“The list of scientific works” (page 6 from 6 pages)
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The plan of defences of my dissertations
(the official persons need to render the assistance in the organization of defences)
I. My dissertation in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript on the theme
“The environment of automated training with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive models”
on the competition of scientific degree of the candidate of technical sciences
in spec. 05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing”.
1.1. My autoabstract of candidate dissertation in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript on technics
the version of 2007 y. (download) [RUS], the version of 2017 y. (download) [RUS],
the version of 2018 y. for the defence (download) [ENG] and the version of 2019 y. for the defence (download) [ENG].
1.2. My posters (slides) of candidate scientific report on technics
the version of 2007 y. (download) [RUS], the version of 2017 y. (download) [RUS],
the version of 2018 y. for the defence (download) [ENG] and the version of 2019 y. for the defence (download) [ENG].
1.3. My manuscript of candidate dissertation in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript on technics
Vetrov A.N. The environment of automated training with the properties of adaptation
based on the cognitive models:
the scientific monography (technical, physical-mathematical and medical sciences)
(spec. 05.13.01, 05.13.10, 19.00.02 (19.00.03)) / A.N. Vetrov;
“SPbSETU "LETI"”. – SPb.: “SPbSETU "LETI"”, 2003, 2005,
M.: “"VINITI" of "RAS"”, 2003, 2005, M.: “RAS”, 2007. – 272 p. (256 p.):
pic. – Bibliogr. 68 nom. – Rus. – Dep. in “"VINITI" of "RAS"”, “RAS”
the version of 2007 y. (download) [RUS], the version of 2017 y. (download) [RUS],
the version of 2018 y. for the defence (download) [ENG] and the version of 2019 y. for the defence (download) [ENG].
1.4. The documents.
1.4.1. The copy of the act about practical use (introduction in training process)
of “SPbSETU "LETI"” from the 01st of November 2006 y.,
approved by the vice-rector in scientific work of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, d.ph.-m.s., prof. Afanasyev V.P.,
signed by the chairman of commission –
the deputy of head of the chair “A and CP” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, c.t.s., associate prof. Alekseev A.A.,
the members of commission –
c.t.s., associate prof. of the chair “A and CP” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Grigoryan V.G.,
c.t.s., associate prof. of the chair “ASIP and C” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Savosin S.V. – 1 sh., 1 p. (download) [RUS].
1.4.2. The copy of the act about practical use (introduction in training process)
of “IBI” from the 31st of January 2006 y.,
approved by the rector of “IBI”, c.e.s., prof. Derevyanko Y.D.,
signed by the chairman of commission –
the first vice-rector – the vice-rector in training work of “IBI”, c.t.s., associate prof. Zakharov I.N.,
the members of commission –
the vice-rector in scientific work of “IBI”, acad. of “IHEAS”, d.t.s., prof. Izrantsev V.V.,
the head of the chair “Banking” of “IBI”, d.e.s., prof. Beloglazova G.N.,
the head of the chair “Finance” of “IBI”, d.e.s., prof. Pogostinskaya N.N.,
the head of the chair “The accounting, analysis and statistics” of “IBI”, c.e.s., prof. Burgonova G.N.,
the head of training groups of the 18th set in the specialty “Finance and credit” of “IBI” Yakhnin N.I.,
the head of training groups of the 18th set in spec. “Anti-crisis management” of “IBI” Plekhanov D.V. –
2 sh., 2 p. (download) [RUS].
1.4.3. The copy of the positive extract from the protocol of meeting of the chair “A and CP”
from the 11th of December 2006 y.
in fact of my performance with scientific report on the theme
“The environment of automated training with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive models”
on the second predefence of my dissertation on the theme
“The environment of automated training with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive models”,
approved by the vice-rector in scientific work of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, d.ph.-m.s., prof. Afanasyev V.P.,
signed by the deputy of head of the chair “A and CP” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, c.t.s., associate prof. Alekseev A.A.,
the scientific secretary of the chair “A and CP” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Berezin S.A.,
certified by the deputy of chief of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
Sarayev N.A. on the 05th of June 2007 y. – 11 sh., 11 p. (download) [RUS],
certified by the chief of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
Shubinsky V.N. on the 10th of February 2010 y. [stitched and glued] – 11 sh., 11 p. (download) [RUS].
1.4.4. The copy of the approved secondary protocol of meeting of examination commission
in fact of reception at me the candidate examination
in spec. 05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing”
[on the form of a new sample] №238 from the 05th of December 2006 y.,
signed by the chairman of commission –
the vice-rector in scientific work of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, d.ph.-m.s., prof. Afanasyev V.P.,
the members of commission – the head of the chair “A and CP” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, c.t.s., prof. Kuzmin N.N.,
d.t.s., prof. of the chair “A and CP” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, d.t.s., prof. Dushin S.E.,
d.t.s., prof. of the chair “A and CP” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, d.t.s., prof. Fomin B.F.,
certified by the deputy of chief of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
Sarayev N.A. on the 03rd of July 2007 y. – 1 sh., 2 p. (download) [RUS]
[p. 1 – at examination three questions have been asked on the program of candidate minimum,
approved by the order of “The Ministry of education and science of RF” №697 from the 17.02.2004 y.,
p. 2 – at examination two questions have been asked on the additional program,
developed at the chair “A and CP” and approved by “The scientific-technical council”
of the faculty “CT and I” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
directly proceeding from the content of the developed my certification work –
the obligatory abstract in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript on the theme
“The environment of automated training with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive models”
in spec. 05.13.01, vol. 1, 256 p. without appendixes].
1.4.5. The copy of the approved certificate about passing by me
of candidate examinations with honors degree in spec. 05.13.01 №128 from the 06th of December 2006 y.
(“Philosophy”: entrance – protocol [without №] from the 14th of April 2003 y.
and candidate – protocol №85 from the 03rd of June 2004 y.,
“Foreign (English) language”: at the same time entrance and candidate – protocol №3 from the 04th of April 2003 y.,
“Spec. 05.13.01”: entrance – protocol [without №] from the 24th of March 2003 y.
and candidate – primary protocol from the 01st of November 2005 y.
was lost in “The department of doctorial studies and postgraduate-study” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
and secondary protocol №238 from the 05th of December 2006 y.)
[it was given on the basis of the original protocols, which are stored in archive of “SPbSETU "LETI"”],
signed by the vice-rector in scientific work of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, d.ph.-m.s., prof. Afanasyev V.P.
and the head of “The department of doctorial studies and postgraduate-study” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”,
c.t.s., associate prof. Pogodin A.A. – 1 sh., 1 p. (download) [RUS].
1.4.6. The copy of the certificate about period of training from the 20th of August 2015 y. till the 27th of August 2015 y.
in fact of transfer (entrance) as ex-sloe for the intermediate attestation in “ANO HPE "IBI"”,
signed by the rector of “IBI”, d.e.s., prof. Sigova M.V.
and the head of “Teaching department” of the faculty “Magistracy and post-graduate study” of “IBI”
Budayeva M.B. – 1 sh., 1 p. (download) [RUS]
according to the protocol of meeting of examination commission from the 21st of August 2015 y.,
approved by the order on transfer (entrance) №15-PO from the 20th of August 2015 y.,
approved by the order on assignment (expel) №16-PO from the 27th of August 2015 y.,
in fact of passing of candidate examination
on the discipline “History and philosophy of science” with assessment (mark) “excellent”,
signed by the chairman – the rector of “IBI”, d.e.s., associate prof. Sigova M.V.,
the members of commission:
the head of the chair “Humanitarian and social disciplines” (“H and SD”), d.ph.s., prof. Vysotsky Y.V.,
c.ph.s., associate prof. Bydanov V.E., d.e.s., prof. Pogostiskaya N.N. – 1 sh., 1 p.(it is stored in archive of “IBI”),
[I have taken place unplanned (according to new requirements of “The Higher attestation commission of RF”)
passing by me the candidate examination on the discipline “History and philosophy of science”
(in spec. 07.00.10 – “History of science and technics” and 09.00.08 – “Philosophy of science and technics”)].
1.4.7. The copy of the first positive review on the manuscript of scientific monography in the Russian language
“The environment of automated training with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive models”
of the head of the chair “Systems and means of automation of control” (“S and MAC”)
of “The military-naval institute of radio-electronics named after A.S. Popov”
(“MNIRE n. a. A.S. Popov”),
d.t.s., associate prof., capt. of the 1st rank Philippov P.V. from the 03rd of December 2007 y.,
certified by the deputy of head of “MNIRE n. a. A.S. Popov”,
capt. of the 1st rank Kolesnichenko V.G. on the 03rd of December 2007 y.,
certified by the deputy of chief of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
Sarayev N.A. on the 10th of December 2007 y. – 9 sh., 9 p. (download) [RUS].
1.4.8. The copy of the second positive review on the manuscript of scientific monography in the Russian language
“The environment of automated training with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive models”
of the senior assistant of head of “The scientific-research and editorial department” (“SR and ED”)
of “MNIRE n. a. A.S. Popov”,
c.t.s., associate prof., capt. of the 2nd rank Kusov E.V. from the 03rd of December 2007 y.,
certified by the deputy of head of “MNIRE n. a. A.S. Popov”,
capt. of the 1st rank Kolesnichenko V.G. on the 03rd of December 2007 y.,
certified by the deputy of chief of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
Sarayev N.A. on the 10th December 2007 y. – 9 sh., 9 p. (download) [RUS].
1.4.9. The copy of the copyright certificate of “RAS” (RF, Moscow city)
about deposition and registration of the work –
object of intellectual property – manuscript of personal my scientific monography
“The environment of automated training with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive models”
№13117 from the 28th of December 2007 y.,
signed by the head of “The department on registration and deposition
of objects of intellectual property and owners” Voronina T.N.,
certified by the chief of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
Shubinsky V.N. on the 05th of November 2008 y. – 3 sh, 3 p. (download) [RUS].
1.4.10. The copy of the response of the scientific supervisor, prof. of the chair “Information systems” (“IS”)
of the faculty “Applied mathematics – control processes” (“AM – CP”)
of “The Saint-Petersburg state university” (“SPbSU”),
the member of “The American mathematical society” (“AMS”),
d.ph.-m.s., prof. Kvitko A.N.
on the dissertation (in the form of scientific monography) on the rights of manuscript of Vetrov A.N.
on the theme “The environment of automated training with the properties of adaptation
based on the cognitive models”
on the competition of scientific degree of the candidate of technical sciences
in spec. 05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing” from the 11th of October 2018 y.,
certified by the leading specialist of “The personnel department №3” of “SPbSU”
Kudryavtseva Y.V. on the 09th of November 2018 y. – 2 sh., 2 p. (download) [RUS] [ENG] and (download) [ENG].
