“The international action
of "The Saint-Petersburg state university" ("SPbSU")
on the rights of "The Federal scientific centre of RF"
and "The National research university of RF",
the author of the unique cognitive modeling technology
and the scientific direction "Cognitive informatics (computer science),
the cognitive modeling technology
for the system and financial analysis"
("AUT CMT SFA") Vetrov A.N.
due to means of the budget and interested
natural persons and legal entities –
the procedure of defence of the dissertation
(in the form of scientific monography) on the rights of manuscript
"The environment of automated training with the properties of adaptation
based on the cognitive models"
on the competition of scientific degree of the candidate of technical sciences
in spec. 05.13.01 – "The system analysis, control and information processing"
of "AUT CMT SFA" Vetrov A.N.
with participation of the national and foreign
members of "The dissertation council" of "SPbSU"
for (non)residents at the international level
with translation through the global network "Internet"
and accommodation in "The hotel "Moscow"" ("The group of hotels "Intourist"")”


the faculty “Applied mathematicscontrol processes” (“AMCP”)

the chair “Information systems” (“IS”)

It is carried out according to the information letter from the 01st of May 2018 y. №ACNS-01-01052018
of the head of the chair “Modeling of social-economic systems” of “SPbSU”,
the chairman of “The dissertation council” of “SPbSU”,, prof. Malafeyev O
and the applicant of scientific degree (the person using the right of international defence),
“AUT CMT SFA Vetrov A.N. (download).

“The attestation scientific works of "AUT CMT SFA" Vetrov A.N.
(on technical and physical-mathematical sciences only)”
(page 1 from 1 page)


Dear citizens of The Russian Federation and the foreign countries!


We invite You to take part in “The international action
of "The Saint-Petersburg state university" ("SPbSU")
on the rights of "The Federal scientific centre of RF" and "The National research university of RF",
the author of the unique cognitive modeling technology
and the scientific direction "Cognitive informatics (computer science),
the cognitive modeling technology
for the system and financial analysis" ("AUT CMT SFA") Vetrov A.N.
due to means of the budget and interested natural persons and legal entities –
the procedure of defence of the dissertation (in the form of scientific monography) on the rights of manuscript
"The environment of automated training with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive models"
on the competition of scientific degree of the candidate of technical sciences
in spec. 05.13.01 – "The system analysis, control and information processing"
of "AUT CMT SFA" Vetrov A.N.
with participation of the national and foreign members of "The dissertation council" of "SPbSU"
for (non)residents at the international level
with translation through the global network "Internet"
[is required by the new rules of “SPbSU”]
and accommodation in "The hotel "Moscow"" ("The group of hotels "Intourist"")
[it is not required by the new rules of “SPbSU”]”.


The main list of scientific works
on the technical sciences and physical-mathematical sciences
for the attestation of the applicant of scientific degree of the candidate of technical sciences
in spec. 05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing”,
of “AUT CMT SFA” Vetrov A.N.

[see the full list of scientific works on the technical, physical-mathematical, economic and philosophical sciences
go to) –
reflect the concept “interdisciplinarity” in the modern science,
for the substantiation of genesis of
the academic scientific direction
“Cognitive informatics (computer science), the cognitive modeling technology
for the system and financial analysis”

see “The register of new scientific directions” of “The Russian academy of natural science” (“RANS”)
(according to
the decision of “The Presidium of "RANS", the protocol №699 from the 08th of June 2018 y.) (go to),
see the
encyclopedia “Famous scientists” of “RANS”
(according to
the decision of “The Presidium of "RANS") (go to)]


“Knowledge is power”

Francis Bekon


The fundamental and applied theoretical and practical
attestation scientific works
on disciplines
of “The Saint-Petersburg state electrotechnical university
named after V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin)” (“SPbSETU "LETI"”)
from the 01
st of September 1997 y. to the 31st of August 2003 y.
and “The international banking institute” (“IBI”)
from the 01st of October 2003 y. to the 31st of August 2004 y.


The textbooks

1. Vetrov A.N. Informatics (computer science): the textbook for the students and pupils
(technical, natural, humanitarian, social and medical sciences) / A.N. Vetrov;
"LETI"”. – SPb.: “SPbSETU "LETI"”, 2005,
M.: “"VINITI" of "RAS"”, 2008, M.: “The Russian author’s society” (“RAS”), 2008. – 331 p.:
pic. – Bibliogr. 26 nom. – Rus. – Dep. in “"VINITI" of "RAS"”, 2008, “RAS”, 2008
(download) [RUS];
the review of the first vice-rector in scientific work of “The Saint-Petersburg state university
of airspace instrumentation "GUAP"” (“SPbSUAI "GUAP"”),
the head
of the chair “Computational mathematics and programming” (“CM and P”),
“The honored worker of science of RF”,
.t.s., prof. Khimenko V.I. from the 01st of September 2008 y.,
certified by the head of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"
V.N. on the 05th of November 2008 y. – 1 sh., 1 p. (download) [RUS];
the review of d.t.s., prof. of the faculty “Military training” (“MT”)
of “The Baltic
state technical university "VOENMECH" named after D.F. Ustinov”
"VOENMECH" named after D.F. Ustinov”)
D.P. from the 05th of November 2008 y.,
certified by the deputy of head of the faculty “MT” of “BSTU "VOENMECH" named after D.F. Ustinov”
S.V. on the 05th of November 2008 y.,
certified by the head of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"
V.N. on the 05th of November 2008 y. – 3 sh., 3 p. (download) [RUS];
the review of the head of the chair “Systems and means of automation of control” (“S and MAC”)
of “The Military
-naval institute of radioelectronics named after A.S. Popov” (“MNIRE named after A.S. Popov”),
.t.s., prof., capt. of the 1st rank Philippov P.V. from the 24th of November 2008 y.,
certified by the secretary of “The scientific council” of “MNIRE named after A.S. Popov”,
capt. of
the 1st rank Demyshev Y.V. on the 24th of November 2008 y.,
certified by the head “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"
V.N. on the 24th of November 2008 y. – 3 sh., 3 p. (download) [RUS]].


The learning manuals and the scientific monographies (with coauthors)

1. Vetrov A.N. The factors of success in the educational activity of modern HEI:
The tendencies of development of the information environment of remote education:
the collective scientific monography
(natural, technical, humanitarian, social and medical sciences) / A.N. Vetrov, N.A. Vetrov;
edited by the memb.-corr. of “The international Higher education academy of sciences” (“IHEAS”) I.N. Zakharov. –
SPb.: The publishing-house of “IBI”, 2004. – P.54-65 (13 p. from 148 p.) (
download) [RUS].

2. Vetrov A.N. The factors of success in the educational activity of modern HEI:
The cognitive model for the adaptive systems of remote training:
the collective scientific monography
(natural, technical, humanitarian, social and medical sciences) / A.N. Vetrov, E.E. Kotova;
edited by the memb.-corr. of “IHEAS” I.N. Zakharov. –
SPb.: The publishing-house of “IBI”, 2004. – P.65-78 (14 p. from 148 p.) (
download) [RUS].

3. Vetrov A.N., Zinovyeva N.N. The program toolkit of qualification estimation
of the professional participants of the securities market
the scientific monography (technical and economic sciences)
spec. 05.13.01, 08.00.10) / A.N. Vetrov, N.N. Zinovyeva;
“SPbSETU "LETI"”. – SPb.: “SPbSETU "LETI"”, 2004. – 160 p. [RUS];
[the first diploma-student Zinovyeva Natalya Nikolaevna, RF, Baikonur city
the theme of diploma project “The development of the program toolkit
of qualification estimation of the professional participants of the securities market”,
the mark
of “The state attestation commission” “excellent”
"LETI"”, 2004 y., gr. 8832, the scientific supervisor, “AUT CMT SFA” Vetrov A.N.)].

4. Vetrov A.N., Blinkov R.Y. The diagnostic module of the open educational portal
for the tasks of the information environment of the automated remote training:
the scientific monography
(technical and physical-mathematical sciences)
spec. 01.02.01, 05.13.01, 19.00.02 (19.00.03)) / A.N. Vetrov, R.Y. Blinkov;
“SPbSETU "LETI"”. – SPb.: “SPbSETU "LETI"”, 2005. – 160 p. [RUS];
[the second diploma-student Blinkov Roman Yuryevich, RF, Saint-Petersburg city
the theme of diploma projectThe development of the diagnostic module of the open educational portal
for the tasks of the information environment of the automated remote training”,
the mark
of “The state attestation commission” “excellent”
"LETI"”, 2005 y., gr. 9832, the scientific supervisor, “AUT CMT SFA” Vetrov A.N.)].

5. Vetrov A.N., Tasoyeva E.B. The program toolkit of diagnostics
of the level of convergent intellectual abilities of the cognitive model of the examinee
for the tasks of the information environment of the adaptive training:
the scientific monography
(technical and physical-mathematical sciences)
spec. 01.02.01, 05.13.01, 19.00.02 (19.00.03)) / A.N. Vetrov, E.B. Tasoyeva;
“SPbSETU "LETI"”. – SPb.: “SPbSETU "LETI"”, 2005. – 160 p. [RUS];
[the third diploma-student Tasoyeva Elena Borisovna, RF, Leningrad area, Sosnovy bor town
the theme of diploma projectThe development of the program toolkit of diagnostics
of the level of convergent intellectual abilities of the cognitive model of the examinee
for the tasks of the information environment of the adaptive training”,
the mark of
“The state attestation commission” “excellent”
"LETI"”, 2005 y., gr. 9832, the scientific supervisor, “AUT CMT SFA” Vetrov A.N.)].

6. Vetrov A.N., Fedoseyeva N.A. The program toolkit of diagnostics
of the level of divergent intellectual abilities of the cognitive model of the examinee
for the tasks of the information environment of the adaptive training:
the scientific monography
(technical and physical-mathematical sciences)
spec. 01.02.01, 05.13.01, 19.00.02 (19.00.03)) / A.N. Vetrov, N.A. Fedoseyeva;
“SPbSETU "LETI"”. – SPb.: “SPbSETU "LETI"”, 2005. – 160 p. [RUS];
[the fourth diploma-student Fedoseyeva Natalya Aleksandrovna, RF, Saint-Petersburg city
the theme of diploma projectThe development of the program toolkit of diagnostics
of the level of divergent intellectual abilities of the cognitive model of the examinee
for the tasks of the information environment of the adaptive training”,
the mark
“The state attestation commission” “good”
"LETI"”, 2005 y., gr. 9832, the scientific supervisor, “AUT CMT SFA” Vetrov A.N.)].

7. Vetrov A.N. The operating system “MS Windows 98/Me/2000”:
the methodical instructions to the laboratory works
(technical, natural, humanitarian, social and medical sciences) /
O.Y. Belash, A.N. Vetrov, E.E. Kotova; edited by the prof. N.N. Kuzmin. –
SPb.: The publishing-house of “SPbSETU
"LETI"”, 2005. – 72 p. (download) [RUS].

