 2023 г.) (download) [ENG]
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the “    th” of November 2023 y.].

9. The acts about practical use (introduction into the training process)
of the scientific results of dissertation  (in the form of manuscript) on the rights of manuscript
[according to the item 2.3 of “The order of preparation of the conclusion on the dissertation,
carried out in "SPbSU", and issuance it to the applicant”,
approved by The order of “SPbSU” from the 14.01.2020 y. №88/1
“About the approval of the order of preparation of the conclusion on the dissertation,
carried out in "SPbSU", and issuance it to the applicant”].

9.1. Copy of the act about practical use (introduction into the training process)
of “SPbSETU "LETI"” from the 10
th of January 2006 y.,
approved by the vice-rector in scientific work of “SPbSETU "LETI"”,, prof. Afanasyev V.P.,
signed by the chairman of commission – the deputy of the head of the chair “ACP”
of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, c.t.s., associate prof. Alekseyev A.A.,
the members of commission: c.t.s., associate prof. of the chair “ACP” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Grigoryan V.G.
and c.t.s., associate prof. of the chair “ASIPC” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Savosin S.V. –
01 sh., 01 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
copy of the specified act about practical use (introduction)
was registered in the registry book №78/182-N/78-2019-2-131,
certified by the notary of the not. district Saint-Petersburg city Odnoral O.E. on the 05
th of February 2019 y.
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city) – 01 sh., 02 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
(*) copy of the specified act about practical use (introduction)
was registered in the registry book №78/182-n/78-2023-3-1228,
certified by the notary of the not. district Saint-Petersburg city Odnoral O.E. on the 14
th of November 2023 y.
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city) – 01 sh., 02 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
the certification is confirmed
[by demand] by the head of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N.
on the 01
st of September 2007 y., the 01st of September 2008 y., the 29th of June 2009 y.,
the 26
th of January 2010 y., the 01st of February 2010 y., the 19th of February 2010 y. and the 03rd of August 2010 y. –
01 sh., 01 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
the name of file
of_SPbSETU_LETI_from_the_10th_of_January_2006_y_orig_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
the name of file
of_SPbSETU_LETI_from_the_10th_of_January_2006_y_Odnoral_OE_05_02_2019_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
(*) the name of file
of_SPbSETU_LETI_from_the_10th_of_January_2006_y_Odnoral_OE_14_11_2023_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS]
[copy of the specified document was submitted on the 26.12.2017 y. and 01.04.2019 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 01
st of April 2019 y.].

9.2. Copy of the act about practical use (introduction into the training process) of “IBI” from the 31st of January 2006 y.,
approved by the rector of “IBI”, c.e.s., prof. Derevyanko Yu.D.,
signed by the chairman of commission – the first vice-rector –
the vice-rector in training work of “IBI”, c.t.s., associate prof. Zakharov I.N.,
the members of commission: the vice-rector in scientific work of “IBI”,
acad. of “IHEAS”, d.t.s., prof. Izrantsev V.V.,
the head of the chair “B” of “IBI”, d.e.s., prof. Beloglazova G.N.,
the head of the chair “Finance” of “IBI”, d.e.s., prof. Pogostinskaya N.N.,
the head of the chair “The accounting, analysis and statistics” of “IBI”, c.e.s., prof. Burgonova G.N.,
the head of training groups of the 18
th set of the spec. “Finance and credit” of “IBI” Yakhin N.I.
and the head of training groups of the 18
th set of the spec. “Anti-crisis management” of “IBI” Plekhanov D.V. –
02 sh., 02 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
copy of the specified act about practical use (introduction)
was registered in the registry book №78/182-N/78-2019-2-132,
certified by the notary of the not. district Saint-Petersburg city Odnoral O.E. on the 05
th of February 2019 y.
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city) – 02 sh., 03 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
(*) copy of the specified act about practical use (introduction)
was registered in the registry book №78/182-n/78-2023-3-1310,
certified by the notary of the not. district Saint-Petersburg city Odnoral O.E. on the 14
th of November 2023 y.
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city) – 02 sh., 03 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
the certification is confirmed
[by demand] by the head of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N.
on the 01
st of September 2006 y., the 01st of September 2007 y., the 01st of September 2008 y., the 29th of June 2009 y.,
the 26
th of January 2010 y., the 01st of February 2010 y., the 19th of February 2010 y. and the 03rd of August 2010 y. –
02 sh., 02 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
the name of file
of_IBI_N1_28_from_the_31st_of_January_2006_y_orig_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
the name of file
of_IBI_N1_28_from_the_31st_of_January_2006_y_Odnoral_OE_05_02_2019_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
(*) the name of file
of_IBI_N1_28_from_the_31st_of_January_2006_y_Lysenko_IS_13_11_2023_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
(*) the name of file
of_IBI_N1_28_from_the_31st_of_January_2006_y_Odnoral_OE_14_11_2023_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS]
[copy of the specified document was submitted on the 26.12.2017 y. and 01.04.2019 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 01
st of April 2019 y.].