1.4.11. The copy of the extract from the protocol of meeting of the chair “Information systems” (“IS”)
of the faculty “Applied mathematics – control processes” (“AM – CP”)
of “SPbSU” from the 30th of October 2018 y.
in fact of my positive speech with the scientific report,
multimedia-presentation and information materials to the scientific results
on the predefence of my dissertation (in the form of scientific monography)
on the rights of manuscript on the theme
“The environment of automated training with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive models”
on the competition of scientific degree of the candidate of technical sciences in the specialty
05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing” –
23 sh., 23 p. (download) [RUS] [ENG] and (download) [ENG].
The former basic organization:
“The Saint-Petersburg state electrotechnical university "LETI"
named after V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin)”
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city)
[since 2006 y. defence was not appointed by “The dissertation council” in spec. 05.13.01
at “SPbSETU "LETI"”].
Former scientific supervisor in spec. 05.13.01:
the vice-rector in training work
of “The Saint-Petersburg state electrotechnical university "LETI"
named after V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin)” (“SPbSETU "LETI"”),
the head of the chair “Automatics and control processes” (“A and CP”),
c.t.s., prof. Kuzmin N.N. [has died on the 08th of July 2016 y.].
The basic organization:
“The Saint-Petersburg state university” –
“The Federal scientific centre” and “The National research university”
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city) [since 2017 y.].
The scientific consultant in spec. 05.13.01:
the first vice-rector in scientific work
of “The Saint-Petersburg state university of airspace instrumentation "GUAP"”
the head of the chair “Computational mathematics and programming” (“CM and P”),
the chairman of “The dissertation council”
in spec. 05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing”,
“The honored worker of science of RF”,
d.t.s., prof. Khimenko V.I.
The additional scientific consultant in spec. 05.13.01:
the head of the chair “Modeling of electromechanical and computer systems” (“MEM and CS”)
(the faculty “Applied mathematics – control processes” (“AM – CP”)
of “The Saint-Petersburg state university” (“SPbSU”)),
the chairman of “The dissertation council”
in spec. 05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing”
and 05.13.18 – “Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and complexes of programs”,
“The honorary professor of "SPbSU"”,
acad. of “RANS”, d.ph.-m.s., prof. Egorov N.V. [since 2015 y.].
The scientific supervisor in spec. 05.13.01:
the professor of the chair “Information systems” (“IS”)
of “The Saint-Petersburg state university” (“SPbSU”),
the member of “The American mathematical society” (“AMS”),
d.ph.-m.s., prof. Kvitko A.N. [since 2018 y.].
Status: 1) from the 01st of April 2004 y. to the 31st of December 2017 y. was not organized the defence
in “The dissertation council”
in spec. 05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing”
at “The Saint-Petersburg state electrotechnical university "LETI"
named after V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin)”
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city);
2) on the 26th of December 2017 y. was made replacement of the basic organization
“The Saint-Petersburg state electrotechnical university "LETI"
named after V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin)”
to “The Saint-Petersburg state university” (RF, Saint-Petersburg city);
3) from 2018 y. has begun the process of organization of defence in “The dissertation council”
in spec. 05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing”
at “The Saint-Petersburg state university” (RF, Saint-Petersburg city).
II. My dissertation in the form of manuscript on the theme
“The cognitive modeling technology for the system analysis of the information-educational environments”
(“The environment of automated training with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive models”)
on the competition of scientific degree of the doctor of technical sciences
in spec. 05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing”
and 19.00.02 – “Psychophysiology of perception”
(19.00.03 – “Psychology of work, engineering psychology and ergonomics”).
2.1. My autoabstract of doctorial dissertation in the form of manuscript on technics (download) [RUS].
2.2. My posters (slides) of doctorial scientific report on technics (download) [RUS].
2.3. My manuscript of doctorial dissertation in the form of manuscript on technics – vol. 1
Vetrov A.N. The cognitive modeling technology
for the system analysis of the information-educational environments
(The environment of automated training with the properties of adaptation
based on the cognitive models):
the dissertation – the attestation work (in the form of manuscript) on the rights of manuscript
(the technical, physical-mathematical and medical sciences)
(spec. 05.13.01, 05.13.10, 19.00.02 (19.00.03)) / A.N. Vetrov;
“SPbSU”. – SPb.: “SPbSETU "LETI"”, 2006,
M.: “RAS”, 2007, SPb.: “SPbSU”, 2023. – 910 (240, 252, 418) p.:
310 (44, 89, 177) pic., 327 (2, 154, 171) tabl. – Bibliogr. 499 (299) (499, 0, 0) nam. – Rus. – Dep. in “RAS”, 2007. –
the version of 2006 y., 2007 y. (download) [RUS], the version of 2023 y. for the translation (download) [RUS],
the version of 2006 y. for “HAC of RF” (the scan from the paper carrier deposited in “RAS” from the 28.12.2007 y. №13118) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2023 y. for the defence (download) [RUS] and the version of 2023 y. for the defence (after translation) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2023 y. for the defence (after the first editor’s alteration from the 22.09.2023 y.) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2023 y. for the defence (after the first editor’s alteration from the 22.09.2023 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2023 y. for the defence (after the second editor’s alteration from the 13.10.2023 y.) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2023 y. for the defence (after the second editor’s alteration from the 13.10.2023 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2023 y. for the defence (the version for the printing from the 13.10.2023 y.) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2023 y. for the defence (the version for the printing from the 13.10.2023 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2023 y. for the defence (the scan from the paper carrier from the 13.10.2023 y.) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2023 y. for the defence (the scan from the paper carrier from the 13.10.2023 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2023 y. for the defence (the repeated scan from the identical paper carrier from the 21.04.2024 y.) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2023 y. for the defence (the repeated scan from the identical paper carrier from the 21.04.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2023 y. for the defence (the repeated scan from the identical paper carrier from the 12.05.2024 y.) (download) [RUS]
and the version of 2023 y. for the defence (the repeated scan from the identical paper carrier from the 12.05.2024 y.) (download) [ENG].
2.4. My manuscript of main appendixes to doctorial dissertation in the form of manuscript – vol. 2
Vetrov A.N. The cognitive modeling technology
for the system analysis of the information-educational environments
(The environment of automated training with the properties of adaptation
based on the cognitive models):
the appendices (1-14) to the dissertation – the attestation work (in the form of manuscript) on the rights of manuscript
(the technical, physical-mathematical and medical sciences)
(spec. 05.13.01, 05.13.10, 19.00.02 (19.00.03)) / A.N. Vetrov;
“SPbSU”. – SPb.: “SPbSETU "LETI"”, 2006,
M.: “RAS”, 2007, SPb.: “SPbSU”, 2023. – 252 p. (232 p.):
89 pic., 154 tabl. – Bibliogr. 0 (0) nam. – Rus. – Dep. in “RAS”, 2007. –
the version of 2006 y., 2007 y. (download) [RUS], the version of 2023 y. for the translation (download) [RUS],
the version of 2006 y. for “HAC of RF” (the scan from the paper carrier deposited in “RAS” from the 28.12.2007 y. №13118) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2023 y. for the defence (download) [RUS], the version of 2023 y. for the defence (after translation) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2023 y. for the defence (after the first editor’s alteration from the y.) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2023 y. for the defence (after the first editor’s alteration from the y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2023 y. for the defence (after the second editor’s alteration from the 17.10.2023 y.) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2023 y. for the defence (after the second editor’s alteration from the 17.10.2023 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2023 y. for the defence (the version for the printing from the 17.10.2023 y.) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2023 y. for the defence (the version for the printing from the 17.10.2023 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2023 y. for the defence (the scan from the paper carrier from the 17.10.2023 y.) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2023 y. for the defence (the scan from the paper carrier from the 17.10.2023 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2023 y. for the defence (the repeated scan from the identical paper carrier from the 21.04.2024 y.) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2023 y. for the defence (the repeated scan from the identical paper carrier from the 21.04.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2023 y. for the defence (the repeated scan from the identical paper carrier from the 12.05.2024 y.) (download) [RUS]
and the version of 2023 y. for the defence (the repeated scan from the identical paper carrier from the 12.05.2024 y.) (download) [ENG]..
2.5. My manuscript of additional appendixes to doctorial dissertation in the form of manuscript – vol. 3
Vetrov A.N. The cognitive modeling technology
for the system analysis of the information-educational environments
(The environment of automated training with the properties of adaptation
based on the cognitive models):
the appendices (15) to the dissertation – the attestation work (in the form of manuscript) on the rights of manuscript
(the technical, physical-mathematical and medical sciences)
(spec. 05.13.01, 05.13.10, 19.00.02 (19.00.03)) / A.N. Vetrov;
“SPbSU”. – SPb.: “SPbSETU "LETI"”, 2008, 2010,
SPb.: “SPbSU”, 2023. – 418 p. (412 p.):
177 pic., 171 tabl. – Bibliogr. 0 (0) nam. – Rus. –
the version of 2008 y., 2010 y. (download) [RUS], the version of 2023 y. for the translation (download) [RUS],
the version of 2023 y. for the defence (download) [RUS], the version of 2023 y. for the defence (after translation) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2023 y. for the defence (after the first editor’s alteration from the 09.09.2023 y.) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2023 y. for the defence (after the first editor’s alteration from the 09.09.2023 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2023 y. for the defence (after the second editor’s alteration from the 27.10.2023 y.) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2023 y. for the defence (after the second editor’s alteration from the 27.10.2023 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2023 y. for the defence (the version for the printing from the 27.10.2023 y.) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2023 y. for the defence (the version for the printing from the 27.10.2023 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2023 y. for the defence (the scan from the paper carrier from the 27.10.2023 y.) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2023 y. for the defence (the scan from the paper carrier from the 27.10.2023 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2023 y. for the defence (the repeated scan from the identical paper carrier from the 21.04.2024 y.) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2023 y. for the defence (the repeated scan from the identical paper carrier from the 21.04.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2023 y. for the defence (the repeated scan from the identical paper carrier from the 12.05.2024 y.) (download) [RUS]
and the version of 2023 y. for the defence (the repeated scan from the identical paper carrier from the 12.05.2024 y.) (download) [ENG].
2.6. The documents.
2.6.1. The copy of the act about practical use (introduction in training process)
of “SPbSETU "LETI"” from the 01st of November 2006 y.,
approved by the vice-rector in scientific work of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, d.ph.-m.s., prof. Afanasyev V.P.,
signed by the chairman of commission –
the deputy of head of the chair “A and CP” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, c.t.s., associate prof. Alekseev A.A.,
the members of commission –
c.t.s., associate prof. of the chair “A and CP” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Grigoryan V.G.,
c.t.s., associate prof. of the chair “ASIP and C” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Savosin S.V. – 1 sh., 1 p. (download) [RUS].