8. Vetrov A.N. The package of applied programs “MS Office 97/2000”:
the textual editor “Word”:
the methodical instructions to the laboratory works
(technical, natural, humanitarian, social and medical sciences) /
O.Y. Belash, A.N. Vetrov, E.E. Kotova; edited by the prof. N.N. Kuzmin. –
SPb.: The publishing-house of “SPbSETU
"LETI"”, 2005. – 64 p. (download) [RUS].

9. Vetrov A.N. The package of applied programs “MS Office 97/2000”:
the system of electronic spreadsheets “Excel”:
the methodical instructions to the laboratory works
(technical, natural, humanitarian, social and medical sciences) /
O.Y. Belash, A.N. Vetrov, E.E. Kotova; edited by the prof. N.N. Kuzmin. –
SPb.: The publishing-house of “SPbSETU
"LETI"”, 2005. – 76 p. (download) [RUS].

10. Vetrov A.N., Prikhodko D.Y. The program realization of the procedure of diagnostics
of the achromatic and chromatic field of vision of the cognitive model of the subject of training
for the analysis of the automated educational environment:
the scientific monography
(technical and physical-mathematical sciences)
spec. 01.02.01, 05.13.01, 19.00.02 (19.00.03)) / A.N. Vetrov, D.Y. Prikhodko;
“SPbSETU "LETI"”. – SPb.: “SPbSETU "LETI"”, 2008. – 160 p. [RUS];
[the fifth diploma-student Prikhodko Dmitry Yuryevich, RF, Saint-Petersburg city
the theme of diploma projectThe program realization of the procedure of diagnostics
of the achromatic and chromatic field of vision of the cognitive model of the subject of training
for the analysis of the automated educational environment”,
the mark of
“The state attestation commission” “good”
"LETI"”, 2008 y., gr. 2321, the scientific supervisor, “AUT CMT SFA” Vetrov A.N.)].

11. Vetrov A.N., Shaposhnikov A.V. The program realization of the procedure of diagnostics
of the parameters of color perception of the cognitive model of the trainee
for the analysis of the information environment of automated training:
the scientific monography
(technical and physical-mathematical sciences)
spec. 01.02.01, 05.13.01, 19.00.02 (19.00.03)) / A.N. Vetrov, A.V. Shaposhnikov;
“SPbSETU "LETI"”. – SPb.: “SPbSETU "LETI"”, 2009. – 160 p. [RUS];
[the sixth diploma-student Shaposhnikov Alexey Vladimirovich, RF, Saint-Petersburg city
the theme of diploma projectThe program realization of the procedure of diagnostics
of the parameters of color perception of the cognitive model of the trainee
for the analysis of the information environment of automated training”,
the mark of
“The state attestation commission” “excellent”
"LETI"”, 2009 y., gr. 3321, the scientific supervisor, “AUT CMT SFA” Vetrov A.N.)].

12. Vetrov A.N., Anufriyeva O.K. The program realization of the procedure of diagnostics
of the cognitive styles of the cognitive model of the trainee
for the analysis of the information environment of automated training:
the scientific monography
(technical and physical-mathematical sciences)
spec. 01.02.01, 05.13.01, 19.00.02 (19.00.03)) / A.N. Vetrov, O.K. Anufriyeva;
“SPbSETU "LETI"”. – SPb.: “SPbSETU "LETI"”, 2009. – 160 p. [RUS];
[the seventh diploma-student Anufriyeva Olga Konstantinovna, RF, Saint-Petersburg city
the theme of diploma projectThe program realization of the procedure of diagnostics
of the cognitive styles of the cognitive model of the trainee
for the analysis of the information environment of automated training”,
the mark of
“The state attestation commission” “good”
"LETI"”, 2009 y., gr. 3831, the scientific supervisor, “AUT CMT SFA” Vetrov A.N.)].

13. Vetrov A.N., Karyukhina A.P. The program realization of the procedure of diagnostics
of the acuity of vision of the cognitive model of the trainee
for the analysis of the information environment of automated training:
the scientific monography
(technical and physical-mathematical sciences)
spec. 01.02.01, 05.13.01, 19.00.02 (19.00.03)) / A.N. Vetrov, A.P. Karyukhina;
“SPbSETU "LETI"”. – SPb.: “SPbSETU "LETI"”, 2009. – 160 p. [RUS];
[the eighth diploma-student Karyukhina Anna Petrovna, RF, Saint-Petersburg city
the theme of diploma projectThe program realization of the procedure of diagnostics
of the acuity of vision of the cognitive model of the trainee
for the analysis of the information environment of automated training”,
the mark of
“The state attestation commission” “good”
"LETI"”, 2009 y., gr. 3831, the scientific supervisor, “AUT CMT SFA” Vetrov A.N.)].

14. Vetrov A.N., Andreyeva K.A. The program realization of the procedure of the electronic dean’s office
for the support of the system analysis of the information-educational environment
based on the cognitive modeling technology:
the scientific monography
(technical and physical-mathematical sciences)
spec. 05.13.01, 19.00.02 (19.00.03)) / A.N. Vetrov, K.A. Andreyeva;
“SPbSETU "LETI"”. – SPb.: “SPbSETU "LETI"”, 2010. – 160 p. [RUS];
[the ninth diploma-student Andreyeva Katerina Aleksandrovna, RF, Saint-Petersburg city
the theme of diploma projectThe program realization of the procedure of the electronic dean’s office
for the support of the system analysis of the information-educational environment
based on the cognitive modeling technology”,
the mark of
“The state attestation commission” “good”
"LETI"”, 2010 y., gr. 4832, the scientific supervisor, “AUT CMT SFA” Vetrov A.N.)].

15. Vetrov A.N., Bocharova L.N. The program realization of the procedure of the electronic laboratory practical work
of the automated training system with the properties of adaptation
based on the parametrical cognitive models block:
the scientific monography
(technical and physical-mathematical sciences)
spec. 01.02.01, 05.13.01, 19.00.02 (19.00.03)) / A.N. Vetrov, L.N. Bocharova;
"LETI"”. – SPb.: “SPbSETU "LETI"”, 2010. – 160 p. [RUS];
[the tenth diploma-student Bocharova Lyubov Nikolaevna, RF, Saint-Petersburg city
the theme of diploma projectThe program realization of the procedure of the electronic laboratory practical work
of the automated training system with the properties of adaptation
based on the parametrical cognitive models block”,
the mark of
“The state attestation commission” “excellent”
"LETI"”, 2010 y., gr. 4832, the scientific supervisor, “AUT CMT SFA” Vetrov A.N.)].


The learning manuals and the scientific monographies (without coauthors)

1. Vetrov A.N. The control system of eight-position step-by-step electric drive:
the attestation work in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript
(technical and physical-mathematical sciences –
“Elements and devices of automatic systems”)
. 01.02.01, 05.13.01) / A.N. Vetrov;
"LETI"”. – SPb.: “SPbSETU "LETI"”, 2002. – 160 p. [RUS].
[there was developed the structure and content of the obligatory attestation work
in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript
and at the same time there was passed the planned obligatory examination
on the discipline “Elements and devices of automatic systems” (the mark “excellent”)
according to the appendix to the diploma about higher education series DVS №1230632 from the 11
th of February 2003 y.];
[the scientific supervisor of attestation work of the student of the gr. 7323 Vetrov A.N.
on the theme “The development of the control system of eight-position step-by-step electric drive”,
the associate professor of the chair “Automatics and control processes”
of “The Saint
-Petersburg state electrotechnical university "LETI"
named after V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin)”,
.t.s., associate prof. Solovyov N.V.].

2. Vetrov A.N. The working demonstration prototype of the expert system of training:
the attestation work in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript
technical and physical-mathematical sciences “Cognitive informatics (computer science)”)
spec. 05.13.01, 01.01.09) / A.N. Vetrov;
“SPbSETU "LETI". – SPb.: “SPbSETU "LETI", 2003. – 160 p.;
there was developed the structure and content of the obligatory attestation work
in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript
and at the same time there was defended the planned diploma project
“The development of the working
demonstration prototype of the expert system of training”
(the mark of “The state attestation commission” “excellent”)
according to the appendix to the diploma about higher education series DVS №1230632 from the 11
th of February 2003 y.];
[the response of scientific supervisor on the diploma project of student of gr. 7323 Vetrov A.N.
on the theme “The development of operating demonstration prototype of expert system of training”,
the deputy director “The institute high-performance calculations and databases” (“IHC and DB”),
.ph.-m.s., prof. Gorbachev Y.E. from the 06th of February 2003 y. – 1 sh., 1 p. (download) [RUS];
the review on the diploma project of student of gr. 7323 Vetrov A.N.
on the theme “The development of operating demonstration prototype of expert system of training”
of the scientific secretary of “The institute of high-performance calculations and information systems” (“IHC and IS”),
.t.s., associate prof. Mareev V.V. from the 06th of February 2003 y. – 1 sh., 1 p. (download) [RUS]].

3. Vetrov A.N. The carbon life in the post-industrial society and the cognitive modeling technology:
the attestation work in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript
(humanitarian sciences – “Foreign (English) language”)
(spec 10.02.04, 10.02.19, 10.02.20, 10.02.21,
10.02.22) / A.N. Vetrov;
"LETI"”. – SPb.: “SPbSETU "LETI"”, 2003. – 64 p. [RUS];
[there was developed the structure and content of the obligatory attestation work
in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript
and at the same time there was passed the planned obligatory entrance and candidate examination
on the discipline “Foreign (English) language”
(the mark
of “The state attestation commission” “excellent”)
according to the approved protocol of meeting of examination commission №3 from the 04th of April 2003 y.].

4. Vetrov A.N. The dialectic-materialistic approach in philosophy of science and technics:
the scientific report for the scientific seminar in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript
(philosophical sciences –
“Philosophy of science”)
05.13.01, 08.00.10, 09.00.03, 09.00.08, 09.00.11, 09.00.13) / A.N. Vetrov;
"LETI"”. – SPb.: “SPbSETU "LETI"”, 2003. – 64 p. [RUS];
[there was developed the structure and content of the obligatory scientific report
for the scientific seminar in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript
with the purpose of passing of the planned obligatory candidate examination
on the discipline “Philosophy of science” (the mark “excellent”)].

5. Vetrov A.N. The international standards of financial reporting-documentation:
the features of transformation (of the financial reporting-documentation on RAS into the financial reporting-documentation on IAS
based on the cognitive modeling technology)
the attestation work in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript
economic sciences “Finance, monetary circulation and credit”)
spec. 08.00.10, 08.00.12, 08.00.13, 08.00.14) / A.N. Vetrov;
“IBI”. – SPb.: “IBI”, 2004. – 352 p. [RUS];
[the scientific supervisor of diploma project of student of gr. “Finance and credit: banking” Vetrov A.N.
on the theme “The international standards of financial reporting-documentation:
the features of transformation (of the financial reporting-documentation on RAS into the financial reporting-documentation on IAS
based on the cognitive modeling technology)”,

the head of the chair “Banking” of “The international banking institute” (“IBI”)
“The Saint-Petersburg state university of economics and finances "FINEC"” (“SPbSUE and F "FINEC"”),
“The honored worker of science of RF”
, the acad. of “The international Higher education academy of sciences” (“IHEAS”),
the memb.-corr. of “The Academy of management and market” (“AM and M”), d
.e.s., prof. Beloglazova G.N.];
[there was developed the structure and content of the obligatory attestation work
in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript
and at the same time defenced the planned diploma project
The international standards of financial reporting-documentation:
the features of transformation (of the financial reporting-documentation on RAS into the financial reporting-documentation on IAS
based on the cognitive modeling technology)

(the mark of “The state attestation commission” “excellent”)
according to the appendix to the diploma about professional retraining series PP
548008 from the 24th of June 2004 y.].