10. The copyright certificates of “The Russian author’s society” (“RAS”) (RF, Moscow city)
and the certificates of “"The All-Russian institute of scientific and technical information"
of "The Russian academy of sciences"” (“"VINITI" of "RAS"”) (RF, Moscow city)

on the scientific results of dissertation (in the form of manuscript) on the rights of manuscript.

10.1.1. Copy of the copyright certificate of “RAS” (RF, Moscow city) about the deposition and registration of the work
the object of intellectual property – the manuscript of personal (Vetrov A.N.) dissertation
[the dissertation on the rights of manuscript on the competition of scientific degree of the doctor of technical sciences]
on the theme “The environment of automated training with the properties
of adaptation based on the cognitive models”
[the new name “The cognitive modeling technology
for the system analysis of the information-educational environments”]

№13118 from the 28
th of December 2007 y. (2 volumes, 399 p.: vol. 1, 176 p., 2006 y., vol. 2, 223 p., 2006 y.),
signed by the head “The department on registration and deposition
of the objects of intellectual property and right-holders” Voronina T.N. –
03 sh., 03 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
(*) copy of the specified copyright certificate
was registered in the registry book №78/248-n/78-2023-9-250,
certified by the notary of the not. district Saint-Petersburg city Soldatenko L.G. on the 09
th of November 2023 y.
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city) – 01 sh., 02 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
(*) copy of the specified copyright certificate
was registered in the registry book №78/357-n/78-2023-25-50,
certified by the notary of the not. district Saint-Petersburg city Oleneva E.N. on the 13
th of November 2023 y.
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city) – 01 sh., 02 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
(*) copy of the specified copyright certificate
was registered in the registry book №78/182-n/78-2023-3-1257, 1261,
certified by the notary of the not. district Saint-Petersburg city Odnoral O.E. on the 14
th of November 2023 y.
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city) – 01 sh., 02 p. (the title page and table of contents
and the acts about practical use with the seal of “RAS” – 09 sh., 10 p.)
(in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
the certification is confirmed
[by demand] by the head of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N.
on the 01
st of September 2008 y., the 05th of November 2008 y., the 29th of June 2009 y.,
the 26
th of January 2010 y., the 01st of February 2010 y., the 19th of February 2010 y. and the 03rd of August 2010 y. –
03 sh., 03 p. (in the format “PDF”) (the national Russian language),
the name of file
on_the_sci_dissertation_EAT_with_PA_based_on_CM_N13118_28_12_2007_orig_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
the name of file
on_the_sci_dissertation_EAT_with_PA_based_on_CM_N13118_28_12_2007_CONT_orig_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
the name of file
on_the_sci_dissertation_EAT_with_PA_based_on_CM_N13118_28_12_2007_Shubinsky_VN_05_11_2008_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
(*) the name of file
on_the_sci_mon_EAT_with_PA_based_on_CM_N13118_28_12_2007_Soldatenko_LG_09_11_2023_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
(*) the name of file
on_the_sci_mon_EAT_with_PA_based_on_CM_N13118_28_12_2007_Oleneva_EN_13_11_2023_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
(*) the name of file
on_the_sci_mon_EAT_with_PA_based_on_CM_N13118_28_12_2007_Odnoral_OE_14_11_2023_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
(*) the name of file
on_the_sci_mon_EAT_with_PA_based_on_CM_N13118_28_12_2007_Odnoral_OE_14_11_2023_CONT_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS]
[copy of the specified document was submitted on the 26.12.2017 y. and 01.04.2019 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 01
st of April 2019 y.].