2.6.2. The copy of the act about practical use (introduction in training process)
of “IBI” from the 31st of January 2006 y.,
approved by the rector of “IBI”, c.e.s., prof. Derevyanko Y.D.,
signed by the chairman of commission –
the first vice-rector – the vice-rector in training work of “IBI”, c.t.s., associate prof. Zakharov I.N.,
the members of commission –
the vice-rector in scientific work of “IBI”, the acad. of “IHEAS”, d.t.s., prof. Izrantsev V.V.,
the head of the chair “Banking” of “IBI”, d.e.s., prof. Beloglazova G.N.,
the head of the chair “Finance” of “IBI”, d.e.s., prof. Pogostinskaya N.N.,
the head of the chair “The accounting, analysis and statistics” of “IBI”, c.e.s., prof. Burgonova G.N.,
the head of training groups of the 18th set in the specialty “Finance and credit” of “IBI” Yakhnin N.I.,
the head of training groups of the 18th set in spec. “Anti-crisis management” of “IBI” Plekhanov D.V. –
2 sh., 2 p. (download) [RUS].
2.6.3. The copy of the positive extract from the protocol of meeting of the chair “A and CP”
from the 11th of December 2006 y.
in fact of my performance with scientific report on the theme
“The environment of automated training with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive models”
on the second predefence of my dissertation on the theme
“The environment of automated training with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive models”,
approved by the vice-rector in scientific work of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, d.ph.-m.s., prof. Afanasyev V.P.,
signed by the deputy of head of the chair “A and CP” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”, c.t.s., associate prof. Alekseev A.A.,
the scientific secretary of the chair “A and CP” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Berezin S.A.,
certified by the deputy of chief of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
Sarayev N.A. on the 05th of June 2007 y. – 11 sh., 11 p. (download) [RUS],
certified by the chief of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
Shubinsky V.N. on the 10th of February 2010 y. [stitched and glued] – 11 sh., 11 p. (download) [RUS].
2.6.4. On the 15th of June 2007 y. the defence in spec. 05.13.01 or 05.13.01 and 19.00.03 was not organized
in “The dissertation council D212.238.07” at “SPbSETU "LETI"”
on the basis of the doubtful “The conclusion of the commission of “The dissertation council D212.238.07”
[without date!?] [without number!?] [without seals!?] [on the date of presentation?!],
signed by the d.t.s., prof. Dushin S.E., d.t.s., prof. Imayev D.H., d.t.s., prof. Yashin A.I. –
2 sh., 2 p.” (download) [RUS]
in the letter from the 15.06.2007 y. №0020/567 with appendix
signed by the scientific secretary of “The dissertation council D212.238.07”
at “SPbSETU "LETI"”, d.t.s., prof. Yashin A.I. – 1 sh., 1 p. (download) [RUS]
[they were recommended to change places the main spec. 05.13.01 and additional spec. 19.00.03 –
it has legally granted to me the formal right for the its denial to publish
in 2008 y. three scientific articles in scientific journals, recommended
by “The Higher attestation commission of RF”
in protection of my rights after supply of the materials of my dissertation in 2005 y. and 2006 y.,
and also to prepare to me two reserve my scientific articles!!!].
2.6.5. The copy of the copyright certificate of “RAS” (RF, Moscow city)
about deposition and registration of the work –
object of intellectual property – manuscript of personal my dissertation
“The environment of automated training with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive models”
№13118 from the 28th of December 2007 y.,
signed by the head of “The department on registration and deposition
of objects of intellectual property and owners” Voronina T.N.,
certified by the chief of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
Shubinsky V.N. on the 05th of November 2008 y. – 3 sh, 3 p. (download) [RUS].
2.6.6. On the 15th of April 2010 y. to the scientific secretary of “The scientific council” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”,
d.t.s., prof. Sokolov S.S.
was submitted my autoabstract of my dissertation in the form of manuscript on the theme
“The environment of automated training with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive models”
on the competition of scientific degree of the doctor of technical sciences on the specialties
05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing”
and 19.00.03 – “Psychology of work, engineering psychology and ergonomics”
[for the informing on current situation with the organization of defence of the specified my dissertations
and carrying out of verification of documentation in divisions of “SPbSETU "LETI"”]
according to my application from the 15th of April 2010 y. №542 with appendix
to the name of the scientific secretary of “The scientific council” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”,
d.t.s., prof. Sokolov S.S.
with his resolution “The application of Vetrov A.N. I have received and I have got acquainted with it 19.042010 y.” –
1 sh., 1 p. (download) [RUS].
2.6.7. On the 29th of June 2010 y. the materials of my additional appendixes (the 29th of June 29 2010 y. vol. 3 437 p.)
to my dissertation in the form of manuscript on the theme
“The environment of automated training with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive models”
on the competition of scientific degree of the doctor of technical sciences on the specialties
05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing”
and 19.00.03 – “Psychology of work, engineering psychology and ergonomics”
(the 07th of June 2005 y., the 31st of January 2006 y., the 19th of April 2006 y., the 19th of September 2006 y.
and the 10th of October 2006 y. vol. 1 176 p.
with appendixes of vol. 2 220 p. and the 29th of June 2010 y. vol. 3 437 p.)
were given to “The dissertation council D212.238.07” at “SPbSETU "LETI"”
[results of the additional program of experiments for the confirmation of compliance
of areas of research and branches of science of scientific specialty 05.13.01]
according to my application from the 29.06.2010 y. №919 with appendix
to the name of the chairman of “The dissertation council D212.238.07”, d.t.s., prof. Sovetov B.Ya. –
1 sh., 1 p. (download) [RUS].
2.6.8. On the 15th of September 2010 y. the chairman of “The dissertation council D212.238.07”
at “SPbSETU "LETI"”, d.t.s., prof. Sovetov B.Ya.
and the scientific secretary of “The dissertation council D212.238.07”
at “SPbSETU "LETI"”, c.t.s., associate prof. Tsekhanovsky V.V.
have reported “In response to Your application from the 29.06.2010 №919 I report,
that “The dissertation council D212.238.07” at “SPbSETU "LETI" n. a. V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin)”
starts the consideration of dissertation work
at the submission of all necessary documents by the applicant
according to item 3.6.1 of “The provision about council for the defence of doctoral and candidate dissertations,
approved by the order of “The Ministry of education and science of RF” from the 09th of January 2007 y. №2,
including the copy of diploma of the candidate of sciences f
or the applicant of scientific degree of the doctor of sciences”
according to the letter from the 15.09.2010 y. №0026/1031
signed by the chairman of “The dissertation council D212.238.07”
at “SPbSETU "LETI"”, d.t.s., prof. Sovetov B.Ya.
(performer the scientific secretary of “The dissertation council D212.238.07”
at “SPbSETU "LETI"”, c.t.s., associate prof. Tsekhanovsky V.V.) – 1 sh., 1 p. (download) [RUS]
[renewal of the organization of defence of the specified my dissertation in the form of manuscript on the theme
“The environment of automated training with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive models”
on the competition of scientific degree of the doctor of technical sciences
in spec. 05.13.01 and 19.00.03 (the 07th of June 2005 y., the 31st of January 2006 y., the 19th of April 2006 y.,
the 19th of September 2006 y.
and the 10th of October 2006 y. vol. 1 176 p.
with appendixes vol. 2 220 p. and the 29th of June 2010 y. vol. 3 437 p.)
in “The dissertation council D212.238.07” at “SPbSETU "LETI"”
perhaps after successful defence of the specified my dissertation in the form of scientific monograph on the theme
“The environment of automated training with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive models”
on the competition of scientific degree of the candidate of technical sciences
in spec. 05.13.01 (the 01st of April 2004 y., the 01st of November 2005 y., the 01st of September 2006 y.
and the 05th of December 2006 y. vol. 1 256 p.)
and submission of “the copy of diploma of the candidate of sciences
for the applicant of scientific degree of the doctor of sciences”].
The basic organization:
“The Saint-Petersburg state electrotechnical university "LETI"
named after V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin)”
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city)
[since 2010 y. defence was not appointed and blocked
by “The dissertation council” in spec. 05.13.01 at “SPbSETU "LETI"”].
The former scientific supervisor in spec. 05.13.01:
the vice-rector in training work
of “The Saint-Petersburg state electrotechnical university "LETI"
named after V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin)” (“SPbSETU "LETI"”),
the head of the chair “Automatics and control processes” (“A and CP”),
c.t.s., prof. Kuzmin N.N. [has died on the 08th of July 2016 y.].
The scientific consultant in spec. 05.13.01:
the first vice-rector in scientific work
of “The Saint-Petersburg state university of airspace instrumentation "GUAP"”
the head of the chair “Computational mathematics and programming” (“CM and P”),
the chairman of “The dissertation council”
in spec. 05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing”,
“The honored worker of science of RF”,
d.t.s., prof. Khimenko V.I.
The additional scientific consultant in spec. 05.13.01:
the head of the chair “Modeling of electromechanical and computer systems” (“MEM and CS”)
(the faculty “Applied mathematics – control processes” (“AM – CP”)
of “The Saint-Petersburg state university” (“SPbSU”)),
the chairman of “The dissertation council”
in spec. 05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing”
and 05.13.18 – “Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and complexes of programs”,
“The honorary professor of "SPbSU"”,
acad. of “RANS”, d.ph.-m.s., prof. Egorov N.V. [since 2015 y.].
The scientific supervisor in spec. 05.13.01:
the professor of the chair “Information systems” (“IS”)
of “The Saint-Petersburg state university” (“SPbSU”),
the member of “The American mathematical society” (“AMS”),
d.ph.-m.s., prof. Kvitko A.N. [since 2018 y.].
Status: 1) from the 19st of April 2006 y. (the 29th of June 2010 y.) was not organized the defence
in “The dissertation council”
in spec. 05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing”
at “The Saint-Petersburg state electrotechnical university "LETI"
named after V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin)”
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city);
2) from the 19th of April 2006 y. was not made replacement of the basic organization
“The Saint-Petersburg state electrotechnical university "LETI"
named after V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin)”
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city);
3) from the 19st of April 2006 y. (the 29th of June 2010 y.) was blocked the organization of defence
in “The dissertation council”
in spec. 05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing”
at “The Saint-Petersburg state electrotechnical university "LETI"
named after V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin)”
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city).