6. Vetrov A.N. The features of the system, financial and complex analysis
based on the cognitive modeling technology
the collection of scientific reports and multimedia-presentations (slides)
in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript
-mathematical, technical, economic and medical sciences)
. 01.02.01, 05.13.01, 05.13.10, 19.00.02 (19.00.03), 08.00.10) / A.N. Vetrov;
SIO "ACNS"”. SPb.: SIO "ACNS", SPbSETU "LETI", IBI”, 2003. – 13 p. (+ 5 slides);
not) published materials to the international scientific-practical conference
“Actual problems of economics and new technologies of teaching
(Smirnov readings)”
of “IHEAS” on the 12th-13th of March 2003 y. (“IBI”),
) published materials to the international scientific-methodical conference
“Modern education: contents, technologies, quality” of “IHEAS” on the 23rd of April 2003 y. (“SPbSETU "LETI"”)],
text (download) [RUS] + slides (download) [RUS].

7. Vetrov A.N. The features of the system, financial and complex analysis
based on the cognitive modeling technology
the collection of scientific reports and multimedia-presentations (slides)
in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript
-mathematical, technical, economic and medical sciences)
. 01.02.01, 05.13.01, 05.13.10, 19.00.02 (19.00.03), 08.00.10) / A.N. Vetrov;
SIO "ACNS"”. SPb.: SIO "ACNS", IBI”, 2004. – 13 p. (+ 23 slides);
not) published materials to the international scientific-practical conference
“Actual problems of economics and new technologies of teaching
(Smirnov readings)”
of “IHEAS” on the 11th-13th of March 2004 y. (“IBI”),
) published materials to the international scientific-methodical conference
“Quality management in modern High school (HEI)” of “IHEAS” on the 17th-18th of June 2004 y. (“IBI”)],
text (download) [RUS] + slides (download) [RUS].

8. Vetrov A.N. The features of the system, financial and complex analysis
based on the cognitive modeling technology
the collection of scientific reports and multimedia-presentations (slides)
in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript
(physical-mathematical, technical, economic and medical sciences)
. 01.02.01, 05.13.01, 05.13.10, 19.00.02 (19.00.03), 08.00.10) / A.N. Vetrov;
SIO "ACNS"”. SPb.: SIO "ACNS", IBI”, 2005. – 9 p. (+ 12 slides);
not) published materials to the international scientific-practical conference
“Actual problems of economics and new technologies of teaching
(Smirnov readings)” of “IHEAS” on the 15
th-16th of March 2005 y. (“IBI”),
) published materials to the international scientific-methodical conference
“Quality management in modern High school (HEI)” of “IHEAS” on the 21st-22nd of June 2005 y. (“IBI”)],
text (download) [RUS] + slides (download) [RUS].

9. Vetrov A.N. The features of the system, financial and complex analysis
based on the cognitive modeling technology
the collection of scientific reports and multimedia-presentations (slides)
in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript
-mathematical, technical, economic and medical sciences)
. 01.02.01, 05.13.01, 05.13.10, 19.00.02 (19.00.03), 08.00.10) / A.N. Vetrov;
SIO "ACNS"”. SPb.: SIO "ACNS", SPbSETU "LETI", IBI”, 2006. – 16 p. (+ 74 slides);
not) published materials to The All-Russian scientific conference
“Control and information technologies” of “RAS” on the 10th-12th October 2006 y.
“CSRI "Electric-device"”, “SPbSETU "LETI"”),
) published materials to the international conference
“Problems of cybernetics and informatics (computer science)” of “ANAS” on the 24th-26th of October 2006 y. (“ANAS”)],
text (download) [RUS] + slides (download) [RUS].

10. Vetrov A.N. The features of evolution of the theory of information and information technologies
on a threshold of the XXI
st century:
the attestation work in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript
(philosophical sciences –
“Philosophy of science”)
. 01.02.01, 05.13.01, 05.13.10, 19.00.02 (19.00.03), 08.00.10)
To the 60th anniversary of "The Victory in GPW 1941-1945 y."” / A.N. Vetrov;
“SPbSETU "LETI"”. – SPb.: “SPbSETU "LETI"”, 2004,
M.: “"VINITI" of "RAS"”, 2004, M.: “The Russian author’s society” (“RAS”), 2007,
“The Lambert academic publishing” (“OMNI Scriptum publishing group”), 2018. – 141 p. (download) [RUS]:
. – Bibliogr. 16 nom. – Rus. –
Dep. in “"VINITI" of "RAS"”, 2004, “RAS”, 2007 (download) [RUS] and for the translation (competition) (download) [RUS];
[the review of the
associate prof. of the faculty “Military training” (“MT”) of “SPbSETU "LETI"”,
.t.s., capt. of the 1st rank Toptalov S.I. from the 17th of December 2007 y.,
certified by the deputy of head of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"
N.A. on the 17th of December 2007 y.,
certified by the head
of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"
V.N. on the 16th of February 2010 y. – 2 sh., 2 p. (download) [RUS]];
[there was developed the structure and content of the obligatory attestation work
in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript
and at the same time there was passed the planned obligatory candidate examination
on the discipline Philosophy of science
(the mark
of “The state attestation commission” “excellent”)
according to the approved protocol of meeting of examination commission №85 from the 03rd of June 2004 y.];
I have participated in “The 30th Moscow international book exhibition-fair 2017 y.” (“MIBEF 2017”)
(The Russian Federation
, Moscow city, “EANE”, on the 06th-10th of September 2017 y.) (download) [RUS],
“The Frankfurt book exhibition 2017 y.” (“Frankfurter buchmesse 2017”)
(The Federative
republic of Germany, Frankfurt-on-Maine city, on the 11th-15th of October 2017 y.) (download) [RUS],
“The 38th international Parisian book salon 2018 y.” (“Salon du livre de Paris 2018”)
(The republic of
France, Paris city, on the 16th-19th of March 2018 y.) (download) [RUS],
“The Moscow international salon of education 2018 y.” (“MISE 2018”)
(The Russian Federation
, Moscow city, “EANE”, on the 18th-21st of April 2018 y.) (download) [RUS],
“The 72nd international book exhibition Book Expo America 2019 y.” (“Book Expo America 2019”)
(The United states of America
, New York city, on the 29th-31st of May 2019 y.) (download) [RUS],
“The international book exhibition Buch Wien 2019 y.” (“Buch Wien 2019”)
(The republic of Austria
, Vienna city, on the 06th-10th of November 2019 y.) (download) [RUS]].

11. Vetrov A.N. The environment of automated training with the properties of adaptation
based on the cognitive models:
the dissertation – the attestation work (in the form of scientific monography) on the rights of manuscript
(technical, physical-mathematical and medical sciences)
(spec. 05.13.01, 05.13.10, 19.00.02 (19.00.03)) / A.N. Vetrov;
“The”. – SPb.: “SPbSETU "LETI"”, 2005,
M.: “RAS”, 2007, SPb.: “SPbSU”, 2018, 2020. – 272 p. (256 p.):
79 pic., 29 tab. – Bibliogr. 35 (85) nom. – Eng. – Dep. in “RAS”, 2007. –

the version of 2007 y.
(download) [RUS], the version of 2007 y. for the translation (competition) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2017 y. for the defence (download) [RUS], the version of 2018 y. for the defence (download) [ENG],
the version of 2019 y. for the defence (download) [ENG] and the version of 2020 y. for the defence (download) [ENG];
[there was developed the structure and content of the obligatory attestation work
in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript
and at the same time there was passed the planned obligatory candidate examination
in the specialty 05.13.01 “The system analysis, control and information processing”
(the mark
of “The state attestation commission” “excellent”)
according to the approved primary protocol of meeting of examination commission from the 01st of November 2005 y.
(it was lost in “DDP” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”)
and the approved secondary protocol of meeting of examination commission №238 from the 05th of December 2006 y.];
the review of the head of the chair “Systems and means of automation of control” (“S and MAC”)
of “The military-naval institute of radio-electronics named after A.S. Popov” (“MNIRE named after A.S. Popov”),
d.t.s., associate prof., capt. of the 1
st rank Philippov P.V. from the 03rd of December 2007 y.,
certified by the deputy of head of “MNIRE named after A.S. Popov”,
capt. of the 1
st rank Kolesnichenko V.G. on the 03rd of December 2007 y.,
certified by the deputy of chief of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
Sarayev N.A. on the 10
th of December 2007 y. – 9 sh., 9 p. (download) [RUS];
the review of the senior assistant of head of “The scientific-research and editorial department” (“SR and ED”)
of “MNIRE named after A.S. Popov”,
c.t.s., associate prof., capt. of the 2
nd rank Kusov E.V. from the 03rd of December 2007 y.,
certified by the deputy of head of “MNIRE named after A.S. Popov”,
capt. of the 1
st rank Kolesnichenko V.G. on the 03rd of December 2007 y.,
certified by the deputy of chief of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
Sarayev N.A. on the 10
th December 2007 y. – 9 sh., 9 p. (download) [RUS]];
[I have participated in “The 38th international Parisian book salon 2018 y.” (“Salon du livre de Paris 2018”)
(The republic of
France, Paris city, on the 16th-19th of March 2018 y.) (download) [RUS],
“The Moscow international salon of education 2018 y.” (“MISE 2018”)
(The Russian Federation
, Moscow city, “EANE”, on the 18th-21st of April 2018 y.) (download) [RUS],
“The 31st Moscow international book exhibition-fair 2018 y.” (“MIBEF 2018”)
(The Russian Federation
, Moscow city, “EANE”, on the 05th-09th of September 2018 y.) (download) [RUS],
“The 36th international book exhibition 2018 y.” (“Liber Barcelona 2018”)
(The Kingdom of
Spain, Barcelona city, on the 03rd-05th of October 2018 y.) (download) [RUS],
“The 72nd international book exhibition Book Expo America 2019 y.” (“Book Expo America 2019”)
(The United states of America
, New York city, on the 29th-31st of May 2019 y.) (download) [RUS],
“The 30th international book exhibition Hong Kong Book Fair 2019 y.” (“Hong Kong Book Fair 2019”)
(The people's republic of China
, Hong Kong city, on the 17th-23rd of July 2019 y.) (download) [RUS],
“The international book exhibition Buch Wien 2019 y.” (“Buch Wien 2019”)
(The republic of Austria
, Vienna city, on the 06th-10th of November 2019 y.) (download) [RUS]];
see “The stages of consideration of my dissertations” (go to);
see “The plan of defence of my dissertations” (
go to);
see “The international action of "The Saint-Petersburg state university" ("SPbSU")
on the rights of "The Federal scientific centre of RF" and "The National research university of RF",
the author of the unique cognitive modeling technology and the scientific direction
"Cognitive informatics (computer science), the cognitive modeling technology
for the system and financial analysis" ("AUT CMT SFA") Vetrov A.N.,
"The international Higher education academy of sciences" ("IHEAS"),
"The Russian academy of (natural) sciences" ("RA(N)S"),
"The Administration of Saint-Petersburg city" and "The Government of RF"
at support of "The Presidents of RF and the foreign countries"
due to means of the budget and interested natural persons and legal entities –
the procedure of defence of the dissertation (in the form of scientific monography) on the rights of manuscript
"The environment of automated training with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive models"
on the competition of scientific degree of the candidate of technical sciences
in spec. 05.13.01 – "The system analysis, control and information processing" of "AUT CMT SFA" Vetrov A.N.
with participation of the national and foreign members of "The dissertation council" of "SPbSU"
for (non)residents at the international level with translation through the global network "Internet"
and accommodation in "The hotel "Moscow"" ("The group of hotels "Intourist"")” (
go to) (under construction).