10.1.2. Copy of the copyright certificate of “RAS” (RF, Moscow city) about the deposition and registration of the work
the object of intellectual property – the manuscript of personal (Vetrov A.N.) scientific monography
[the dissertation (in the form of scientific monography)
on the rights of manuscript on the competition of scientific degree of the candidate of technical sciences]

on the theme “The environment of automated training with the properties
of adaptation based on the cognitive models” №13117 from the 28
th of December 2007 y. (1 vol., 256 p.),
signed by the head of “The department on registration and deposition
of the objects of intellectual property and right-holders” Voronina T.N. –
03 sh., 03 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
copy of the specified copyright certificate was registered in the registry book №78/182-N/78-2019-2-133,
certified by the notary of the not. district Saint-Petersburg city Odnoral O.E. on the 05
th of February 2019 y.
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city) – 01 sh., 02 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
(*) copy of the specified copyright certificate
was registered in the registry book №78/357-n/78-2023-25-46,
certified by the notary of the not. district Saint-Petersburg city Oleneva E.N. on the 13
th of November 2023 y.
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city) – 01 sh., 02 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
(*) copy of the specified copyright certificate
was registered in the registry book №78/182-n/78-2023-3-1274, 1278,
certified by the notary of the not. district Saint-Petersburg city Odnoral O.E. on the 14
th of November 2023 y.
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city) – 01 sh., 02 p. (the title page and annotation with the seal of “RAS” – 02 sh., 03 p.)
(in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
the certification is confirmed
[by demand] by the head of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N.
on the 01
st of September 2008 y., the 05th of November 2008 y., the 29th of June 2009 y.,
the 26
th of January 2010 y., the 01st of February 2010 y., the 19th of February 2010 y. and the 03rd of August 2010 y. –
03 sh., 03 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
the name of file
on_the_sci_mon_EAT_with_PA_based_on_CM_N13117_28_12_2007_orig_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
the name of file
on_the_sci_mon_EAT_with_PA_based_on_CM_N13117_28_12_2007_CONT_orig_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
the name of file
on_the_sci_mon_EAT_with_PA_based_on_CM_N13117_28_12_2007_Shubinsky_VN_05_11_2008_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
(*) the name of file
on_the_sci_mon_EAT_with_PA_based_on_CM_N13117_28_12_2007_Odnoral_OE_05_02_2019_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
(*) the name of file
on_the_sci_mon_EAT_with_PA_based_on_CM_N13117_28_12_2007_Oleneva_EN_13_11_2023_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
(*) the name of file
on_the_sci_mon_EAT_with_PA_based_on_CM_N13117_28_12_2007_Odnoral_OE_14_11_2023_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
(*) the name of file
on_the_sci_mon_EAT_with_PA_based_on_CM_N13117_28_12_2007_Odnoral_OE_14_11_2023_CONT_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS] 
[copy of the specified document was submitted on the 26.12.2017 y. and 01.04.2019 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 01
st of April 2019 y.].

10.1.3. Copy of the copyright certificate of “RAS” (RF, Moscow city) about the deposition and registration of the work
the object of intellectual property – the manuscript of personal (Vetrov A.N.) scientific monography
[the dissertation (in the form of scientific monography) on the rights of manuscript
on the competition of scientific degree “Philosophy doctor (PhD)”,
the scientific supervisor:
“The Honored worker of science of RF”,
awarded in 2011 y. by the medal of the order
“For the services to The fatherland of the IInd degree”,
“The honorary worker of the higher professional education of RF”,
the full member of “The Russian academy of humanitarian sciences”,
the head of the chair “Philosophy” of the faculty “Humanitarian” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”,
doctor of philosophical sciences, professor Kotenko Vitaly Pavlovich]