III. My dissertation in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript on the theme
“The cognitive modeling technology for the financial analysis and audit of the organization”
on the competition of scientific degree of the candidate of economic sciences
in spec. 08.00.10 – “Finance, monetary circulation and credit” (see next defence!!!).
3.1. My autoabstract of candidate dissertation in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript on economics
(in the process of coordination!!!).
3.2. My posters (slides) of candidate scientific report on economics (in the process of coordination!!!).
3.3. My manuscript of candidate dissertation in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript on economics – vol. 1
Vetrov A.N. The cognitive modeling technology for the financial analysis and audit of the organization
(Технология когнитивного моделирования для финансового анализа и аудита организации):
the scientific monography (economic sciences) and the textbook (economic sciences)
(spec. 08.00.10, 08.00.12, 08.00.13, 08.00.14) / A.N. Vetrov;
“SPbSETU "LETI"” (“SIO "ACNS"”). – SPb.: “SPbSETU "LETI"”, 2004, 2007, 2010, “IBI”, 2004, 2007, 2010,
“SPbSUE and F "FINEC"”, 2004, 2007, 2010, “SPbSU”, 2010, “SPbSEEU "INGECON"”, 2010,
M.: “"VINITI" of "RAS"”, 2004, 2007, 2010. – 352 p.:
pic. – Bibliogr. 137 (143) nom. – Rus. + 3 (6) CD-ROM (RAS / IAS / GAAP) (download) [RUS].
3.4. The documents.
3.4.1. The copy of the positive review on manuscript of scientific monography in the Russian language
“The cognitive modeling technology for the financial analysis and audit of the organization”
of the head of the chair “Finance” (“F”)
of “The international banking institute” (“IBI”),
d.e.s., prof. Pogostinskaya N.N. from the 09th of December 2010 y.,
certified by the referent of the rector of “IBI” Khil N.D. on the 09th of December 2010 y. –
6 sh., 6 p. (download) [RUS].
The basic organization:
“The international banking institute”
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city)
and “The Saint-Petersburg state university of economics and finance "FINEC"”
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city)
[since 2007 y. defence was not appointed by “The diss. council” in spec. 08.00.10 at “SPbSETU "LETI"”].
The scientific consultant in spec. 08.00.10:
the chairman of “The council of directors”
of “The institute of independent social-economic researches” (“IISER”),
the head of the chair “Finance” (“F”)
of “The Saint-Petersburg state university
of economics and finance "FINEC"” (“SPbSUE and F "FINEC"”),
the chairman of “The dissertation council” in spec. 08.00.10 – “Finance, monetary circulation and credit”,
the professor of the chair “Corporate finance and estimation of business” (“CF and EB”)
of “The Saint-Petersburg state economic university "FINEC"” (“SPbSEU "FINEC"”),
“The honored worker of science of RF”,
the acad. of “The international Higher education academy of sciences” (“IHEAS”),
d.e.s., prof. Romanovsky M.V.
The former scientific consultant in spec. 08.00.12:
the head of the chair “The accounting, analysis and statistics” (“AA and S”)
of “The international banking institute” (“IBI”),
“The honored worker of Higher school of RF”,
the memb.-corr. of “The international Higher education academy of sciences” (“IHEAS”),
c.e.s., prof. Burgonova G.N. [has died on the 23rd of May 2014 y.].
The former scientific supervisor in spec. 08.00.10:
the head of the chair “Banking” (“B”)
of “The international banking institute” (“IBI”)
and “The Saint-Petersburg state university
of economics and finance "FINEC"” (“SPbSUE and F "FINEC"”),
“The honored worker of science of RF”,
the acad. of “The international Higher education academy of sciences” (“IHEAS”),
the memb.-corr. of “The Academy of management and market” (“AM and M”),
d.e.s., prof. Beloglazova G.N. [has died on the 14th of June 2014 y.].
The scientific supervisor in spec. 08.00.10:
the practicing auditor in the area of general audit, bank audit,
including on “The international accounting standards” (“IAS”),
the professor of the chair “Banks, financial markets and insurance” (“BFM and I”)
of “The Saint-Petersburg state economic university "FINEC"” (“SPbSEU "FINEC"”),
d.e.s., prof. Tikhomirova E.V. [since 2015 y.].
Status: 1) from the 24th of June 2004 y. (the 01st of September 2007 y.) was not organized the defence
in “The dissertation council”
in spec. 08.00.10 – “Finance, monetary circulation and credit”
at “The Saint-Petersburg state electrotechnical university "LETI"
named after V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin)”
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city);
2) from the 24th of June 2004 y. was not made replacement of the basic organization
“The Saint-Petersburg state electrotechnical university "LETI"
named after V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin)”
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city);
3) from the 24th of June 2004 y. (the 01st of September 2007 y.) was blocked the organization of defence
in “The dissertation council”
in spec. 08.00.10 – “Finance, monetary circulation and credit”
at “The Saint-Petersburg state electrotechnical university "LETI"
named after V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin)”
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city).
IV. My dissertation in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript on the theme
“The cognitive modeling technology for the financial analysis and audit of the organization”
on the competition of scientific degree of the doctor of economic sciences
in spec. 08.00.10 – “Finance, monetary circulation and credit”.
4.1. My autoabstract of doctorial dissertation in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript on economics
(in the process of coordination!!!).
4.2. My posters (slides) of doctorial scientific report on economics (in the process of coordination!!!).
4.3. My manuscript of doctorial dissertation in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript on economics – vol. 1
Vetrov A.N. The cognitive modeling technology for the financial analysis and audit of the organization
(Технология когнитивного моделирования для финансового анализа и аудита организации):
the attestation work in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript (economic sciences)
(spec. 08.00.10, 08.00.12, 08.00.13, 08.00.14) / A.N. Vetrov;
“SPbSETU "LETI"”. – SPb.: “SPbSETU "LETI"”, 2004, 2007, 2010, “IBI”, 2004, 2007, 2010,
“SPbSUE and F "FINEC"”, 2004, 2007, 2010, “SPbSU”, 2010, “SPbSEEU "INGECON"”, 2010,
M.: “"VINITI" of "RAS"”, 2004, 2007, 2010. – 352 p. (download) [RUS] and for the translation (competition) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.1 (the scan from the paper carrier from the 27.05.2024 y.) (download) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.1 (the scan from the paper carrier from the 27.05.2024 y.) (download) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.1 (the first editor’s alteration from the 23.07.2024 y.) (download) (download),
“InContact” (go to), “Facebook” (go to), “MS One drive” (go to) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.1 (the first editor’s alteration from the 23.07.2024 y.) (go to) (go to) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.1 (after the first editor’s alteration from the 23.07.2024 y.) (go to) (go to) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.1 (after the first editor’s alteration from the 23.07.2024 y.) (go to) (go to) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.1 (the second editor’s alteration from the 20.10.2024 y.) (go to),
“InContact” (go to), “Facebook” (go to), “MS One drive” (go to) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.1 (the second editor’s alteration from the 20.10.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.1 (after the second editor’s alteration from the 20.10.2024 y.) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.1 (after the second editor’s alteration from the 20.10.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.1 (the version for the printing from the 06.11.2024 y.) (download),
“InContact” (go to), “Facebook” (go to), “MS One drive” (go to), “Yandex drive” (go to) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.1 (the version for the printing from the 06.11.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.1 (the scan from the paper carrier from the 06.11.2024 y.) (download),
“InContact” (go to), “Facebook” (go to), “MS One drive” (go to), “Yandex drive” (go to) [RUS]
and the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.1 (the scan from the paper carrier from the 06.11.2024 y.) (download) [ENG]:
73 pic., 5 tab. – Bibliogr. 137 (143) nom. – Rus. – Dep. in “"VINITI" of "RAS"”, 2004, “RAS” + 6 (9) CD-ROM
(RAS – The Russian accounting standards,
IAS / GAAP – The international accounting standards):
the appendices (economic sciences) (spec. 08.00.10, 08.00.12, 08.00.13, 08.00.14):
“The calculation of the analytical coefficients system
for the vertical (the 24th June 2004 y., the 01st September 2007 y. and the 23rd of November 2010 y. –
Vol.2 for the reviewing 608 p. [reduced]
and [full] CD-ROM1 (financial reporting-documentation 1), Vol.5 CD-ROM4 (RAS), Vol.8 CD-ROM7 (IAS / GAAP). –
SPb.: “SPbSETU "LETI"”, 2004, 2007, 2010, “IBI”, 2004, 2007, 2010,
“SPbSUE and F "FINEC"”, 2004, 2007, 2010, “SPbSU”, 2010,
M.: “"VINITI" of "RAS"”, 2004, 2007, 2010) (download) [RUS] and for the translation (competition) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.2 (the scan from the paper carrier from the 28.05.2024 y.) (download) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.2 (the scan from the paper carrier from the 28.05.2024 y.) (download) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.2 (the first editor’s alteration from the 26.07.2024 y.) (download),
“InContact” (go to), “Facebook” (go to), “MS One drive” (go to) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.2 (the first editor’s alteration from the 26.07.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.2 (after the first editor’s alteration from the 26.07.2024 y.) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.2 (after the first editor’s alteration from the 26.07.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.2 (the second editor’s alteration from the 12.09.2024 y.) (download),
“InContact” (go to), “Facebook” (go to), “MS One drive” (go to) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.2 (the second editor’s alteration from the 12.09.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.2 (after the second editor’s alteration from the 12.09.2024 y.) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.2 (after the second editor’s alteration from the 12.09.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.2 (the version for the printing from the 06.11.2024 y.) (download),
“InContact” (go to), “Facebook” (go to), “MS One drive” (go to), “Yandex drive” (go to) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.2 (the version for the printing from the 06.11.2024 y.) (go to) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.2 (the version for the printing from the 06.11.2024 y.) (go to),
“InContact” (go to), “Facebook” (go to), “MS One drive” (go to) [RUS]
and the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.2 (the scan from the paper carrier fro the 06.11.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
horizontal (the 24th June 2004 y., the 01st September 2007 y. and the 09th of December 2010 y. –
Vol.3 for the reviewing 896 p. [reduced]
and [full] CD-ROM2 (financial reporting-documentation 2), Vol.6 CD-ROM5 (RAS), Vol.9 CD-ROM8 (IAS / GAAP). –
SPb.: “SPbSETU "LETI"”, 2004, 2007, 2010, “IBI”, 2004, 2007, 2010,
“SPbSUE and F "FINEC"”, 2004, 2007, 2010, “SPbSEEU "INGECON", 2010,
M.: “"VINITI" of "RAS"”, 2004, 2007, 2010) (download) [RUS] and for the translation (competition) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.3 (the scan from the paper carrier from the 28.05.2024 y.) (download) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.3 (the scan from the paper carrier from the 28.05.2024 y.) (download) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.3 (the first editor’s alteration from the 28.07.2024 y.) (download),