12. Vetrov A.N. The automation means of the system analysis of the information-educational environment
based on the cognitive modeling technology
the collection of scientific articles in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript
(physical-mathematical and technical sciences)
. 05.13.01, 19.00.02 (19.00.03)) / A.N. Vetrov;
"ACNS". SPb.: “SIO "ACNS"”, “SPbSETU "LETI"”, “IBI”, 2005, 2006, 2007. – 71 p.:
pic. – Bibliogr. 57 nom. – Rus. – Dep. in “"VINITI" of "RAS"”, “RAS” (download) [RUS].

13. Vetrov A.N. The features of the system, financial and complex analysis
based on the cognitive modeling technology
the collection of scientific reports and multimedia-presentations (slides)
in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript
-mathematical, technical, economic and medical sciences)
. 01.02.01, 05.13.01, 05.13.10, 19.00.02 (19.00.03), 08.00.10) / A.N. Vetrov;
SIO "ACNS"”. SPb.: SIO "ACNS", SPbSETU "LETI", IBI”, 2007, 2008. – 22 p. (+ 79 slides);
not) published materials to the international scientific-practical conference
“Actual problems of economics and new technologies of teaching
(Smirnov readings)” of “IHEAS” on the 13
th-14th of March 2007 y. and on the 13th-14th of March 2008 y. (“IBI”),
) published materials to the international scientific-methodical conference
“Modern education: contents, technologies, quality” of “IHEAS” on the 19th of April 2007 y. (“SPbSETU "LETI"”),
) published materials to the international scientific-methodical conference
“Quality management in modern High school (HEI)” of “IHEAS” on the 21st-22nd of June 2007 y. (“IBI”)],
text (download) [RUS] + slides (download) [RUS].

14. Vetrov A.N. The automation means of the system analysis of the information-educational environment
based on the cognitive modeling technology
the collection of scientific articles in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript
(physical-mathematical and technical sciences)
. 05.13.01, 19.00.02 (19.00.03)) / A.N. Vetrov;
"ACNS". SPb.: “SIO "ACNS"”, “SPbSETU "LETI"”, “IBI”, 2008. – 59 p.:
pic. – Bibliogr. 33 nom. – Rus. – Dep. in “"VINITI" of "RAS"”, “RAS” (download) [RUS].

15. Vetrov A.N. The features of the system, financial and complex analysis
based on the cognitive modeling technology
the collection of scientific reports and multimedia-presentations (slides)
in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript
-mathematical, technical, economic and medical sciences)
(spec. 01.02.01, 05.13.01, 05.13.10, 19.00.02 (19.00.03), 08.00.10) / A.N. Vetrov;
"ACNS". SPb.: “SIO "ACNS", SPbSETU "LETI", IBI”, 2009. – 17 p. (+ 163 slides);
not) published materials to the international scientific-practical conference
“Actual problems of economics and new technologies of teaching
(Smirnov readings)” of “IHEAS” on the 11
th-13th of March 2009 y. (“IBI”),
) published materials to the international scientific-methodical conference
“Modern education: contents, technologies, quality” of “IHEAS” on the 22nd of April 2009 y. (“SPbSETU "LETI"”),
) published materials to the international scientific-methodical conference
“Quality management in modern High school (HEI)” of “IHEAS” on the 18th-19th of June 2009 y. (“IBI”)],
text (download) [RUS] + slides (download) [RUS].

16. Vetrov A.N. The automation means of the system and financial analysis
of the information
-educational environments and (credit) organizations
based on the cognitive modeling technology
the collection of scientific articles in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript
(physical-mathematical, technical and economic sciences)
. 05.13.01, 19.00.02 (19.00.03), 08.00.10) / A.N. Vetrov;
"ACNS". SPb.: “SIO "ACNS"”, “SPbSETU "LETI"”, “IBI”, 2009. – 101 p.:
pic. – Bibliogr. 56 nom. – Rus. – Dep. in “"VINITI" of "RAS"”, “RAS” (download) [RUS].

17. Vetrov A.N. The features of the system, financial and complex analysis
based on the cognitive modeling technology
the collection of scientific reports and multimedia-presentations (slides)
in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript

(physical-mathematical, technical, economic and medical sciences)
. 01.02.01, 05.13.01, 05.13.10, 19.00.02 (19.00.03), 08.00.10) / A.N. Vetrov;
"ACNS". SPb.: “SIO "ACNS", SPbSETU "LETI", IBI”, 2010. – 16 p. (+ 82 slides);
not) published materials to the international scientific-practical conference
“Actual problems of economics and new technologies of teaching
(Smirnov readings)” of “IHEAS” on the 16
th-17th of March 2010 y. (“IBI”),
) published materials to the international scientific-methodical conference
“Modern education: contents, technologies, quality” of “IHEAS” on the 21st-22nd of April 2010 y. (“SPbSETU "LETI"”),
) published materials to the international scientific-methodical conference
“Quality management in modern High school (HEI)” of “IHEAS” on the 16th-19th of June 2010 y. (“IBI”)],
text (download) [RUS] + slides (download) [RUS].

18. Vetrov A.N. The features of the system, financial and complex analysis
based on the cognitive modeling technology
the collection of scientific reports and multimedia-presentations (slides)
in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript
-mathematical, technical, economic and medical sciences)
. 01.02.01, 05.13.01, 05.13.10, 19.00.02 (19.00.03), 08.00.10) / A.N. Vetrov;
SIO "ACNS". SPb.: SIO "ACNS"”, “SPbSETU "LETI"”, “IBI”, 2011. – 21 p. (+ 185 slides);
not) published materials to the international scientific-practical conference
“Actual problems of economics and new technologies of teaching
(Smirnov readings)” of “IHEAS” on the 01
st of April 2011 y. (“IBI”),
) published materials to the international scientific-methodical conference
“Modern education: contents, technologies, quality” of “IHEAS” on the 20th of April 2011 y. (“SPbSETU "LETI"”),
) published materials to the international scientific-methodical conference
“Quality management in modern High school (HEI)” of “IHEAS” on the 16th-19th of June 2011 y. (“IBI”)],
text (download) [RUS] + slides (download) [RUS]
and ISO-image
(download) [RUS].

19. Vetrov A.N. The features of the system, financial and complex analysis
based on the cognitive modeling technology:
the collection of scientific reports and multimedia-presentations (slides)
in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript
(physical-mathematical, technical, economic and medical sciences)
(spec. 01.02.01, 05.13.01, 05.13.10, 19.00.02 (19.00.03), 08.00.10) / A.N. Vetrov;
SIO "ACNS". SPb.: SIO "ACNS"”, “SPbSETU "LETI"”, “IBI”, 2012. – 26 p. (+ 107 slides);
not) published materials to the international scientific-practical conference
“Actual problems of economics and new technologies of teaching
(Smirnov readings)” of “IHEAS” on the 16
th of March 2012 y. (“IBI”),
) published materials to the international scientific-methodical conference
“Modern education: contents, technologies, quality” of “IHEAS” on the 18th of April 2012 y. (“SPbSETU "LETI"”),
) published materials to the international scientific-methodical conference
“Quality management in modern High school (HEI)” of “IHEAS” on the 30th-31st of October 2012 y. (“IBI”)],
text (download) [RUS] + slides (download) [RUS]
[ISO image file for the recording on CD-R/RW 700 Mb 22_10_2012 y.]
(download) [RUS].

20. Vetrov A.N. History and philosophy of technics and informatics (computer science):
the attestation work in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript
(philosophical sciences –
“History and philosophy of science”)
(spec. 07.00.10, 09.00.08)
“To the 70th anniversary of "UNESCO"” / A.N. Vetrov;
“IBI”. – SPb.: “IBI”, 2015, M.: “"VINITI" of "RAS"”, 2015. – 36 p.:
. – Bibliogr. 40 nom. – Rus. – Dep. in “"VINITI" of "RAS"” (download) [RUS] and for the translation (download) [RUS];
[I have taken place unplanned
(according to new requirements of “The Higher attestation commission of RF”)
passing by me the candidate examination
on the discipline “History and philosophy of science”
(in spec.
07.00.10 – “History of science and technics” and 09.00.08 – “Philosophy of science and technics”)
according to the
protocol of meeting of examination commission from the 21st of August 2015 y.,
approved by the order on transfer (entrance) 15-PO from the 20th of August 2015 y.,
approved by the order on assignment (expel)
16-PO from the 27th of August 2015 y.,
in fact of passing of candidate examination
on the discipline “History and philosophy of science” with assessment (mark) “excellent”,
signed by the
chairmanthe rector of “IBI”, d.e.s., associate prof. Sigova M.V.,
the members of commission:
the head of the chair “Humanitarian and social disciplines” (“H and SD”),, prof. Vysotsky Y.V.,, associate prof. Bydanov V.E., d.e.s., prof. Pogostiskaya N.N. – 1 sh., 1 p. (it is stored in archive of “IBI”),
according to the certificate about period of training from the 20th of August 2015 y. till the 27th of August 2015 y.
in fact of transfer (entrance) as ex-sloe for the intermediate attestation in “ANO HPE "IBI"”,
signed by the rector of “IBI”, d.e.s., prof. Sigova M.V.
and the head of “Teaching department” of the faculty “Magistracy and post-graduate study” of “IBI” Budayeva M.B.

sh., 1 p. (download) [RUS]]
[was protected my attestation workabstract in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript
on the theme “History and philosophy of technics and informatics (computer science)”
the 70th-anniversary of "UNESCO"”) (the 21st of August 2015 y. vol. 1 36 p.)].


The reports on the scientific-research work

1. Vetrov A.N. The report on the individual initiative scientific research work (SRW)
“The research of the environment of automated training
with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive models” for the 2003-2005 y.,
carried out during writing of my dissertations:
the report on SRW (physical
-mathematical, technical, humanitarian, social and medical sciences)
. 01.02.01, 05.13.01, 05.13.10, 19.00.02 (19.00.03)),
"LETI"”, “IBI”, “SPbSUE and F "FINEC"”,
M.: “"VNTIC" of "RAS"”, 2005
(2006). – 451 p.
[The management of the chair “A and CP” resolves the question of official registration in “"VNTIC" of "RAS"” since the 2006 y.]
download) [RUS].