on the theme “The features of evolution of the theory of information
and information technologies on a threshold of the XXI
st century”
№13116 from the 28
th of December 2007 y. (1 vol., 141 p.)
[philosophical sciences – spec. 09.00.08 – “Philosophy of science and technics”)
(spec. 01.02.01, 05.13.01, 05.13.10, 19.00.02 (19.00.03), 08.00.10)],

signed by the head of “The department on registration and deposition
of the objects of intellectual property and right-holders” Voronina T.N. –
03 sh., 03 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
(*) copy of the specified copyright certificate
was registered in the registry book №78/357-n/78-2023-25-58,
certified by the notary of the not. district Saint-Petersburg city Oleneva E.N. on the 13
th of November 2023 y.
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city) – 01 sh., 02 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
(*) copy of the specified copyright certificate
was registered in the registry book №78/182-n/78-2023-3-1282, 1286,
certified by the notary of the not. district Saint-Petersburg city Odnoral O.E. on the 14
th of November 2023 y.
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city) – 01 sh., 02 p. (the title page and annotation with the seal of “RAS” –
02 sh., 03 p.) (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
the certification is confirmed
[by demand] by the head of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N.
on the 01
st of September 2008 y., the 05th of November 2008 y., the 29th of June 2009 y.,
the 26
th of January 2010 y., the 01st of February 2010 y., the 19th of February 2010 y. and the 03rd of August 2010 y. –
03 sh., 03 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
the name of file
on_the_sci_mon_FE_of_TI_and_IT_on_T_of_XXI_S_N13116_28_12_2007_orig_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
the name of file
on_the_sci_mon_FE_of_TI_and_IT_on_T_of_XXI_S_N13116_28_12_2007_CONT_orig_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
the name of file
on_the_sci_mon_FE_of_TI_and_IT_on_T_of_XXI_S_N13116_28_12_2007_Shubinsky_VN_05_11_2008_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
(*) the name of file
download) [RUS],
(*) the name of file
download) [RUS],
(*) the name of file
on_the_sci_mon_FE_of_TI_and_IT_on_T_of_XXI_S_N13116_28_12_2007_Odnoral_OE_14_11_2023_CONT_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS]
[copy of the specified document was submitted on the 26.12.2017 y. and 01.04.2019 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 01
st of April 2019 y.].

10.1.4. Copy of the copyright certificate of “RAS” (RF, Moscow city) about the registration and deposition of the work
the result of intellectual activity – the manuscript of personal (Vetrov A.N.) textbook
on the theme “Informatics” №14622 from the 10
th of December 2008 y. (1 vol., 331 p.),
signed by the head of. “The department on registration and deposition
of the results of intellectual activity” Voronina T.N. –
03 sh., 03 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
(*) copy of the specified copyright certificate
was registered in the registry book №78/248-n/78-2023-9-264,
certified by the notary of the not. district Saint-Petersburg city Soldatenko L.G. on the 09
th of November 2023 y.
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city) – 01 sh., 02 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
(*) copy of the specified copyright certificate
was registered in the registry book №78/357-n/78-2023-25-34,
certified by the notary of the not. district Saint-Petersburg city Oleneva E.N. on the 13
th of November 2023 y.
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city) – 01 sh., 02 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
(*) copy of the specified copyright certificate
was registered in the registry book №78/182-n/78-2023-3-1265, 1270,
certified by the notary of the not. district Saint-Petersburg city Odnoral O.E. on the 14
th of November 2023 y.
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city) – 01 sh., 02 p. (the title page and annotation with the seal of “RAS” – 02 sh., 03 p.)
(in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
the certification is confirmed
[by demand] by the head of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N.
on the 01
st of June 2009 y., the 29th of June 2009 y., the 26th of January 2010 y.,
the 01
st of February 2010 y., the 19th of February 2010 y. and the 03rd of August 2010 y. –
03 sh., 03 page (in the format ‘PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
the name of file
on_the_textbook_Computer_science_N14622_10_12_2008_orig_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
the name of file
on_the_textbook_Computer_science_N14622_10_12_2008_CONT_orig_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
the name of file
on_the_textbook_Computer_science_N14622_10_12_2008_Shubinsky_VN_01_06_2009_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
(*) the name of file
on_the_textbook_Computer_science_N14622_10_12_2008_Soldatenko_LG_09_11_2023_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
(*) the name of file
on_the_textbook_Computer_science_N14622_10_12_2008_Oleneva_EN_13_11_2023_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
(*) the name of file
on_the_textbook_Computer_science_N14622_10_12_2008_Odnoral_OE_14_11_2023_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
(*) the name of file
on_the_textbook_Computer_science_N14622_10_12_2008_Odnoral_OE_14_11_2023_CONT_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS] 
[copy of the specified document was submitted on the 26.12.2017 y. and 01.04.2019 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 01
st of April 2019 y.].