“InContact” (go to), “Facebook” (go to), “MS One drive” (go to) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.3 (the first editor’s alteration from the 28.07.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.3 (after the first editor’s alteration from the 28.07.2024 y.) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.3 (after the first editor’s alteration from the 28.07.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.3 (the second editor’s alteration from the 14.09.2024 y.) (download),
“InContact” (go to), “Facebook” (go to), “MS One drive” (go to) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.3 (the second editor’s alteration from the 14.09.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.3 (after the second editor’s alteration from the 14.09.2024 y.) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.3 (after the second editor’s alteration from the 14.09.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.3 (the version for the printing from the 06.11.2024 y.) (download),
“InContact” (go to), “Facebook” (go to), “MS One drive” (go to), “Yandex drive” (go to) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.3 (the version for the printing from the 06.11.2024 y.) (go to) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.3 (the scan from the paper carrier from the 06.11.2024 y.) (go to),
“InContact” (go to), “Facebook” (go to), “MS One drive” (go to) [RUS]
and the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.3 (the scan from the paper carrier from the 06.11.2024 y.) (download) [ENG]
and trend (the 24th June 2004 y., the 01st September 2007 y. and the 27th of December 2010 y. –
Vol.4 for the reviewing 480 p. [reduced]
and [full] CD-ROM3 (financial reporting-documentation 3), Vol.7 CD-ROM6 (RAS), Vol.10 CD-ROM9 (IAS / GAAP). –
SPb.: “SPbSETU "LETI"”, 2004, 2007, 2010, “IBI”, 2004, 2007, 2010,
“SPbSUE and F "FINEC"”, 2004, 2007, 2010, “SPbSEEU "INGECON", 2010,
M.: “"VINITI" of "RAS"”, 2004, 2007, 2010) (download) [RUS] and for the translation (competition) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.4 (the scan from the paper carrier from the 28.05.2024 y.) (download) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.4 (the scan from the paper carrier from the 28.05.2024 y.) (download) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.4 (the first editor’s alteration from the 30.07.2024 y.) (download),
“InContact” (go to), “Facebook” (go to), “MS One drive” (go to) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.4 (the first editor’s alteration from the 30.07.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.4 (after the first editor’s alteration from the 30.07.2024 y.) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.4 (after the first editor’s alteration from the 30.07.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.4 (the second editor’s alteration from the 29.09.2024 y.) (download),
“InContact” (go to), “Facebook” (go to), “MS One drive” (go to) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.4 (the second editor’s alteration from the 29.09.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.4 (after the second editor’s alteration from the 29.09.2024 y.) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.4 (after the second editor’s alteration from the 29.09.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.4 (the version for the printing from the 06.11.2024 y.) (download),
“InContact” (go to), “Facebook” (go to), “MS One drive” (go to), “Yandex drive” (go to) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.4 (the version for the printing from the 06.11.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.4 (the scan from the paper carrier from the 06.11.2024 y.) (download) [RUS]
and the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.4 (the scan from the paper carrier from the 06.11.2024 y.) (download) [ENG]
financial analysis and audit based on the cognitive modeling technology”;
[the review of the head of the chair “Finance” (“F”) of “The international banking institute” (“IBI”),
d.e.s., prof. Pogostinskaya N.N. from the 09th of December 2010 y.,
certified by the referent of rector of “IBI” Khil N.D. on the 09th of December 2010 y. – 6 sh., 6 p. (download) [RUS]];
[I have participated in “The Moscow international salon of education 2018 y.” (“MISE 2018”)
(The Russian Federation, Moscow city, “EANE”, on the 18th-21st of April 2018 y.) (download) [RUS],
“The 31st Moscow international book exhibition-fair 2018 y.” (“MIBEF 2018”)
(The Russian Federation, Moscow city, “EANE”, on the 05th-09th of September 2018 y.) (download) [RUS],
“The 36th international book exhibition 2018 y.” (“Liber Barcelona 2018”)
(The Kingdom of Spain, Barcelona city, on the 03rd-05th of October 2018 y.) (download) [RUS],
“The 72nd international book exhibition Book Expo America 2019 y.” (“Book Expo America 2019”)
(The United states of America, New York city, on the 29th-31st of May 2019 y.) (download) [RUS],
“The 30th international book exhibition Hong Kong Book Fair 2019 y.” (“Hong Kong Book Fair 2019”)
(The people's republic of China, Hong Kong city, on the 17th-23rd of July 2019 y.) (download) [RUS],
“The international book exhibition Buch Wien 2019 y.” (“Buch Wien 2019”)
(The republic of Austria, Vienna city, on the 06th-10th of November 2019 y.) (download) [RUS]];
see “The stages of consideration of my dissertations” (go to);
see “The plan of defence of my dissertations” (go to);
the accompanying documents for the organization of defence
of my dissertation (in the form of scientific monography) on the rights of manuscript
“The cognitive modeling technology for the financial analysis and audit of the organization”
on the competition of scientific degree of the doctor of economic sciences
on spec. 08.00.10 – “Finance, monetary circulation and credit”
in the national Russian language in the format “RAR” “RUS” (download)
and in the international English language in the format “RAR” “ENG” (download).
4.4. My manuscripts of main appendixes
to doctorial dissertation in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript on economics – vol. 2, 3, 4.
4.4.1. Vetrov A.N. The calculation of the analytical coefficients system
for the vertical, horizontal and trend financial analysis and audit
based on the cognitive modeling technology (financial reporting-documentation 1)
(Расчет системы аналитических коэффициентов
для вертикального, горизонтального и трендового финансового анализа и аудита
на основе технологии когнитивного моделирования (финансовая документация 1)):
the scientific monography (economic sciences) (spec. 08.00.10, 08.00.12, 08.00.13, 08.00.14) / A.N. Vetrov;
“SPbSETU "LETI"”. – SPb.: “SPbSETU "LETI"”, 2004, 2007, 2010, “IBI”, 2004, 2007, 2010,
“SPbSUE and F "FINEC"”, 2004, 2007, 2010, “SPbSU”, 2010,
M.: “"VINITI" of "RAS"”, 2004, 2007, 2010
(the 24th June 2004 y., the 01st September 2007 y. and the 23rd of November 2010 y. –
Vol.2 for the reviewing 207 p. [reduced] and [full] CD-ROM1 (financial reporting-documentation 1)), (replication, CD-ROM1):
pic. – Bibliogr. 0 nom. – Rus. – Dep. in “"VINITI" of "RAS"”, 2007, “RAS”
for the awarding of my diploma of the doctor of economic sciences in spec. 08.00.10
(on the 01st of September 2007 y. (the 24th of June 2004 y.)
and the 02nd(12th) of November 2010 y. (the 09th of December 2010 y.)) (download) [RUS]
and for the translation (competition) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.2 (the scan from the paper carrier from the 28.05.2024 y.) (download) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.2 (the scan from the paper carrier from the 28.05.2024 y.) (download) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.2 (the first editor’s alteration from the 26.07.2024 y.) (download),
“InContact” (go to), “Facebook” (go to), “MS One drive” (go to) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.2 (the first editor’s alteration from the 26.07.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.2 (after the first editor’s alteration from the 26.07.2024 y.) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.2 (after the first editor’s alteration from the 26.07.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.2 (the second editor’s alteration from the 12.09.2024 y.) (download),
“InContact” (go to), “Facebook” (go to), “MS One drive” (go to) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.2 (the second editor’s alteration from the 12.09.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.2 (after the second editor’s alteration from the 12.09.2024 y.) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.2 (after the second editor’s alteration from the 12.09.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.2 (the version for the printing from the 06.11.2024 y.) (download),
“InContact” (go to), “Facebook” (go to), “MS One drive” (go to), “Yandex drive” (go to) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.2 (the version for the printing from the 06.11.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.2 (the scan from the paper carrier from the 06.11.2024 y.) (download),
“InContact” (go to), “Facebook” (go to), “MS One drive” (go to) [RUS]
and the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.2 (the scan from the paper carrier from the 06.11.2024 y.) (download) [ENG].
4.4.2. Vetrov A.N. The calculation of the analytical coefficients system
for the vertical, horizontal and trend financial analysis and audit
based on the cognitive modeling technology (financial reporting-documentation 2)
(Расчет системы аналитических коэффициентов
для вертикального, горизонтального и трендового финансового анализа и аудита
на основе технологии когнитивного моделирования (финансовая документация 2)):
the scientific monography (economic sciences) (spec. 08.00.10, 08.00.12, 08.00.13, 08.00.14) / A.N. Vetrov;
“SPbSETU "LETI"”. – SPb.: “SPbSETU "LETI"”, 2004, 2007, 2010, “IBI”, 2004, 2007, 2010,
“SPbSUE and F "FINEC"”, 2004, 2007, 2010, “SPbSEEU "INGECON", 2010,
M.: “"VINITI" of "RAS"”, 2004, 2007, 2010
(the 24th June 2004 y., the 01st September 2007 y. and the 09th of December 2010 y. –
Vol.3 for the reviewing 193 p. [reduced] and [full] CD-ROM2 (financial reporting-documentation 2)), (replication, CD-ROM2):
pic. – Bibliogr. 0 nom. – Rus. – Dep. in “"VINITI" of "RAS"”, 2007, “RAS”
for the awarding of my diploma of the doctor of economic sciences in spec. 08.00.10
(on the 01st of September 2007 y. (the 24th of June 2004 y.)
and the 02nd(12th) of November 2010 y. (the 09th of December 2010 y.)) (download) [RUS]
and for the translation (competition) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.3 (the scan from the paper carrier from the 28.05.2024 y.) (download) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.3 (the scan from the paper carrier from the 28.05.2024 y.) (download) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.3 (the first editor’s alteration from the 28.07.2024 y.) (download),
“InContact” (go to), “Facebook” (go to), “MS One drive” (go to) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.3 (the first editor’s alteration from the 28.07.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.3 (after the first editor’s alteration from the 28.07.2024 y.)) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.3 (after the first editor’s alteration from the 28.07.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.3 (the second editor’s alteration from the 14.09.2024 y.) (download),
“InContact” (go to), “Facebook” (go to), “MS One drive” (go to) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.3 (the second editor’s alteration from the 14.09.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.3 (after the second editor’s alteration from the 14.09.2024 y.) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.3 (after the second editor’s alteration from the 14.09.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.3 (the version for the printing from the 06.11.2024 y.) (download),
“InContact” (go to), “Facebook” (go to), “MS One drive” (go to), “Yandex drive” (go to) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.3 (the version for the printing from the 06.11.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.3 (the scan from the paper carrier from the 06.11.2024 y.) (download),
“InContact” (go to), “Facebook” (go to), “MS One drive” (go to) [RUS]
and the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.3 (the scan from the paper carrier from the 06.11.2024 y.) (download) [ENG].