2. Vetrov A.N. Appendix to the report on the individual initiative scientific research work (SRW)
“The research of the environment of automated training
with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive models” for the 2003-2005 y.,
carried out during writing of my dissertations:
the appendix to the report on SRW (physical
-mathematical, technical, humanitarian, social and medical sciences)
. 01.02.01, 05.13.01, 05.13.10, 19.00.02 (19.00.03)),
SPb.: “SPbSETU "LETI"”, “IBI”, “SPbSUE and F "FINEC"”,
M.: “"VNTIC" of "RAS"”, 2005 (2006). – 654 p.
[The management of the chair “A and CP” resolves the question of official registration in “"VNTIC" of "RAS"” since the 2006 y.]
download) [RUS].

3. Vetrov A.N. The report on the individual initiative scientific research work (SRW)
“The research of the information environment of automated training
with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive models
and the financial analysis of the organization by means of the cognitive modeling technology” for the 2006-2008 y.,
carried out during writing of my dissertations:
the report on SRW (physical-mathematical, technical, economic, humanitarian, social and medical sciences)
. 01.02.01, 05.13.01, 05.13.10, 19.00.02 (19.00.03), 08.00.10),
"LETI"”, “IBI”, “SPbSUE and F "FINEC"”,
M.: “"VNTIC" of "RAS"”, 2008 (2009). – 716
In query for the consideration by the management of the chair “A and CP”
on official registration in “"VNTIC" of "RAS"”],
the previous version of 2008(9) y.
(download) [RUS], the final version of 2013 y. (download) [RUS]
and the version of 2013 y. for the “The international scientific competition named after A. Nobel” and defence (download) [RUS].


The scientific articles
(in the
scientific journals, recommended by “HAC of RF”)

1. Vetrov A.N. The approach to the synthesis of the information-educational environment of the adaptive remote training
with the usage of the cognitive modeling methods and technologies / A.N. Vetrov //
“Proceedings of
"IHEAS"” (The Ukrainian branch), №1, 2005. –
, 2005, Kiev: “IHEAS”, 2005. – 21 p. (P.102-121) [international edition],
[the author’s
original-model (dummy) of scientific article was prepared and sent (on competition)
according to instruction of the chairman of the organizing committee of scientific conferences of “IHEAS” in “IBI”,
the vice-rector in scientific work of “IBI”, d.t.s., prof. Izrantsev V.V. (download) [RUS],
the published scientific journal on the web-site of
“The international Higher education academy of sciences” (“IHEAS”)
“The Ukrainian branch”)].


2. Vetrov A.N. The approach to the synthesis of the information-educational environment of the adaptive (remote) training
with the usage of the cognitive modeling methods and technologies / A
.N. Vetrov, E.E. Kotova, N.N. Kuzmin //
“Proceedings of
"The Volgograd state technical university"”, №8, 2006. –
, 2005, Volgograd: “VSTU”, 2006. – 9 p. (P.194-196),
[the author’s original-model (dummy) of scientific article
(download) [RUS],
the published scientific journal on the web-site of “The Volgograd state technical university” (“VSTU”)].

3. Vetrov A.N. The information environment of the automated training
based on the cognitive models / A
.N. Vetrov, E.E. Kotova, N.N. Kuzmin //
“Proceedings of
"IHEAS"” (“The Moscow branch”), №3 (37), 2006. –
, 2006, M.: “IHEAS”, 2006. – 15 p. (P.100-112) [international edition],
[the author’s original-model (dummy) of scientific article (
download) [RUS],
the published scientific journal on the web-site of
IHEAS” (“The Moscow branch”) (download) [RUS]].

4. Vetrov A.N. The adaptive information-educational environment of the automated (remote) training
based on the parametrical cognitive models / A
.N. Vetrov, E.E. Kotova, N.N. Kuzmin //
“Proceedings of "SPbSETU
"LETI""”, №1, 2006. –
"LETI"”, 2006. – 14 p. (P.101-111),
[the author’s original-model (dummy) of scientific article (
download) [RUS],
the published scientific journal on the web-site
of “The Saint-Petersburg state electrotechnical university
named after V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin)
” (“SPbSETU "LETI"”) (download) [RUS]].

5. Vetrov A.N. The realization of the adaptive training in the automated educational environment
based on the cognitive models / A.N. Vetrov //
“Proceedings of
"SPbSETU "LETI""”, №1, 2007. –
"LETI", 2007. – 8 p. (P.10-16),
[the author’s original-model (dummy) of scientific article
(download) [RUS],
the published scientific journal on the web-site of
“SPbSETU "LETI"” (download) [RUS]].

6. Vetrov A.N. The cognitive modeling technology
in the automated educational environment / A.N. Vetrov //
“Proceedings of
"RUPF (RUDN)"”,4, 2008. –
"LETI"”, 2006, M.: “RUPF (RUDN)”, 2008
(Bibliogr. 13 nom
. – Rus. – Dep. in “"VINITI" of "RAS", 2008). – 18 p. (P.26-42) [international edition]
(included into the collection of scientific articles),
[the author’s original-model (dummy) of scientific article (
download) [RUS],
the published scientific journal on the web-site
of “The Russian university of people friendship” (
RUPF (RUDN)” (download) [RUS]],
[the review of
d.t.s., prof. of the faculty “Military training” (“MT”)
of “The Baltic
state technical university "VOENMECH" named after D.F. Ustinov”
"VOENMECH" named after D.F. Ustinov”)
D.P. from the 01st of September 2005 y.,
certified by the deputy of head of the faculty “MT” of “BSTU "VOENMECH" named after D.F. Ustinov”
S.V. ob the 01st of September 2005 y. – 3 sh, 3 p. (download) [RUS];
the review
of c.t.s., associate prof. of the chair “Automatics and control processes” (“A and CP”)
of “The
Saint-Petersburg state electrotechnical university "LETI"
named after V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin)
” (“SPbSETU "LETI"”)
S.V. from the 17th of December 2007 y.,
certified by the deputy of head of “The personnel department” of
Sarayev N.A. on the 17
th of December 2007 y. – 1 sh, 1 p. (download) [RUS]].

7. Vetrov A.N. The features of realization of the information-educational environments
of the automated training
/ A.N. Vetrov //
“Automation and modern technologies”,
8, 2008. –
"LETI"”, 2007, M.: “Mechanical-engineering”, 2008
(Bibliogr. 8 nom
. – Rus. – Dep. in “"VINITI" of "RAS"”, 2008). – 15 p. (P.16-25) [international edition],
(included into the collection of scientific articles),
[the author’s original-model (dummy) of scientific article (
download) [RUS],
the published scientific journal on the web-site of “The publishing-house
"Mechanical-engineering"” (download) [RUS]],
[the review
of c.t.s., associate prof., capt. of the 2nd rank,
the senior assistant of head of “The scientific and editorial-publishing department” (“S and EPD”)
of “The
Military-naval institute of radioelectronics named after A.S. Popov” (“MNIRE named after A.S. Popov”)
E.V. from the 10th of December 2007 y.,
certified by the deputy of head of “MNIRE named after A.S. Popov”,
. of the 1st rank Kolesnichenko V.G. on the 10th of December 2007 y.,
certified by the deputy of head of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"
Sarayev N.A. on the 17
th of December 2007 y. – 2 sh, 2 p. (download) [RUS];
the review of d.t.s., associate prof., capt. of the 1st rank,
the head of the chair “Systems and means of automation of control” (“S and MAC”)
of “The
Military-naval institute of radioelectronics named after A.S. Popov” (“MNIRE named after A.S. Popov”)
P.V. from the 10th of December 2007 y.,
certified by the deputy of head of “MNIRE named after A.S. Popov”,
. of the 1st rank Kolesnichenko V.G. on the 10th of December 2007 y.,
certified by the deputy of head of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"
Sarayev N.A. on the 17
th of December 2007 y. – 3 sh, 3 p. (download) [RUS]].

8. Vetrov A.N. The electronic textbook based on the adaptive representation of information fragments processor
in the automated educational environment / A.N. Vetrov //
“The bulletin of computer and information technologies”, №11, 2008. –
"LETI"”, 2007, M.: “Mechanical-engineering”, 2008
(Bibliogr. 12 nom
. – Rus. – Dep. in “"VINITI" of "RAS"”, 2008). – 22 p. (P.38-50) [international edition],
(included into the collection of scientific articles),
[the author’s original-model (dummy) of scientific article (
download) [RUS],
the published scientific journal on the web-site of “The publishing-house
"Mechanical-engineering"” (download) [RUS]],
[the review
of c.t.s., associate prof. of the chair “Automatics and control processes” (“A and CP”)
of “The
Saint-Petersburg state electrotechnical university "LETI"
named after V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin)
” (“SPbSETU "LETI"”)
S.V. from the 17th of December 2007 y.,
certified by the deputy of head of “The personnel department” of
Sarayev N.A. on the 17
th of December 2007 y. – 1 sh, 1 p. (download) [RUS]].

9. Vetrov A.N. The program complex for the tasks of research
of the adaptive
environment of the automated training based on the cognitive models / A.N. Vetrov //
“Automation and modern technologies”,
10, 2010. –
"LETI"”, 2009, M.: “Mechanical-engineering”, 2010
(Bibliogr. 12 nom
. – Rus. – Dep. in “"VINITI" of "RAS"”, 2009). – 19 p. (P.20-33) [international edition],
(included into the collection of scientific articles),
[the author’s original-model (dummy) of scientific article
(download) [RUS],
the published scientific journal on the web-site of “The publishing-house
"Mechanical-engineering"” (download) [RUS]],
[the review
of c.t.s., associate prof. of the chair “Automatics and control processes” (“A and CP”)
of “The
Saint-Petersburg state electrotechnical university "LETI"
named after V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin)
” (“SPbSETU "LETI"”)
O.Y. from the 24th of March 2009 y.,
certified by the deputy of head of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"
Sarayev N.A. on the 24
th of March 2009 y. – 1 sh, 1 p. (download) [RUS]].

10. Vetrov A.N. The applied diagnostic module for the diagnostics of parameters
of the cognitive model of the subject of training in the adaptive environment / A.N. Vetrov //
“Herald of "The Dagestan state technical university"”, №1 (44), 2017.

"LETI"”, 2009, Makhachkala: “DSTU”, 2017
(Bibliogr. 12 nom
. – Rus. – Dep. in “"VINITI" of "RAS"”, 2009). – 25 p. (P.70-85) [international edition],
(included into the collection of scientific articles),
[the author’s original-model (dummy) of scientific article
(download) [RUS], after reduction 13 p. (download),
the final
version 15 p. (download),
the published scientific journal on the web-site of “The Dagestan
state technical university” (“DSTU”) (download) [RUS]],
[the review
of c.t.s., associate prof. of the chair “Automatics and control processes” (“A and CP”)
of “The
Saint-Petersburg state electrotechnical university "LETI"
named after V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin)
” (“SPbSETU "LETI"”)
S.V. from the 17th of March 2009 y.,
certified by the deputy of head of “The personnel department” of
Sarayev N.A. on the 17
th of March 2009 y.,
certified by the head of “The personnel department” of
V.N. on the 10th of December 2009 y. – 2 sh, 2 p. (download) [RUS]].