10.2.1. Copy of the copyright certificate of “"VINITI" of "RAS"” (RF, Moscow city)
about the deposition and registration of the work
the object of intellectual property – the manuscript of personal (Vetrov A.N.) scientific article
“The cognitive modeling technology
in the automated educational environment” №1-V2008 from the 09
th of January 2008 y. (18 p.),
signed by the director of “"VINITI" of "RAS"”, acad. of “RAS” Arsky Yu.M. –
01 sh., 01 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
(*) copy of the specified copyright certificate
was registered in the registry book №78/248-n/78-2023-9-268,
certified by the notary of the not. district Saint-Petersburg city Soldatenko L.G. on the 09
th of November 2023 y.
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city) – 01 sh., 02 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
(*) copy of the specified copyright certificate
was registered in the registry book №78/182-n/78-2023-3-1294,
certified by the notary of the not. district Saint-Petersburg city Odnoral O.E. on the 14
th of November 2023 y.
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city) – 01 sh., 01 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
the certification is confirmed [by demand] by the head of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N.
on the 01
st of September 2008 y., the 05th of November 2008 y., the 29th of June 2009 y.,
the 26
th of January 2010 y., the 01st of February 2010 y., the 19th of February 2010 y. and the 03rd of August 2010 y. –
01 sh., 01 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
the name of file
from_the_09_01_2008_orig_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
the name of file
from_the_09_01_2008_Shubinsky_VN_05_11_2008_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
(*) the name of file
from_the_09_01_2008_Soldatenko_LG_09_11_2023_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
(*) the name of file
from_the_09_01_2008_Odnoral_OE_14_11_2023_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS]
[copy of the specified document was submitted on the 26.12.2017 y. and 01.04.2019 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 01
st of April 2019 y.].

10.2.2. Copy of the copyright certificate of “"VINITI" of "RAS"” (RF, Moscow city)
about the deposition and registration of the work – the object of intellectual property –
the manuscript of personal (Vetrov A.N.) scientific article
on the theme “The features of realization of the information-educational environments
of the automated training” №3-V2008 from the 09
th of January 2008 y. (15 p.),
signed by the director of “"VINITI" of "RAS"”, acad. of “RAS” Arsky Yu.M. –
01 sh., 01 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
(*) copy of the specified copyright certificate
was registered in the registry book №78/248-n/78-2023-9-276,
certified by the notary of the not. district Saint-Petersburg city Soldatenko L.G. on the 09
th of November 2023 y.
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city) – 01 sh., 02 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
(*) copy of the specified copyright certificate
was registered in the registry book №78/182-n/78-2023-3-1298,
certified by the notary of the not. district Saint-Petersburg city Odnoral O.E. on the 14
th of November 2023 y.
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city) – 01 sh., 01 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
the certification is confirmed
[by demand] by the head of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N.
on the 01
st of September 2008 y., the 05th of November 2008 y., the 29th of June 2009 y.,
the 26
th of January 2010 y., the 01st of February 2010 y., the 19th of February 2010 y. and the 03rd of August 2010 y. –
01 sh., 01 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
the name of file
from_the_09_01_2008_orig_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
the name of file
from_the_09_01_2008_Shubinsky_VN_05_11_2008_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
(*) the name of file
from_the_09_01_2008_Soldatenko_LG_09_11_2023_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
(*) the name of file
from_the_09_01_2008_Odnoral_OE_14_11_2023_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS]
[copy of the specified document was submitted on the 26.12.2017 y. and 01.04.2019 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 01
st of April 2019 y.].