4.4.3. Vetrov A.N. The calculation of the analytical coefficients system
for the vertical, horizontal and trend financial analysis and audit
based on the cognitive modeling technology (financial reporting-documentation 3)
(Расчет системы аналитических коэффициентов
для вертикального, горизонтального и трендового финансового анализа и аудита
на основе технологии когнитивного моделирования (финансовая документация 3)):
the scientific monography (economic sciences) (spec. 08.00.10, 08.00.12, 08.00.13, 08.00.14) / A.N. Vetrov;
“SPbSETU "LETI"”. – SPb.: “SPbSETU "LETI"”, 2004, 2007, 2010, “IBI”, 2004, 2007, 2010,
“SPbSUE and F "FINEC"”, 2004, 2007, 2010, “SPbSEEU "INGECON", 2010,
M.: “"VINITI" of "RAS"”, 2004, 2007, 2010
(the 24th June 2004 y., the 01st September 2007 y. and the 27th of December 2010 y. –
Vol.4 for the reviewing 208 p. [reduced] and [full] CD-ROM3 (financial reporting-documentation 3)), (replication, CD-ROM3):
pic. – Bibliogr. 0 nom. – Rus. – Dep. in “"VINITI" of "RAS"”, 2007, “RAS”
for the awarding of my diploma of the doctor of economic sciences in spec. 08.00.10
(on the 01st of September 2007 y. (the 24th of June 2004 y.)
and the 02nd(12th) of November 2010 y. (the 09th of December 2010 y.)) (download) [RUS]
and for the translation (competition) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.4 (the scan from the paper carrier from the 28.05.2024 y.) (download) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.4 (the scan from the paper carrier from the 28.05.2024 y.) (download) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.4 (the first editor’s alteration from the 30.07.2024 y.) (загрузить),
“InContact” (go to), “Facebook” (go to), “MS One drive” (go to) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.4 (the first editor’s alteration from the 30.07.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.4 (after the first editor’s alteration from the 30.07.2024 y.) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.4 (after the first editor’s alteration from the 30.07.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.4 (the second editor’s alteration from the 29.09.2024 y.) (download),
“InContact” (go to), “Facebook” (go to), “MS One drive” (go to) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.4 (the second editor’s alteration from the 29.09.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.4 (after the second editor’s alteration from the 29.07.2024 y.) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.4 (after the second editor’s alteration from the 29.07.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 г. for the defence Vol.4 (the version for the printing from the 06.11.2024 y.) (download),
“InContact” (go to), “Facebook” (go to), “MS One drive” (go to), “Yandex drive” (go to) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.4 (the version for the printing from the 06.11.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.4 (the scan from the paper carrier from the 06.11.2024 г.) (download) [RUS]
and the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.4 (the scan from the paper carrier from the 06.11.2024 г.) (download) [ENG].
4.5. My manuscripts of additional appendixes
to doctorial dissertation in the form of scientific monography on the rights of manuscript on economics – vol. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
4.5.1. Vetrov A.N. The calculation of the analytical coefficients system for the vertical financial analysis and audit
based on the cognitive modeling technology (RAS)
(Расчет системы аналитических коэффициентов для вертикального финансового анализа и аудита
на основе технологии когнитивного моделирования (РСБУ)):
the scientific monography (economic sciences) (spec. 08.00.10, 08.00.12, 08.00.13, 08.00.14) / A.N. Vetrov;
“SPbSETU "LETI"”. – SPb.: “SPbSETU "LETI"”, 2004, 2007, 2010, “IBI”, 2004, 2007, 2010,
“SPbSUE and F "FINEC"”, 2004, 2007, 2010, “SPbSU”, 2010,
M.: “"VINITI" of "RAS"”, 2004, 2007, 2010
(the 24th June 2004 y., the 01st September 2007 y. and the 23rd of November 2010 y. –
Vol.5 for the reviewing 608 p. [reduced] and [full] CD-ROM4 (RAS)), (replication, CD-ROM4):
pic. – Bibliogr. 137 (143) nom. – Rus. – Dep. in “"VINITI" of "RAS"”, 2007, “RAS”
for the awarding of my diploma of the doctor of economic sciences in spec. 08.00.10
(on the 01st of September 2007 y. (the 24th of June 2004 y.)
and the 02nd(12th) of November 2010 y. (the 09th of December 2010 y.)) (download) [RUS]
and for the translation (competition) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.5 (the scan from the paper carrier from the 30.05.2024 y.) (download) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.5 (the scan from the paper carrier from the 30.05.2024 y.) (download) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.5 (the first editor’s alteration from the 17.08.2024 y.) (download),
“InContact” (go to), “Facebook” (go to), “MS One drive” (go to) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.5 (the first editor’s alteration from the 17.08.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.5 (after the first editor’s alteration from the 17.08.2024 y.) (download) [RUS],
вthe version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.5 (after the first editor’s alteration from the 17.08.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.5 (the second editor’s alteration from the 25.10.2024 y.) (download),
“InContact” (go to), “Facebook” (go to), “MS One drive” (go to) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.5 (the second editor’s alteration from the 25.10.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.5 (after the second editor’s alteration from the 25.10.2024 г.) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.5 (after the second editor’s alteration from the 25.10.2024 г.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.5 (the version for the printing from the 06.11.2024 y.) (download),
“InContact” (go to), “Facebook” (go to), “MS One drive” (go to), “Yandex drive” (go to) [RUS],
версия 2024 г. для защиты Т.5 (версия для печати от 06.11.2024 г.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.5 (the version for the printing from the 06.11.2024 y.) (download) [RUS]
and the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.5 (the version for the printing from the 06.11.2024 y.) (download) [ENG].
4.5.2. Vetrov A.N. The calculation of the analytical coefficients system for the horizontal financial analysis and audit
based on the cognitive modeling technology (RAS)
(Расчет системы аналитических коэффициентов для горизонтального финансового анализа и аудита
на основе технологии когнитивного моделирования (РСБУ)):
the scientific monography (economic sciences) (spec. 08.00.10, 08.00.12, 08.00.13, 08.00.14) / A.N. Vetrov;
“SPbSETU "LETI"”. – SPb.: “SPbSETU "LETI"”, 2004, 2007, 2010, “IBI”, 2004, 2007, 2010,
“SPbSUE and F "FINEC"”, 2004, 2007, 2010, “SPbSEEU "INGECON", 2010,
M.: “"VINITI" of "RAS"”, 2004, 2007, 2010
(the 24th June 2004 y., the 01st September 2007 y. and the 09th of December 2010 y. –
Vol.6 for the reviewing 896 p. [reduced] and [full] CD-ROM5 (RAS)), (replication, CD-ROM5):
pic. – Bibliogr. 137 (143) nom. – Rus. – Dep. in “"VINITI" of "RAS"”, 2007, “RAS”
for the awarding of my diploma of the doctor of economic sciences in spec. 08.00.10
(on the 01st of September 2007 y. (the 24th of June 2004 y.)
and the 02nd(12th) of November 2010 y. (the 09th of December 2010 y.))
for the awarding of my diploma of the doctor of economic sciences in spec. 08.00.10
(on the 01st of September 2007 y. (the 24th of June 2004 y.)
and the 02nd(12th) of November 2010 y. (the 09th of December 2010 y.)) (download) [RUS]
and for the translation (competition) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.6 (the scan from the paper carrier from the 30.05.2024 y.) (download) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.6 (the scan from the paper carrier from the 30.05.2024 y.) (download) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.6 (the first editor’s alteration from the 27.08.2024 y.) (download),
“InContact” (go to), “Facebook” (go to), “MS One drive” (go to) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.6 (the first editor’s alteration from the 27.08.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.6 (after the first editor’s alteration from the 27.08.2024 y.) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.6 (after the first editor’s alteration from the 27.08.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.6 (the second editor’s alteration from the 26.10.2024 y.) (download),
“InContact” (go to), “Facebook” (go to), “MS One drive” (go to) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.6 (the second editor’s alteration from the 26.10.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.6 (after the second editor’s alteration from the 26.10.2024 y.) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.6 (after the second editor’s alteration from the 26.10.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.6 (the version for the printing from the 06.11.2024 y.) (download),
“InContact” (go to), “Facebook” (go to), “MS One drive” (go to), “Yandex drive” (go to) [RUS],
версия 2024 г. для защиты Т.6 (версия для печати от 06.11.2024 г.) (download) [ENG],
версия 2024 г. для защиты Т.6 (скан с бумажного носителя от 06.11.2024 г.) (download) [RUS]
и версия 2024 г. для защиты Т.6 (скан с бумажного носителя от 06.11.2024 г.) (download) [ENG].
4.5.3. Vetrov A.N. The calculation of the analytical coefficients system for the trend financial analysis and audit
based on the cognitive modeling technology (RAS)
(Расчет системы аналитических коэффициентов для проведения трендового финансового анализа и аудита
на основе технологии когнитивного моделирования (РСБУ)):
the scientific monography (economic sciences) (spec. 08.00.10, 08.00.12, 08.00.13, 08.00.14) / A.N. Vetrov;
“SPbSETU "LETI"”. – SPb.: “SPbSETU "LETI"”, 2004, 2007, 2010, “IBI”, 2004, 2007, 2010,
“SPbSUE and F "FINEC"”, 2004, 2007, 2010, “SPbSEEU "INGECON", 2010,
M.: “"VINITI" of "RAS"”, 2004, 2007, 2010
(the 24th June 2004 y., the 01st September 2007 y. and the 27th of December 2010 y. –
Vol.7 for the reviewing 480 p. [reduced] and [full] CD-ROM6 (RAS)), (replication, CD-ROM6):
pic. – Bibliogr. 137 (143) nom. – Rus. – Dep. in “"VINITI" of "RAS"”, 2007, “RAS”
for the awarding of my diploma of the doctor of economic sciences in spec. 08.00.10
(on the 01st of September 2007 y. (the 24th of June 2004 y.)
and the 02nd(12th) of November 2010 y. (the 09th of December 2010 y.)) (download) [RUS]
and for the translation (competition) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.7 (the scan from the paper carrier from the 30.05.2024 y.) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.7 (the scan from the paper carrier from the 30.05.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
версия 2024 г. для защиты Т.7 (первая правка от 02.09.2024 г.) (download),
“InContact” (go to), “Facebook” (go to), “MS One drive” (go to) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.7 (the first editor’s alteration from the 02.09.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.7 (after the first editor’s alteration from the 02.09.2024 y.) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.7 (after the first editor’s alteration from the 02.09.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.7 (the second editor’s alteration from the 28.10.2024 y.) (download),
“InContact” (go to), “Facebook” (go to), “MS One drive” (go to) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.7 (the second editor’s alteration from the 28.10.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.7 (after the second editor’s alteration from the 28.10.2024 y.) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.7 (after the second editor’s alteration from the 28.10.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.7 (the version for the printing from the 06.11.2024 y.) (download),
“InContact” (go to), “Facebook” (go to), “MS One drive” (go to), “Yandex drive” (go to) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.7 (the version for the printing from the 06.11.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.7 (the scan from the paper carrier from the 06.11.2024 y.) (download) [RUS]
and the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.7 (the scan from the paper carrier from the 06.11.2024 y.) (download) [ENG].