11. Vetrov A.N. The basic diagnostic module in the automated training system
with the properties of adaptation (based on the parametrical cognitive models block) / A.N. Vetrov //
“Automation of control processes”,
1, 2016. –
"LETI"”, 2009, Ulyanovsk: “FSUE SPA "Mars"”, 2016
. 12 nom. – Rus. – Dep. in “"VINITI" of "RAS"”, 2010). – 18 p. (P.47-58) [international edition],
(included into the collection of scientific articles), (the project of documents was submitted) (download),
[the author’s original-model (dummy) of scientific article
(download) [RUS], after reduction 16 p. (download) [RUS],
the published scientific journal on the web-site of “FSUE SPA
"Mars"” (“FGUP NPO "Mars"”) (download) [RUS]],
review of c.t.s., associate prof. of the chair “Applied informatics (computer science)” (“AI”)
of “The
Saint-Petersburg state university of technology and design” (“SPbSUT and D”)
V.I. from the 29th of June 2009 y.,
certified by the head specialist of “The personnel management department” of “SPbSUT and D”
L.B. on the 29th of June 2009 y.,
certified by the head of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"
Shubinsky V.N.
on the 29th of June 2009 y. – 1 sh, 1 p. (download) [RUS];
the review of d.t.s., prof., the dean of the faculty “Computing systems and programming” (“CS and P”)
of “The Saint
-Petersburg state university of airspace instrumentation "GUAP" (“SPbSUAI "GUAP")
A.P. from the 20th of January 2010 y.,
certified by the deputy of head of “The personnel department” of “SPbSUAI "GUAP"
L.V. on the 20th of January 2010 y.,
certified by the head of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"
Shubinsky V.N.
on the 26th of January 2010 y. – 1 л., 1 с. – 1 sh, 1 p. (download) [RUS]].

12. Vetrov A.N. The parametrical cognitive models block for the analysis
of the efficiency of information exchange in the adaptive environment of the automated training / A.N. Vetrov //
“Herald of "The Dagestan state technical university"”, №3 (44), 2017.

"LETI"”, 2009, Makhachkala: “DSTU”, 2017
(Bibliorg. 10 nom. – Rus. – Dep. in “"VINITI" of "RAS"”, 2010). – 23 p. (P.112-125) [international edition],
(included into the collection of scientific articles), (the project of documents was submitted) (download) [RUS],
[the author’s original-model (dummy) of scientific article
(download) [RUS], after reduction 17 p. (download) [RUS],
the published scientific journal on the web-site of “The Dagestan
state technical university” (“DSTU”) (download) [RUS]],
[the review
of c.t.s., d.e.s., prof., the head of the chair “Systemology” (“S”)
of “The international
banking institute” (“IBI”)
V.N. from the 23rd of June 2009 y.,
certified by the head of “The personnel management department” of “IBI” Balakireva on the 23rd of June 2009 y.,
certified by the head of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"
Shubinsky V.N.
on the 29th of June 2009 y. – 1 sh, 1 p. (download) [RUS];
the review of d.t.s., prof., the first vice-rector in scientific work
of “The Saint-Petersburg state university of airspace instrumentation "GUAP"” (“SPbSUAI "GUAP"”),
the head of the chair “Computational mathematics and programming” (“CM and P”) of “SPbSUAI "GUAP"
V.I. from the 20th of January 2010 y.,
certified by the deputy of head of “The personnel department” of “SPbSUAI "GUAP"
L.V. on the 20th of January 2010 y.,
certified by the head of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"
Shubinsky V.N.
on the 26th of January 2010 y. – 1 sh, 1 p. (download) [RUS]].

13. Vetrov A.N. The cognitive modeling technology for the financial analysis
of the financial-economy activity of the organization / A.N. Vetrov //
“Herald of "The Dagestan state technical university"”, №4 (45), 2018
"LETI"”, 2009, Makhachkala: “DSTU”, 2018
(Bibliorg. 10 nom. – Rus. – Dep. in “"VINITI" of "RAS"”, 2010). – 23 p. (P.000-000) [international edition],
(included into the collection of scientific articles), (the project of documents was submitted) (download) [RUS],
[the author’s original-model (dummy) of scientific article
(download) [RUS],
the published scientific journal on the web-site of “The Dagestan
state technical university” (“DSTU”) (download) [RUS]
(It was given to preliminary consideration
to the scientific journal
Works of "The institute of the system analysis" of "RAS"” on the 18th of July 2009 y.)],
[the review of d.e.s., prof., the head of the chair “Finance” (“F”)
of “The international
banking institute” (“IBI”)
N.N. from the 24th of June 2009 y.,
certified by the head of “The personnel management department” of “IBI” Balakireva on the 24rd of June 2009 y.,
certified by the head of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"
Shubinsky V.N.
on the 29th of June 2009 y. – 1 sh, 1 p. – 1 sh, 1 p. (download) [RUS];
the review of d.t.s., prof., the head of the chair “Control and informatics (computer science) in technical systems” (“C and I in TS”)
of “The Saint
-Petersburg state university of airspace instrumentation "GUAP" (“SPbSUAI "GUAP")
A.S. from the 20th of January 2010 y.,
certified by the deputy of head of “The personnel department” of “SPbSUAI "GUAP"
L.V. on the 20th of January 2010 y.,
certified by the head of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"
Shubinsky V.N.
on the 26th of January 2010 y. – 1 sh, 1 p. (download) [RUS]].

14. Vetrov A.N. The cognitive approach as the basis of the analysis
of the difficult objects of research
(The appearance of cognitive approach,
the bases of the system and financial analysis of the difficult objects of research) / A.N. Vetrov //
“Herald of "The Dagestan state technical university"”, №1 (45), 2018.

SPb.: “SIO
"ACNS"”, 2015, Makhachkala: “DSTU”, 2018
(Bibliorg. 30 nom
. – Rus. – Dep. in “"VINITI" of "RAS"”). – 17 p. (P.113-128) [international edition],
(included into the collection of scientific articles),
[the author’s original-model (dummy) of scientific article (
download) [RUS],
the published scientific journal on the web-site of “The Dagestan
state technical university” (“DSTU”) (download) [RUS]],
[the review
of d.e.s., prof. of the chair “Banks and financial markets”
of “The Saint
-Petersburg state economic university "FINEC"” (“SPbSEU "FINEC"”)
E.V. from the 26th of December 2015 y.,
certified by the head of “The personnel management department” of “SPbSEU "FINEC"
E.M. on the 26th of December 2015 y. – 2 sh, 2 p. (download) [RUS]].

All scientific articles are published in the periodical scientific journals recommended
by “The Higher attestation commission of RF”
for the publication of scientific results of doctorial and candidate of sciences degrees dissertations.


The scientific reports at the congresses, conferences, symposiums,
seminars, exhibitions and olympiads

1. Vetrov A.N. The influence of the development of information and communication technologies
on society and education / A.N. Vetrov, N.A. Vetrov //
“Actual problems of economics and new technologies of teaching (Smirnov readings)”,
the section “Modern technologies of training”:
the materials of “The II
nd international scientific-practical conference” (“IHEAS”),
RF, Saint-Petersburg city, the 12
th-13th of March 2003 y. –
SPb.: “IBI”, 2003. – Vol.2. – P.13-15
(download) [RUS].

2. Vetrov A.N. The conception of development of the intellectual training systems
based on the fast prototyping technology / A.N. Vetrov //
“Actual problems of economics and new technologies of teaching (Smirnov readings)”,
the section “Educational politics and new technologies of teaching”:
the materials of “The II
nd international scientific-practical conference” (“IHEAS”),
RF, Saint-Petersburg city, the 12
th-13th of March 2003 y. –
SPb.: “IBI”, 2003. – Vol.2. – P.15-17
(download) [RUS].

3. Vetrov A.N. The working demonstration prototype of the expert system of training
as the pedagogical program-diagnosing means / A.N. Vetrov //
“Actual problems of economics and new technologies of teaching (Smirnov readings)”,
the section “Educational politics and new technologies of teaching”:
the materials of “The II
nd international scientific-practical conference” (“IHEAS”),
RF, Saint-Petersburg city, the 12
th-13th of March 2003 y. –
SPb.: “IBI”, 2003. – Vol.2. – P.18-20
(download) [RUS].

4. Vetrov A.N. The application of the artificial intelligence systems in the problem training:
on the example of the program-diagnosing module of the expert training system / A.N. Vetrov, E.E. Kotova //
“Modern technologies of training”, the section “Technologies of training”:
the materials of “The IX
th international scientific-methodical conference (“IHEAS”),
RF, Saint-Petersburg city, the 23
rd of April 2003 y. –
SPb.: “SPbSETU "LETI"”, 2003. – Vol.2. – P.16-18
(download) [RUS].

5. Vetrov A.N. The cognitive model of the user as the means of communicative interaction
with the remote training system / A.N. Vetrov, E.E. Kotova //
“Actual problems of economics and new technologies of teaching (Smirnov readings)”,
the section “Educational politics and new technologies of teaching”:
the materials of “The III
rd international scientific-practical conference” (“IHEAS”),
RF, Saint-Petersburg city, the 11
th-13th of March 2004 y. –
SPb.: “IBI”, 2004. – P.33-35
(download) [RUS].

6. Vetrov A.N. The bases of the technology of construction of the parametrical cognitive models
for the tasks of the remote training environment / A.N. Vetrov, E.E. Kotova //
“Actual problems of economics and new technologies of teaching (Smirnov readings)”,
the section “Educational politics and new technologies of teaching”:
the materials of “The III
rd international scientific-practical conference” (“IHEAS”),
RF, Saint-Petersburg city, the 11
th-13th of March 2004 y. –
SPb.: “IBI”, 2004. – P.35-36
(download) [RUS].

7. Vetrov A.N. The features of support of the information safety at the level of applications
in the environment of WWW with the use of PHP / A.N. Vetrov, N.A. Vetrov, E.E. Kotova //
“Actual problems of economics and new technologies of teaching (Smirnov readings)”,
the section “Mathematical methods and information technologies in economics”:
the materials of “The III
rd international scientific-practical conference” (“IHEAS”),
RF, Saint-Petersburg city, the 11
th-13th of March 2004 y. –
SPb.: “IBI”, 2004. – P.265-269
(download) [RUS].

8. Vetrov A.N. The features of professional activity of the personality
in the conditions of globalization of the information environment / A.N. Vetrov, E.E. Kotova //
“Actual problems of economics and new technologies of teaching (Smirnov readings)”,
the section “Humanitarian and social knowledge and their role in economics and education”:
the materials of “The III
rd international scientific-practical conference” (“IHEAS”),
RF, Saint-Petersburg city, the 11
th-13th of March 2004 y. –
SPb.: “IBI”, 2004. – P.306-308
(download) [RUS].