10.2.3. Copy of the copyright certificate of “"VINITI" of "RAS"” (RF, Moscow city)
about the deposition and registration of the work – the object of intellectual property –
the manuscript of personal (Vetrov A.N.) scientific article
on the theme “The electronic textbook based on the adaptive representation
of information fragments processor in the automated educational environment”
№4-V2008 from the 09
th of January 2008 y. (22 p.),
signed by the director of “"VINITI" of "RAS"”, acad. of “RAS” Arsky Yu.M. –
01 sh., 01 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
(*) copy of the specified copyright certificate
was registered in the registry book №78/248-n/78-2023-9-280,
certified by the notary of the not. district Saint-Petersburg city Soldatenko L.G. on the 09
th of November 2023 y.
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city) – 01 sh., 02 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
(*) copy of the specified copyright certificate
was registered in the registry book №78/182-n/78-2023-3-1302,
certified by the notary of the not. district Saint-Petersburg city Odnoral O.E. on the 14
th of November 2023 y.
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city) – 01 sh., 01 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
the certification is confirmed
[by demand] by the head of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N.
on the 01
st of September 2008 y., the 05th of November 2008 y., the 29th of June 2009 y.,
the 26
th of January 2010 y., the 01st of February 2010 y., the 19th of February 2010 y. and the 03rd of August 2010 y. –
01 sh., 01 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
the name of file “4_3_Vetrov_AN_Copy_of_the_copyright_certificate_of_VINITI_of_RAS_
the name of file “4_3_Vetrov_AN_Copy_of_the_copyright_certificate_of_VINITI_of_RAS_
(*) the name of file “4_3_Vetrov_AN_Copy_of_the_copyright_certificate_of_VINITI_of_RAS_
(*) the name of file “4_3_Vetrov_AN_Copy_of_the_copyright_certificate_of_VINITI_of_RAS_
[copy of the specified document was submitted on the 26.12.2017 y. and 01.04.2019 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 01
st of April 2019 y.].

10.2.4. Copy of the copyright certificate of “"VINITI" of "RAS"” (RF, Moscow city)
about the deposition and registration of the work – the object of intellectual property –
the manuscript of personal (Vetrov A.N.) scientific article
on the theme “The program complex for the tasks of research
of the adaptive environment of the automated training
based on the cognitive models” №427-V2009 from the 01
st of July 2009 y. (19 p.),
signed by the temporarily executing the duties of director of “"VINITI" of "RAS"” Chervinskaya N.V. –
01 sh., 01 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
(*) the name of file “4_4_Vetrov_AN_Copy_of_the_copyright_certificate_of_VINITI_of_RAS_
N427_V2009_from_the_01_07_2009_orig_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS]
[copy of the specified document was submitted on the 15.12.2023 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 15
th of December 2023 y.].

10.2.5. Copy of the copyright certificate of “"VINITI" of "RAS"” (RF, Moscow city)
about the deposition and registration of the work – the object of intellectual property –
the manuscript of personal (Vetrov A.N.) scientific article
on the theme “The applied diagnostic module for the diagnostics of parameters
of the cognitive model of the subject of training in the adaptive environment” №428-V2009 from the 01
st of July 2009 y. (25 p.),
signed by the temporarily executing the duties of director of “"VINITI" of "RAS"” Chervinskaya N.V. –
01 sh., 01 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
(*) the name of file “4_5_Vetrov_AN_Copy_of_the_copyright_certificate_of_VINITI_of_RAS_
N428_V2009_from_the_01_07_2009_orig_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS]
[copy of the specified document was submitted on the 15.12.2023 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 15
th of December 2023 y.].


Next (go to page 2)


The list of documents of doctoral dissertation of “AUT CMT SFA Vetrov A.N.
for the international action
in “The Saint-Petersburg state university” (RF, Saint-Petersburg city)
(page 1 from 2 pages)

Text Box: RF, Saint-Petersburg city
Text Box: The National research university of RF
Text Box: “The Saint-Petersburg 
state university”
Text Box: The Federal scientific centre of RF

It is carried out according to the information letter from the 21st of October 2023 y. №ACNS-01-21102023
of the applicant of scientific degree (the person using the right of international defence),
“AUT CMT SFA Vetrov A.N. (download).