4.5.4. Vetrov A.N. The calculation of the analytical coefficients system for the vertical financial analysis and audit
based on the cognitive modeling technology (IAS / GAAP)
(Расчет системы аналитических коэффициентов для вертикального финансового анализа и аудита
на основе технологии когнитивного моделирования (IAS / GAAP)):
the scientific monography (economic sciences) (spec. 08.00.10, 08.00.12, 08.00.13, 08.00.14) / A.N. Vetrov;
“SPbSETU "LETI"”. – SPb.: “SPbSETU "LETI"”, 2004, 2007, 2010, “IBI”, 2004, 2007, 2010,
“SPbSUE and F "FINEC"”, 2004, 2007, 2010, “SPbSU”, 2010,
M.: “"VINITI" of "RAS"”, 2004, 2007, 2010
(the 24th June 2004 y., the 01st September 2007 y. and the 23rd of November 2010 y. –
Vol.8 for the reviewing 608 p. [reduced] and [full] CD-ROM7 (IAS / GAAP)), (replication, CD-ROM7):
pic. – Bibliogr. 137 (143) nom. – Rus. – Dep. in “"VINITI" of "RAS"”, 2007, “RAS”
for the awarding of my diploma of the doctor of economic sciences in spec. 08.00.10
(on the 01st of September 2007 y. (the 24th of June 2004 y.)
and the 02nd(12th) of November 2010 y. (the 09th of December 2010 y.)) (download) [RUS]
and for the translation (competition) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.8 (the scan from the paper carrier from the 30.05.2024 y.) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.8 (the scan from the paper carrier from the 30.05.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.8 (the first editor’s alteration from the 06.10.2024 г.) (download),
“InContact” (go to), “Facebook” (go to), “MS One drive” (go to) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.8 (the first editor’s alteration from the 06.10.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.8 (after the first editor’s alteration from the 06.10.2024 y.) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.8 (after the first editor’s alteration from the 06.10.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.8 (the second editor’s alteration from the 29.10.2024 y.) (download),
“InContact” (go to), “Facebook” (go to) (go to), “MS One drive” (go to) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.8 (the second editor’s alteration from the 29.10.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.8 (after the second editor’s alteration from the 29.10.2024 y.) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.8 (after the second editor’s alteration from the 29.10.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.8 (the version for the printing from the 06.11.2024 y.) (download),
“InContact” (go to), “Facebook” (go to), “MS One drive” (go to), “Yandex drive” (go to) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.8 (the version for the printing from the 06.11.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.8 (the scan from the paper carrier from the 06.11.2024 y.) (download) [RUS]
and the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.8 (the scan from the paper carrier from the 06.11.2024 y.) (download) [ENG].
4.5.5. Vetrov A.N. The calculation of the analytical coefficients system for the horizontal financial analysis and audit
based on the cognitive modeling technology (IAS / GAAP)
(Расчет системы аналитических коэффициентов для горизонтального финансового анализа и аудита
на основе технологии когнитивного моделирования (IAS / GAAP)):
the scientific monography (economic sciences) (spec. 08.00.10, 08.00.12, 08.00.13, 08.00.14) / A.N. Vetrov;
“SPbSETU "LETI"”. – SPb.: “SPbSETU "LETI"”, 2004, 2007, 2010, “IBI”, 2004, 2007, 2010,
“SPbSUE and F "FINEC"”, 2004, 2007, 2010, “SPbSEEU "INGECON", 2010,
M.: “"VINITI" of "RAS"”, 2004, 2007, 2010
(the 24th June 2004 y., the 01st September 2007 y. and the 09th of December 2010 y. –
Vol.9 for the reviewing 896 p. [reduced] and [full] CD-ROM8 (IAS / GAAP)), (replication, CD-ROM8):
pic. – Bibliogr. 137 (143) nom. – Rus. – Dep. in “"VINITI" of "RAS"”, 2007, “RAS”
for the awarding of my diploma of the doctor of economic sciences in spec. 08.00.10
(on the 01st of September 2007 y. (the 24th of June 2004 y.)
and the 02nd(12th) of November 2010 y. (the 09th of December 2010 y.)) (download) [RUS]
and for the translation (competition) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.9 (the scan from the paper carrier from the 30.05.2024 y.) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.9 (the scan from the paper carrier from the 30.05.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.9 (the first editor’s alteration from the 11.10.2024 y.) (download),
“InContact” (go to), “Facebook” (go to), “MS One drive” (go to) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.9 (the first editor’s alteration from the 11.10.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.9 (after the first editor’s alteration from the 11.10.2024 y.) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.9 (after the first editor’s alteration from the 11.10.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.9 (the second editor’s alteration from the 30.10.2024 y.) (download),
“InContact” (go to), “Facebook” (go to), “MS One drive” (go to) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.9 (the second editor’s alteration from the 30.10.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.9 (after the second editor’s alteration from the 30.10.2024 y.) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.9 (after the second editor’s alteration from the 30.10.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.9 (the version for the printing from the 06.11.2024 y.) (download),
“InContact” (go to), “Facebook” (go to), “MS One drive” (go to), “Yandex drive” (go to) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.9 (the version for the printing from the 06.11.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.9 (the scan from the paper carrier from the 06.11.2024 y.) (download) [RUS]
and the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.9 (the scan from the paper carrier from the 06.11.2024 y.) (download) [ENG].
4.5.6. Vetrov A.N. The calculation of the analytical coefficients system for the trend financial analysis and audit
based on the cognitive modeling technology (IAS / GAAP)
(Расчет системы аналитических коэффициентов для трендового финансового анализа и аудита
на основе технологии когнитивного моделирования (IAS / GAAP)):
the scientific monography (economic sciences) (spec. 08.00.10, 08.00.12, 08.00.13, 08.00.14) / A.N. Vetrov;
“SPbSETU "LETI"”. – SPb.: “SPbSETU "LETI"”, 2004, 2007, 2010, “IBI”, 2004, 2007, 2010,
“SPbSUE and F "FINEC"”, 2004, 2007, 2010, “SPbSEEU "INGECON", 2010,
M.: “"VINITI" of "RAS"”, 2004, 2007, 2010
(the 24th June 2004 y., the 01st September 2007 y. and the 27th of December 2010 y. –
Vol.10 for the reviewing 480 p. [reduced] and [full] CD-ROM9 (IAS / GAAP)), (replication, CD-ROM9):
pic. – Bibliogr. 137 (143) nom. – Rus. – Dep. in “"VINITI" of "RAS"”, 2007, “RAS”
for the awarding of my diploma of the doctor of economic sciences in spec. 08.00.10
(on the 01st of September 2007 y. (the 24th of June 2004 y.)
and the 02nd(12th) of November 2010 y. (the 09th of December 2010 y.)) (download) [RUS]
and for the translation (competition) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.10 (the scan from the paper carrier from the 30.05.2024 y.) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.10 (the scan from the paper carrier from the 30.05.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.10 (the first editor’s alteration from the 15.10.2024 y.) (download),
“InContact” (go to), “Facebook” (go to), “MS One drive” (go to) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.10 (the first editor’s alteration from the 15.10.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.10 (after the first editor’s alteration from the 15.10.2024 y.) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.10 (after the first editor’s alteration from the 15.10.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.10 (the second editor’s alteration from the 31.10.2024 y.) (download),
“InContact” (go to), “Facebook” (go to), “MS One drive” (go to) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.10 (the second editor’s alteration from the 31.10.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.10 (after the second editor’s alteration from the 31.10.2024 y.) (download) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.10 (after the second editor’s alteration from the 31.10.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.10 (the version for the printing from the 06.11.2024 y.) (download),
“InContact” (go to), “Facebook” (go to), “MS One drive” (go to), “Yandex drive” (go to) [RUS],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.10 (the version for the printing from the 06.11.2024 y.) (download) [ENG],
the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.10 (the scan from the paper carrier from the 06.11.2024 y.) (download) [RUS]
and the version of 2024 y. for the defence Vol.10 (the scan from the paper carrier from the 06.11.2024 y.) (download) [ENG].
4.6. The documents.
4.6.1. The copy of the positive review on manuscript of scientific monography in the Russian language
“The cognitive modeling technology for the financial analysis and audit of the organization”
of the head of the chair “Finance” (“F”)
of “The international banking institute” (“IBI”),
d.e.s., prof. Pogostinskaya N.N. from the 09th of December 2010 y.,
certified by the referent of the rector of “IBI” Khil N.D. on the 09th of December 2010 y. –
6 sh., 6 p. (download) [RUS].
The basic organization:
“The international banking institute”
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city)
and “The Saint-Petersburg state university of economics and finance "FINEC"”
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city)
[since 2010 y. defence was not appointed and blocked
by “The dissertation council” in spec. 08.00.10 at “SPbSETU "LETI"”].
The scientific consultant in spec. 08.00.10:
the chairman of “The council of directors”
of “The institute of independent social-economic researches” (“IISER”),
the head of the chair “Finance” (“F”)
of “The Saint-Petersburg state university
of economics and finance "FINEC"” (“SPbSUE and F "FINEC"”),
the chairman of “The dissertation council” in spec. 08.00.10 – “Finance, monetary circulation and credit”,
the professor of the chair “Corporate finance and estimation of business” (“CF and EB”)
of “The Saint-Petersburg state economic university "FINEC"” (“SPbSEU "FINEC"”),
“The honored worker of science of RF”,
the acad. of “The international Higher education academy of sciences” (“IHEAS”),
d.e.s., prof. Romanovsky M.V.