9. Vetrov A.N. The application of the expert training systems for the automation
of control of the level of knowledge on the subject areas / A.N. Vetrov, N.A. Vetrov //
“Quality management in modern High school (HEI)”,
the section “Quality management in High school (HEI)”:
the materials of “The II
nd international scientific-methodical conference” (“IHEAS”),
RF, Saint-Petersburg city, the 17
th-18th of June 2004 y. –
SPb.: “IBI”, 2004. – Vol.2. – P.19-23
(download) [RUS].

10. Vetrov A.N. The features of application of the expert training systems
for the automated estimation of qualification of the professional participants
of securities market / A.N. Vetrov, E.E. Kotova //
“Quality management in modern High school (HEI)”,
the section “Quality management in High school (HEI)”:
the materials of “The II
nd international scientific-methodical conference” (“IHEAS”),
RF, Saint-Petersburg city, the 17
th-18th of June 2004 y. –
SPb.: “IBI”, 2004. – Vol.2. – P.23-26
(download) [RUS].

11. Vetrov A.N. The features of the information environment structure of the adaptive
remote training systems / A.N. Vetrov, N.A. Vetrov //
“Actual problems of economics and new technologies of teaching (Smirnov readings)”,
the section “Innovative technologies of education”:
the materials of “The IV
th international scientific-practical conference” (“IHEAS”),
RF, Saint-Petersburg city, the 15
th-16th of March 2005 y. –
SPb.: “IBI”, 2005. – Vol.1. – P.45-46
(download) [RUS].

12. Vetrov A.N. The cognitive model structure for the support of the information environment
of the adaptive training / A.N. Vetrov, E.E. Kotova //
“Actual problems of economics and new technologies of teaching (Smirnov readings)”,
the section “Innovative technologies of education”:
the materials of “The IV
th international scientific-practical conference” (“IHEAS”),
RF, Saint-Petersburg city, the 15
th-16th of March 2005 y. –
SPb.: “IBI”, 2005. – Vol.1. – P.47-48
(download) [RUS].

13. Vetrov A.N. The research of the convergent and the divergent intellectual abilities
of the cognitive model of the
examinee for the tasks of the information environment
of the adaptive training / A.N. Vetrov, E.E. Kotova //
“Actual problems of economics and new technologies of teaching (Smirnov readings)”,
the section “Innovative technologies of education”:
the materials of “The IV
th international scientific-practical conference” (“IHEAS”),
RF, Saint-Petersburg city, the 15
th-16th of March 2005 y. –
SPb.: “IBI”, 2005. – Vol.1. – P.49-50
(download) [RUS].

14. Vetrov A.N. The application of the intellectual training systems
(for the automated estimation of the level of residual knowledge in the subjects of training
and the diagnostics of the convergent and the divergent intellectual abilities of the cognitive model of the subjects
of the information environment of the adaptive automated training) / A.N. Vetrov, N.A. Vetrov, E.E. Kotova //
“Quality management in modern High school (HEI)”,
the section “Monitoring and support of the quality management system”:
the materials of “The III
rd international scientific-methodical conference” (“IHEAS”),
RF, Saint-Petersburg city, the 21
st-22nd of June 2005 y. –
SPb.: “IBI”, 2005. – Vol.3. – P.80-84
(download) [RUS].

15. Vetrov A.N. The adaptive information environment of the automated training
based on the cognitive models / A.N. Vetrov, E.E. Kotova, N.N. Kuzmin //
“Control and information technologies”,
the section “Information technologies of control and modeling”:
the materials of “The 4
th All-Russian scientific conference” (“RAS”),
RF, Saint-Petersburg city, the 10
th-12th of October 2006 y. –
SPb.: “The CSRI "Electric-device"”, “SPbSETU "LETI"”, 2006. – P.170-175
(download) [RUS].

16. Vetrov A.N. The cognitive modeling for the analysis of the information-
educational environment / A.N. Vetrov, E.E. Kotova, N.N. Kuzmin //
“Control and information technologies”,
the section “Information technologies of control and modeling”:
the materials of “The 4
th All-Russian scientific conference” (“RAS”),
RF, Saint-Petersburg city, the 10
th-12th of October 2006 y. –
SPb.: “The CSRI "Electric-device"”, “SPbSETU "LETI"”, 2006. – P.176-181
(download) [RUS].

17. Vetrov A.N. The information environment of the automated training with the properties of adaptation
based on the cognitive models / A.N. Vetrov, E.E. Kotova, N.N. Kuzmin //
“Problems of cybernetics and informatics (computer science)”,
the section “Problems of control and the system analysis”:
the materials of “The international conference” (“ANAS”),
The republic of Azerbaijan, Baku city, the 24
th-26th of October 2006 y. –
Baku: “The Azerbaijan national academy of sciences” (“ANAS”), 2006. – Vol.2. – P.202-205
(download) [RUS].

The scientific works, which were not included into the materials of dissertation
on the competition of scientific degree of the candidate of technical sciences
on the specialties 05.13.01 or 05.13.01 and 19.00.02 (19.00.03)
(since 2004 y. the dissertation in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript
on the competition of scientific degree of the candidate and doctor of economic sciences
in the specialty 08.00.10 is preparing)

18. Vetrov A.N. The analysis of the information environment of the automated training
with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive models / A.N. Vetrov //
“Actual problems of economics and new technologies of teaching (Smirnov readings)”,
the section “Educational politics and new technologies of teaching”:
the materials of “The VI
th international scientific-practical conference” (“IHEAS”),
RF, Saint-Petersburg city, the 13
th-14th of March 2007 y. –
SPb.: “IBI”, 2007. – Vol.1. – P.68-71
(download) [RUS].

19. Vetrov A.N. The software of the automated educational environment
with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive models / A.N. Vetrov //
“Actual problems of economics and new technologies of teaching (Smirnov readings)”,
the section “Educational politics and new technologies of teaching”:
the materials of “The VI
th international scientific-practical conference” (“IHEAS”),
RF, Saint-Petersburg city, the 13
th-14th of March 2007 y. –
SPb.: “IBI”, 2007. – Vol.1. – P.71-74
(download) [RUS].

20. Vetrov A.N. The program complex for the research of the adaptive information-
educational environment based on the cognitive models / A.N. Vetrov //
“Modern education: contents, technologies, quality”,
the section “Perspective technologies of training”:
the materials of “The XIII
th international scientific-practical conference” (“IHEAS”),
RF, Saint-Petersburg city, the 19
th of April 2007 y. –
SPb.: “SPbSETU "LETI"”, 2007. – Vol.1. – P.142-144
(download) [RUS].

21. Vetrov A.N. The techniques and algorithms in the basis of the cognitive modeling technology / A.N. Vetrov //
“Quality management in modern High school (HEI)”,
the section “Creation of the quality management system”:
the materials of “The V
th international scientific-methodical conference” (“IHEAS”),
RF, Saint-Petersburg city, the 21
st-22nd of June 2007 y. –
SPb.: “IBI”, 2007. – Vol.5. – P.86-89
(download) [RUS].

22. Vetrov A.N. The adaptive means of training in the automated educational environment
based on the parametrical cognitive models block / A.N. Vetrov //
“Quality management in modern High school (HEI)”,
the section “Improvement of the quality management system in HEI”:
the materials of “The V
th international scientific-methodical conference” (“IHEAS”),
RF, Saint-Petersburg city, the 21
st-22nd of June 2007 y. –
SPb.: “IBI”, 2007. – Vol.5. – P.110-113
(download) [RUS].

23. Vetrov A.N. The features of the automation of diagnostics of the field of vision of the cognitive model
of the subject of training for the analysis of the information environment of the adaptive training / A.N. Vetrov //
“Actual problems of economics and new technologies of teaching (Smirnov readings)”,
the section “New technologies of teaching”:
the materials of “The VII
th international scientific-practical conference” (“IHEAS”),
RF, Saint-Petersburg city, the 13
th-14th of March 2008 y. –
SPb.: “IBI”, 2008. – Vol.1. – P.76-79
(download) [RUS].

24. Vetrov A.N. The features of the automation of diagnostics of the color perception of the cognitive model
of the subject of training for the analysis of the information environment of the adaptive training
/ A.N. Vetrov //
Actual problems of economics and new technologies of teaching (Smirnov readings)”,
the section “Educational politics and new technologies of teaching”:
the materials of “The VIII
th international scientific-practical conference” (“IHEAS”),
RF, Saint-Petersburg city, the 13th-14th of March 2009 y. –
SPb.: “IBI”, 2009. – Vol.1. – P.77-80
(download) [RUS].

25. Vetrov A.N. The practical usage of the created complex of programs for the automation
of research tasks of the adaptive information-educational environments
/ A.N. Vetrov //
Modern education: contents, technologies, quality”,
the section “Perspective technologies of training”:
the materials of “The XV
th international conference” (“IHEAS”),
RF, Saint-Petersburg city, the 22nd of April 2009 y. –
.: SPbSETU "LETI"”, 2009. – Vol.1. – P.252-254 (download) [RUS].

26. Vetrov A.N. The practice of the analysis of the infrastructure of the information-educational environment
based on the cognitive modeling technology
/ A.N. Vetrov //
Modern education: contents, technologies, quality”,
the section “Quality management of education”:
the materials of “The XV
th international conference” (“IHEAS”),
RF, Saint-Petersburg city, the 22nd of April 2009 y. –
.: SPbSETU "LETI"”, 2009. – Vol.2. – P.115-117 (download) [RUS].

27. Vetrov A.N. The features of the analysis of the infrastructure of the information-educational environment
based on the cognitive modeling technology and the cognitive models
/ A.N. Vetrov //
Quality management in modern High school (HEI)”,
the section “Monitoring and support of the quality management system”:
the materials of “The VII
th international scientific-methodical conference” (“IHEAS”),
RF, Saint-Petersburg city, the 18
th-19th of June 2009 y. – SPb.: “IBI”, 2009. 3 p.
(only scientific report at every-year conference of “IHEAS”)
(see my scientific report from my collection of scientific reports) (download) [RUS].

28. Vetrov A.N. The bases of the financial analysis of the infrastructure of the organization
based on the cognitive modeling technology
/ A.N. Vetrov //
Quality management in modern High school (HEI)”,
the section “Monitoring and support of the quality management system”:
the materials of “The VII
th international scientific-methodical conference” (“IHEAS”),
RF, Saint-Petersburg city, the 18
th-19th of June 2009 y. – SPb.: “IBI”, 2009. 3 p.
(only scientific report at every-year conference of “IHEAS”)
(see my scientific report from my collection of scientific reports) (download) [RUS].

29. Vetrov A.N. The features of the program realization of the laboratory practical work
for the automated training system with the properties of adaptation
based on the cognitive models / A.N. Vetrov //
“Actual problems of economics and new technologies of teaching (Smirnov readings)”,
the section “Quality management of education in modern High school (HEI)”:
the materials of “The I
Хth international scientific-practical conference” (“IHEAS”),
RF, Saint-Petersburg city, the 16
th-17th of March 2010 y. –
SPb.: “IBI”, 2010. – Vol.1. – P.32-36
(download) [RUS].

30. Vetrov A.N. The features of the automation of diagnostics of the acuity of vision of the cognitive model
of the subject of training for the analysis of the information environment of the adaptive training
/ A.N. Vetrov //
Modern education: contents, technologies, quality”,
the section “Perspective technologies of training”:
the materials of “The XVIth international scientific-methodical conference” (“IHEAS”),
RF, Saint-Petersburg city, the 21st-22nd of April 2010 y. –
.: SPbSETU "LETI"”, 2010. – Vol.2. – P.45-48 (download) [RUS].

31. Vetrov A.N. The features of the program realization of the electronic dean’s office
for the applied tasks of the system analysis
based on the cognitive modeling technology
/ A.N. Vetrov //
Modern education: contents, technologies, quality”,
the section “Perspective technologies of training”:
the materials of “The XVIth international scientific-methodical conference” (“IHEAS”),
RF, Saint-Petersburg city, the 21st-22nd of April 2010 y. –
.: SPbSETU "LETI"”, 2010. – Vol.2. – P.48-50 (download) [RUS].

32. Vetrov A.N. The features of the automation of diagnostics of the cognitive styles of the cognitive model
of the subject of training for the analysis of the information
environment of the adaptive training / A.N. Vetrov //
Quality management in modern High school (HEI)”,
the section “Information-telecommunication environment and its influence on the quality of High school (HEI)”:
the materials of ”The VIII
th international scientific-methodical conference” (“IHEAS”),
RF, Saint-Petersburg city, the 16
th-19th of June 2010 y. – SPb.: “IBI”, 2010. 3 p.
(only scientific report at every-year conference of “IHEAS”)
(see my scientific report from my collection of scientific reports) (download) [RUS].

33. Vetrov A.N. The features of the cognitive modeling technology
for the financial analysis of the organizational structure / A.N. Vetrov //
Quality management in modern High school (HEI)”,
the section “Monitoring and estimation of quality of the university education and scientific activity”:
the materials of “The VIII
th international scientific-methodical conference” (“IHEAS”),
RF, Saint-Petersburg city, the 16
th-19th of June 2010 y. – SPb.: “IBI”, 2010. 3 p.
(only scientific report at every-year conference of “IHEAS”)
(see my scientific report from my collection of scientific reports) (download) [RUS].

34. Vetrov A.N. The realization of the automation of diagnostics of the cognitive stiles
of the cognitive model
of the subject of training
for the system analysis of the information environment of the adaptive training / A.N. Vetrov //
“Actual problems of economics and new technologies of teaching (Smirnov readings)”,
the section “Educational politics and new technologies of teaching”:
the materials of “The
Хth international scientific-practical conference” (“IHEAS”),
RF, Saint-Petersburg city, the 01st of April 2011 y. – SPb.: “IBI”, 2011. – 3 p.
(only scientific report at every-year conference of “IHEAS”)
(see my scientific report from my collection of scientific reports) (download) [RUS].

35. Vetrov A.N. The usage of the cognitive modeling technology
for the financial
analysis of the (credit) organization / A.N. Vetrov //
“Actual problems of economics and new technologies of teaching (Smirnov readings)”,
the section “Mathematical methods and information technologies in economics”:
the materials of “The
Хth international scientific-practical conference” (“IHEAS”),
RF, Saint-Petersburg city, the 01st of April 2011 y. – SPb.: “IBI”, 2011. – 3 p.
(only scientific report at every-year conference of “IHEAS”)
(see my scientific report from my collection of scientific reports) (download) [RUS].

36. Vetrov A.N. The features of the cognitive cylinder and the cognitive sphere for the tasks
of the system and financial analysis of the difficult
object, process and phenomenon / A.N. Vetrov //
“Actual problems of economics and new technologies of teaching (Smirnov readings)”,
the section “Mathematical methods and information technologies in economics”:
the materials of “The
Хth international scientific-practical conference” (“IHEAS”),
RF, Saint-Petersburg city, the 01st of April 2011 y. – SPb.: “IBI”, 2011. – 3 p.
(only scientific report at every-year conference of “IHEAS”)
(see my scientific report from my collection of scientific reports) (download) [RUS].

37. Vetrov A.N. The cognitive cylinder and the cognitive sphere for the tasks of the system
and the financial analysis based on the cognitive modeling technology / A.N. Vetrov //
Modern education: contents, technologies, quality”,
the section “Perspective technologies of training”:
the materials of “The XVIIth international scientific-methodical conference” (“IHEAS”),
RF, Saint-Petersburg city, the 20th of April 2011 y. –
.: SPbSETU "LETI"”, 2011. – Vol.2. – P.262-264 (download) [RUS].

38. Vetrov A.N. The genesis and the differences of cognitive circle, cognitive disc,
cognitive cylinder, cognitive cone and cognitive sphere / A.N. Vetrov //
“Quality management in modern High school (HEI)”,
the section “Monitoring and estimation of quality of the university education and scientific activity”:
the materials of “The IX
th international scientific-methodical conference” (“IHEAS”),
RF, Saint-Petersburg city, the 16
th-19th of June 2011 y. – SPb.: “IBI”, 2011. – 3 p.
(only scientific report at every-year conference of “IHEAS”)
(see my scientific report from my collection of scientific reports) (download) [RUS].

39. Vetrov A.N. The features of the cognitive disc for the tasks
of the system and financial analysis / A.N. Vetrov //
“Quality management in modern High school (HEI)”,
the section “Monitoring and estimation of quality of the university education and scientific activity”:
the materials of “The IX
th international scientific-methodical conference” (“IHEAS”),
RF, Saint-Petersburg city, the 16
th-19th of June 2011 y. – SPb.: “IBI”, 2011. – 3 p.
(only scientific report at every-year conference of “IHEAS”)
(see my scientific report from my collection of scientific reports) (download) [RUS].

40. Vetrov A.N. The features of the cognitive cone for the tasks
of the system and financial analysis / A.N. Vetrov //
“Quality management in modern High school (HEI)”,
the section “Monitoring and estimation of quality of the university education and scientific activity”:
the materials of “The IX
th international scientific-methodical conference” (“IHEAS”),
RF, Saint-Petersburg city, the 16
th-19th of June 2011 y. – SPb.: “IBI”, 2011. – 3 p.
(only scientific report at every-year conference of “IHEAS”)
(see my scientific report from my collection of scientific reports) (download) [RUS].

41. Vetrov A.N. The electronic library for the automated training system
with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive models / A.N. Vetrov //
“Actual problems of economics and new technologies of teaching (Smirnov readings)”,
the section “Educational politics and new technologies of teaching”:
the materials of “The
ХIth international scientific-practical conference” (“IHEAS”),
RF, Saint-Petersburg city, the 16th of March 2012 y. – SPb.: “IBI”, 2012. – 2 p.
(only scientific report at every-year conference of “IHEAS”)
(see my scientific report from my collection of scientific reports) (download) [RUS].

42. Vetrov A.N. The electronic card for the automated training system
with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive models / A.N. Vetrov //
“Actual problems of economics and new technologies of teaching (Smirnov readings)”,
the section “Educational politics and new technologies of teaching”:
the materials of “The
ХIth international scientific-practical conference” (“IHEAS”),
RF, Saint-Petersburg city, the 16th of March 2012 y. – SPb.: “IBI”, 2012. – 3 p.
(only scientific report at every-year conference of “IHEAS”)
(see my scientific report from my collection of scientific reports) (download) [RUS].

43. Vetrov A.N. The automation means of calculation of the nominal values
of analytical
coefficients system for the financial analysis
based on the cognitive models (RAS / IAS / GAAP) / A.N. Vetrov //
“Actual problems of economics and new technologies of teaching (Smirnov readings)”,
the section “Mathematical methods and information technologies in economics”:
the materials of “The
ХIth international scientific-practical conference” (“IHEAS”),
RF, Saint-Petersburg city, the 16th of March 2012 y. – SPb.: “IBI”, 2012. – 3 p.
(only scientific report at every-year conference of “IHEAS”)
(see my scientific report from my collection of scientific reports) (download) [RUS].

44. Vetrov A.N. The features of the cognitive modeling technology for the complex analysis / A.N. Vetrov //
Modern education: contents, technologies, quality”,
the section “Perspective technologies of training”:
the materials of “The XVIIIth international scientific-methodical conference” (“IHEAS”),
RF, Saint-Petersburg city, the 18th of April 2012 y. – SPb.: SPbSETU "LETI"”, 2012. – 2 p.
(only scientific report at every-year conference of “IHEAS”)
(see my scientific report from my collection of scientific reports) (download) [RUS].

45. Vetrov A.N. The semantic model of saving, extraction and search of information
for the electronic library based on the cognitive models / A.N. Vetrov //
“Quality management in modern High school (HEI)”,
the section “Educational politics and new technologies of teaching”:
the materials of “The X
th international scientific-methodical conference” (“IHEAS”),
RF, Saint-Petersburg city, the 30
th-31st of October 2012 y. – SPb.: “IBI”, 2012. – 2 p.
(only scientific report at every-year conference of “IHEAS”)
(see my scientific report from my collection of scientific reports) (download) [RUS].

46. Vetrov A.N. The processor of parallel processing of data of the automated training system
with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive models / A.N. Vetrov //
“Quality management in modern High school (HEI)”,
the section “Educational politics and new technologies of teaching”:
the materials of “The X
th international scientific-methodical conference” (“IHEAS”),
RF, Saint-Petersburg city, the 30
th-31st of October 2012 y. – SPb.: “IBI”, 2012. – 3 p.
(only scientific report at every-year conference of “IHEAS”)
(see my scientific report from my collection of scientific reports) (download) [RUS].

47. Vetrov A.N. The processor of parallel processing of data of the means of automation of the calculation of coefficients
for the financial analysis based on the cognitive models / A.N. Vetrov //
“Quality management in modern High school (HEI)”,
the section “Mathematical methods and information technologies in economics”:
the materials of “The X
th international scientific-methodical conference” (“IHEAS”),
RF, Saint-Petersburg city, the 30
th-31st of October 2012 y. – SPb.: “IBI”, 2012. – 4 p.
(only scientific report at every-year conference of “IHEAS”)
(see my scientific report from my collection of scientific reports) (download) [RUS].

48. Vetrov A.N. The features of practical use of the cognitive modeling technology
for the complex analysis / A.N. Vetrov //
“Quality management in modern High school (HEI)”,
the section “Mathematical methods and information technologies in economics”:
the materials of “The X
th international scientific-methodical conference” (“IHEAS”),
RF, Saint-Petersburg city, the 30
th-31st of October 2012 y. – SPb.: “IBI”, 2012. – 3 p.
(only scientific report at every-year conference of “IHEAS”)
(see my scientific report from my collection of scientific reports) (download) [RUS].


“The attestation scientific works of "AUT CMT SFA" Vetrov A.N.
(on technical and physical-mathematical sciences only)”
(page 1 from 1 page)

Text Box: RF, Saint-Petersburg city
Text Box: The National research university of RF
Text Box: “The Saint-Petersburg 
state university”
Text Box: The Federal scientific centre of RF