The former scientific supervisor in spec. 08.00.12:
The head of the chair “The accounting, analysis and statistics” (“AA and S”)
of “The international banking institute” (“IBI”),
“The honored worker of Higher school of RF”,
the memb.-corr. of “The international Higher education academy of sciences” (“IHEAS”),
c.e.s., prof. Burgonova G.N. [has died on the 23rd of May 2014 y.].
The former scientific supervisor in spec. 08.00.10:
the head of the chair “Banking” (“B”)
of “The international banking institute” (“IBI”)
and “The Saint-Petersburg state university
of economics and finance "FINEC"” (“SPbSUE and F "FINEC"”),
“The honored worker of science of RF”,
the acad. of “The international Higher education academy of sciences” (“IHEAS”),
the memb.-corr. of “The Academy of management and market” (“AM and M”),
d.e.s., prof. Beloglazova G.N. [has died on the 14th of June 2014 y.].
The scientific supervisor in spec. 08.00.10:
the practicing auditor in the area of general audit, bank audit,
including on “The international accounting standards” (“IAS”),
the professor of the chair “Banks, financial markets and insurance” (“BFM and I”)
of “The Saint-Petersburg state economic university "FINEC"” (“SPbSEU "FINEC"”),
d.e.s., prof. Tikhomirova E.V. [since 2015 y.].
Status: 1) from the 01st of September 2007 y. (the 02nd of November 2007 y.) was not organized the defence
in “The dissertation council”
in spec. 08.00.10 – “Finance, monetary circulation and credit”
at “The Saint-Petersburg state electrotechnical university "LETI"
named after V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin)”
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city);
2) from the 01st of September 2007 y. was not made replacement of the basic organization
“The Saint-Petersburg state electrotechnical university "LETI"
named after V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin)”
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city);
3) from the 01st of September 2007 y.(the 02nd of November 2007 y.) was blocked the organization of defence
in “The dissertation council”
in spec. 08.00.10 – “Finance, monetary circulation and credit”
at “The Saint-Petersburg state electrotechnical university "LETI"
named after V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin)”
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city).
V. My dissertation in the form of the report on the individual initiative SRW for the 2006-2008 y. on the theme
“The research of the information environment of automated training
with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive models
and the financial analysis of the organization by means of the cognitive modeling technology”
on the competition of scientific degree of the academician of (natural) sciences
in spec. (01.02.01), 05.13.01, 05.13.10, 19.00.02 (19.00.03), 08.00.10.
5.1. My autoabstract of the academician dissertation
in the form of the report on the individual initiative SRW for the 2006-2008 y. on technics and economics
(in process of coordination!!!).
5.2. My posters (slides) of academical scientific report on technics and economics (2 sections)
(in process of coordination!!!).
5.3. My manuscript of the academician dissertation
in the form of the report on the individual initiative SRW for the 2006-2008 y. – vol. 1
Vetrov A.N. The report on the individual initiative SRW
“The research of the information environment of automated training
with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive models
and the financial analysis of the organization by means of the cognitive modeling technology” for the 2006-2008 y.,
which was carried out in process of writing of my dissertations
(physical-mathematical, technical, economic, humanitarian, social and medical sciences),
SPb.: “SPbSETU "LETI"”, “IBI”, “SPbSUE and F "FINEC"”,
M.: “"VNTIC" of "RAS"”, 2008 (2009). – 716 p.
In turn (waiting list) for the consideration by the management of the chair “A and CP”
on official registration in “"VNTIC" of "RAS"”,
the previous version of 2008(9) y. (download) [RUS], the final version of 2013 y. (download) [RUS]
and the version of 2013 y. for the “The int. scientific competition named after A. Nobel” and defence (download) [RUS].
5.4. The documents.
5.4.1. The copy of the positive conclusion from the 03rd of February 2010 y. (the 02nd of March 2010 y.)
on my the second report on the individual initiative SRW
“The research of the information environment of automated training
with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive models
and the financial analysis of the organization by means of the cognitive modeling technology”
for 2006-2008 y. (the 25th of December 2008 y. and the 28th of December 2009 y.),
signed by the head of the chair “Finance” (“F”)
of “The international banking institute” (“IBI”), d.e.s., prof. Pogostinskaya N.N.,
the head of the chair “Systemology” (“S”) of “IBI”, d.e.s., c.t.s., prof. Spitsnadel V.N.,
certified by the chief of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"”
Shubinsky V.N. on the 03rd of February 2010 y. (the 02nd of March 2010 y.) [stitched and glued] –
7 sh., 7 p. (download) [RUS].
Normocontrollers (compliance supervisors):
the head of the chair “Automatics and control processes” (“A and CP”)
of “The Saint-Petersburg state electrotechnical university "LETI"
named after V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin)” (“SPbSETU "LETI"”),
c.t.s., prof. Kuzmin N.N.,
the deputy of head of the chair “Automatics and control processes” (“A and CP”)
of “The Saint-Petersburg state electrotechnical university "LETI"
named after V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin)” (“SPbSETU "LETI"”),
c.t.s., associate prof. Alekseev A.A.,
the vice-rector in scientific work
of “The Saint-Petersburg state electrotechnical university "LETI"
named after V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin)” (“SPbSETU "LETI"”),
d.-ph.-m.s., prof. Afanasyev V.P.,
the head of the chair “Banking” (“B”)
of “The international banking institute” (“IBI”)
and “The Saint-Petersburg state university
of economics and finance "FINEC"” (“SPbSUE and F "FINEC"”),
“The honored worker of science of RF”,
the acad. of “The international Higher education academy of sciences” (“IHEAS”),
the memb.-corr. of “The Academy of management and market” (“AM and M”),
d.e.s., prof. Beloglazova G.N.,
the head of the chair “Finance” (“F”)
of “The international banking institute” (“IBI”),
“The honored worker of Higher school of RF”,
the acad. of “The international Higher education academy of sciences” (“IHEAS”),
the acad. of “The international academy of informatization” (“IAI”),
d.e.s., prof. Pogostinskaya N.N.,
the head of the chair “The accounting, analysis and statistics” (“AA and S”)
of “The international banking institute” (“IBI”),
“The honored worker of Higher school of RF”,
the memb.-corr. of “The international Higher education academy of sciences” (“IHEAS”),
c.e.s., prof. Burgonova G.N.
The basic organization:
“The Russian academy of (natural) sciences”
(RF, Moscow city).
The scientific consultant in spec. 05.13.01:
the first vice-rector in scientific work
of “The Saint-Petersburg state university of airspace instrumentation "GUAP"”
the head of the chair “Computational mathematics and programming” (“CM and P”),
the chairman of “The dissertation council”
in spec. 05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing”,
“The honored worker of science of RF”,
d.t.s., prof. Khimenko V.I.
The additional scientific consultant in spec. 05.13.01:
the head of the chair “Modeling of electromechanical and computer systems” (“MEM and CS”)
(the faculty “Applied mathematics – control processes” (“AM – CP”)
of “The Saint-Petersburg state university” (“SPbSU”)),
the chairman of “The dissertation council”
in spec. 05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing”
and 05.13.18 – “Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and complexes of programs”,
“The honorary professor of "SPbSU"”,
acad. of “RANS”, d.ph.-m.s., prof. Egorov N.V. [since 2015 y.].
The former scientific supervisor in spec. 05.13.01:
the vice-rector in training work
of “The Saint-Petersburg state electrotechnical university "LETI"
named after V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin)” (“SPbSETU "LETI"”),
the head of the chair “Automatics and control processes” (“A and CP”),
c.t.s., prof. Kuzmin N.N. [has died on the 08th of July 2016 y.].
The scientific supervisor in spec. 05.13.01:
the professor of the chair “Information systems” (“IS”)
of “The Saint-Petersburg state university” (“SPbSU”),
the member of “The American mathematical society” (“AMS”),
d.ph.-m.s., prof. Kvitko A.N. [since 2018 y.].
The scientific consultant in spec. 08.00.10:
the chairman of “The council of directors”
of “The institute of independent social-economic researches” (“IISER”),
the head of the chair “Finance” (“F”)
of “The Saint-Petersburg state university
of economics and finance "FINEC"” (“SPbSUE and F "FINEC"”),
the chairman of “The dissertation council” in spec. 08.00.10 – “Finance, monetary circulation and credit”,
the professor of the chair “Corporate finance and estimation of business” (“CF and EB”)
of “The Saint-Petersburg state economic university "FINEC"” (“SPbSEU "FINEC"”),
“The honored worker of science of RF”,
the acad. of “The international Higher education academy of sciences” (“IHEAS”),
d.e.s., prof. Romanovsky M.V.
The former scientific consultant in spec. 08.00.12:
the head of the chair “The accounting, analysis and statistics” (“AA and S”)
of “The international banking institute” (“IBI”),
“The honored worker of Higher school of RF”,
the memb.-corr. of “The international Higher education academy of sciences” (“IHEAS”),
c.e.s., prof. Burgonova G.N. [has died on the 23rd of May 2014 y.].
Former scientific supervisor in spec. 08.00.10:
the head of the chair “Banking” (“B”)
of “The international banking institute” (“IBI”)
and “The Saint-Petersburg state university
of economics and finance "FINEC"” (“SPbSUE and F "FINEC"”),
“The honored worker of science of RF”,
the memb.-corr. of “The Academy of management and market” (“AM and M”),
the acad. of “The international Higher education academy of sciences” (“IHEAS”),
d.e.s., prof. Beloglazova G.N. [has died on the 14th of June 2014 y.].
The scientific supervisor in spec. 08.00.10:
the practicing auditor in the area of general audit, bank audit,
including on “The international accounting standards” (“IAS”),
the professor of the chair “Banks, financial markets and insurance” (“BFM and I”)
of “The Saint-Petersburg state economic university "FINEC"” (“SPbSEU "FINEC"”),
d.e.s., prof. Tikhomirova E.V. [since 2015 y.].
Status: 1) from the 28th of December 2008 y. (the 28th of December 2009 y.) was not organized the defences
in “The dissertation councils”
in spec. 05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing”
and 08.00.10 – “Finance, monetary circulation and credit”
at “The Saint-Petersburg state electrotechnical university "LETI"
named after V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin)”
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city);
2) from the 28th of December 2008 y. was not made replacement of the basic organization
“The Saint-Petersburg state electrotechnical university "LETI"
named after V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin)”
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city);
3) from the 28th of December 2008 y. (the 28th of Dec. 2009 y.) was blocked the organizations of defences
in “The dissertation councils”
in spec. 05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing”
and 08.00.10 – “Finance, monetary circulation and credit”
at “The Saint-Petersburg state electrotechnical university "LETI"
named after V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin)”
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city).
“The list of scientific works” (page 6 from 6 pages)